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Show January 22, 1060 Pnga 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK (fu2ca SiuwutMu M aovijL2 oon. . into their new hone They have bought tho ter's bnao. Mrs ford "wvtt hoao with hsr sister, Xota, and if all goes well A. I.' Shlrloy Nielson hone. Korean Janet who has been away Shuiray will be able to return in the Air Force for alnoot four hono tho first of next week, bat years has been Biased but ter- - will be. hone bound for o one tine. writing fron tainly not forgotten He is Hro. Mary Laws where she la stationed at Riverside, Calif. Anaheia, Calif, Announoeaents &r out for tho ,M Stephen, and is working as control tower with her daughter Nelda he was aken tine e the of Kiss up by forth owing oarrlage operator. He ezpeots to bo re- - lags is enjoying tho aioh HZA of 2nd Ward Shua-wfleers in the ay leased in Kay or June after or ollaato. She spent Chrietaae 'Margaret Jacobs and Bruce on Jan. 30th in tho Cardoton Saoraaent Koeting. Ora Boyles, uhleh he will either go on to with her son Derby in Dallas, Audrey Kelson, COnilla Kike ell, eollogo or aooept a position Texas but will welcoon spring Tenplo. Hr and Hr. 81 on Shun-wBruce's parents will go Joe R. Lynan and Calvin Butt that is open for hin along tho when she oan be back hoae. Hrs. ho has studlsd while in ths Key Laws Salth is taking over f ron, Blanding to bo with then at wr the speakers, ,llne In tho 3rd Ward services Jan. Air Foroe. he Job at tho Indian Church, tho wedding. Indian Hisslon PresiHrs. Roboosa Palner las boon l7a Hrs. Harlon Jones went to while oho is 14away. On Jan. Dale Irvin Guyaon, in the Bluff Mioonfined to her bod for the past Provo last wosk end to set her and ssion Hospital a baby boy was Sbusway, Sylvan Johnson two weeks. Aina Jones, and other husband, iniferlan and Oeorge RedDye all gave very Hrs. Don Snith and Hrs. E. X. George of tho recent oar aooldent. Sha born to Jennie Ho was weleoned of Blanding. Porter have boon in Salt Lake teresting reports. that Use was released hoae reports Hr. on and Eddie Hrs. the 19th by his four lynan will on Tuesday to go to his daugh this week doing sons research PAGE 6 COL. 1 CONT. work at tho Gonoalogioal Library eporfin I . j - ay j ! j , Mr. Snith and Dr. Porter went up taking with then and Albert R. Lynan. Hrs. Hr. Hr. Lynan is going especially to on Thursday, talk at his grandson's teetlnon-i- al as he leaves soon for a . LDS Missionary Is the 4th son of Clair Lynan Bishop to Hiesion. ' Tho go on a nisslon. Hrs . Inez Conway reoeived a very ooancnd&ble letter fron the j I j Pres, of tho Dixie College lnj George stating that her son, Clay, was one of their top students and one to bo proud of. The three other Blanding boys also attending Dixie College are doing exceptional work also . Preston Nielson and Has Jones are both on the basket ball tean and Lloyd Bayles is wrestling St. for the are all and taking part sohool. The very Interested In their ward. Hrs. Caroline (Dolly) Bayles fell while hanging sow, curt airs and suffered sobs painful injuries. She was treated at the or San Jvan County Hospital Tuesday. Laws sa&ll son of Mr. and Hrs. Bill Law will be In the Hospital for. at least a week for on observation and oheok ut Asa rheunatio fever. Three Navajo Children have been on the serious list at the San Juan County Hospital, they are Bessie Tree, Gerald Nookl and Irene Johnson. the Hill closed down in Monti cello 6 of tho 14 acn kept on were froa Blanding. Ken When Hal-qul- Charlie Harvey, Laws art on taeporaiy Power House operrters. were held for standby in keeping equipment stapling what in. Aaong. who thsa little st, Harry duty as Six sen duties shape and cones or were Frank Mon-tel- lo is in charge, also, Melvin Hurst and Toddy Xoxniak. Tnoso froa Blanding who lost their Jobs at the Bill elating were i Oris Black, Leon Blaek, Hiohoal Woznlak, Aro Brown, Jaok Loo P&laer, Hike Gaaborlang, Patterson, JIT. Patterson, S. A. Helquiet, Bill Sheppard, Gerald Blaek, Henry Watkins. Little alss Peterson and Ivan Shuamy was Kin tho 1st baby to arrive in the Juan County Hospital. the is daughter of Ik, and new San She Hrs. Keith Shuaeey and will at woleoMd Kollos. hoae by hor A. Tho I. bo slater Shuissys are gyaadparetas also la lit Kurd Hrs. Fullerton whs ear fron Plsehl, Nevada to wo Isons tho mw granddaughter prsud Grass Speakers day the Sun aight were kent.Bllle, Bi- llie Galbraith, Merrill StovM Warm Clarcxst .Sogers Irons ea tM his sn.St&dliy ag and dost aseawpaeded by wi other j P; |