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Show . ; fc .. i.. V ' ,,"C7,,r'V Thursday, H - l.iirfirT 1,1tn fig1' ! My It, ItTS m ; REIGNING ROYALITY - Alene Powaukee left, first attendant, and Regiaa Snipe, Miss Pow Wow Princess 1973, visited with Annette Parriette befare Saturdays parade. Miss Snipe is wearing the beaded crown designed for the Pow Wow pageant by Virginia Myore. The royalty rode atop decorated cars in the second parade as did each contestant in the July 4 parade. Not available for a picture was the second attendant, Grace Her Many Horses. V NPO.XS(HM(;si:Hr - Of the Utes resort was featured on the Bottle Holow Resort float M(yggdded young Ute beauty, Connie Serawop hi the parade. Ute Trails and s dash of the wfldernesa with a beaver hide uadi kaugiag and pots of as. The float received honorable of Norma Denver and her direction which was under the the , Louise Cuch and Mary LaRose. i naradile LEADING THE PARADE - Were the American flag and the American Legion flag with members of the Fort Duchesne Legion Post 126 doing the honors. Henry Cueh center carried the flag in both parades attired in Ido tndMawd Ute white "" buckskin outfit. Legion members included from lolt Julus Murray, Lawranee Tom, and A1 Daniels. Tom Appah, also in buckskin attfrs, assisted during the July 4 parade with Jason Cuch carrying the Legion flag In flafm days parade' .v ' v. STAFF PHOTOS St'S .. 0 , . iI ' GRAND MARSHALL - During the Forth if July Parade Is John Harper Nick. The Ute is a veteran of World War I. The Fourth of July Celebration veterans ef the two world wars and the Korean and Viet Nam conflicts during the four-dapow wow. FRY BREAD QUEEN - Was caught in action during. the Fourth of July Celebration. Mrs. Marietta Reed was given the title for fcfag the best fry bread during the pow wow. Fry bread was the crewA favorite along with a bowl ef chili, reported one of the y MISS UTE TRIBE Kathleen Chegup rode atop the float which received first prize for the best decorated ear. Also on the float is Emetine Natchees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Natchees. Kathleen represented the Ute Tribe at the National Congress of American Indians pageant last fall in Sarasota, Fla. after capturing the title m a tribal pageant. The float was sponsored by the UtelVibe Public Relations Department and used the slogan, Kathleen Made the News as Miss Ute Tribe." Newspaper articles featuring Kathleen also decorated the station wagon. staff and endted temper., the Bent campers. Depicting the setting no. theflLt well lectured brush nnd teepee ith emnper. en walking dong tide Thi front of the float featured a large foil sign with the singing campfire songs. PRIZE-WINNIN- G FLOAT - Was built and designed by Camp eon .. Nana-Ma-h built and stored in a large garage on the 4 nnd between tile evening of July 5 it burned down to July wncp end sometime the fire not ol wheel.. C.M. the won h., yet been determined. It received Dr.t a e m sion. t prize camp name and emblem. The float was . tr ik. ; r9Cfi ere |