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Show The Ute BuMetta Volume 9 PuMtahod by Ute Tribe Number 7 Fort Duchesne, Utah 94029 Thursday, July 19, 1973 A SPLASH OF BEAUTY Posing on the steps of the Bottle Hollow Resort Fountain are contestants vying for the Miss Pow Wow Princess contest which was added to the fifth annual Fourth of July celebration. From left, top row are Virginia McCurdy, Ute; Grace Her Many Horses, Sioux, Rosebud, S. Dak.; Gloria Bullets, Randlett; Denise Edmo, Paiute, Kiabab, Aria.; Beth Ann Wero, Paiute-Ut- Shoshone-BannocShoshone-BannocFort Hall, Fort Hall, Id.; Regina Snipes, Jennifer Gallegos, Southern Id.; and Delia Duncan Ute; first row left to right, are Ute, Ignacio, Colo.; Alene Powaukee, Nea Perce, Lapwai, Id.; Vicky Chapoose, Ute; Connie Serawop, Ute; Toela St. Clair, Shoshone, Fort Washakie, Wyo.; Jacqueline Nephi, Ute; and Jennifer Johnson, Navajo, Salt lake (Sty. Annette Parriette, front, narrated the pageant which included a dinner party at Bottle Hollow Resort and dance contest at the pow wow. See page 4 for pictures of royalty. Related story on page 7 e, k, FOUR MONTHS LATER BIA Personnel Convene At Wilderness Setting . Collision Claims Lives of Four Area Residents Car-Truc- k A unique setting complimented the agenda during the Phoenix Area Superintendents Conference at Florence Creek Lodge this week. participants representing the Phoenix Area Bureau of Indian Affairs field offices and boarding school superintendents braved the 130 - mile trek to the lodge to meet with Area Office personnel. The meeting convened July 16 and continued through today. Topics of discussion included water rights, legislation for BJ.A., land heirship problems, environmental protection on reservations, rights-of-wacontracting with tribes, irrigation problems, and various matters concerning local reservations. The conference participants were offered the full use of the new facility which will officially open this week. The facility will be used for gatherings and business meetings as well as for those wanting to uget away from it all. Representatives of the Phoenix Area office included Area Director John Artichoker, Assistant Area Directors Ray Sorensen, Charles Worthman, Melvin Schwartz, and Stanley Lyman. Here from the Washington Central office were LaFollet Butler. Acting Director of Trust Services; Curtis Geiogamah and Calvin Brice. Representing the host agency, Uintah and Ouray, were Superintendent William Streitz, Land Operations Officer Mack Cole and Realty officer Mrs. Adeiyn Logan. Thirty-fiv- e aeddent which A day short of being an exact four months since a tragic truck-bu- s truck-car crash March in another Utes July 11 ended fhfand the lives of three Tribe. Ute of the the lives of four members Joint funeral services were conducted July 14 in the Uintah Basin Community Building in Fort Duchesne. The last rites were officiated by Rev. John Blake of the Ute Baptist Mission and Rev. Gerald Mason of St Elizabeth's and Holy Spirit Episcopal Churches. COULSENCOLOROW Coulsen Wright Colorow was born April 5, 1943, in Fort Duchesne to Robert and Frances Ankerpont Colorow. He married Norma Jean Tom in Fort Duchesne. Coulsen was a Vietnam Veteran and was a heavy equipment operator for the Ute Tribe. He was an active member of the Ute Firefighters. Survivors include a son, Ignacio Wright Fort Duchesne; a daughter from (Continued on Page 6) ' y, |