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Show April 1, 1960 BLANDINQ OUTLOOK Buttered spinach Jellied pears and cheese salad &ooI icncb DtaSflng Published irtrjr Friday at Blandins, I w. Cheese rolls and milk Utah . BUNDING ELOUMTARY PUBLISHER COX Wsdasaday, April 6 Cream of potato soup (TURN TO PAGE April 4 MONDAY, iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiifiimiiiiiiiiitti Goulash Buttered green beans Peaches & oatmeal oookies Graoe Shumway, East Blending Mildred Raaooe, 1W Blanding Audrey Halliday, SV Blanding TUESDAY, oinnamon Monti cello loaf Meat 3 Second Class Postage Paid ' , April 6 pineapple topping Milk, Rolls and buttsr THURSDAY', April 7 Stew with Vegetables .50 2.50 salad Green at Blanding, Utah Whole Wheat Whipped lime Mil Q00?8 0 rolls Tossed green salad whipped potatoes Plain oake with .4.22500 San Juan County, one year. San Juan County, six months. Elsewhere in U.S.A. .1 ysar Elsewhere in U.S.A. 6 month April 5 milk WEDNESDAY Subscription Ratos: . milk A Chili and crackers Peaoh & eottags ohesae salad Joanna Pierce, Bluff Nola June Pehre on, Mexican Hat Cornelia Ferklne, butter W-R-olls, 7 COL. 2) - rolls Howard Hurst Says: Jsllo and Butter FRIDAY April s 8 would'nt like tho odds of one live shell to six blanks in a gams of fiusstan roulette, but if you Salmon loaf with lemon slioes Cabbage A apple salad 0KB QETOQ Scalloped potatoes Buttered rolls and milk tDI'iCRl lime ago vre used this papers facilities to point up the necessity of an emergency bridge across the San Juan River in the vicinity of Bluff City so that the citizen's of this county could participate in the oil development of the Tohanadla area which is only six miles south of Bluff City". Also, the Navajos could trade in Bluff City and their ohildren could attend the have- - a mortage on ydur home those are your o dds of dying PARK TERRACE Some .foix . Monday, April 4 Macaroni and tomatoes Butteped com Cheese sticks Apple cross pie Commeal rolls and milk Tuesday, April 5 Quick beef patties Mashed potatoes in the next 20 years you have fire inschool there on surance your Then and now this business is going a hundred miles away and out of the State of Utah, mortgaged home but Another development is now under way which did you know that emphasizes the need of the Bridge, The El Paso Natural greatly Gas Company is now for every home lost installing as ,atheriry pipelines to the "shut-in- " g as fields of Chinle ash, Boundary Butte, and East Boundary' Butte. An because of fire 16 ACC MET . tensive development of these fields is expeoted as the gas may lost because of will be the appointment of an are now be processed and ra.ri.ctec., The the the death of a bridge .now would il.e eoonony of this co.r.t and Xeep executive secretary for ACC. the vacant since has been post the o3r.ts where it belongs. breadwinner? Tom Jenson who of resignation r. LISCCK3 The very least a has served in that capacity for 12 years. can leave his Although there is a man some members that among feeling is a clear its seoretary should live in a family to theijr home Lst vee 's edition oj' the U'TLOhC carried 'he following arti-u- l mors osntral looation, the San title Juan County representatives will Mortgage ? in oru- of its columrs, insurance Franscours to tho for job try the most inexpenThe looal man do is he city's refusal to accept a cis Nielson. ruive o heard about insurance not consider tho geographical sive life freight 9 r.i went because it didn't come through tha The agent looation important sines almost available for che freight line roved channels? Don't w: d eh services Blanding delivered the shipment of supall of tho secretary's work is leave a loaded gun done by correspondence. plies for the new clinic to the city hall. The employee was After tho secretary business aimed at your famthere refused to aocept it, saying that t supposed . ex- - 1 to nave been favored) true routed through another (ancf evidently more has been resolved, the line," sxpeot i to bring promotion local men plans for of tho east-we- st road They have prepared a up and Its reporters, I fssl Frojcot. all due respects to the this article is prejudicial, slanderous and sunwarrentsd. The re- largo map of tho projsot that porter has tried to place me in a hazardous position by implying they will use in making tho With OUTLOOK Board, or anyone else, apparently does not have the choose or favor one company over 4nother. Does not the right OFto RIGHTS Bill give us all freedom of the will? e Clinic Let's digest this reporter's article sentenoe by sentence. The first sentence is a oonplete fabrication of the truth, in that The reporter the city did not even enter into the pleture. herself in the very next sentence by saying the freight was for the cllnlo. In the third sentenoe the reporter states the employee, meaning me, refused to accept it. This is the The reporter ended the nade, first true statement this reportor artiole by saying, it was "SUPPOSED" to havs been routed through another truck line. Here again is fabrication of the truth. The ily's security HURST AGENCY M. OR 8.2016 iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiininjiiiii I con-tr&di- ots i A shipped F. G, B, Blanding, Utah, be either of freight two speoiflo carriers and the suppliers signed a contract stating they would do so. The freight, which came in violation of this order, was ORDERED was rot shipped F. 0, was not shipped according it B, Blanding, to the contract, "You came bet eolleet, 1 and refused the I accepted it I would have been in violation of the Clinic Board's contract with the suppliers. To be speeifis as to why we ordered the freight sent via the two specified carriers, we nad to have some place to store the freight until suoh time as wt needed it delivered to the clinic. These oarrlers offered to store the freight free of charge' and asked in return only to have the truoklng business. Now 1 ask you Mrs. Reporter, is this an unreasonable request? shipment. These two Had - companies support all the oity local and county taxes, employ looal TO PAGE 11 COL. 3) particular trucking oounty ordinances, pay all (TURN and LICENSED CONTRACTORS FHA LOANS LUMBER A BUILDING MATERIALS FLORMAN PAINT ttrnm mum m& LANDING UTAH |