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Show The I'.w Neighbor, Holladay, Salt Lake County, Utah! mow i! wi. 2 '.(. Si'ii. ift. nerd than ever for an noriAim of-- wwly BAPTIST Think about it, those of you' vour story Isitlier us. too. They who arc accepting The Sun free. arc not on our property, weve and either pay for your paper when the boy conies to collect had no cooperation from the f th(, tWQ phonB ijr fa Qne . owener of the propel ty. hut we ntmibers. Your weekly news-understand there may be a paper will be as effective as new owner now. Tell him we will you care to make it. Take By Vitfi to remove the trees with ' Vivi's "Last Word" for it; she lie our equipment ii we have writ- - knows I answered the phone last 11 ler mission. The pennis-drive- r school bus a was Monday. was Wanted; the trees " child-lie hail 70 The Last Word Miss Clarke Becomes Mrs Jensen Officers in the Holladay Cap-- ; list Church have been announ- - year; Thl.y 1 j ' . 1 , er of The Neighbor-Sun- . He wrote a story about it, run it in the Sentinel, and the next call came from the railroad. Tliosc trees you are referring to in 'vm mm", In 30 years of weekly news-t- o paper experience this is just one of thousands of services rendered to the community by our publications. Though there was city government in this area, it was the newspaper that brought action. In the Holladay, Cottonwood. Millcreek areas, there is no municipal government to call on for help. Tlu- - county is large with many problems. There is ! : September Wedding Date Set by Couple I 1 D. I. fulfilled an LDS Swedish mit- - Elearard, 2??9 South 8th of the pair. 'Fast, are parents stun. The bride was attended by at prenuptial Entertaining parties have been Kirs Grant her sister and maid of honor, Edlessen, Mrs C. N. Schaap, Miss Patricia Harvey; Mrs cerea vows in Exchanging Douglas Mantyla. Mrsjlen M. Long, Mrs Robert E. mony performed in the Salt Lake Leon 11. Flint. Miss Ruth Anne Roscvear. Miss Colleen Knight, Temple, were Miss Mary FranMiss Linda Kay Oldroyd. Miss Claudia Bleazard. cis, daughter of Mr & Mrs Flint, V. Mrs J. McDonald, Miss Mary Delbert I. Bleazard was best Greenvill. John Avery Mazyck, S. C. and Harry Ronald Poll, Lnn McDonald, Mrs Darrell man with ushers Robert R. son of Mr L Mrs Harry Poll, Walker and Mrs Clen Motz-kuJames G. Fuller, and Paul 6335 Millcreek Rd. D. Lewis. The couple was honored at a parties were givopen house at the home of the en by Mrs Rosev'ear, Miss bridegrooms parents. Knight, Mrs Charles W. Peters, They will be further honored j Miss Minnie Pitcher. Mrs Ida in at a reception Greenville, Sorensen, Mrs Roy Lepore, Mrs Sept. 20. James E. Sarle, Miss Claudia Attending the bride will be 14 Mrs Wallace Mann, matron oft Bleazard and MrsD. I. Bleaz' honor. ard. Donald Chapman will be best Also entertaining were Mrs A. double-rinceremony at man. Mr Poll lias attended the Memorial House, Memory Park Long, Mrs E. C. Sorensen, Mrs BYU. He has fulfilled an LDS' united in marriage Miss Judith i' G. Ellsworth Brunson, Mrs M. Central Atlantic mission. D. Harvey and Donald W. E- - Mangum, Mrs John J. Bates, Tlie couple will make their Mrs Monte Pendleton, Mrs Earl Bleazard Sept. 14, with LDS I. home in Greenville. Harvey and Mrs George B. Bishop John C. Duncan Jr., Gudgell Jjr. officiating. The couple will reside in the Mr & Mrs William M. Harvey . vailcy after a wedding trip to 4640 Hugo Ave., and Mr & Mrs1 the Northwest. Al-M- The Salt Lake Temple was the scene of the ceremony that lr I..1,11 l. 01,1 vows spoken by li( Gish' solemnized the Miss Joyce Colleen music director, Mrs C'upcnhaxer; the former Ci,rke- - dufi,,,er of Mrs Thorn- song leader. Wayne Tuttle; head as E. Clarke Sr.. 640 Iceland usher, Hun Carroll. 