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Show - ' ''' iiAt 4 t ? k. .. o Publt8h8d..'in..th9''Int9F18t' rounuri Of'. Blend 5U)?rOUld:ijly,0(: ,nhH BLAHDIK, OTAB, B! . KW FRIDAT," SSPTBftBBR l, M in 1 HO . 19&1 established- in the future this status-- . - t to recommendations r that oounty will! present, .to - and.. the -- that.- Committee under lease by oil: companies principal, had: ehowirno disposition to -. -- shown . le strictly prohibited National-. . . Huuene.:;: Dennison and - Renee .Drug..,. Black . Hiss Thtro, at left j , 'Later, this month Hiss Dennison haa been-- ' chosen . to - reign; as. and:.. Mils Blaok. will. enter BYU - : - the . Annual Horse.Shdw Hiss Dermieon . will.be a saoond hors - Saturday . Miss-- . Dennison semester freshman while Miss at oenter and Hiss Black ri&st Blaok will be a Junior majoring . o ommitt os . - and. -- . loommitmenit" merely..-a.r- the Park takes over . protection. be written, in the. .'congressional .bill and not ; suoh . other minerals valuable grazlng.vland::lf much was1 - County:: Aooording to Hr Black, the. t.oomdttee-was- staking that San - : ? .- - meant- ', that uranium - or - in elementary education the park -- within multi purpose. protection was This, to afforded- the: people: of San Juan . at the will.be her attendants P&rk.-are- as went favorable to plan provided, strong e The-oommltte- who nj9v-0f.1- t . Juan "County could lose, enormous values - in potash, oil,:. gas, - queen- - to drop, reources,.other:than;aesthetio, . . - - . oonoenr was that under pros ent laws; the development .of natural. After the show, Hiss Tatro three': Blending maidens above .return to duties at Pay .Day Tetro .will art Judy: of tha. oil- andgas of the area- diselosed at last, several years end .that was the ."present all. of the: land NPS-plans ftie-- e the-oommitte- 25.. wildoats had :bean drilled in: the area.during the 'congressmen Service... regarding the: .to designate many : square miles of . San: Juan County ' as a National.. Park... - recent inveatigation - by. A draw-u- Utahf8- The'- 35 seven man county; oonmlttee met in. Blanding. .Wednesday-.nighp A D f Hff n-.ftn- of the. : Interior Department: , Committee member, HynarBlaok, committee was named by the The r.tho said that the oommlttee not only oounty oonmissioners:--lupowas reoonmeaded, but drawing up suggestion of . Congrtsemanv M. letters.--"demand ing. ' that the Blaine. - Peterson: . Commissioner , - Park. Servloe.-la- that--woul: -- - 2ndir. j:; The show,- - whioh will: GLuh-Pree-ident Carl Hahon says is planned .be: the- - r ndations the people, of. San.- Juan reo - eomedttee are all three Oh theas both toexlst from County, , - - and rights -- thoee-. thati-ma- y :bef. oountyM ; oosmdssionersi H. - Haaeltoir,r. . at . wo j-t- -- that:-inforsmtion .to assure a "sizable masher of registered? Horst' . Blaok, Reddj .two mem Marvin! lyman and from iHontioello R Rules,-- . from Blaadlngf Mr ' Mahon: said Wednesday- - that Frost j. Blaok It he : had reeeived? advanced enoui him-- , KennethBaiieyandJoet-Adamshowing and Judging., , : . : pure' bred. halter: olasses-- of-- : Peterson had off of aiyplen Blaok saidthat-H-tofollow the obmnittee' s take. these, values agreed, y d: . away-- lhe: ElfcMountainv Ridere will registered aniaals.onlyi hold- their Annualv' Horse: Show . The second feature, begins, tomorrow September 3 p.a.- end'closes at 530 Saturday i e Blaok: said-- that based . on meet inge with offioiale:of Garfield and Grand- -: Counties vithat those - unr-der.- " - American--Quarterfor the biggest ever to : be held horses;..- whioh . have won; trophies.: in the 4 oorners- area-i- s '.divided Sooiety Rules. . would: be.haro.