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Show 1,1961 September BUNDING OUTLOOK Ai?e 4 Seven Hided in Two lighuay crashes L. Cavey, Genoa, Nebraska was killed and Biward: H. Shepherd, Cortez, was injured: on Recapture Hill Sunday when their car missed the curve Mr. Shepherd was taken to the San Juan Hospital in the Blending ambulance.' The worst hifjiway aoeident in Spencer - - many Hat years took plaoe at .Mexican Wednesday when six persons killed ancf a seventh injured as their car failed. to . were make the curve after.- crossing - River Bridge, hiton. ting the cliff head The viotims were Nave jo Indians from the Mexican. Hat area an number of the outstanding lion clad lovelies shown above. to right they are Gretchen Vfeter Ballet held here Monday I Left was "Sleepy Time Gal", qRedd, Trudy Burtenshaw, Donna for the success of the Payne, Kay Black, Georgia goes to the six ny- - kins and Credit Per-perforna- nce sally SEPT. MEET CANCELLED MM! BY SPORTSMAN CLUB The Sportsman Club September Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Abbott are meeting has been cancelled. Text. meeting will be October the proud parents of a boy 7, A bom Monday August 21st in the representative of Utah WilSan Juan dlife Federation will be present, Hospital. He weighed according Shumway. to Seoretary, . bore 6 lb. Vance oz. and will be named L. Abbott. He has two 2 brothers and one sister. NTDC to CITY HATES USERS THE USE OFWATEB FOB SPBHJKUK OB IRWeATHKlIS F0BB1DDEU BETOEEH TUETMIIDS iOOPXl 1200 O'CLOCK NCOS ABB IRUIL FUBTflEB KOIWE. Jso tt USEBS JIBE BEQUESTEB TO SHUT OFF BU BOSE DIM USE EXlEBKnaV nHEKFIBE IS OEODB Please nottftV This restriction ukls not ordered as a water saving measure It appears that there, will be plenty of water for the summer's use . This restriction is necessary because the inflow line at the City tank cannot keep up during this period of extra heavy usage ' A V AAA AiAA Aitf AA. the San Juan and identified as Teeves on Yadriver of the car; Billie zzie, Mrs. Donald James $ T. Yazzie, Mrs. Ted Cly, her 4 month old daughter Eva; and. a man tentat li as John Jones. vely identified was Tom Atene ' seriously : and. was taken to. the Sev. in-.ju- red . enth Adventist. Hospital in Valley . Day. Monument |