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Show June 3f 1960 MONTICELLO NEWS MARILYN ne Page 13 BLANDING OUTLOOK RASGOE Ib. Charles atives . Mr. and Moore. They will turned Mrs. P. V. Redd re- Wednesday from Salt Lake R. ROWLEY by visit for about a week with where they attended Market week. I and daughter, their son-in-lhospital laboratory collf later Accompanying them on the return and Mrs. Mr. and Jordan Ron Eddy were Mrs. Merene Humphrey iir. Nielson, and Three --year old Robert oung, trip Julie. have been moving into v, and four children of Orangra and Harold Noma Longman and Mrs. Keith hon. which W:T Utah. Mrs. aw technician, his wife j 1. county-own- ed If. eville, , received a broken leg and Humphrey will Meyers and ohildren spent the visit with relatives here for 10 formerly occupied bjr r. Coonj other when he injuries Saturday The and family. long weekend with their parents, days. Nielsons cane! was run over a truck. by Mr. and Mrs. Delores pickup Hurst. to our coimtunity from Provo. Arizona proved to be Driver of the was Dean vehicle to returned their an Page, They Monday Weekend guests at the home of attraction of Interest to Denver. Little Rcbby has homes in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Seim Lee were Mr. 31ack, ' over the t0 Enid Cox, daughter of Mr. and many Blanding residents Lee's brother-in-la- w and sister, rec;,rT Mrs. I. W. Cox, is home for the long holiday weekend. Among t0j!4h d t:rs- . visitors to the damsite summer, having completed her the friend were: Delbert Cark-huinstallation second year at Ft. Uwis Junior of all Salt SjininjhaB, Jim Welty and the A. C. College. The Party traveied to City. Pritchard family. Fishing at Groundhog Lake SunMesa Verde Sunday to view the s.Jnday with Kay Johnson being named the new Visiting at the Lerenzo Petersuperintendent. day were .Mr. and Mrs. Carl ancient Indian ruins. son home this week are Hr. and His coundelors ere Ruel Randall F.nglehart and ohildren. The Elwood Lovells have had as and Clarence Ramsey. The former Mrs. A. II. Skinner was honored Mrs. IaForge Lovell and children house guests Elwood s brother, were J. Wesley Norton, at a going --away coffee Thursday of Leamington, Utah. Ferrin Lovell, his wife and five offioers Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hawkins, superintendent, and Lynn Pipkin afternoon at the home of Mrs. children. Ferrin is the assist- and are the proud parents of a bqy, Clarence Ramsey, counselors. Eddy Jordan. The Skinner family ant manager of the bank in Delta Mr. Norton was named chairman born at the Monticello Hospital of is moving to Moab tills weekend. Utah where th6y live. The two ward genealogical committee Mr. and Mrs Wally Jearmerett on Saturday. families went to Mesa Verde the and his wife will be secretary and ohildren left on Thursday Kleston laws son of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday and to Monument Valley of that committee. for Vernal j Utah where they have Bill Laws will be graduated from and surrounding points Sunday. Eight of the seventeen members been transferred. U. Of U. June 5. He will leave The Wesley McDonald home has of the Monticello High School Dora Mrs. clerk at the shortly after for a mission to been filled with visiting guests graduating class of I960 met Pay Day DrugDenton, Store is on a two England. Here for two weeks recently. a reunion. Saturday for They weeks vacation to Haley, Idaho was Mrs. McDonald's mother, Mrs. were Clarence Fehrso-:Doris where she will visit with rel be wise Manon Smith, Salt Lake City; she Tehrson, Cooper Jones, Marilyn was in attendance at the gradRowley, Mason Redd, Ted Edwai'ds, of Soott Norra C. Mafors, exeroises uation Silas BartMcDonald from high sohool and' on, With their husbands and Laurie MoDonald from the sixth wives, respectively, and their Other guests arriving children the party totaled grade. McDonald's mother were Mr. later The group twenty-fiv- e people. Mrs. L. W. MoDonald, and the traveled to Dalton Springs .fc a McDonald's son, Ronald, and his hamburger fry and a impromptu program presented by the childfamily, from Salt Lake City. BradMark and Valerie Little ren. ford have been staying here with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herman-se- n came their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. from Ephraim for a mo while their Lloyd Barton, short visit with the family of , : j j j lS j , lSoS. iiw ff, . Advertise , . V v I'JMV Nancy Bradford, is their nieoe, Mrs. Dorothy Adams. Hermansen returned to recuperating from blood poison- Mr. she whioh after developed ing Ephraim, and Mrs. Hermansen and The on a nail. Mrs. Adams went to Idaho Falls stepped move to were Bradfords preparing to visit Mrs. Adam's sister, Into their new home they have Mrs. Margaret Sharp. New officers of the Rebus Rota built in Orem when the accident happened. Literary Club were installed Mrs. Doyle Rowley Saturday at a regular meeting at and Mr. traveled Saturday to Grand the . home of Fern Richey. Mrs. where Canyon they met with Richey, inr.ediate pp.st historian Doyle's parents and other family of the Utah Federation of In Women's Clubs, was in charge of members for a camping trip. W. Mrs. the party were Mr. and Installed were the ceremony. Donald and Clair Rowley sons, Pearl 3utt, president Bertha and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asfalg, secretary - treasurer; A. Rowley and family, Parowan; Helen Redd and Elizabeth Halls, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Topham and program committee; and Cornelia family. Cedar Cityj and Mr. and Perkins, historian. The retiriMrs. Carlson Terry and family, ng officers are Golda Strong, Pearl Butt, Doyle and Marilyn ret- president; Murray. Glen Ruth urned via the Canyon bridge Nicklesen, ther,' Mrs. vice-preside- nt; Arizona. They also stopped at the new Navajo Indian Monument Valley Park. Mrs.. Melba Lenk, a sister of Ruel, and Earl Randall, Harry visited here with her three Two lady ohildren Saturday. and Page, secretary-treasure- r; historian; will ittee. on The group June 16 when that an it is Mrs. LaVeda Adair underwent an by the ' WY" SELL A Moab Women's home California. Visiting here this nivt. Richey. in Viotor-vill- e, week the Soott McDonald left arter his from high school graduation Strong Message to Thursday night Some doctors believe in shock Land of Bureau with the JRnRt"i treatments; they send them out merit near Fruita, oi each month, will work with a survey crewj tne nrsi to enter- -- will be at appendectomy at the were home Mrs. Randall local hospital Sunday Harry w. brother-in-laGrant The Dale Pehrson. family has Randall's to live and daughters, Diane MoMullen, returned to Monticello after making their home in Orem. and 3rycine, Escalante, and Mr. The John Sullivans, who. lived in McMullen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. their home here, have purchase:: a home in the Blue Mountain subdivision which was built by Lee and plans ' ! expected exchange program there from their grave of Mrs. Lenk's husband. suraner Vk .-- meet next from Denver, Club. on went to Mesa, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Nil ford Frost and they to see Mrs. Lenk's mother, Mrs. went to Kanosh' to see Mrs. and to Joseph Frost's brother, William Lewis, Ethel Randall, City, Ariz. to decorate the and his wife who are visiting this a tS. tnmUYAi Ida Salyard Fern Richey, parlia- travelers are emergency t v aV m A P U mentarian; Lilly Argyle and Sarah eth Black, pro;; ram comm friends were also in the party. presented The 'y H m - OUTLOOK ,wamt ad PHONE |