-for- : oountiee.' resows ndetlons would 'reoessatSt 30. at-- , into three partsrr ( One- - : ticket The show-w- ill He tomorrow's affair speolfled' be similar to. those adopted here admits: purohaser toalllevents) to: permit speetators to take-- ' on : Hyde .that".'; -; of: Wednesday, night . Ward BarbsCosper food at the Blahding The feature- - . - . othar-'shows-- - . - -- ; . first., - begins . . at . Jmek". 3rd. feature, following .Cortez 1 and o loses at 3 It.. will cue pa :v .uHe event tha in . ir outting :;said. be the .'open class showing and the. .. barbeoue, . will be: under : . Jaok-.. three-::. Grand Jeeeie held: -; all .rop.lights awL wili: ineludeevents-udging- of. all,halter-an. , snd.'-Chaaqoion.. prizss- in outtlmg . of pleasure olasses of no- n- ing ; and r. outting was pcoentiy purohased by: Cosper: This- portion of thoroughbreds ; - show.-"Jessi- e son , - . Q . - wes-e- m-: d - : NamecLFire .- -- - the1;-- . show: -- is-., under. Amerioan . Hyde- - also to be: judged Quarter at;; a prloe rumored:' to .be into 5 figures.- Horse- .well - - - -- named Thompson:' dydaf . Fire 'Chief by. the City lsnding v: Council- at ltd::. masting Monday . - fes Ms3 729: pupils had:.registered-fothre e Blending olasses .. sohools quitting: time yes- -, Cousty Cossis loner-Blaok, says I ae-.o- f- . bees.-- , Hyrum start of . pushing.' ; for: action-- replaoes:?ponSmith oont rant ing: i business r.has been rkeeping Smith :. away from Blanding too., nueh for- the best whose.-- . v intarsst r in-rthe:- :? He nightv: om-.th- e ' . Mr. - of .the organization ie Thotapson projeot., says w. he ..is be owner and Four. - Corners ? operator.--' of the Alitor Supply Company- - and r has - terdsy. o the long; dsUyei .ollf laid' road High' eohoolere (grades a member: of 'Blending Tire been ted-extend willi blaok tlrmt. v sled the during-,and'; 289 Ject of the lanbere pro accounted for gray Department? for' over.- - four.ySare and- -: when for winter; oil 275- - were enrolled- - at Blending topped. Highly .; 261 te ths ready ' : warm-'- next? weather? arrives: :. and. Park: at. 165: ElenentarylhS:v. projeistrhsa;. been;:on ths Sprillg Terrace .. . lha : Stats : - projs ot Hr Meughaa,.-.- at tha district States agenda,? for nomttas but f our; milssfof .U:of floe:: reported: thatHomtieellO; has-;-- run into..: sunarous delays , eons trupt lorn of - funds fhnio-lshe; a wlthi be whieh:wae hi :: last . : of nny.v tha School: enrollnentvMing High ap w f dr r 3 3:silss -- ofVthsjob oonfliot- - with. . Twyp 300 andthai elenen-greofway s byt;,- - ths: ytahr-r- , Indism.'. Affairs Coraers Pipeline Cospssy: earollaamtthererwas The v Blending - Swishing Pool . H&flhoy Department; Commission ... Stats: : funds, will will . close on the order: of' 440 for'-- the- - .season at ; .Wediea 7 the miles that othsr far it Mr: pay: Blaok, day: He .9 pa :Labor Dey (Monday. Septan gave, these figures, for told' v land-.Bid.:.:. s trad State wai.-.Department: Highsrsy counts eoameatlngA. at outlying first- day; bar 4) , f j.lO miles. of pave-- tq sehoolsi . Bluff. 42, HsziaaKlhtc .witlKuthSupipellM! ooiGnmaF1A)t haSsprojeeted This to .be season is . juewfe-!1f orrr HiAnr;-- . 261bstwedn the poorest .in thereported ftontetwaa?. CTeekr 60 East 'wetddaattlei.ttharldktsf-eOn3 pools year ,thafc.v thto prpjeft- fthtSv.v47i-".prpbias-vsa-- ' 91 The Summit. 14,. EastlandrlOof from the stMdpolat history 1a : .oouU.be-- . t of fifediiObidders'-a.. pweiaastiip3Miplinnidrtlil.be Sha pool each receipts baat gin ; : at-- thre cpx of CedwMsea: yejarw waoV.t ltav.first pea Bcdth anaarly.date. Bleek, .ho has Xhgwmgn aadrgo nortSrlO nllomj. vf paol -- -12) that--?-the-:-epsue:wil- - lJ. .- - - - - : -- . - . : - to Clobo - - - : riit CG d de. : Utekr-SUts- : - u ; : . : ; . . - : . ' . y . - : - t . w t -- -- |