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Show June 9f 1961 a Hall Is Mrs Qsmus and called at the children ion. look-ove- The a. Mr. and Mrs. Montie Glllisple ,and family went to St. George to Mrs. Gillispie's father's funeral. They left last Saturday. Mrs. Don Clays on is visiting in Spanish Fork this week. Tin Anderson, who has been working on the Thorn Construction is spending two weeks withj the National Guard. Gary Anderson of the Thorn tOj Lennia Carmeron arid Mrs. Jensen were shopping Jennie Hunts Point Sunday, Donnie Neff arrived college Friday. Elvis and Lee home from Brown of Moab, Utah, were visiting the Everett Neffs this weekend. Everett Neff and Myron Faree are having a Snack Bar built on their property just left of the Friday night. spent Sunday Steels. Jack Leonard lifting a Mr. n Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevens and week. family ed and Mrs. after weeks. Mrs. Irene Marold is leaving Saturday to attend sunner school at Adam State College' at Alamosa. Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oaks are leaving Friday morning to attend took their the San Juan passengers River. They will land at Kane Creek. 20 miles above the Glen Canyon Dam. The passengers were their son's graduation. John M. Miss Mrs. Irmita Hitchcrock , Oakes will reoeive his Masters Jane Kasowickz, George Landis, Degree at U.S.U. Logan, Utah down Emory The Stron, Stephen Stron, Pete an d Mary Kreischer. Also Evelyn and Charles Kreicher. Donnie Neff ran the boat Noki, Gay Stave ly, square dance olub on the 7th are having a hamburger fry Oakes back yard. The Fry Caryon Club is expected down to in the spend the evening dancing with leading the expedition, ran the them. The Boy Scouts boat Petroglyph, and Larry left Sunday ran the Piute. This is Morning to be gone a week. Mr. Just one of many expeditions the Gramas, the Soout Master, took Staveleys will run this summer. Harold Page's pickup and Mr. Hal-upni- Don Stave ly drove to ck Faulke Grand Junotion, Colorado to meet David and Joe Ann Stavely, who will be will took oamp at his car. The boys Pays on, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Orville Willhite living with the Gaylord Stavelys have gone to visit relatives in this summer. David will be re- Kansas. Mrs. June Brennan left Tuesday sident bootsfen. Mrs. Clara White invited nine fnornlng to visit relatives in of Micty's friends to help him Grand Junction. Several people from the Hat oelebr&te his 6th birthday. The the celebration enjoyed at youngsters had a swell time. Bill Strioklands are on Blanding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Cross 's 1 vaeation. They plan to spend-parhas been of their time in 0tfilr,Utah daughter visiting here tr.n two While here weeks. ;.A3t Utah. and the rest in ToosH, The t Mrs. Joyce Roberson and are in 511 Lake for a child-,r- where he will be family was The Bob visiting Dons brother in Grand Junction Elwains went Me a visit, tlvjf mjoyed IuJns. exploring Old In-d- iMrs. Cross accom j in Oklahoma. His Chapel at 500 r.ir. Reed grad- Hii School in 1960 and attended Dixie Jr. College in St. George, Utah. uated from San Juan Don't Miss Thrills - Action at IITE MOUNTAIN BOUND-U- P cortez FRI.-SAT.-SU- N. of Mr. and Mrs. company Warren David Stevens will serve mission in Hawaii. farewell testimony will be June 11th in the L.D.S. Mrs. Merrill a two year with Freda's mother spend time The expect to They Reed Stevens, son of Mr. and to to Blanding shopping Wednesday. Mrs. Iferold and son. were in Blanding shopping last week. on The Harold Hentons are their vacation. W. em- weeks ago the Don Doughl&s Two Bob Nieves and Lucille Garcia from Monticello has been visiting her sister , Mrs. Bob Nieves, this past week. Bob Ov intar will drive to on the 7th to Flag pick up ''his wife and ohildren who have been visiting in California for two Feran and Floyd Newport motored to Cortez Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brown purchased a camp trailor in Cortez last Thursday. Gilbert, to Kayentft, to ployed by the government. me- oame the Nieves. heavy board and hurt- Howard Hughes, Ed folks. time 4-- ing his back. Mexican Hat Expedition off Sunday morning with V&.t daughter, Lillian, gve Bernie Grank Junction this week. Webb a birthday party Friday H Seoond Sewing Class The night. They furnished live ire going swimming and having a All had a good time. music. at Blanc ing Thursday. Bernie