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Show 1. 1t7S the News in 72 a, itn 1I Florence Greek Lodge, Another Addition to Bte Uacatien Land A secluded wilderness vacation may not appeal to thoac at na whohsvc spent moat of our lluaa In the wide apan spaces--b- ut Hollow Crae rials, rspraaadktl assistance Ce cal - tha many lodia, For and to raally sea the .eetfillver, Ute Trails and Risers rafts will tike visitors trom.Ouray n Florence Creak on a tour-da- y river Number S fcr Vf tfFf : hi resources, ent Natural Re-t-ar rights, was tha tarry, Tribal Re- - I ms. d T, Aran. 11,000 n hunter either-s- ai Elk , n Top Indian Educators Convene at Ute Resort The U ft 0 Reservation cslended genuine UK hoepltallty to members of Head Start Advisory oavened for their erk of Oct. 23 at the the meeting was director of the Program Division. Development in a : discussed was appropriation of an and Migrant According to the ecognixed as one of however, it don tionale share given expressed tha Itonsday the proposed which would tpproalmatety HU1 to , vould er K used Canyon accompaalad by Trth. on a trip to tha Hill Ci an fills Ares Tribal t week at Bottle IJiv w J alV(eelfioii1 S no for tor.l - thr?ravi.uJi! The Coafernaca open Aug. 17 with n buffet a tha Tribe, Monday moi fishing permit. ngtrn of Tribal enterpri Tha new lodge will provide accommoXwo.' T. tha Phoeuls area nfficin. dations for the annual NUTUVEEP deer p RUGGED TERRAIN Of Dnutotloa Ceayn at the tout turn ,ad af the HIS fieri Poraoancl, ta turn, related bunts which bring MOO per hunter to the enteueleu of lhr first Slvrr Is the haehdmp far the new Fluveaee Creek ladge bo able to anoint la Tribal tribal enterprise plus MS for the Utc John' Artichocker Jr., Area Twenty guest roams, a restaurant and bumge will cater la busters and stghtiierr deer license. On thip hqnt also, tha hun-t- sr of the PbnnoU Artn, BIA, cbnlrat TjTj need only bring his gun, ling. Welcoming remarks art ' Francis Wynnkot and reports wet Fort OucbeoiK, Utah SdSZS by UK Tribe ArrowcMs, UK Trsl. by Fra Hirers; Jim Peltier, Bottle Hotlovr Rc Art Brown, Cattle Enterprise; Dick Jo UK Fab Ltd.; Dale Slade, UK Run Laboratory. Mike Quinn spoke on prupoa - all lA xnthn Juxtpt Resort. nab- r Confrte ness d south; y oluma The Tribe' (reilest potential Is tta wss the conclusion derived from the ih " Tha aaitb-tonsnestled V For tha drat time, th Uto Tribe are v hunt pbt l's a sate bat Florenca Creak Lodn1 wllf be tilled to capacity with citv ter. Trlbo Rotates Rosourca Potential to BIA Officials UK ButtoHa ofll- - UK - ee F' to use open. - q.f ,K iFlorida Snasliiae it is a unique situation that he present! problems to the Boa office. He said snd the Board presents problems to him a two-folarrangement. The Bos. addresses problem which effect Indi communities and seek solution to l problem presented to them. Support then solicited from tribal counrila aft information is led bach to them. Msetrapnsqua said he wu impress (AIR A) with ths Uta Tribe's capabilities The election of develop a resort complex' with t Trimble initiative and foresight in exhibit! things they ire attempting on t reservation. He laid, I take my hat oft the tribe in not wailing for anyone to eo around and do things far them DM Elects lidian Press Director To Execithre Maugement Position Judy 'Roy. - O- . J srff aaastX electoral by tribal votu tribal votea cradwtuta Frida,, Ostokar A parson would voting dele- - Americans In Paris Include Ute Indian CollogQStudent April Is the month Paris Inspires poeBy spring a Ute student wUl fed like in oldUmer to France and April to likely to suit, much like any other month. Book Sireech will leave neat week for the City of Light to enroll to the renown Paris American Academy where he win study dance snd French an well ns other educational and cultural subjects available tag. art Mstory, sculpwhich Irclu 'tograpby. doctor ture. must snd culsu try. Pl Sr 'AtoLSKesi. uy r FIVC ODOEKATIOlfS Of OK Peewvgup fatnSy gathertag. OHeat member af (be gvaup la Mre Eatber Paauregap (tor right). (mMMe); went la Hue K bee daughter, Nh. af Gary Peewsgup (hr left). Faartb Mi ripmn 5a;'s? Trail of Broken SADT SET (M-f-tiT