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Show Pago 10 c M0NTICELLO NEWS bar MARILYN R. 003LET Development o City Wednesday afternoon Monti o j Community The ell meeting on housing in was held last Thursday evening A was good orowd to hear the report were aooompanied by They Mr'L. Rsdd Later that evening Redd end the two ycunger child- in attendance was oh-fi- eld Sperry cussions, especially concerning-- Mr and Mrs Dean Robinson and financing of housing in Monti children traveled to northern cello Utah Thursday to get more of In other business the beautitheir furftiture and other beand planning oomaittae, Jameson, was longings Max Bailey is the nsw carenamed as an action oomndttee to taker for the LDS Church plan a community cleanup drive Mr and Mrs We Susap Virgil wcloome during May. will Houston to make their hometo Montloello be April 13 when the library Montloello they eomnlttee will present its re- Since leaving have been living in Moab port All eommjmity members are Mr Cleal Bradford and Mrs invited to attend and partici- and family spent the weekend pate in this fxperiment in Bradford's parhere with Mrs who have Next meeting .of the group de-aoncr- returned to Monti -- ents, Mr and They returned cello Friday With his parents, home in Orem A1 Dart on returned acy. t . and Mrs 'Lloyd L Barton, earlier in Salt They had met-hiLake City as he returned from Ur The Fine Mrs Lloyd Barton Monday to their Arts Club members en- tertained their partners at a Saturday A1 delicious ham dinner an LDS Mission 'in Argentina and home of the at Lloyd evening has now left toi enroll at BYU. the Following and Mrs Alfred Frost end Willie Barton. meal the group Journeyed t o family, accompanied fay Miss Kar- -' Blanding to attend the uold and en left Cage, Thursday morning for Arrangements for & spring vacation trip to the dirwere under the evening Mesa, Arizona,. IvaLou of Iris Olsen, ection Sam Lee Mr and and Mrs The Jensen. LaVerda and Danny, spent Redd and Kathy children, -he early part of the week in April meeting of the olub will Salt Green be Lake City Ball. hostessed by Helen Williams and Reta 3artell at the Barxell home. Charles Ityerss Mr and Mrs and four ohildren are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clarenoe Ramsey. Jtyerse and Mrs Ramsey are sis- San Juan CoiuVty Schools Supe- L. Black i s a featured in article in the Inarch issue of r the Utah EducThe magazine ational Review J carries a picture of Supt Black looking out ovpr the vast Aneth teaches in the A second oil pool article in ters Mr Vrss the magazine describes Son Juan Junior high school at Reno, Nevon spring vacation at County as 'Utah's Regs to Riches ada and is School System11? It tells of the this time A reminder to all ihe married county's growth from one o f Stake-tonii-- ht Utah's poorest, districts to the people in the San Juan rintendent Zenos Mrs. most affluent in the State s to Young, who-wa- an been re-assl&- is the very special fill ner party in the Blanding West MIA hall Mission in Florida, has LD3 to the ied ET CETERA a question and aaswsr period and this was followed b y table Delicious refreshments games. oonsistlng of a Japan east dish 7 --up set salad, grape Juloe, hot rolls and oarrot curls with individual pudding tarts topped with whipped eream wore served Hostesses for the meeting were Doannc Jensen, Ada Rigby, Nadine .Bayles, and Ora Bayles The Craftee Club ' home of Mary Blaok Saturday pm at the met last Thursday with Jeanne JPhnscn and Skinner as hostesses Batty the The even- - to Richfield later in the week. Mr. (Ad Mrs. Jaok Young and family took advantage of the sohool .spring vacation to take a trip to Salt Lake IICENSSD CONTRACTORS TWA LOANS LUMBER BUILDING Provo with in They Miss Geral- to visit I MATERIALS A HORMAN PAINT mm tuHomo M A Vogts, CORE PRODUCTION DUL BOX 03 14231 5M BUiUOl DID : imp rCR Nevada Imbbxm Dale Maughan, Mr and Mrs Gal Carter, Mr and Mrs Jaok Carter and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Maughan Work on the addition to the is progressing Churoh LDS cording to s chedule conditioning system this