is the eldest daughter of picnio Mr. and Mrs. George James went taken to the Monticello hospital Sunday at 1000 ter. night with the Baum was Chur oh God Mexican Hat Thursday to get dical attention for their daugh- they drove on to Moab and spent the night with the Jake Jacobson family who recently moved there Tip-to- m. David Daves and Saturday from the Hat Mrs. Cara Inman and Terry Collins went aoross the river out in the oountry and get stuok in th sand and had to get a truck to pull them out. Better luck next Servloes at 1100 and also 730 r.m. Also this past clothing store. Jack Steel and family went camping Sunday of School puo-chas- Saturday. Everett Neffs and the Jim were picnioing at Muley The Cortez Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Karol J Sun-d&- y. church Tuesday at 730 p.m. They 'children went for an outing They were up on the Mesa also hold ohurch on Thursday at and enjoyed a dinner cooked over the U.C.A. at 7:30 p.m. a oamp fire. Jerry Croasmun has worked sev-66 Eveleen Williams 'two daughters eral days at the Phillips and Caroline are here for a Lina service this week. Mrs. G. B. Croasmun went to visit. Primary Sunner work started Blanding and Monticello Monday to purchase more lumber for the off by having a party for the church building. The building children last Tuesday. We have word that work will is nearly completed. soon start on the ball field Lee Baber was in Cortez Monday to see the doctor. Doris, his lighting system. Anna Squires is in the Southwife, itent with him. Lee has west Memorial Hospital at Cortez. been off work for over a week. The Dutch K&hlers went some Her friends wish her a speedy time ago to Jacksonville, North recovery. The Leiningers are home again Carolina to visit their son, C and his from Salt Lake where they have apt&in Bill Kahler, While been under a dootors care. Mr. family. there, they ttaLr from a trailer house Lelninger has gonr back to work. son. A 10 foot wide, 50 foot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pehrson , cane As Mrs. home, their family, and Mr. and they long Victor. weekend over the were vacationed iorace Pehrson they vacationing at Walsenburg, Colorado. for 9 days. They visited the Bill and Ester Roberson and North rim of the Grand Canyon , Ester's two neices dined at the Brice and Zions Canyon. Dutch Kahler home Sunday nigjrt. Mrs, Beth Chrisenson of MonThe Kahlrrs spent the day in ticello was visiting at the Jack Monticello Monday. Pehrson homi K .ay, Bob Wells bought a sport car Melvin 3i '; d wife are moving State of Utah. Mrs. Fric&y and came heme Saturday. The Harold Van Collins were in every Sunday. Mrs. Melvin Dunk ley of Spanish Fork is here visiting her husband who is an engineer for the Construction was' transfered Woodland, Utah. Assembly holds the Construct- r ftCP mother. Mrs. Maxine Dietz is home and doing fine after her operation she had some time ago. Kinenel of Cahona came a few days with the to spend Risenhoove'r Larence family. Jackie is Patsy s brother. Paul and Robert Thorn and Robert Davis have been to Mexican Jackie to panied her daughter to her home in Colorado Springs. Marge Appland and Alice Maur-i- oe drove to Cortez Friday and came hss Saturday. Their husbands and Rodger Wakefield went fishing in the Blue Mountains Mrs. Kathleen Boltz is going this week to visit with her LeRay Crain hone, Memorial Day. Hat Page 7 CALLED TO MISSION BLANDING OUTLOOK was Sunday their son, Ernie and daughter, Irene New Bennitt from Farmington, IS Mexloo. Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler went home to Springs to Cow visit. Larry Randolf and his sister Janet of Naturita Colorado, are here visiting a day or two with the Bill Goforthrs. The Gene Strioklands have gone to Lehi, Utah on their vacation. Tom Beacher and family have an moved into appartment. They are spending the weekend in De-lo- will finish and Tuesday. res moving Proud The 10 Mr. of a tiny boy and Mrs. Curtis Jones. fellow weighed 4 lbs. and was born in the San Hospital Monday, June 5th. ozs. Juan He has two brothers and two sis- ters. are . and the 2 p.B. RCA APPROVED parents little Mr. DAY SHOW SUNDAY jidt mm! are 8 p.ra. FRI.-SA- T. Mrs. Glen A. Shuoway parents of a little girl born Monday, June 5th in the San Juan Hospital. The tiny weighed 6 lbs. 34 oz. anc welcomed is by two brothers anc three sisters at home. PABADES SATURDAY - 2 SUNDAY -- 1 pjn. ml DANCES Miss FRIDAY-SATURDA- Y |