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Show Sr,lt Cr 12, . V.-- i . - ' -- I . 'll. i., ' The ' Holds Bazaar-Dinn- Olympus High School school year. Editors Olson read the latest newspaper as typist ' Volume 8 Number 36 Girl Scout A dinner and bazaar will be sponsored by the Neighbors of Woodcraft Woodbine Circle 41. Wednesday September 18 at 7 p.m. It will be held at the Elder Citizen Recreation Center, 245 South 10th East, the public is invited. Lynn Flowers gets ready to start next edition. Adviser Virginia Thaxton helps staff toward completion. ri, er Movie to Have Local Premiere ( The Thunderbolt tiff of reidiet itself for the Beth Randell and Vicki edition of the school ' O Wednesday, September II, 1963 Serving the Southeast Salt Lake Communities of Holladay. Cottonwood, East Mill Creek Woodcraft Group -- Panhellenic Journey into Friendship, a Girl Scout film with the theme of international friendship, will have its local premiere showing at the Southeast Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19th according to an announcement made by Mrs Murray M. Moler, president of the Utah Girl Scout Council. Grfoup Has Tour for Parents Several hundred guests, invited by the board of the Utah -council are expected to attend. Journey into friendship was Bishop Robert L. Simpson, Elder Frank H. Brown, of the Priests will teach High Priests, by Girl Scouts of the produced The Salt Lake City Panhel-lcniU.S.A. at the request of the Seventies will teach Seventies, first counselor in the Presiding Missionary Committee. Association df Girl comprised of alumnae of World Bishop Simpson said under Elders will teach Elders, etc. Bishopric of The Church of Girl Scouts in 50 Guides and national sponsixteen Latter-day sororities, Jesus Christ of the new ward teaching program Prior to his appointment to n WM "hot on ouot tour for visit will the sored a quarterly the home teachers will be the the Presiding Bishopric in 1961, Saints, get acquainted Film member The countries. Cottonwood conference of the erf prospective rushees h parents contact as served between the Bishop prime Simpson Stake, Sept. 21 and 22. and the home. High idont of the New Zealand Mis- - at the University of Utah, Sept. Missionary work and home sion. He had been with the Paci- 14. The tour was in conjunction teaching will be the theme of the conference, Bishop Simpson fic Telephone Company for 20 with the university rushing procouncil, Mrs C. L. Watts, Wasatch council, Planning tho Granite Council PTA presidents' said. The Church's new apand when called to his gram and was designed to famiyears, to Mrs Clif A. Davis, Wasatch council, and Mrs from end left are, principals' banquet proach to ward teaching will be and daughters present position, he was head liarize parents L. Clifton Neff Peterson, general chairman of the affair. discussed with members of the of Mrs the Cook, livright, secondary with the sorority program, of the accounting office fur that j stake. soroof location facilities, ing firm. Were anxious for the memrity houses and official pins, bers of the Cottonwood Stake inHe is a former seminary magazines and other identifying to catch the spirit of this new symbols of each group. stake mission structor, presiBishop Simpson ad-- ! program, Mrs Farr W. Hansen, 4350 dent, stake high councilman, dcd. For this reason we would Diana Way. was in charge of the 328th General Hospital, Army durmember of a bishopric and like everyone in the stake to tour. Mrs Lauren Beasley and Rescne have received pro-Mr-s attend the conference. ing World War 11 served as Robert Monson will assist General conference sessions coordinator for in the arrangements. Each of servicemens will be conducted Sunday at 10 the Church in North Africa and the sorority houses on campus a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in the stake hosted a grpup, while thc six the Middle East. center, 5165 S. Highland Dr., by sororities in City Panhellenic, The combined Granite DisStake Pres. James E. Faust. Bishop Simpson is married to who I not represented by an arc PTA councils will hold trict a In addition, special meeting the former Jaleire Chandler of active house on campus, providand their annual presidents will be conducted Saturday at Los Angeles, and they have two ed refreshments and also set up at tonight banquet principals 7:30 p.m. for all members of the sons and a daughter. Interests promoting the mission