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Show March 31 f 1961 BLINDING OUTLOOK Pago FUNERAL FOR, NAVAJO STEBBINS SATS POTTEftT INFANT HELD THURSDAY BOLDS INDUSTRIAL. POT0R3 Funeral eerviees for Bala month, old son-oJohn and Lurena Nooki woro held Thursday March 30; at.dtOO pm in the LDS Indian Chapel Tith Dale Shimmy officiating A mixed ohorus from all three. Wards sang one number and was followed by a solo by Janet Nooki Rates tfant-A- H . por lino with 10 recreation personnelduring desiriug avlvint of 1961 must subait Juan Re applications to F Son 0 Box 278 creation Board ainicua for first Montioello, Utah by April 15 insertion 1961 List qualifications lino-40c with 8c per references and data available B. a. miiiimun for subsequent OPTOMETRIST . in runs of Broughton Optometrist is For consecutive Blending every Thursday 50c , every oall appointments 5th run: free Display advertising in Want-A- d. columns 80c per column inch. Card of Thanks 10c. a line with $1 minimum fliilfliM HQ (hi v4 WUoonaln at Graves 2491 FOR REN- T- in .Bluff AH' of . W. paid Inquire Chevron Simpson Station Bluff Utah . pries Stavena J ' The FOR SALE Bedroom Homo 3 teaman nounoed Sylvan Johnson has Ke urges any and 8-2- 3 all' tgomery. 34 foot, trailer house, co- and Mrs SEfflNQ. MACHINES 30 PAIRED. TEARS CALL EXPERIENCE. 8-3- 811: or Ford 5 Also yard-box- . Moline one Wooten . . Dump-Truc- one-- 3 . o' Mary Warren Kunzi Ralph, and Nada Hunt from Mont-ioel- lo stopped in last weekend for- Freda. Hunt and daughter Jeanne to go to Luppe Arizona to visit Graoe Hunt on h e - Bedroom homo - Nrith'full- - basement end. trage Reasonable. down payment Gall. ft after. 5 p r . . They were also acbirthday PAINTING. Show-Carcompanied by Ronald and Myrtle Also Davis: from Mexioan Hat Lettering See': Clyde Thompson coining oyer from Sunrise Trading Auto. Supply at Post were Jaok and Franoia Hunt BICYCLE REPAIRS .also and. their son Jack and his famfrioyoles: and small wagons ily The Hunts had a big time New and Used Bikes for. Sals with birthday oake and fried Lynn Conoco Ssrvlos. Station ohlokgn and all the trimmings Blariding Karen Sl&vens and and Jimmy FOR SALE . 1956 Ford Pioktip boyshave recently moved to CoCustom Cab. 27000 miles Ph. rtez They have been living down OR 8 2042 at Kearns Canyon Arizona where For Used Jimmy has been working at the SEE U-Srumiture and Appliance- - bar- Trading Post e The a k President Hli gains western0RAuto Assooiato Counoil and Stake Missionaries Store Phone and the Seventys ars planning a Oats A Barley FPR SALE weealso Tho Row barley soed Call Temple Exoursion for this 8-3- 346 m-SI- d mer . . - : S.-- t 8-2- 422i. . . OR 8-2- 816 Norman. Nielson. FOR SALE Like. new reducer CUl Orchard kend ' at .the Mantl Temple GymBeltl ha Id .at the $2000 8-2- 541. ; and Gleaner Fireside. mat M-M- home last Shusemy don May was of Sunday. Dorothy nlitof in oharge Gor- the prograsi and showed films of his .unfurnished house, Hwy 47 tour of. duty; with tho Air Force North : Sss Dean .Montgomery in Japan. Homemade ise cream, oW-eand honey oandy ms ssr- FOR SALC . "flood1077 12 ToJ young pooflo tht oondltloo FordPiokup attendingGUI Gordon. Adams .Ph 3631 FOR RENT 3 Bedrooml . a Stebbins says that while broken pleoes of pottery are common in this area they are almost every where else and would bet highly prized as souvenirs by a great many eastavailable in erners if made 70 10th: version o f; A non-exist- Roosevelt's struggle polio with It- is a story of the problems of a large family where: its head beoomes an invalid. suitable form-H- e believes, that his display - ' ent the problem and that- his product would find a ready market in Eastern States lie has been invited to next answers idea It is also a story of courage-oonquering phy3 i cal inf irmi "In a world where ties defeatism is so generally ao- - - weeks' Chamber-o- f ing where he:, examples of. oepted the high oourage shown in. tho Commerce meet- will discuss tho j industrial possibilities of his project, true-lif- e, film are far too few." Marion Hazleton, Chairman torch 24, 1561 Ban Juan County Uomwinsioners llonti cello, Utah Thank you for your letter of March pertaining to tho. Thfrc.are ?. development of Natural Bridges throe main reasons for the delay in providing Nationt-- 1 Monument facilities for-visitor- s at Natural Bridges; isolation land requirements and water For maiiy years this National Monument was one of the most isolated units in the National