29 !Avc.. and the late Mr Clarke. superinten- fln(j Sunday School; a,.j 'ayne Jensen, son oi tendent, Frankie Schmuck- - as Mr & Mrs Wiliord L. Jensen. soc. superintendent. Bill Bell. 2873 Carole Drive. Adults, superintendent, Glenn The parents bridegrooms Lou Mrs Ina Baker; secretary, breakfast for Baker; pianist, Elsa Cantwell: gave a wedding Doll tlie couple at the House. , named song leader, Wayne was further honThe couple 28 a for ladies Cantwell: Tuttle: Making plans 1, Elsa Sept. honHazel Reynolds: ored at a reception in their wedding are Miss Lynne Dun-- ladies 11, 601 can, daughter of Mr & Mrs men's 1, Ralph Beaty; men's or at Grant First Ward, Calvin A. Duncan, 4916 S. 434U it, Sheridan McGarry. Young .Mansfield Avc. Attending Hie bride were Mrs West, Kearns and Monroe A. people, Jack superintendent. R. V. Bullough, sister, matron Diane Davidson, son of Mr & Mrs Robertson; secretary, Houston J. Davidson, 2510 E. Ertman; M. Y. P Betty Wick of honor; Mrs A. L. Rosenhan. Mrs Thomas 3080 South. cs; S. Y. P. Beth Sheridan, another sister; bridcs- and Clarke E. junior Jr., The superintendent, bridegrooms parents Intermediate, Patricia Miss Bullough will give a rehearsal dinner at Stanley Browning; secretary. maids, Connie Browning; boys class, .and Miss Rebecca Rullough. the Beotcaters Inn Sept. 27. duties of best Performing bride will be Bob Davidson; girls 1, Doris Mra'Bwd 'buncaiT1 Mn Robert Davidson; girl's 11. Ann Garton. j man was Gene Jensen, the Duncanf Mrs William C. Stout ?Junir superintendent, Norman, bridegrooms brother. Ushers ; Thomas E. Clarke Jr Uie Jr., Miss Caroline Brady. Miss art: secretary June Wcllmg--U: were ibrK,e J! bl0toher Lyn Barbar.a S,elfon; Linda Moore and Miss Gloria s 11, Dora Mae Beaty; boys sen, Gary Beesley, Doug gnl lrady 11. . L Benny Willingham; boy's ami Mike Crane. I r th A honeymoon trip at Carmel Miss Claudia Davis, daughter willTeVhe Duncan Renee HuRh Fcwin' Primary l suPer' intendent. Jewel Tuttle; teach- the taken be will of Mr & Mrs Harold Calvert by Stout and Linda Stout. er. John Morrison; teacher, couple, after which they plan to Davis became the bride of Emil Best man duties will lie per- Janet Hartt. Beginner, super-- ; i Salt Lake City. Reinhold Bystroin Jr., son of formed by Eldon J. Davidson. ; intendent. Ann Fewin, teacher Tlie bridegroom has been at- Emil Rcinliold By strom, Los Boyd Duncan, Robert Duncan. Ruby Morrow. Xursury, super-Bilthe University of Utah. Angeles, Calif., and the late Mrs tending Stout, Stan Ferguson, and intendent. Pat McGarry; nurs Bystrom. Tlie couple was unSieve Utley, will usher. ery 1, Sandra Robertson. ited in rites solemnized in the director.! Patricia Tucket Union: Salt Lake Temple. Elder John Training n j Ralph Beaty; assoc, director;! Engagement Is Known Longdcn, Assistant to the CouBob Morrow; secretary, Ruby ncil of the Twelve, officiated. Thc engagement of Miss PatMorrow. Adults, director. Bill A wedding breakfast was gi- to Craig Moyle Bell;- - assoc, director, Frankie ricia Tuckctt - v,tn following the ceremony by her announced is parby Schmuck; secretary, Margaret Alder the bride's aunts, Mrs Frank Morrison. Intermediate leader. ents Mr & Mrs Franklin F. Davis, Jr., and Mrs V. J. Dr. Lakewood 1617 Tuckctt Jr., Sheridan McGarry; sponsor, NATIONAL EDITORIAL Pat McGarry; junior, leader, Mr Alder is the son of Mr &; A was held in their Wickes; sponsor, Fay Mrs Carlton C. Alder, 2658 E. j honorreception Betty I at the Stratford Ward East Guodro;. Primary, leader, Janet 6260 South. Also a reception meetinghouse. Norman Ilartl. at Hartt; worker, Miss Tuckctt is a student the home of the bride- wag Entered as second class matUniversity. rooni.a father Young Bringham ter at the Post Office at Salt! lie completed an LDS Southwest Lake City, Utah, under the Act Attending the bride was Miss j of March 9, 1878, Ruth Anne Flint, maid of honPublished every Wednesday. or; Miss Judy Bystrom, Miss Jehovah's Witnesses Serving the Holladay, CottonJeanie Bystrom, Miss Joanie wood, and East Mill Creek comBystrom, Miss Dianne Davis Plan Price Convention munities of South Salt Lake and Miss Ellfnc Davis. County. Jehovah's Witnesses who live Betsy Davis was flower girl Office 2259 East 4800 South, of Utah for the occasion. the within boundary Salt Lake City 17, 'Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Circuit No. 1 are planning to Assuming duties of best man 6 Church was the setting for the attend their fall circuit convent- was David K. Subscription rate: Bystrom, brother marriage Sept. 14 of Miss Eliz- ion to be held in Price. Utah, of the