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Show Pa 4 IB, 1B Thu Ula Bulletin Who and What Made ftUina Ann Jenks Places mate in MIA Pageant To Hunt Or Not To Hunt? In 1970 she was selected to reign on named ar old Uto girl Industrial Conventit to Mill Indian America at the Uintah Basin as Indian Princess. Th the annual Maa Indian Amer-I- n In Roosevelt entered the Miss India Sheridan. Wyo., last we, same year she and captured that title als nn Jrnka, daughter of Mr. and Utah pageant icr In tt . Jenks. Fart Due! irlcan In the Judges as the a groover wryl Edmo, Miss hdiai she wa u V YlEWINfl BOTTLE HOIJ.OW FILM During tin Sunday nrnlng buffrf .A.M-iutio- n honoring ilitlngiiWn,il ximtu hrrr fur Ihr Xatluaal Tribal Chaimwu CoafrrrBiv uvrv n(rd fnxn brill f'ummiiMbinrr Limbi Brim-- . Tribal ('halrmaa CummiMiuarr Juhn Cnm. islanding) llurrisun Lursrh, Ftanri Wyakrt, Ahllaal Srrrrhary la Ihr nrparfmraf uf lalrrlur; Aaarllr Farrirllr, aatl William uf Ihr Natbmal Chalrmra. (Krr ufory aa Farr t.) Youprr. Official Throne Tribe unique .M'vr It years if being seated tench m receive her crown. Mia: Indian America has an official throne Nora Begay, Miss Indian America XVII was the first to use the unique throne Shat completed her reign on it at tlv Indian Days Jul inth annual !B-- 3! at Sheridan, Wyo. On the tuck of the red and white nauga hyde thrime is a silver plaque engrave "Presented to the Miss Indian Amerlc Pageant ly the Northern Ute bidtan Trll Designed and built by Vie Fab Lid., 1972. brands Wyasket addressed AA1D guesl and participants Friday evening, July 21 and Homey Secakuku related the aignlfl cance of the throne as Irene Cuch unveil it to the resounding "oou's and aah's' the audience. The drum, Mr. Secakuku explains, I aymlmltc of communications used by Indian trices; the tepee represents Indian homes; snd the war ahleld once used for protection. The i feathers repress! the eagle, sacred of all Indians. Annette Pariiett, alternate Miss ta America to Nora Begay, first mentli the possitaiity of Ute Fab constructing throne for Miss Indian America. Aft conferring with the Business Commltti and I'te F ab designer, Floyd Wopsock, a many hours of labor by Mr. Wopsock a upholsterer, John Sanches, the chair w reidy for the art work. Trim on the te and the war shield was painted by H venila Taveapont. LaKnse ; much comment h The ' here ,Viv ' -i-ll. nodoi I wuodt-- I cupy Vi The battle Unas are being drawn bot-- e W Uta Indian Tribe and the Utah State Department of Wildlife Resources ondatteii on whst authority the tribe has to sell of the at Unto bunting licenses to fro Shoshone-Banno- suit featured 28 eon title and the opp the GOO, 000 Amerl hout the country, had three represenl Annette Pam, leant. Ids year's pageant as honor attendants, i lea travels she seto attendants from dlffe whutn she feels are qualified the pageant and it serves as Annette vltatlon to enter. Miss Hr gays alternate. Lind a supbonsire student at L'tuh S verslty, was sponsored by the sity as Miss Indian L'SU In the - WbR wis sponsored by WMB tribe. oung Uni ementai an Arne the Un sr., si, rfir? 7 ll 1tlunV. Tribe Wages Verbal Through News Media .wauc0 July 13. Participate in July 4 Poiv-l'o- -l- This long standing battle has flared Into th W following a press release from Roosevelt to the Salt Lake Tribune on 8 " SeM. 10, 1972, la which It was Duchesne County SporU- m ""d and Cun Club :. . ptLl'J1 The sportsmen coatendsd the tribe was decimating the deer herd la Rock Creak area and the tribe countered by point ln out that of the 1,049 deer killed In thl araa , the Utc Tribe killed only which Is some 9.1 and the tribe owned at least 60 of the deer wintering range In the area In question. The tribe had 727 hunters afield; the State lad 11,499 lV' hunters. The Utah State .Wildlife Department entered the picture by a news release over TV that the tribal hunt was In of State law, and had not been State, and they would tribe to carry