Park System and publio use Little so new J im -7 27 05 i , JU Montioello . foot 6 t have been the three children of. the' Gordon Redds and. alweek k : way-Li- ke FOR SALE Oh TRADE.. . foe 1952 F7 baok Stevens. the siok list this past to FOR SALE Hurst, Ray victorious Mr Blanding to spend the summer The Arland: Esklund family have been, living in the. Hurst home end will move to a house b RE- Delano imbed- of Indian pottery in plaster for display ded: campobello" the San Juan 6 Ray two displaying pieces t Stebbins. with plaques above W- - HOLT... NEWS BY, i Franklin : Park Service Writes County Concernino Neglect of Bridges National. I'.onurcent a55 READ THE WANT mpletely furnished $35; per month Contact Eddie duff Box 184 OR I gala .. CHEAP SEMT. . Program" mainly ends up is the screen and Blandin- -. San Juan Chvalcade at showing a . Blanding's Blandishments Blanding's BlazQffles Spaos ing Star White Mesa Fantasy Mon- "Sunrise, Theatre April Ph.2337. North.. See ..Dean 2 bedroom i th FOR RENT- 47 j j FHA 317 Perkins. Hwy old years "Fun FILM PORTRAYS FDR1 S STRUGGLE WITH POLIO J an- to get a suggestion in to him member or any other committee approved. Contact ftur Pendle- before the expiration date ton Box 358 Blending Utah, e The person who suggests Ph OR winning name for the oelebration , . . Bedroom-SALE. Four will win $500 plus a free pass IDS home brisk with garage Call to all events 2491 or. 2436 after 5:X names So far the following pjn. have been entered: Old Settlers FOR RENT 2. Bedroom. Apt Roundup Old Settlers Jamboree Contaot H 1 I d a White Furnished Mesa: Roundup lass than. Cemetery Shown ! . ad. Agenoy. Phone 2016 talk Burial for thoir parent! and Meads -- lo-oat- . of musical numbers in which caeh child played an aotlva part Modern bed-roo- their presented The program mas Maehine : than Uiet Friday night the children in Mrs Manola.Cluff.'s Sthgrade v at landing ilementary School oontest to get name sug- m forthcoming one apartment Nioely gestions for the close will furnished and conveniently Blending oelebration commitSae or oall Hurst April 5th. oelebration - FOR RENT Lyman . with hand Rsasonablygood ships Shop . in the Blandlng sae fciglne oluoh Bargain, . then gave a Shumway Modern Apartments $1500 per .week utilities VT R spoke and was followed by Mrs Alberta Murray (laying a violin solo "Lullabye and. Goodnight " This was followed, by another D a 1 a number by the chorus Sut Mrs f Albert Sips .r. sane copy with five, In reoent were not required for its few visitors much of the region and years improved roads have penetrated consequently the Monument is more easily accessible' These have led us to the land requirements a and decision the that area reaoh additional i &orege is needed for protection of the Monument's values and. for the. development of facilities to accommodate the greater influx of visitors. In: order to remedy tho requirement' for additional land this Servioe, has with the approval of; the Department requested that approximately 4876 aores of publio land surrounding the Monument be withdrawn for later addition facilities ine re-exam- .- to the Monument. Any fears tho people in your locale might have with res peot to this addition of lands should ' by the faot that the withdrawal will be subjeot . to :all valid existing rights as. required by law Another impediment' td developing publio use facilities is souroe of water supply. At our request the Geological. Survey last year made a, study, of the availability of water near the proposed development area with the enoouraging. result that ground . water-supplwill be it is believed.a sufficient . not be oonolusive1 until a available This of oourse will i well is aotually. drilled and tests made All. outward appearanees would give one the Impression that be-allaye- d . y . -- You nothing is being done toward developing Natural .Bridges can. readily see from the aforegoing that considerable preliminary work is.. in. progress or has. been oompleted.to.the point where it is hoped that': visible results will. be apparent in the not .too' distant , lliturt Vfe apipreoi'ate your interest lnN&tural Bridges National Monument and aasura you that prograss is being made toward providing the neeassary publio. use. facilities As you sent oopies: of your letter to Sen&towa Bennett and . - : and RepreeentativesKing and: Peters on,1 them with Copies: of this. rsply. Moss ' weare furnishing Sinoerely yours. g ET. Surgen y Aotlng Director r |