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Show The Ute Bulletin The Ute Bulletin Maxine Natcheeo Editor Judy Ode AMOcUte Editor Killed Member Tribal Eighth In 1973 Traffic Accidents Ute Indian Tribe Sponnor Internal cheat iniurie. recie.ed in McCook- - He waa the eighth bus collision last March. fatal the accident since Chief According to Ute Tribe Police to Arizona Gerald Martinez who drove to McCook assist with the investigation, was alone at the time of the accident. He wheel early apparently fell asleep at the the left and highway 300 in the morning auto His canaL jumped the yards from a on the embankment the canal and hit later hours several died He side. opposite in a Phoenix Hospital. The Operation Mainstream born was May 5, 1938, at Fort director Duchesne to Ouray and Georgia Williams McCook. He was graduated from Union High School, Roosevelt, and attended Weber Slate College, Ogden, as well as San Jose State College, California. He was an accomplished watch repairman and worked at Zale's Jewely, Salt Lake City, before going to the Job Corps Floyd McCook Camp, Poston, Ariz., as a counselor. Tuesday evening, Aug. 28, at Olpin During his years at Poston he met and Mortuary, Roosevelt. The Rev. Michael married Dinah Eddy. They have two J. Winterer of St. Helens Catholic children, Floyd Jr., lVi, and Shannon, 4. Church, Roosevelt, officiated at the reFloyd was also one of the people instruat the mental in reorganizing and opening the quiem Mass Wednesday morning Basin Uintah Community Building, Fort Ute youth camp this summer in the and recessional Processional Duchesne. Uintah Canyon. He held several positions honor were drum songs by the White as counselor and recreation coordinator and the women's choir Ute River Singers, for the Tribe during his college years and Helen's of St. presented several hymns attended the Encampment for Citizenaccompanied by Mrs. Robert Hicks on the ship in New York state during the 60s. For the past two years Floyd served as piano. Interment was in the Randlett Cemetery. Operation Mainstream and Neighborhood Pallbearers were Franklin McCook, Youth Corps director for the Ute Tribe. Kenneth McCook, Stanford McCook, Rex He recently completed a series of training David VanderKraats, John LaRose, seminars for Manpower specialists and, Bob and Robert Angle. Chapoose Eddy, as witnessed by the many letters receivSurvivors include the widow, two ed by his family, was highly respected in children of Parker, the parents and brohis field. thers and sisters, Lafayette, Roland, and Friends relatives paid their last Loren, Ouray Jr., Chipeta, Mary, Boyd, to service Floyd at a rosary respects Christine and Tammy, all of Fort Duchesne; and Stanford, Salt Lake City. dahnedlhe life of Flo Subscription rates: Mail correspondence to: Free to Ute Tribal members S3J0 per year to others The Ute Bulletin P.O.Box 129 Fort Duchesne, Utah 84026 Member of the American Indian Press Association 23near Pnrker.An . oner accidentAug. tribal member to die in a traffic ld EDITORIAL Beauty Pageant Lacks Beauties The date for the third annual Miss Ute Tribe Pageant was postponed to next week because of lack of interest by young women of our tribe. During the month since the pageant was announced, only one young woman expressed interest in the contest. We had hoped more than twenty young Ute women who qualify and are eligible to enter would contact us. .We have had excellent representatives of the Ute people in previous years. We have placed in the National Miss Indian America Pageant, the Miss Indian Utah Pageant, the Miss National Congress of American Indians Pageant, and the local U. B. I. C. Ind&if Princess Pageant. With this kind of record in past years, we would think there are young women of this tribe who would want to participate in these pageants and carry on the tradition which has been set. The Miss Ute Tribe Pageant could easily be phased out. However, we feel this is a beneficial program for our young ladies. The experience of meeting people, of travel, of participating is one of learning and growth. It is encouraging when our Tribal council is behind this pageant. It is encouraging they are interested in the young people through this pageant. We