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Show PH; January 22 9 I960 School Lunch Menu BLANDING OUTLOOK I MIGHT IT For Coning Week January 25-- 29 cheese Beef stew, sticks, fruit Jello psaohss and pineapple, whole wheat roll withju whipped peanut butter, honey aadMJ butter, milk MONDAY I fGLO IT Want-A- d Rates par llna 10d MONTICELLO Hospital Notes News Items ADMITTED Jan. Dorothy Fallon, with nlnlaua for first laoortloia. Of par line with 40f nioicua for subsequent coBaacutira runs of SO bo 3th run 12 by Mr. free Display advertising in Rant-A- d coUmna 80s par colunn inch. Card of Thanks 10a a line with 81. minimum. ato&x Those I FOR RENT Hew, attractive, furnished apartment ?7 week or month. Reoapture Court, Bluff, Utah. 3-ro- om . FOR REN- T- Modern Apartnenl.s in Bluff. $15.00 of V. V. Slmpoon, per week, all utllitlee paid. Inquire Cheveron Station Bluff, Utah. - FOR RENT ished house in Bluff. Bland inf OR8-38- unfurnPhone 72. FOR REN- TIrrigated farm. Contact Mona Rogers, Dolores, Colo. Rt. 1 or Ph. 5U-2-4- FOR SALE- --- ribbons for all 459 Typewriter popular indices .. Standard and Fortable. OutlooX Office. 2 unfurnished. Clyle home, Ihompecn Phone 2551. FOR SALE--- -Chevrolet 4 Dr. 1959 model -rraotiealiy new. Snow tiros. Blscayno, OR 8-2- 377. HIRE Have Bulldozer, for hire. or write Box Truck and Compressor Call OR 8-4- 126 233, Blandlng, Utah. or FOR SALE TRADE For Roll-am- sy bed twin size bed imerepring uattress bcx springs on legs. Excellent oondltion. Ph. 2611. FOR SALE Freeh eggs 1 at Verlene Peterson's, north west Blending. from pg. 5 SHUMWAY sisters. The RedDyee have had other sons, but eaohhas disd in their early infsnee. The new 3 baby his Frank. Halls evening. present were Mr. ami Mrs fry Saturday home Bill will mist New with the Phillip 66 Company. WEDNESDAY brown Rebus Rota roll buttered with oorn Bookmobile Lorraine Hanson, Bruce McElewain, Hat; Darrell Young, Mrs. H.U. Butt was hostess to Monticello; Valera Davis, Bluff. Club the gravy, Meat , . Mexico where Jan. 18 be employed as a cheBlanding; in Grants, salad, appleeauoe, hot rolls and butter, ndlk. salad, bread pudding, hot Blanding; James Hunt, Blamding; tossed and rolls buttor, milk Darrell Davis, Blanding. THURSDAY Tamale pie, buttered Laura Pehnon, Jan. 13 green beans, breaded tomtoes Monti cello; Caraway, vanilla Stephen pudding, rolls and. but- -, Montezuma Creek. milk Bessie Tree, Bland-ing- ; ter, Jan. 14 FRIDAY Tbrkey noodle soup Corrine Shumway, Monti whipped potatoes, Jello salad, cello. whole wheat rolls with fruit, Jan. 16 Irene Johnson, Bland-ing- ; buttor, milk Asa Laws, Blanding. Gerald Noki, BlandJan. 17 Halle, Mr. and Mrs. Dtvere Halls and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Halls. The dinner was given as a family farewell for Bill and his wife, Helen, who were leaving the next cay to make their ing. Sam potatoes, parsley carrot Mexican Schedule Literary Q DISCHARGED Monday La Sal, 10 a. m. to Sheran Iverson, Na- 3 p. m. Jan. 12 dine Adams, Helen Rutherford, Blanding, 10 a. m. Gerald Ketchum, Trudy Hawkins, to Tuesday 11:30 a. m. at the LDS church; Lisa Cooper. 11:45 a. m. to 1:30 p. m., High Jan. 13 Dorothy Fallon, school; 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.t James Hurst, Everett GrabeeL LDS church. Jan. 15 Shirley Ramsey, Wednesday Monticello, 9 a. m. Stephen Caraway. Mrs. Clym Young, president, to 11 a. m., post office; 11:30 a. 17 Brown. Jan. Jack and Mrs. Ruel Randall, counselor m. to 1:30 p. m., High sdiool; Corrine Shumway. Jan. 18 arc the new exaoutlve officers 2:30 p. vn. to 5 p. m., post office. of the Monti cello 1st Hard YMIJ Thursday Aneth, 11 a. m. to Recently released officers are When a woman, Indulging in 2 p. m. Mrs. John Bering, Mrs. Loya Sol-t- au rich canapes, commented that she and Mrs. Fay Gage. Monday, 9:30 a. m. to 10 a. m., Evan H. Barton and wife drove had to watch her waistline, her to Salt Lake City last week to friend purred; And how lucky Eastland, school; 10 a. m. to 11 to have it out there where a. m., Church; 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 get medical attention for Evan. you are can. p. m., in Monticello at the High Immediately upon arrival he was you. school. plaoed in the Salt Lake City LDS Mrs. Eliza Shepof ter Franks, While Hospital, they are away Blanding, 11:30 a. m. the Barton ohildren are being herd, in Tuoson, Arizona attend to Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. at the High school in Squaw oared for by relatives. Mrs the Winter Olympics m..at and 4:30 p. m. to 6:30-pSarah Barton, mother of Evan has Valley and