to present additional up a display table at thc student Skyline high school. stake over 14 years old, includ-- 1 Union information were at thc commission Building. Heights WasHospital The council. Secondary, ing men and women. A movie, jj Bishop Robert L. Simpson on Wednesday. meeting hon- denied their request for a zonwas divided into tour The atch and annually Oquirrh, entitled Of Heaven and Home Mobile Home Owners Salt Lake County Commisors all of the presidents of local ing change at the proposed site groups or approximately fifty will be shown, graphically ilof the hospital last week by the sioner Marvin G. Jenson said, Will Meet 20 each visited and Associations Teacher Parent sorority people for new Sept. the program lustrating akc County Commission I have no objection to having and principals of all schools in by alumnae ward teaching in the Church. Mobile Home Owners' Assn house, accompanied a. hospital in the Holladay area com voted to The mission' nine district. the the one from of represented Accompanying Bishop Simpwill hold its monthly meeting houses. thc change from R-- 3 to but I do object to changing this son will be Elder George Z. The theme of this year's ban- deny R-Thc site is between Russell particular area to thc R-- 5 clasthe end the At of the the at tour, 20, of TayPriesthood the Thursday, will Sept. be Hawaiian complete St. Aposliian quet and Wander Ln. on 4500 sification. Home Teaching Committee and lorsville with decorations, food and Poly- South. Center. groups returned to the Union Recreation On Monday, Sept. 9, the prorewere nesian entertainers from Brigwill be Building where they Changes in Monday the group that is ask- posal was presented to the comassembled for a program sponham Young University. and all members and sored Priesthood Members ing for thc change in zoning plete commission at a public by the University Panhd-- j The amazing story of Law- discussed, General chairman for this asked the commission for per- - hearing and was taken under to interested are urged lenic i and in cooperation with rence of Arabia was told by Mrs others Aid Attendance years program is Mrs Neff advisement until Friday when Wednesday, attend by Robert McCary, pres- university officials. Quinton Harris, Peterson. the commission denied the To encourage attendance at Madison Elementary Sept. 11, for the Literary Adven- ident. change. the Cottonwood Stake Quarterly turers as she reviewed the autoDobson Gerald Lt. J. C. Taylor Burton Named Dr Burk M. Snow, 4835 HighTo Honor First Students Conference Sept. special biography The Seven Pillars Olympus High Will land Man Dr., told thc commission Year of card reminders have been prin- of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence. by Group motions in rank, according to Iris Plans are underway at the that some groups of doctors in in Study Participate ted and distributed throughout This dashing man was the hero Madison Elementary C. Taylor Burton, 1812 Mill- - an anouncemcnt by the units school, the Holladay area arc protestthe stake. of the Arab revolt in 1918 as he South State, to honor ! commanding officer, Col. Wal- - Olympus High Schol has been brook the of director Utah the Lists to Pres. Rd., Stake According as one of 110 highjbers of tlic first classes in the ingOthers hospital. helped organize and lead their lis L. Craddock. Appropriate voicing opposition Janies E. Faust, the cards arc cause Turkey. The members Highway department has been ceremonies schools throughout the country School. accompanied the were Clarence E. Wanancott, being worn by members of the met at the home of Mrs Joel named the Utah Chapter of the awarding of the higher ranks at to be surveyed by the National '63-- 4 On Nov. 11, the school will executive director of hospitals Stake Priesthood to remind their Garrett, 3346 Los Altos, for this American Public Works Assn. the unit's headquarters at Ft. Council of Teachers of English, celebrate their 50th anniversary for the LDS Church, and Jay neighbors to attend conference. exciting review. The two year study will be and all residents of. the area Douglas. Top Man of the Year. Croxford, official of the HospiPrinted on the cards are the conducted of a nine Mrs Ted Nelson took over her New officers of the Utah Iris who by attended the school in 1913 tal Facilities Division, group The elevated officers and their State Mr Burton automatically bewords, Til be at Stake students