And Ratos, ntth the nri-- - Tuhbee of I'tr TrnSs aad Riven; and (wttb baeba to camera) Tern WaaBk Pbeenlx Area afRre; Itear Gnch, Jda and Hvm; DM danek Ule ITte TraS a aiHee; WBtotd Tabbrr, SM lMeWi. Am efflrr: aad Erriyn PMwft. RCfO, Chxi It u TFei Ibmeo Utes Refer Long Hair Issue Irene Cuch Receives To 10th Circuit Court jlti Presidential Appointment -- JSjStZTStt whe -- a. ); Chairman Wysskri. he bemuar iT his hair length, said (jimpniniise." W1-- I Margie Ridley (Mrs Benton Ridley), we- -, wards derisHMi to allnw girl to HI her. We dnn'l have the mute- -' er tunl suits' they are MrisWi ImHUUrnb- Nsdj Jr - V- '"""T" 19IT to dir. dg1! jl a& ftV f jeh eeven Uto students were suspended hair wss longer than the sperifted length A group of irritotod pneents met and twnuhsj srsiss-.- a cs, gFlsjfirsss iTS'iLua uiwstam m Jh!X hS- -t wwh 1 Richard Nixon to a top national council. Mrs. Irene Cess pooch Cuch received telephone esll Saturday afternoon (Dec. 2) (torn the White House at Key Biscay ne, Florida, confirming her appointment to the National Council on Indian Opportunity. The Council, established in 1968 by Presidential Executive Order, in under the direction of Vic President Spiro-Agncand has eight Indian members. Mrs. Curb is the only woman appointed to the present board end will serve a one-re- ar term. Mowed H. K1 Uto woman, mother szf A five,' has been appointed by President , JM - H C. u hnuM WMtoeecta. riutonUteto uac d -- N- Mrs. Cuch is the wife of the Ute Service Station Enterpriee Manager, Jasper Cuch. She to a native of Fort Duchesne, daughter of Vessie lohn Compooch snd ths Into Alberto Cempooch. Irene attended the Uintah end Ouray Boarding School. Whitcrock. first Two days of meetings with federal represei Basin Planning council to eorre- late us tribal projects. Tribal Business Committee members met regional representatives of the Dept of Interior in ?r at Denver, Cote. mid r for the Uintah snd Ouray Reservation were the estabushment of the Uintah va-io- w " Uw cmawrn Our hsir is our business and not Ai.'111 he March of next yeer. however, she plans to seek In support af the BIA seizure ben. Indilfl demonelrstors staged iatcrruplive action it 10 local and am BIA offices. Affected wore Seattle, 8pokano and Everett. Wash.; Pina Ridge. 8. D.; Ft. Robinson. Nebr.; Portland and Camp Adair, Ore.; Saa Francisco and San Diego, Calif.; aad Phoenix, Arix. The Interior Department hurriedly straftlttMd police forces at all Regional Meeting Concerns Uintah Basin Planning Council to a V " Treaties Leaves Badly Damaged BIA By Jchn Tigar D. WASHINGTON. seven-danreapstion af the Bureau of Indian Affairs hern ended quietly Nov. I at p.m.-t- he court eviction dandHot-a- n about 500 members of the Trail of Broken Tree tie Cars vane begu to return to 'booms aad lamittei scram the nation. As the main body of Indians left by bus, can. trucks aad campers, a small team af Caravan negotiator remained behind to confer with White Hoorn afEoals cancer-t- jmtiosmw. bfcs - tTrl - area to . "present 30 matters.irrigani It was exi instruction of a dam in the Hill Creek wtion purposes, improvement of the wk . Xraservstion and fish and game requested of the agencies fegation to continue the An active member, operation of the UEU i ngtonD. C., because of shear. 7ea the Board af Directenaf the J the extreme difficulty O. W itate- Bring on the Business Commits has ' Phase Three, Funding Of tribal project hern a very educational experience for domestic water system and lodge were me." Mrs. Cuch mid. An active member, "discussed with the OEO and Technical aid was solicited she rerves on the Board of Director of the National Council on Aging and to a member of the U. S. Senate Advtoory Council on the Elderly American Indian. 8hc wss , All an official delegate last fell to the white U. S. Forest Service. It appears the Utes wi House Conference ea Aging. in the permit Presently the tribe has 80-9-0 On a stole level she serve an the Utah percent cut from the original ' ;cut cound,ra Sectoi Wwfc Fregrma Board of Djncfon BwhhTSttS wonfor The Mountain Plains Federal Rexional Council includes Depsrt- Afrieu,tur Labor. OEO. LEAA. HEW. EDA. and SpJt |