may travel to Louisioffice. of Mexican Hat post the two younger ohildren with ana to visit with the family Wednesday, Mexican Hat from eon, Keith, before returnher. The other three are at theirhome. on thorn 9 a. m. to 10 a. m., at the school; Aoeompenying ing Loekerby. Frank's sister, Gouldings. trading post from 11 Mrs. Wesley Norton and her son the trip art Joel were passengers in the Mrs. Dave Halls, and her friend, a. m. to 11:45 a. m.; Bluff school, from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.; at Barton car. Joel entered the both of Manoos. Max drove The of family LDS Mission Home for a few days Fouchee in Bluff from 4 p. m. to dgl . end week Lake to Salt City last ' 4:30 p. m. before leaving for Western Spaa testlmonto attend missionary nish American Mission Field. Mrs This schedule will be repeated Mrs. for lal Edgel's brother who Norton returned home Wednesday. every two weeks with the is to loave soon for an LDS MiOff for several months vacing beginning dates, with this ssion. ation, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs Lovina Redd is now in exception: Goulding every Halls. -- They left Wednesday whore she expects week and the extra time will be Their first stop was at the home Kosa, Arizona to remain for eovoral months and in Bluff: of their daughter, Mrs. Ken work LDS Temple Mrs Jan. 4; Jan. 18; Feb. 1; Feb. (Merleno) Gerard in Soots dale, Redd in the with Monday left morning 15; Feb. 29; Mar. 7; Mar. 21? Arizona. They will visit a sis- her eon, Elmo, end wifs who mado Apr. 4; Apr. 18; May 2; May 16; the trip especially to teks her Post. Ann E Hyde felt honored Mrs May 30. At the LDS Quarterly Confera gift that she had by ence held in Grand Junetlon, made giving herself to tho first baby Dos Qejii Sfu Colo, last Sunday Francis Lyman, born in tho new Sea Juan County son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Lyman, Hospital. It was a dainty pair was mads 1st counselor in the of bootses. The Area Blanding lueky miss born Presiding Saturday afternoon at the meeting was Mrs. Pbul Strong, president of the club After the .business session Mrs Roll Argyle delighted her listeners with the book review "Mamma's Bank Acoount" by Katherine The club will meet with Forbes Mrs. Hubert Asflag January 30. . FOR RENT Call FOR and Mrs.' entertained their family at a with every copy CORNELIA PERKINS Pork patties, oabbage and TUESDAY named Randolph for grandfather. Oh the same will be day in the same hospital Mr. and Mrs. Dan Banal ly had a baby 'girl who will be named Sarah or Sadie , lit- High Priest Ghiorun. It was are both tle eouslns doing fine. mentlonsd that many of tho Mrs. Jsss Walker has boon on leaders of the stake have some the sick list for some tics. from Blending Mr. Nfclker gave up his woifc on Una Redd waa in Salt Lake the bo to at the Indian Reservation first part fo the week on busheme with her. He reporta that iness his son Barnvy has rsssntly bass Bud Martlnaay and Anthon Black sustained Sundry Sohool Superln-'3da- nt are new Indian Missionaries after her grandmother The & . to from January 14, was tho daughter of Koith and Corine Shumwey of Mon-tioe- llo The bus ' owned to by the County Rsoreatlon department will leave in Blandlng Christensen brought from the High School B a.m. and taday hie fathor, Milford Christenson Saturday at for tho ski rum end Roy Wood frow Salt Ukt City at 1130 a.m at Hontloollof and leave the ski last week. Both had. boon to Buokley medical get area for the return trip attention Blending at 4 p.m. each day, to Frank Redd fo in are friends cording to Recreation Diroetds to she learn that is happy mueh work very jhi'reh Blandlng again after working for improving from an lllnoss that PaulHunsaker Ten Gallager, sen ef Verda one time In Salt Lake The Saturday schedule for ski They kept her homebound for tho losaono ;?rleo Gallager, end grand are at hone in. Leila Palaer's has fellows past month :t the Jess Walkers is suf-ss- ti apartment 11 imstrustiem Maryetta Barton .was in town --Youth fever and Glen Skinner Who has 1 been last with beginners p.m. weekend to attomd tho wedrr:.. v, of Mis tins working for lynam end Redd will of her brother, Bruce She' seme experience ding - s The Oal- - be Pala 2 p.m.-Adbeginners driving transport for drove down "from Prcvo with Gene 1081. :l .dimf 3 p.m.-Admers with Junior Cosby will be jChaotroy Beth young people are beginners ue ''.t Dap Trading found on sell at Central Service 'enrolled in the ET V sons experience ir,.t and is enjoying bis Bruce and Carolyn Black are Tho Mrs a.m.-IadiPid- ual m- ult 5 iZ-'- i ult |