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Show Page 4 June 9, 1941 BLANDING OUTLOOK MEWS NOTES: RECEIVES NURSES GAP Up & Down the Street dO ICO CCIT are reporter wo.:ld like to spent four days of this week congratulate all the people that with Ms sister and family, the worked so hard to make the Bland Neldon Holts, Ihey also called The two ing Frontier Bays a success, it on the Leonard Hursts, certainly was outstanding The families were stationed at Ft, pageant was well worth the tine Ord several years ago while they (head of the were in the service. Janes Cannon Utah Tourist and Publieity CouHome from Salt Lake City for ncil was here from Salt Bake City 2 or 3 wesks is the Bill Redd and saw the pageant Saturday Virginia and children Ke said that the Frontier Bays family, are visiting with her parents, Fageant was very good, and esMr, and Mrs. Seth Shumway while for this country unique pecially her husband is camping out minin t at the story happenings with Shumway 3ro. They will were true and relative to the ing go back to Salt Lake City where around Blanding country is attending the U, of U. a Steven Lovell of Oak City, Bill Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lyman had Utah was the ruest of Clyde when pleasant surprise last week He Watkins and Jack Talmer on their relatives dropped in "is i ted with his aunt and uncle, way Grand the Canyon home from the Fred Lymans while here and sigjvt seeing in the Southmates A of old class group eastern part of the state. They home the at together were Mrs. Inman's brother Clarblaci; last Wednesday nigfat ence Nielson and his wife, of Chloe l a week ago to visit with Jean Black who was visiting here from Downing, Calif, Those enjoying tne ham supper were Mabel June Palmer, Fat Lyman, Merilyn Lyman, Shirley Palmer, Ver Dawn Butt and hostess Carol Black, Mr, and hrs. Roy Lyman brought their daughter Marsha Hunt end three children home with then Salt they returned from g Lake City last week, , Hunt and her children returned home The Squa.- e J' nee Club will hold a pot luck supper tomorro ni, ht at the aimer's Store, T.:e Palmer family got togethei Sunday afternoon on the lawn of when Fij-- - 1 Richard Perkins1 to honor Clyde Palmer with a dinner before he Those atleaves on a mission. tending were Mr, and Mrs, Lavell aimer and family, Mr, and Mrs, Ld Black and family, Mr,' and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, Burnard Blacl1, Palmer Black ard children and Mr, and hrs. Bruce Black and family from Mo ti cello and the Richard Perkins, Leaving here Wednesday Lynn iyman took seven ooys around by to the Hole in Rock, planned to get in some Escalante 7ney . fishing at 3oulder Mt. They also were joing to visit the The boys were Glen Canyon Bam, William Hurst, Falmer, Lyle Melvin Wright, Harold Hurst, Wayne Palmer, Danny Palmer Johnny Nielson, Merwin Shumway and Larrence Wright also accompanied them, graduated from Bohn Saun last Friday, his wife Linda her sister Libby were in tendance came Ihey to get their things BYU and at- to Blanding and are mo- which they Saun will be working bought. with Kennecott Copper Company, The Daughters of Utah Pioneers into ving a home their convention held Wednesday 11:30 in the Relief The Chapters of Room, at morning Society Monticello and invited to meet here with the Nellie and Grayson Blanding, Moab were Mt, Comps of Mrs, Kate Carter of Blue captain of all was the Chapters, guest speaker. The Blanding Chapters furnished a nice luncheon at noon for the group, M Salt Lake City, Mr, are and s. DeWayne Shunway for. the summer and will in the little house behind home live Harrises, Mrs, Christy Stevens and child ren of Poison, Montana came a visit City and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crafts and son Tim of Hinkly, Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs, Utah, Crofts are dauhters of the Oak . Nielsons, Nielson is home from the BYU for the summer here with his parents the Morgan Nielsons. Ariz, Jerry Young of Holbrook, is spending ten days here with ftis grandmother Mrs Alice Stand Johnny ifird. Mrs. night Young spent Monday Vernon son Standifird's here with his mother, Standish and Mrs. Margene three children from Gardena, Calif, is here visiting her m- ladies eighties left who are both in their two of. the ladies came through the with the first Hole-in-theRo- ck They went to Bluff Fioneers. where they also visited the ce- and and metery Mr. and