encourage all Ute young women between the ages of 17 and 25 and who are enrolled members of the tribe to enter this pageant. The winner must be an enrolled member of the tribe since tribal funds will be used for her travel and for financing the pageant. All contestants will have an equal chance in the pageant. No one will be favored. Judges will not be members of the Ute Tribe and will be from outside the reservation. Talent is not required for this pageant. It will be a shame if this pageant if phased out because of lack of interest from this group of Ute girls. There are many girls in the elementary and junior high schools whom we have to think about. These girls may become beauty winners in the future. Do not spoil it for your little sisters or cousins. All you need to do is pick up an application form in the Public Relations Office before the pageant date, Thurs., Sept. 20. ; . TfieUtfox Dear Mrs. Cole: I would like to be put on the mailing list for the Ute Bulletin. And, if my cousins in Winnebego, Nebraska, arent getting it, I would like them put on too. They are the children of Milton LaRose, enrolled members. Their address is: Mrs. Anna Bell LaRose, Winnebego, Nebraska. Judy, On the reverse side is a poem I wrote in honor of my grandmother. It just came to me while I was watering my lawn one evening and I just felt it had to be written down. It's written exactly as it passed through my mind starting with the first word and ending the same way. I thought Td forget it by the time I got in the house to write it down but I didn't. Barbara Tabet Simi, Calif. Ofatu&UeA Alvin Tom Funeral services were conducted Aug: at the Alteria Baptist Church far old Fort Duchesne youth whose body was found at the Fort Duchesne rifle range from an accidental gunshot wound. Alvin Tom was born Jan. 29, 1957, in Roosevelt to Orson and Della Ice Tom. He was a student at the Southwest Indian Youth Center in Tucson, Ariz. Survivors include his father and step--, mother, Fort Duchesne; brother, Oliver, Fort Duchesne; and sisters, Rosina, Fort Duchesne, and Clarisa, VernaL Interment was in the John Harmes Cemetery in Whiterocks. 8 16-ye- a; -- self-inflicte- d Ode to Grandmother t6 tyou Our appreciation is extended to- our friends and relatives who consoled us during the sudden loss of our son and brother, Floyd. We thank those who sent flowers and words of sympathy and also Father Winterer for his kindness and the ladies of the parish for food sent to our home. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. We also appreciated the letters received from Indian leaders the nation as well as Operation Mainstream and Manpower personnel who expressed their sorrow at the loss of a young leader. Mr. and Mrs. Ouray McCook Sr. and Family They came from Winnebego They came from LA. The siblings of a "star who passed away. - We wish to thank the many friends who visited with our mother and grandmother and extended many acts of kindness during her confinement in the. hospital. We are also very appreciative of the kindness, flowers and food sent to our. families during our breavement. Your many kind thoughts and actions will be remembered. The family of Stella LaRose Words cannot describe the hurt and love intertwined as arms reached out to each other in their time of sorrow. The love that shone that day for all to see Is just a part of the legacy left by she." EDITORS NOTE: Mrs. Tabet is the former Barbara Murray; granddaughter of the late Stella LaRose to whom the poem is dedicated. The Tabets recently returned to California after living on the U & 0 Reservation for approximately a year. Amos Perank, Sr. (Inadvertently held over from. month.) A Myton resident died in a Cortez, Colo., hospital July 15, 1973, of a stroke. Funeral services were conducted July 19 for Amos Perank in the Myton Ward ChapcL Mr. Perank was born Nov. 15, 1915, in Whiterocks to Eugene and Gladys Cohoe Perank. He married Nettie Myore. T?urvi.vrs dude his widow; children, Aldora, Clara, Theresa, Jolene, Eugene Eddie, Amy, Justina, all of My- tmx, Amoz Jr., Fort Duchesne; mother, Fort Duchesne; sister. Mrs. Etta McCurdy, Fort Duchesne; brothers, Charlie, Willow Creek; and Leon, Fort Duchesne, interment was in the Myton Cemetery. |