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Show Pag IS Thursday, August 9, 1973 .The Uto Bulletin News from the Indian Health Clinic to Ijoui Health The three new faces on the medical Spears Mowchean's home south to and scene are all tribal members who have including Fort Duchesne. Anyone in this area needing her assistance may contact filled vacancies with the Indian Health her at the Indian Health Clinic, RooseService. velt, daughGeneva Ankerpont, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ankerpont, Fort STAFF COMPLETED Duchesne, is the new dental assistant. A The CHR team is once again complete. graduate of Southwest Indian Technical Mrs. Henry (Louise) Cuch serves resiInstitute, Albuquerque, N. Mex., she fills dents of Randlett and Ouray and the the position which Mary Ann Perank rural area in between these communities. e dentist came to held, since a Frances Ankerpont, a member of the U & 0 IHS four years ago. original team, serves Roosevelt, Myton, Isabell Chapoose left the dink last Duchesne and Neola as well as the month to go into private business. She is s areas. Mrs. Henry (Ingrid) replaced as medical records clerk by area includes the community of Joanna Cess pooch LaRose. Mrs. LaRose, Whiterocks south to Spears Mowchean wife of Tribal Recreation Director Rex and Lapoint LaRose, was formerly employed in the Coordinating the team is a registered accounting department at the Bureau of who joined the IHS staff in the nurse Indian Affairs, U & 0 Agency. spring. Judy Leigh of Vernal works with Joining the staff of Community Health team to coordinate activities and the Representatives next week is Elizabeth needs. Duncan, Randlett. For the past several Next week the women will attend an years, Elizabeth has been employed by area wide CHR convention in Reno, Nev., the Community Action Program as a to exchange ideas with CHRs from Utah, nutrition aide. . Nevada and California. Arizona, Mrs. Duncans area will begin at 722-224- full-tim- out-lingin- g Wop-sock- INNERMOST Suicide - A Matter of Choice the guilt, hopelessness, frustration and Lynn Ravsten, Ph.D. anger which precede suicide attempts. It Psychologist always relieves the fighting between EVER EXPANDING - Finishing touches are put eu husband and wife (although I have heard of has Uintah choke the the eu crews are maintenance Everyone Tribal auether. on hmdaraping dying early working some people continue to say unkind, begins if he wants to. Some of us die sooner lUriw Building tap ea ceuerete is poured for the leuadatieu ef the disrespectful things about someone who than we want to because of accidents or has Justice Building located just south of the Agency HOT. Sewer pipes are being laid just committed suicide). disease. However, each living individual for the Industrial Park which wil be the new heaae ef UTEFAB and work is Suicide is a ane hundred percent cure has the right of ending his life at a time for emotional progressing steadily on the canpgrounds at Bottle HeBaw Resort. Dust will he a upsetOnce again this does shone when he chooses. Acres and Sun Richardsons in around hwan Randlett, not make it right or desirable. There are rt.tiy of the past It is very difficult to stop a person from ways of reducing emotional tension and subdivision as contractors pave the streets hi those killing himself. This is especially true if emotional pain which do not result in the is very certain in his own the victim-to-b- e loss of life. Most people do not undermind that he wants to die. Fortunately, stand what these alternatives are. Some most are very uncertain about it. As a people who know other ways to reduce g result, they receive help, from and conflict cannot see them clearly their family, their friends, the police, pain when they are upset, intoxicated, angry doctors; nurses and others. or filled with self-pitJust because an individuid has the Very often families will teach each power to kill himself does not make it other to use suicide as a solution to National form a to met By Forrest Cuch Alaska, including right or even desirable. Societies reproblems. It definitely runs in famflies. Assistant Director Organization which would act in a legisMost states have laws cognize this. Since suicide is not. caused by evil spirits, lative capacity in order to safeguard the suicide - and other kinds of against instincts, curses or lesions in the brain, it At the present time, the Ute Tribe continuation of Indian Alcoholism ProAll religions are against suicides killing. must be explained in terms of what Alcoholism Program is undergoing many grams and promote an Indian voice those which further the cause of except people learn. board mankind in changes. In our planning stages, we are along the federal level. A Just because it is general. Here are several things that everyone formulating new policies