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Show No. Central Park Ward Thursday, October r Sister Kathleen Anderson has been released as Laurel teacher and Betty Dredge has been sustained as the new teacher. The girls are getting in shape for volley ball. Lets DEADLINE: A Lion Date with you. City Hall will be a beehive of activity Thursday, Oct. 31 at 6:30 p.m. Halloween is a good time for young and old. The oldsters "Prepare and the young people say "beware. The South Salt Lake Lions Club is anxious for parents to remind their children to join in the fun at the Lions' Halloween Party. Woodbine Circle Circle No. 41 will be hostess circle to a District Pep Woodbine Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16th 8 p.m. in the Senior Citizen Center, 234 S. 10th East. Annette Peeples District No. 6 Guardian Neighbor will greet members from Ogden, Park City, Murray and Silver Maple. Boyce L. Greene has been appointed Field Manager of District No. 6. He will be introduced at this meeting. at L.D.S. Sociables The LDS Sociables have invited as their guest speaker Robert Smith, the author of "The Last Days . The fireside will be held Sunday W. X. 1 in Advance) All Ac Hon Ad accepted up 484-14- 41 to Monday Noon for each burn .pPDooooQOOOOOoooooooooooooooooraTOtHraooooonm JACKSON FURNITURE - 2607 So. EXPERT Sewing machine repair. State The store for All makes and models. Free esNew - Used - Furnieverybody. 3224 timate. Work -- 485-556- South guaranteed. 3rd East. Phone Hunter 484-629- This is a friendly church. Wherever its members meet, they are happy. They exchange warm handshakes and hearty greetings. Hearts beat in tune to joyous Gospel truths, "uttered or unexFellowship in the Church promotes joyful living for pressed." that "men are they may have joy." But theres a time and place for all things: a time for fellowship And theres also a time and a place for quiet and solemn worship Wisely, the Church provides facilities and opportunities for all these activities. Theres the entry hall or foyer where friend greets friend before, after, and between meetings. There are classrooms with teaching facilities where Gospel principles are explained and discussed with dignity and sincerity. Theres the recreational hall for plays, dances, pageants, dinners, receptions, sports. And then theres the chapel for worshipping assemblies. Each of these places deserves a decorum of its own suitable to both the place and the occasion. So be happy, be joyful, be buoyant, be friendly. But always, when reverence is due, be reverent. Oct. 20th nt 8:45 p.m. in the North Central Park Ward Chapel, 304 E. 2700 South. over 25 attend. Anyone wfaos is LDS, and single is invited to Chamber Meets South Salt Lake Chamber of Among other activities the LDS Sociables bowl on Saturdays at 4 Commerce will hold its monthly p.m. at Bonwood Bowl, 200 S. meeting at the Holiday Inn, FriMain. For any information conday, Oct. 18th at noon. tact Betty Bates at 403 E. 2700 All members are urged to atSouth. tend. At this meeting tw o students from each of the three schools (St. Aims, Madison and Haven Ward Woodrow Wilson) will be honored' as winners in the Fire Prevention Volley Ball Poster Contest sponsored by the The girls volleyball team of Chamber during the past year. the Haven Ward are announcing These young people will also the beginning of volleyball season. attend the luncheon. Utah State To start the season off they had a Fire Marshall and South Salt Lake "Little Girls Party". Each girl Fire Chief Keith Heddleston will dressed up in her funniest face be in attendance. and also decorated lunch sacks. Sigrid Nolte won the prize for the cutest face in Haven Ward. Any girls wanting to play volleyball can contact Sue Pulver, The girls pracSport Director. tice Saturday at 9 a.m. The regular games are played an Monday nights. Starts Girls' BULLETIN Spare Dear News Patrons and Correspondents Until further notice with you please call Claudia King to submit news items Friday after 5:30 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and Monday after 5:30 p.m.? Call office for advertising. Also news 487-68- 27 hunters are being asked to the hen, particularly the spare mallard hen during the coming waterfowl season in an effort to leave a larger nuniber of females for the next spring breeding sea- notes if necessary. 