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Show Page 8 196( April ly BLANDING OUTLOOK BOLflHFT JOANNA by PIERCE0 Harold Wright, Region Mrs. from Helper, Ut called a meeting of San Ju Schools PTA officers and scho Terra principals at the Park TUesda on School in Blanding All schools were represent! Mrs. Hal Schaltz present chairman and Dire ot or nominee w, guest speaker. The program pr PTA Director sta-pre-scho- sented was very enlightening a helpful. The advantage of bei: in council was brought out as mary ways the state a local PTA oan work together present a better program to t. well parents. Mrs. Burtin Pieroe, Mrs. Harold Cook reprejl Bluff PTA a this meeting. Dixie Wilson is driving a n white Chevrolet convertable. Doyle St 11s on was honored wi a surprise coffee Tuesday nigh:. The ocoasion was his birthda; Fresent were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hollingsworth, Mr. and Mrs. B; ron Black and children, Mr. ai Mrs. Bill Huber, Mirs. Stilso: Dona Stilson and Judy Stilson Sister Mary Faith of Kayent St. Christopher formerly cf was Mission visiting in Bluf Tuesday. Trading Co. h changed appearance with a beaut iful red and white metal awnin extending from the store pas the gas pumps. The and K Bluff C week clear.-u- p showing good effects. is alreaa The are around the Releif Society build mg is the first to be oicane; up. would have cost CENSUS from pg. $10,200 will be a thousand dol- and Bead Horse Joint. lars less, thanks to over a hunand Tom Holidred Church members who showed will be ihe takers in the at the LDS day up for a work-da- y end of the County, includSouth Chur eh last Saturday. I A Job that it 1... R-- Sty contract for remodeling the ing the Java Jo Reservation. Junior Sunday School Chapel was of Besides the announced purpose nose3f every fourth recently awarded to The Harvey housepounting be asked to give adwill Builders for $10,200.. The Job of the old ditional information, such as entailed removal the size of the house, family wooden floor so that a new conA your house is 3tatlstios, heatfed, whether you liave a phone crete floor could be Installed. Harvey offered to do the Job for eto . a thousand dollars less if some- how to Sue Graves, ary one else would remove the old information given census takers flcor. as strictly coThat's what the Volunteers did will be treated She says that citizWhen the Job is complete, the nfidential. can ens help expedite the proold chapel will have a new tile cedure by having the advanced covered concrete floor, new census According Colo. Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hess of Silver Cliff, Colorado spent sevApr. - Montelores Sand Festival eral days . in Bluff on theii United Nations Convention in return home from a four month, Salt Lake City. trip through OldUtahMexico,Texa,v Apr. 4- - H.S. Faculty Meeting and Mexico, Arizona, VocApr. - Stevens --Hennigar Mokee Motel is the garde ational Education Program Yj a of Bluff. Mr. .Palmer Dove an3h-TiBaseball Creek. at Apr. 'j beautiful green lawn School Calendar 1- - Nf-- fnic 7- Track rreet at Grand Junction. Festival of Foreign at rrovo nd Just finished Languages greens . Do Trade With Local Merchants six uted report, alreadyoutdistribceiling, before by nail, filled classrooms besides the chapel. census the taker arrives rt Also a new entrance Census takers will wear & red,, from the west side. and white blue identification The top picture shows some of on their lapels. card the volunteers at work. In the lower picture, workers are shown on chow furnished and strved by the Relief Societies tile acoustical The Chamber cf Commerce picnic is to begin at 5 p.m. Saturday Everyone is invited to this po luck picnic. Keith Jones was in Toawac.' Fool All forget the PTA April party Friday night, 6t00, girls are to bring box ar.d a cake dance after the b.-- There will be supper. oar-po- taking of the three wards mmsme m ipKiffl Area's Largest Stock of Residential and Commercial Wiring Supplies Bus. Gloria Pollard 1 Ph. 3846 Block Vest of Parley Redd Merc W PHO. 2676 ever- not lunches. walk in putting Res. PHO. 2907 : |