their childhood and and Kaylene to of Holbrook, ited friends and relatives in town Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Durant Black and family visited his parents Mr, and Mrs, Justin Blaok this past wssk students home from are Betty Jones, Clay Among nlne-mont- hs training cal pre-clini- (TURN TO PAGE is invited to attend, Mrs Everyone Mr, and and children went to Vernal Brady Shumway Linda and Charles the blessing of new son J, Glen last weekend Mark Douglas for the of Douglas and Geraldine The Shumway s son Bruoe, his wife and small baby came over from Salt Lake to be there for the occassion. Linda stayec with her sister in Vernal for t while. The Old Birthday Club cooked their breakfast out last Satur- day morning. They met at the pionio park at Devils Canyon and watched the beautiful sunrise while they enjqyed the bacon and ggs. Of the original eiiteen members six attended; Grace Shumway, Mabel Hurst, Nora Niel-so- n Ifarge Lyman, Annie Butts and Neta Young of Mack, Colo, (TURN TO PAGE 9 COL. 3? 9 COL, 3) period. capping service was held at the Kessler Park Methodist Church with the pastor , Dr, The J, W, Sprinkle , giving the WILL YOUR LAWN RAVE in fundamental nursing presented the class to Miss Cecile Stephenson, director of the School of Nursing, who in . turn capped each student. Following the capping service, a reception was held in the HERE'S THE with the MAH all-in-o- ne FAMILY FLAN E. HYRUM PORTER --esn ' 'J; i z : v : ONE POLICY 1 I ,rfor Dad, Mom, and Children', present and future. remarkable new For further details about this plan WATER SUMMER? Since water is our biggest problem during the summer months y I have found a way to help solve this .problem I have worked the past 4 months for Landscape Timpano go s Co of Provo, Utah We have been using a special machine for an lawns called This critter11 machine cultivates the lawn and allows water to penetrate deep into the soil By having aerified your lawns you will use 50 less water this summer ' I1 will have this machine in Blanding for use about Monday but will only have it for a week Price is 150 to $2.00 pp 1,000 sq. ft PleaLf contact me or call in Blanding Boone ed at the ceremony. Miss Madolyn Cutter, instruc- tor ENOUGH THIS ad- , dress, Dr, hospital administrator, presidBolton ren stayed in American Fork to visit her parents, the Clyde the others returned to Smiths, 8:00 to 12:00, The Ken McDonald orchestra will furnish the muslo ool-le- ge Claire Sheridan was one of 33 Jack Palmer student nurses at Methodist Conway, Loyd Bayles, Clyde Watkins, Pearl Kertchner, Hospital of Dallas School of Edward Stevens, Ronry and MarNursing who received her cap ilyn Guymon, Kathleen Bronson, May 27 in & traditional ceremony Melvin Lynn Iaws, Bradford, Mery marking the end of the the northern route, ford and the two youngest child- with Mr, and Mrs, Eddie Cluff and Charlie and Mrs, Mr, her parents family have gone to Fillmore for narvey and many of her friends, a month to take oare of their Mr, and Mrs, Jack Mo Laws and home, getting it ready to rent, three children, Ksyola, Kenny Visting here for a few days Ariz week ago Wednesday Mr, and Mrs, Keith Rogers vis- eome home by Mrs, Brad- the dance to be held tomorrow night in the LDS Recreation Hall, Hours are from res matters, home, Blanding, Bon't forget C.D, De-lo- children, Julie, Bennis and to St, George last to get their son Lynn ohooege Thomas Ratoliff arid girls spent , Monday : in Cortez and attending to business Mrs,: Tim went week and from with. Mr will go along as fWr as Amarillo to visit Mr Barton's parents. Garth Bradford Mrs, visit Porter Barton and faadl Mrs. who are - parents in Vernon, .Taxast and a visit with her parents' in tlmore City, Oklahoma other, Mrs, Susan Butts, Recent visitors at the home of Nurses' Residence in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Iymar. the freshman class. Miss Sheridan is the daughter were Mrs, Henry (Lillian Woods) Jennie of Mr, and Mrs. J, D, Sheridan Decker and Mrs. Arthur( from Salt Lake, Woods) Becker, The on inolude a This of-Caro- C,H, Thomas and children a 3 week trip that- will Mrs Phone 2306 0R-826-16 BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company for further information Ronnie Guymon I PLAY IT SAFE! CALL US... FOR EVERY ELECTRIC SERVICE Piok-u- p & Delivery on ELECTRIC StfiOTOI&S and GENERATORS (all size) REPAIR - REWIND - REBUILD ONE WEEK SERVICE NORTHERN ELECTRIC PH. 2907 |