484-144- 1. Your subscriptions will be son. Hunters are being encouraged to shoot greenheads all across the country this year since if a larger percentage of the mallard kill is male birds, it is possible that many more birds could be added to next years flight. Of all the mallards killed in the United States last year, 60 per- cent were drakes. If this percentage increases to 65 this season and the total mallard kill reaches an expected 3 million, as many as 250,000 mallards could be added to next years mallard flight. IMallards are also on the restricted list this year as far as the bag and possession limits in the Pacific Flyway are concerned. Utah hunters should make an effort to make the mallards they bag drakes this year if possible. If the reduced bag limits and the spare-the-h- en campaign are effectand ive, good breeding conditions in the nesting areas, the prevail .mallard restrictions moved next year. may be re-- THE 11th EDITION t)F THE LAST DAYS PROVES FULFILLMENT OF ANCIENT PROPHECIES On Sale at Local Bookstores $2.00 lers Filled By R. 302 Vidas Ave. s - W. X. PH Smit 486-02- 42 L. C. Utah, 84115 TRAILER OWNERS BE READY FOR WINTER ROOF COATING WATER HEATERS HEAT TAPE STOVES SINKS HEATERS FURNACES FURNACE PARTS TOILETS WATER LINES SOUTH STATE TRAILER SUPPLY BankAmericards Master Charge Welcome Here 1631 S. STATE PHONE 486-21- 69 MORMON DOCTRINE by Bruce BULLOCK GLASS & FRAME CO. PH 322-- 1 261 1 1 30 RICHARDS STREET WINDOW, PLATE & AUTO GLASS PICTURE FRAMING sell. Try & us first. Duck Be Honest With Yourself 6. ture. We buy - trade 4. That Lady Duck reverence. Lions Minimum $1 Per Insertion 3106 So. Main, Salt Lake City Phone Ann Glissmeyer was made Jr.1 Varsity Cheer Leader at Granite High School. Janet Giles is a cheerleader at Central Jr. High. CLUB NEWS - (Payable son, Welsey Kofed, Douglas Gatherum, David Krogh, Alexander Sosa and Jimmy Bell. On October 30th there will be a Halloween party and each boy is looking forward to an evening of ghost and goblins. The Ward Welfare Dinner was Friday October 13. A delicious dinner was served and the entertainment was by the Relief Society, "All aboard to Relief Society." nn nnnnnonoonnooooou r 5c Per Word The cub scouts have new boys this year: Paul Astin, Brent Simp- Covenant. R. McConkie compendium of the gospel that outlines all of the important doctrines of the kingdom. It is an encyclopedic commentary covering the whole field of revealed religion. This authoritative reference text will provide ready information on thousands of gospel subjects. A MIRRORS i STORE FRONTS M 3 ACTION ADS In the Scouts - troop 463 has started a new year. Several of the older scouts have gone into the explorers. Boyd Wright is the new Senior Patrol Leader with Michael Galke as Assistant. Darrel Daley has been elected Patrol Leader of the Waif Patrol and Kim Girdner elected Quartermaster, with Clinton Taylor as Scribe. David Bush has accepted the job as instructor. Derlef Galke will assist him. the teachers. We are happy to welcome Shirley Mickelson as Primary Service Leader. The Primary reverence program this year is "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you, from the Doctorine and Page : I support them! The Primary is having a contest between the girls and the boys to see which can be the most reverent while in the ward house during primary. We are encouraging 100 attendance during the year, also for SOUTH SALT LAKE NEWS 17, 1968 See US for that Mirror you've wanted! m In comprehensive laboratory tests of seven leading makes of water heaters, A0. Smith was clearly superior in Construction Constitutional Amendment Performance Guarantee mag Automatic Gas Water Heaters .FSSmith FEREDAYS, SUPPLIES 271 0 South 3rd East A NEW Geneological Supplies and Books available . Items not stocked will be ordered and delivered when necessary. Start your buying now for Christmas and Birthday Gifts. & 467-33- 78 SERVICE TO NEWS PATRONS Lay - aways accepted. Alsop Enterprises 3106 So. Main 484-14- 41 |