An was week Miss Velva Lee Norton teachers panied Ann ac- air- -, install' accomHolliday and Shirley Harrison to Salt Lake City for the spring vaoation. Parent-Teache- will be high Associ- rs held Thursday, be Officers by They bagan the return trip o n Thssday but wars forotd by' im- vrui SHOT HCtES HOLES-SHALLO- Leaving here Wednesday for the famous oity ware Mr and Mrs. ed aimwwiy a short vaoation are enjoying trip to Las . A HACOWAC2 WATER WELLS group of Montloello eouples A Mrs. Robert And sr son has been in Mantl this week visiting with her parents, Mr. Anderson Joined her on Wednesday, Mr .and Mrs. C. A. Fropt pans up from Mesa, Arizona Sunday. COORNO nnw-T-m- n Mood the nominating oommittse. I t will also be possible to make nominations from the floor. Ihe Program for the evening will be oonoeming vocational eduoatlon. GLASS A- -t her sister. Lei will eleoted from a slate selsotsd A DOOM CAFE City. Young who planned April 6. jI LK RIDGE was Mrs. Dorothy Harvey. ation 01 jcs&ecoa held for members of the Craftee Club on Wednesday night at the home of Easter Party An c ftrlhlht Palmer Following the business meeting the group were entertained b y Ivalou Redd and Maxine Frost of Hontlcello with thSftr rendition of "South Paeifio" school 8-20- FOR PAINTING Nartineau, Phyllis Jones, score tary, Norma Patterson and reporter, Barbara Nanoy -- OR RAY STEBBINS nt, vice-preside- the winter months in Mesa, Arlz. Final meeting of tho i SEE President, year oomlng Mrs. Sarah Barton has returned to Montloello after spending nawnmn tabl W with the following members being leoted as the new of fleers for ill 'W playing eleotlon meeting This was an dine in Richfield. Jack and at the ly jbf Golda Strong, Lora and' children traveled to LaRsy Alexander, of Blanding will RJehfield Monday after which tell of his experiences during Jaok had to leave for Salt Lake the year he spent in Europe Mr and MrsF.' Bennion Redd City io attend some education He planned to return and family Motored to Salt Lake mootings. home spent CRAFTEE were aocompanied by Mutual Study group, the parwill- begin promptly at 7 30 was - - ofi & games. Lovely refreshments of Bunny last with. punch and oaks were of Dsaxms jenssn for a film, salad by the hostesses, Barbara shown on Cbnoer titled, "Tima served and Afton Grover Palmer Vie program was and Two Women" under the dirsotion of Mrs ftxth Broomfield of Montloollo and Jill Bayles, Publio Health make YOUR Nurse. HOME LOOK Following the film there was Reo-reat- ion Sponsored by the met ing Club swmbert Thursday night at the horns Et Cetera din- Mission with ty After the dinner there pm headquarters at Los Angeles a speolal program with be will Malcolm has. had two years study of the Spanish language at Mssa numbers coming from all over the College in Grspcl Junction which stake Mr and Mrs Donald Adams and will be a great benefit to him He will enter ihe mission home Mr and Mrs. Joseph Adams left Wednesday for a vacation in the in Salt Lake City on April 10 sunny 'land of Fhosnix, Arizona. The Rebus Roa Club is schedJaok Burr's father is seriousuled to meet at 3 Spanish-Ameri- e w Frank Mrs whloh ren, Am end Frank, boarded a under a committee, by prepared plane for Glendale, California the ohainn&nship of John Hire where they will visit Mrs Redd's In byzz sessions the parents, Vernon Mr and Mrs study oame in for lively dis- fication headed ty March 31, 1961 BLINDING OUTLOOK passable roads near Kayenta to return here. They then made, the trip via tho Corttz route. coanLYcunic are cordially invited to attend a special one day consultation Cl ini o on hearing aids oondueted by DELTtt&KEKCE You without oharge on of hearing aids. all makes If you svffer a hearing problem,, you will have an opportunity eleotronio to take a free test, ligation and to without ob- examine tha 1 n Improvements waxing aids hearing displayed in our wide range of attractive new models. Set the nsw Jubilee for people who do not wear glasses. This a free monthly ssrvios oonduoted by , ir BELTGNE UTAH CO., Salt Supplies for all available. Broadway,. 23 Eas Laks City makes are |