from the University of! are urged to contact Principal Board of Health. Several citinew responsibility as president Society for the 1963-6year comes to be named one new rank designations arc 1st. Illinois and eligible an advisory coun- - Blaine Wadsen at iat this meeting and presented were announced recently by the of thc 10 zens from the Holladay area Top Men in thc nation lerencc September 22nd will j cil appointed thc national coun- with In 1913 the school was known also last presidency years named by thc American Public society. objected to thc proposal. During conference the cards cilfrom thc membership in tlic Kimball 'as Elementary The Works request for rezoning the Assn. fur the Elected will serve as attendance mark- president appreciatjon for their service, j area which lays between Waners and will be passed to the 0Uier 2920 K. was Ronald Gygi, year at lhc officcr installed der Lane and Russel St., on COll.CCt; annual ct:l,l.er 0fthc,a"lcJ.t0, business meeting in East 3135 South. Other officers 4500 South was made by Dr August were vice president, Mrs are: G. Grant Sims, first vice W. Noble, 4751 Holladay Joseph Carolyn Griffiths, and secre- president; Leon B. Robertson, Blvd. Tlic zoning change would tary, Mrs Wm. 11. Wright, Jr. second vice president; Keith V. make thc area an R-- zone; it j secreNext month Mrs Gordon Boss Webb, correspondence is presently zoned will review Mrs R, thc y tary; Marie Tanner, recording Fall Representatives of thc of Eleanor Roosevelt by secretary; Mildred Johnson, Cottonwood Junior ChamPayments to individuals by m.'.tcly $173 million alxivc the ' Mrs Neil parliamentarian. Mt. I llympus Garden Club will Alfred governmental state, 1961 level. The Foundation study ber of Commerce were present (federal, Slicnberg. Fall registration for classes and local) account for the iarg- - notes that this was the largest at tlic hearing to state that they New directors are Cion hold their regular meeting at Morlcy will be hostess at 3371 est single source of personal in- - single year's increase since the are in favor of the proposed Lee pclcrson, Fred Kbcr-har- to Ire held at Pioneer Craft the home of Alfred A. Willett, Santa Rosa Drive. Thc Literary come in Utah. This point was war years of the early 1940s, second Ellis Wilson, and Marvin House will be held from Sept. meet the 4052 Comet Cr. Wednesday, Adventurers hospital. 23 to Sept. 27, inclusive. Craft Wallace. brought out in a report analyzWednesday of each month. Sept. 18, 9:30 a.m. in thc rise Despite personal House will be open from 9 a.m. ing personal income payments income, Utah still ranks well to 3 p.m. each day and from 7 in Utah by Utah Foundation, below thc U. S. average in the the private governmental re- amount of p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday personal income per search organization. evening to take registrations. inhamlant. Last year per capiAll classes will begin the first According to the foundation ta income in Utah was equal to week in Oct. The following classtudy, government payments to $2,084. an amount 12 below the ses are being offered. For furUtahns in thc form of wages, national average uf $2,366. Utah ther information call Craft CWO Richard Nordhoff salaries, subsidies, and bene- ranks 31st among the 50 states j House at IN or Helen C. Salt Lake County Commis-whic- h fits amounted to $476 million in in per capita personal income, Shurtleff CR Lt. Gerald J. Dobson and CWO 1962, or approximately 23.6 U. S. Department of sioner Marvin G. Jenson this Ceramics, dressmaking, dress 2 Richard Nordhoff. Both have of Utah's income. Commerce analysts term thc week announced new members personal making, faceting lapidary, been members of thc group for Throughout the United States, most comprehensive measure of the Salt Lake County District leather, leather guild, mosaic, several years. about 19.6 of all personal in- of economic activity available i Planing Commissions to replace CWO-members whose terms have cx- photography, sportsmen equipNordhoff, who resides come was derived from govern-- , on a geographic basis." ment, textile decoration, you at 1238 Iris Lane, Holladay, is ment sources last year. ln addition to being below the pired. can draw. The new members are: The report notes that the pro- U. S. average, per capita in-personnel officer of thc 328th American poetry, geology for General Hospital. He was born portion of Utah's personal in- come