bridegroom. Roger C, $3.00 per year abeth Ann Miner and Gerald October All the Bible ses- Davis, Kenneth R. Davis, and Strictly in advance Roger Williams. Officiating was sions for this three-da- y gather- David II. McDonald ushered the Plant 136 N. Main St.. Re. Neale E. Nelson. vale, Utah. Phone ing will be held in the Price event. J. Parr Godfrey, Publisher The bride is the daughter of Civic Auditorium. The former Miss Davis and James M. Landers, Editor-Mg- r Mr & Mrs Linel Z. Miner, 1018 attended Convention officials estimate Mr Bystrom have East 1st South; the groom is over 700 ministers will gather Brigham Young University. Mr the-soof Mrs Wanda Neilson, as a peak attendance. Sixteen Bystrom also has studied at 1075 East 7200 South. congregations will be represent- Los Angeles City College. He Attending the bride were Mrs ed from Bountiful to Richfield Paul S. Wright, matron of hon- in Utah and Ely and Elko, Nev. or; Miss Geri Ruggcri and Miss . ; calling. ren he was transiHirting. he j said, and every time he camei a certain crossing, stopped for the train, his view was blocked by trees. 1 don't want to rely on signals alunc, he added. "I want to be able to sec. What can you do about it? I referred the cull to the own- Miss Mazyck Now Mrs Poll Con-nc-l- s. Pye-nupti- V Judy Harvey, Don Bleazard Wed Sept. g j : ' BIKE LAYAWAY DOWN $1 j h?: . ; i j Rusliin Roulette - WEEK $1 33 Boys' & Girls' Models lo Choose FROM ALL SIZES AND COLORS 26" FREE SPARTAN BICYCLE 10-SPE- BASKET SPORTSMAN with each BIKE 3495 20" LAYAWAY CONVERTIBLE FREE FREE -- $5395 $26 95 Save at Hammond's HAMMOND'S Children's Wear COTTONWOOD MALL CR8-015- Bikes 3 BIG STORES Toys Hobbies ; i l ' Neicmbor afel ac6ti3n Zion's Lutheran Scene of OPEN SOON Wedding Utah-Phon- e 278-262- 4-- HAMMOND VARIETY HU FIVE POINTS AT BOUNTIFUL 6 Chon Day I -- your Year Aroutul Toy Store iy 3 STUDEBAKER Ruth Ann Clawson, brides- maids. Assisting as best man was Ed Weslcot, and ushering were Jjm Leary and Paul Wright, The couple was honored that evening at a reception at Skyline View Terrace before they left for a San Francisco honey moon. On their return, they will make a home in Salt Lake City while the groom continues his studies at the University of Utah College of Medicine. The new Mrs Williams was graduated recently from the U. of U. with a degree in medical technology. for the bride Entertaining have been Mrs Jim Leary. Mrs Willis Millner, Mrs Ron Anderson. and Mrs Paul Wright. Hostesses at bridal luncheons were Miss Geri Ruggcri. Miss Lcnorc Thompson and Mrs Sieve Adams. 1963 CLOSE OUT FULLY EQUIPPED AS LOW AS Subscribe to RANDY'S Inattention ami speed ate major causes of highway accidents. I School Lunch Menus Lunch Menus Jordan District Monday, Sept. 23 Italian spaghetti, green salad, corn, plums, cookie, muffins and butter, milk. Tuesday, Sept. 24 11am and potato casserole, fruited carrot buttered beets, apple salad, squares, honey peanut butter sandwiches, milk. Wednesday, Sept. 25 Stuffed salad, brofranks, pcach-checs- c ccoli, green grapes, bread and butter, milk. Joes, potato salad, beans, butterscotch pudding, buns and butter, milk. 26 Sloppy Sept. Thursday, Friday, Sept. 27 Tuna loaf, The Neighbor creamed peas, fruit salad, carrot sticks, frosted raisin cake, bread and butter, milk. ! i SALT LAKE STUDEBAKER Main 3165 S. IN7-767- 5 NOW'S the perfect time to make those improvements and repairs you've wanted to get completed! WHATEVER your needs, call us you can be sure of finding the best selection of top quality lumber, building materials, siding, roofing and insulation at the BIGGEST SAVINGS here. Visit our yard today! Do You Know Used Car Bargains? n CHECK THESE 1963 1960 1959 1959 1 959 1960 1 956 1955 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE STUDEBAKER 2 DOOR RAMBLER 4 DOOR MERCURY 2 DOOR STUDEBAKER 2 DOOR SIMCA 4 DOOR CHEVROLET PICK-U- P MERCURY COUPE $2599 999 1299 899 799 499 599 199 RANDY'S 3165 SALT LAKE phone IN7-767- STUDEBAKER 5 YES, WELL BE HAPPY TO RECOMMEND 1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR! get extra. MILK! 'Dumber co. 8 D a IDELIYERYI JUiUUCANBAKY ASSOCIATION OF UtAH Budget Terms Arranged ESTIMATES! |