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Show June 3, 1960 Page 15 Lecal Students Want-A- T d Rates sale FOR line with for first 100 per 500 aininum to . we. insertion 80 per line with 400 minimum f or subsequent 16 inch I&rge fireproof Lleotric neon protector. che rinCk' after 436 6 11 L.'f Gravu . TORRHfT- -in Bluff. runs of same copy with every 5th run free, Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 800 per column inch Card of Thanks IO0 a line with SI minimum consecutive Modem AjartJtenr.a $15GC pep wee, all utilities paid. W. of U. Inquire Cheveron Simpson, Station Bluff, Utah. FOR QUICK SALE 70 and Fn. 18-An- gle Blade Rails Box AL New Pump Moab. 702, 3-3- 412 TOR A COMPLETE Lino of McNess Products see. Helen behind ROCK HOUNDS Please note Engle hart Engle hart I Cabinet Shop or call OR have a 24 inoh rook saw and will do custom sawing of rock, Everything fully guarenteed or your money b&ok wood or bones gems, Leland Shunray, Phone 2516 5 man rubber FOR SALE 2 house key3 on FOUND Raft Arry Surplus Variety. on 0 Pictured above left to right are Cory Jones, Clyde Talmer, Gerald Jugant and Pete Blaek 8-3- 966 leather fob. Lynn Wright, Ph. I; 2281 These members of SUPPLY... Wllt. and Have Bulldozer, FOR HIRE oolored poster paper. Large .Truck and Compressor for hire and small sizes At Blandlng OR Call or write Box Outlook Utah 233, Blandlng, FOR SALE Typewriter for ribbons all popular makes Rare Yam Standard and Fortable. (Xitlook Didja hear about the cannibal Office . who loved his fellow man medHORSES FOR SALE. One saddle ium rare. horse and one mare and oolt Call Gordon Adams at or. PALETTE CLUB Club met Thurs. The Pal-et- te FOR SALE Nearly New Round Ifay 26 at the hone of Jessie Maytag Washing Machine as tub Conventional with pump McDonald with Helen Nielson Contact Mr or Mrs Stanley. The olever table deooratlons 2 Blocks West and Hawkins Block South of Redd Merc and favors denoted the oomingts stork arrival at the Jeanner-etCorner Mrs. Jeannerett was FOR RENT g a r d e n presented with a crib blanket Lawn Roller and Seeder and fitted sheets from the club. Tiller, for Rent Western Auto Farewell presents were given BABY-SITT- ER Wanted baby to three club members who are away; Marge Jeannerett, jobs, daytime only moving sitting oisen and Alioe Jacobsen. Aftn Call Anna Marie Hacking 2472 Newly elected olub officers Eleanor Davis, president are: Delores Bayles, Vice Pres.S and NEW - BOX 8-42- of a car was only .2 of a second faster than the however the horse won horse, more events than the car. BUNDING, UTAH Georgi Petty i IING that license visibly on an garment whenever afield. Ling is defined as fishing & single line attached to baits or lures, means be within being the angler ten feet of used at all possession limit for 10 fish or seven pounds and Ls ne fish, whichever is Resident children twelve may take only four Ilon- r three pounds. nt children under twelve ish with a licensed angler ny fish they catch nust be d in the limit of the lie first. onds Jr. driven in 274 by sec- seconds There ! size limit is fish speoies that and he got a new hat were 28 races with the 13 tines, the winning times and' 9 no contest merce no The County Ambulance on any City has for Bluff arrived and is tempotaken rarily parked on the Lee Turner As soon as a garage is Anglers ulng boats should be lot sure of the rules for the water built for it, it will be kept at since a There intend may be to fish the County First aid dosed to oourses arebuilding soon to start and such fishing and most waters those eompletlng the course will ambulanoe may be fished only with boats be formed into an they limited number without motors are and Anyone interested should contact Bill Huber or Max King At the last meeting of the Chamber, it was voted that the women. Chamber of Commerce by it is The large orowd that assembled Chumming is illegal unlawful to cast, deposit, or on Cenetry Hill had several cause to be oast or deposited in thrills as oars nearly left the any waters any device, material road and went into the swimming or substance for the purpose of hole The trekers had a good waters the or chumming baiting tine and many expressed a desire so as to cause or induce fish to to return another year gather. The and and . will not fall on a few. course is open to both men silver belt should be asked where and when The fastest white mans the proposed meeting would be buckle horse was ridden by Shorty Kell-erheld to form the tourist group in 276 seconds for which for the Four Corners, he The Chamber is asking that all received a Navajo Saddle blanket Fernandes Pegay rode people interested in having the the fastest Indian horse in 26 5 county road known as the Bluff tourquoise horse one hook. far den for which he :,received a (Cortez -- or pole, or trolling board in the hands or attended laving attached thereto any tended" Charles Rodgers was cars 6 ensed angler. races due to failure to stay on Weight limits of fish caught the course. The will be computed on the dressed Auto Cross course won fish with heads and tails in- praise from the contestants who was very tact said that while with any could no one is permitted Angling get up entricky or parts ough speed to be dangerous this bait except game fish The ans eggs was born out by the closeness of live fish. thereof are permitt- the timing. of all fish species Only three were ed for bait. 2 Paul Guillroy minutes under An ling is permitted with any in ear number 2 made the best mechanical lure, except no lure time with a 1 min 535 seconds shall have more than' four gfcngs for whloh he reoeived a saddle He was followed by of hooks, and no line shall have blanket two attached thereto more than Charles Rodgers Jr with 1 min two or hooks artificial 568 and Jim Ray at 1 min 585 baited attached see' The prizes were donated by prongs flies. Multiple defined as, the Bluff City Chamber of Comto a single shaft is ir wiitt 504 fastest car The Allie Nielson, secretary. 61 assembly. horse best time i WATER WELLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION ' - Co-Hos- tess DRILLING COMPANY i American group are the Legion, the Chamber of Commerce, .Handing ' Sportsmens Club and Elk Mountain Riders Clyde one of run Palmer may for mayor of the cities set up by the this is still the winner company with certain members on over the horseless buggy. Last call at all tines. The members -horse car races the will rotate so that all the burSunday in The 8-3- 631 DIAL OR Junior ! ig Gtasd Sees . 8-4- 126 A -- 1 1960 class of San Juan High were chosen to attend 3oy's State in from June 4th Logan, Utah through June 11th. Sponsoring Phone 3871 W. Cox the j Benoh system, James rood be on the write letters to Cannon, Building, Salt State Mr State Capitol City, making Lake This would known their desire more one be step toward bringing and tourists industry into the area City airport ls soon to be widened and have a cross The Bluff strip it thirty and an Improved road to There have been around ambulanoe planes land there slnoe the first of the year as well as a great number of others It ls hoped that with the improvements appear on more air it will This when open mary maps landing strip ls of the other landing strips are closed by bad weather |