in Utah was 4 under the' Cottonwood District: Werner teachers, gifted young people, in Salt Lake and married thc come received from government average of liie eight Mountain Gunther, 6505 S. 2475 East, reintroduction to drawing, lapi- former Sylvia Marcilc Wilford. sources rose materially during states and 21'i below thc aver- - placing 11. Ross Brown, Fast Mill Creek District: W. dary & jewelry, music & clem, Tlic couple has three children. the depression years of thc age of the eleven Western St 1 Un2740 E. 3353 1930's, in the war years of thc tes. Only Idaho and New Mexico P- - Harrington, teachers, sculpture, swistraw, CWO Nordhoff attended thc iversity of Utah, where lie was and in the Korean-Wa- r stained glass. among the Western States had South, replacing Harold lloopcs. j District: Rose Holladay Basic flower arrng. tcch., a member of Sigma Pi Fratern- period of thc early 1950's. Since a lower per capita income. enthus- 1955 personal income from govlie is an avid The report shows that thc Thud, 651 W. 3300 South, rebookbinding & mending, child- ity. and has earnedgun numerous ernment has stabilized at some- rate uf growth in the Utah cco- - placing Glen Player, ren's literature, design in every- iast As- where between 23 for laurels marksmanship. and 24 uf numy during recent years has Holladay District: Frank Cal-beday liie, design in plastic medCWO to Nordhoff 328th, somewhat greater than egory, 3944 S. 3120 East, replac-(li- e signed the total. inindustrial occupational, ia, e a active duty rate for the nation as a ing O. Pearse Labrum. Foundation analysts observe formation & guidance, intro- is on with the Army Reserves, llis that in addiliun to these direct whole. Between 1952 and 1962 Millcrcck District: Paul L. duction to drawing, portrait 1713 Orchard Dr. parents arc Mr & Mrs John government payments, a sub- total personal income rose 81 Pchrson, . woodcarv-ingpainting, weaving, Nordhoff. 810 East 8th South, stantial part uf Utah's private in Utah compared with a 62 (3635 South), replacing Edward Salt Lake City. economy is related to govern- increase for the entire nation. V. Clayton. colonial Ceramics, rug 1st. Lt. Dobson, of 1515 East ment Rnscrrrst District: William J. At present, I On a per capita basis, however, activities. huoking, general crafts, gran 5600 South, Holladay, was born there are about 17.500 the economic growth in Utah Grow, 2952 Metropolitan Way persons itc art teachers, lapidary & in Cedar City, lie took a year employed in Utah's missile or during (he past decade has been (3165 East), replacing Darwin jewelry, machine embroidery, of study at Brigham Young Un- aerospace industry. This ac- only slightly greater than that .1. Isom. mosaic, painting, wood carving, iversity, completing his educa- counts fur Suulh Cottonwood District: in Utah 30 of thc of the nation 38.6 roughly gifted young writers. tion at thc University of Utah manufacturing workforce and and 37.0' i in the U. S. since Jack'll, lypcr, 815 E. 6400 Basketry, ceramic guild, ma in 1960. His wife is the former 6 I of the total nonagricultural 1952. The dollar rise in per cap- - South, replacing Wendell A. chine embroidery metal. Davis. r Kathryn Haycock of Salt Lake workforce in Utah. ita income during this two beWest Millcreck District: Mer- children. have Mosaic the been City. Total less reeeivin They income has guild, pottery, Mrs Mrs Mrs personal period actually Members of the Cottonwood Heights elemenMary Anderson, Joyce Newton, Lt. Dobson is a salesman. In ed by Utahns from all sources Utah than that of thc nation loved comunity. lin F. Bowman, 4079 S. 800 East, PTA Mrs Elaine president, Lyravin Grant, tary PTA who successfully staged its annual Painting, puppets, spccdwril - his Reserve capacity, he serves last year amounted to $2,015.- - $582 in Utah compared with ! Murray, replacing Scott Sorcn- teachers' lea Sept. 10 are, from left to right. Boyce, and Mrs Joyce Hood. sun. 000,000, an increase of approxi- - $639 for tlic United States. ing. (as a platoon leader. b Cottonwood Conference Sept. 21 22 c, pres-Churc- Granite PTA Banquet Set For Tonight ' County Denies Zoning Change For Hospital IIol-lada- y . Literary Club 2-1 Installs Officers, 5. Hears Review by-la- Society New Officers for mem-sclcctc- d . , 4 IN6-132- Governmental Units Pay 23 of Utah Salaries Craft House Classes for Listed 5 R-- Ilol-lada- Tol-ma- : ! I I -- I 2 1 a-- s cn full-tim- ten-yea- |