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Show Pago 12 BLANDIEG OVTWOJ LEGAL NOTICES Pttb 0, 1080; NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OP BLINDING . SAN JUAN COUNTY, UTAH February IT, 1959 t IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on he 17th day of a. February, 1959, special alaotloii will ba hold within tha liaita of tha City of Blanding, San Juan County, Utah, for tha purposa of subaittlng to tha qualified votara of aaid City tha quaation of approval of tha initiatad ordinanoa PUBLIC NOTICE adopted by tha City Council' on January 15, .1959, which ordinanoa is- on fila in tha offioa of tha City Clark and Recorder and nay ba cxaained during ragular buainaaa hours Tha ballot, titla la aa follows i - An initiatad 'ordinanoa, adoptad January 15, 1959, 'subject to approval of tha votara, oonearning. tha Joint alaotrla, wat ar and sawar systen of tha City all of Blanding, by providing for radanptlon of of tha City's Elaotrlo and lfotor Ravonua Honda, datad August 1, 1947, and Sawar, Powar and Hater Ravanua Bonds, Sorias 1954, authorizing tha lssuanos and sala of ra funding and lmproveaont ravanua bonds in tha aaount of $800,00000, and tha application of tha proaaads tharoof to refunding a portion of said bopds and lnprovencnt of said systen, and proscribing related details all No 1959-- 1959T' tha polls will ba opanad at tha hour of an and raaain opan until and bo BiOO hour of o'oloak pa of tha alaotlon qlosad at tha said 1, ectors) by DATED At adoptad ths City Council of said City at the City of Blanding, San this 15th spcelaleetlon 7i00 o'clock initiated ordinance, being Ordinance (subjaet io the approval of the el- as provided in tha day Elaatlon Officials i Opal Blaok, Dora Shussfay, and toss P Mayor s PranolsD Nielson diiy keeordsr Hall, Blanding, Utah) H ATTESTi 0 City Juan County, Utah, (SEAL) constituting tha regularly established preelnet for said City, at which tha voting plaoe. and alaotlon officials to ' servo therein are as follows t Voting Place i January 15, day of January, 1959 r Por tha purposes of said speolal alaotlon, tha City of Blanding is hereby established as one voting district, on . . Lola Blaok Sdsan Butt and Altaraatasi . A E Shumay -- No elaatlon parson shall who has ba peradtted to vote at said special not first bean registered as required by Chapter 2, Title 20, Utah Coda,' 1953, as aswndad and supplanantad Thera shall ba no 'special registration of voters but tha official register last nado or revised shall eonstltute tha offlelal register for sueh spaolal election ADDITIONAL IS PUBLIC NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that an said data during said polling hours, at said voting place and under the observation and direction of said officials a special bond alaotlon will be held for tha purposa of subaittlng to sueh qualifiad electors of the City of Blanding as shall Have paid a property tax therein, in the yaai preceding sueh election, and who are registered as aforesaid?, tha following questions "'Shall there ba issued tha refunding and laprovcacnt. bonds of the City of Bland lng,JJtah, in tha aggregate principal aaoun$of $800,00000, or so.auoh thereof as nay ba necessary, payable solely fron tha net revenues derived fron the operation of tha City's Joint eieetrlo, ..water and sewer, systan for tha purpose of (a) refunding . to 92, and 96 to 98, all inclusive, in the aggregate principal anount of $36,000 00 of tha City's outstanding Elaotrlo and Hater Ravonua ' Bonds, datad August 1, 1947, (b) .refunding bonds nun-bar- ed 4 to 28 and 32 to 200, all inclusive, in the ' s. aggregate principal anount of $194,00000 of the City's Revenue Bonds, '.outstanding Sewer, Powar and Hater and .Series 1954, dated August 1, 1954, (e) inproving and such &saft4 Jeini system inprovaoiant refunding ' reveauabonds io ba in the dencainationef $1,00000 each, to bear interest payable October 1, 1959, and etalannuelly thereafter on April I and Oetobar 1 of Veaph-yearand to nature serially and bear interest to 81, bonds' nuUbered 53 87 ' . c-- -5 ' ' , plates, as follows i - ted Numbers KeTusTva) 1 tnr Si Aaounts Interest Rate . IPsr innuaj 13,00000 13,00000 15,00000 22,00000 flT Haturlht In 1960 $12,000.00 14,00000 Years 4961 3-- 14 1952 1953 1954 3- -lt - 3-- 14 . : . 1961 X: ' V J For Work or Seeking After- - asBabySitter. |