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Show Publiafod in the Interest of Blandingtan&the Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOLUME 1 FRIDAY , FEBRUARY BLANDING, UTAH. f no:' 6, 1959 City Revises Improvement Plans Chamber Resolves Against Minimum reoent conferences with Bredar, representative of the engineering firm of Through Wm. Sill Wage Henn-lngt- Durham and water system improvement and has whittled some plans $90,000 from the cost of the em- regular Mating last tha Tuesday, Eluding Charter af Commerce adapt ad two raaalutians oodoerning tha paapla af Blending, ar at laut a gaad part af tha population " first rasalutian Tha Hausa Bill No considered Cygislatura at a bill This at . $100 an hour that 41 tins tually ba to ba paid an - indebtedness to $500,000 instead of $600,000 as previously plan- wauld far tha stata ned and daalaras worked ever 40 hsurs during a glvan an week ever-tl- The M ba draftad stating tha paint af view af tha laeal ohamber vhiah will ba sant ta Stata Senator Chari as Steen, and Raprassntativs Carl lyman Hr Daan Montgomery, spokesman far tha Chamber, pointed out that whila sueh a law is wall eould ba wary hard on Msnt, restaurant and servloe station aparators wha muoh dapand ta a oartain dagraa on lswar paid 'held the 17th of this month If the bonds are voted, the City will refund its outstanding bonds in the amount of $232,000 with proceeds from the new, lower Interest bonds at a substantial saving to the City It T ta tha Federal was will spend $268,000 in the inand emergency phase of its jwater and sewer system improvement program and will hava elected Pep Queen and attendant are Cherie Jeannerette and Claire Sheridan Another attendant , Betty Jones, was ill the day this picture ioas taken Newly it halp ta operate Tha saeond rasolution ad-dras- sad itial lauthority to issue an addllltnal I nattar WORK UNDER HAY if bonds and when Under the whittled down improvement program the City will ON af boostar statians far tha araas lhasa stations ars MONTEZUMA CONTRACT: araas rural very. important if and tha smaller aitias at any The Leland C Stevenson Codistuea from tha transacting Misuse nstruction Company is now beginAt Reported statians ars to hava tslsvision ning work an the projected Tha Charter of CoaMres foals bridge Uch will span Montezuma Monument Arches FCC Creek near Anoth Mr Stevenson that tha present ruling to foroo thasa boostar stations out Arches National Monument, ana states that ho intends to lose of azistanea is unjust, and thay of the Wests most sesnle spats, no time in finishlngthls work, will voloe thair daaisian to tha has baeoma a maeoa for moonlight and that the bridge will be coprapar autharitiss bear drinkers mpletely finished and tlie two and Hk of lf Du Smith, prasidant miles of approach road So tha monument is being tha Charter of CosBoreo, will elasad at night to up ..grade in sixty days if no Mat in tha rary naar futura unforeseen conditions bar proBates E Wilson, superintendth offloials fraa Colorado ta dent of the momuaenti announced gress The ' better part of his en is cuss tha very Important the park will be elosad from equipment is new and his men af eontinuad talarisian in 6 pm until 6 am beeause the will work 9 hours per day to tha four aomars arsa area is being used for "beer insure rapid e ample t ion of the Also on tha doakat was tha parties" and "hot-ro- d races." project disaussian af futura aonsr-ai- al to "It is impossible keep the The construct ion of the bridge to the air servloe ta Blanding area olear of empty beer cans has been ' It was moved ta eontaot tha and bottles, and other trash," Hansen Construction Company of Civil Asronautios Board to de- he said Altament, which is also the heM termine tha Masuras which will He , emphasized that it hasn't town of Mr Stevenson though his hava to ba taken ta nake tha been the legitiute tourists who operating license is from Roos- lift ' mains . will be installed through- out the City where needed to re dependable pressure to all lusers Seme Improvement at the water . reservoir in the form of and basins chlorination works are schedin-.su- one-ha- sub-eentrae- sewer system so as operate entirely by ite it jgravlty and make unnecessary the now in the line' A pumps !new line will take the sewage to an area near Shlrttail Corner where a lagoon type disposal is under consideration New water make S quos-Vsi- its overhaul out-lyi- ng ' in $300, 000 necessary Cetmuni-oatia- ns Coemission an tha entire Improvement program ;ls dependent on the outoome of ;an $800,000 bond election to be is lattar will A new linitial In the ultimate plan, will enable the City to hold its total by tha Utah Stata minimum wage basis ta phase of the program arrangement, which acremoved items from the plan and included them ergency 'The canotrnsd soon 43 and Rlohardson, the City has revised its sewer it Zn on, pre-sediMuta- tlon uled . Subscribe to . BLANDING OUTLOOK ted i Accident Costs Worker's Life j Disaster struok in the Anoth mil field on Wednesday, as Mr Blanding Airport eligible for cause the trouble, but mostly evelt, Utah Howard Eubanks of Cortez, Colorado a eeuMreial air lino ta stop young people from the area who .The graveling and oiling of was killed in a construchare. use the monument as an outdoor the approach read will be The accident accident also, but the co- tion petting parlor s 30 ooourod 4 when the at pm ntract hasn't been completed as Study large dirt moving machine which yet At any rate the top can- ho was driving rolled off a high not be put on the road until hot Mads embankment crushing him Death weather ooms -- sub-eentra- . eted Radiation Atjines Dr Grant S tha Division Winn, diraator af af Oaaupatianal Health .far tha Stata af Utah, id a team af specialists from Js. Public Health Sarviaa arc tha Binding .area this weak research concerning tha possibility of radiation in tha Dr Uranium nines of. the area Winn and his group are sinply pasting and examining all: af tha operating nines, naar Blanding to determine whether ar not a prob-la- n night exist with .radlo- iaatlvity Ha paints su that ; State Clarifies Oil Field Road Position See letter f Page doing jsnly one mine , in Utah Is . . Mr Stevenson said that planning to bid on the 2 even under suspicion but that nothing decisive has been found, and re- on the new is Ele-ment- ary came to Mr Ehbahks instantly The incident took plaeo about be one and north sldo of town of the which school built he is to one-ha- lf was is already being victim at the site by a Cortez a. drilling rig location U L The earthmoving dene firm miles Southeast bridge where the working on a road to Anoth employed by nstruct ion correct any situation whldh can need attention in the future the Company Mexico' The body Now was and Ho was . Co- of Farmington, taken to the minds local people that there is The team spent last week in the Ertel Funeral Home of .Cortes no need for alarm duo to the Ksab district and thay will bo taeral arrflcasmts will bo deof the in Blanding Until next Monday cided by presence of the research team From to will servo to go lnAbilomo, Teas. idiom Blanding they Their findings will er area feeferaerly resided Vv safeguard mine employees and to the Narysvale-Grconrlv- totally -- do-soa- iod 1 - i . . |