and procedures was elected entitled: National Indian illegal and immoral does not keep people Abuse. needs to know about people and suicide. and Alcoholism on Board Drug to stimulate of effectiveness the from doing it. They do it because they geared 1, If a person is so angry, frustrated or our staff in working with Indian people. It This board is comprised of two represencan and because it is their right. tatives from the 10 regions previously is our hope and intention that these upset that he wants to kill he should be Suicides on this Reservation fall into the listened to. It doesn't matter whether he established by HEW. Representing newly established policies and procedthree categories: (1) revenge, (2) wants to kill himself, an innocent animal, Alcoholism Program ures will be implemented as soon as we Ute Indian Tribe and (3) hopelessness. The most pity, and Forrest or another human being being so upset Dick were can become fully staffed. Curry, director, motive is number one. That is, frequent Dick wherein that one has the urge to kill is a danger Cuch, assistant director, Recently, we hired Gloria Arrowgarp even with someone who has hurt getting board Such a person should be listened elected as a was as an Alcoholism Counselor and we are temporary Curry the feelings of the person attempting signal and understood not rejected and to from member sure that Gloria will be a great asset to region eight suicide. For example, in the last four scorned. been has our All in very all, our program. We are now awaiting the program years, on the Reservation, a number of 2. There are reasonable and practical appointment of another counselor to active this past month and the general women have tried to take their lives solutions to all problems; the best soluwork in the same capacity. This then will public can expect to hear more about us because their husbands would not do are we tions are not as final and restrictive as In come. to short in months the staff: our the director, assistant complete something they wanted them to. The the within but sukide. Suicide is an irreversible deoff the ground three secreand counselors the just getting director, wives were hurt so they tried to get even be cision. Alternatives to will we death few next months, flying! tary. by killing themselves and thereby hurt will be discussed in this column next Note: Be sure to look for us in the next We are also in a process of pulling our their husbands feelings. They were in a month. issue of the Ute Bulletin, at that time we resources together in a coordinated' effort real sense trying blackmail to force their 3. There is nothing worth dying for. will have our own column entitled News with other local agencies within the husbands into meeting their expectNot About Booze. pride, not showing someone else your Uintah Basin and the state. This comations. not ones country nor right, not self-pitbined effort was brought to our attention Men are more likely to kill themselves . ones family There was a time when because of hopelessness and by McCord Marshall, Division of Utah acAlcoholism and Drug Abuse, and Dee Very often these two feelings come out dying for honor and country was an times But have of chairman Basin Uintah ceptable changed. the Wilcox, thing. when a perosn is drunk. As a result many male suicide tries occur after a drinking People who are deeply committed in our Drug Abuse Council, at a meeting on July ATTENTION HUNTERS! time are people who LIVE for something, 10. It is our hope that by combining our episode or a strong congl conflice with they devote their life to their family, another person, such as a wife, mother, resources we will be able to promote more community awareness and insight Tribal antelope and .elk season employer, school teacher or a friend. The their community, 'their tribe, their nation man feels sorry for himself and hopeless. into the prevention of alcoholism andl they do not devote their death to it next month. Watch bulleopens Dead himself. people are useless. Dead people are drug abuse. board in corridor of tribal He tries to kill a bother. Someone has to take care of At a National Indian Conference cm tin Although there are many different Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (July 25, 26, offices for dates. Open to tribal reasons for taking ones life a result of them (at least until they are buried). And someone has to take care of the work, members only. suicide is the same. It always reduces the and 27) at Mescalero, New Mexico, repwhich they left undone, after resentatives of all Indian Alcoholism emotional pain and suffering which drives they are the person to do it. It always eliminates gone. Programs throughout the United States, rmity -- Alcoholism Program Sets Changes, Plans News Column 20-ma- life-savin- y. n -- . self-inflict- y, self-pity- -- |