State G0ftl C l0B rzm fitlt thm , y" SSjsSSf5 w i c ith the reworks dig- - distance. tebrt 5. M Ad4 Also atten- - contest. dine Clifrttwi n. Mr- Meoi,d Albert Man American, alias JfoT D Ida. Frt Hall, WWterocka rSSJ2SPfd ,Mrdboiare , A Uie (Anna) was awarded Pw wow sur. fln,1J,An1 m the. files Cloth tl1 daocera from 14 atatnMa3o!i?ncffl Cir i" contest A V-hhtev -- Colorado, 1,71 dlnr this vm.i. "T W" o0wtt' SLrfToW. "dkl pvk, 2 M. T u L unme 7 IIHC1 a. a lOgf' Part,c,a,-- -. fiSinEg 5sfgssSS 'r-Ts-f Vtss.SK wSEs - m' - tribal HO; Make U Wells Gets Special Medal (Phot by Al Par The Cotnmeadatloa Medal la a rare .ward praaautad to outstanding Public Hm1Ui game officers and employees. Charles ore la hOmnY Of Wells recently received the Ute Tba Business Committee of the Tribe passed n resolution citing Weils tar bU outstanding servlet :ha sward. Mr. and History oth. Jy 'Coun- - The JIM Bull comp, S" m. The 11 the from a state 00 may have been this that f- -o f'ollu Hate Stiri ,BI byJS wl10 . nd 1M- bad beenfei ntr. to the laIVung w The Tribal Senior Ctttxens program, (only Ib,Woiy " In Indian Senior CUlseoe Program in ea- - tine rw7. 1 IstenceX Instrumental In getUng water ver added Uu A'oun. . -for lo supply and sewaga dtapoeal to hdlaa and - '"'V 'eipflee. Hufoe Sta- ,homes to remote areas, set up an- their conu-.-,. Resort Ud, r viratoi. nation facilities at ceremonial arts, peat, and Which, I netru mental la obtaining eommunlDbocWkhdonef .2?int. Famrii tribal W, don. hMlth nprectntaUvai ccrvlcc, upendm. rroup' J 12, 1172 . ta Cm five antltto to Urn Environmental Health un, revamped end upgraded dental Indian lgrem, mapped end located the hook now for reference-ma- p the Ute Tribe, Bureau of in Affaire and Public Health Service. Members of the Busineaa Committee In Phoenix attending a Tribal A member of the Ute Tribe ,eaders Conference when Dr. The new administrative offg ammon presented Mr. Welle with the la the new Tribal Administra- icer spent hia ' dghest service grade school years PHS. award given by tive Officer. Lester M. Cha- at the Uintah Boarding School, Mr. Welle, a senior sanitation, has poose waa chosen from six White rocks. He attended Al-te- rra O Reservation nearly served the U candidates by the personnel four years. His previous assignment Junior High and Union high rlth PHS was la Florida with Yellow committee to fill the vacancy school, Roosevelt, Fever-Mosqui- to Eradication throughout I WtlPfl HaTITW Pllrtll Wtaistnwi.j For hia Mr. k tat . aoi, kV fUa Tribe Selects Lester Chapoose May 11, 1972 on I r,aiti-Purposebi.xA- ng The Circle" will never be the same. Where calvary troops once paraded, heavy equipment Is moving dirt for the construction of a building for the Ute Tribe. multi-purpo- se Thumdta. Jo Completion of the building will be the realization of a long-tidream of tribal members, according to Homey Secakuku, tribal and will bring the hub of tribal activt- - Idaho Man Is Manager Of Bottle Hollowis Resort vice-chairm- an, Clean mountain air and the challenge of managing Utahs moat unique resort prompted Jim Peltier to leave Missouri and return to Utah. Mr. Peltier began hia position aa manager of Bottle Hollow Reaort July 1. With a derive inlst in Recreation Kairly A Ceateaarias, Billy Chaptate Dies li Silt Like City Vetenis Hospital A Ute oldtlmer returned to White rocks last week and was laid to rest in the Fort Duchesne tn northern Idaho. Mrs. Peltier, a native of Vernal, la the daughter of Mr. and 7 Mrs. Arron Wilkins. Thf1 two children, ' and Mechell Hia home t cemetery. With the passing of Billy passes an era of Indian history. Facts of hia birth and pv early childhood are not substantial alnce, according to relatives, all records were lost in sn Cha-poo- se agency fire. As nearly aa can be calculated, he waa born April 16, 1875 near Ouray. Colo. He died Saturday, April 29, in the Veterans- Hoaoital. Salt Lake City. ti n(0t . 'AVE Hummukrr af Turner ran oMJa to make - higher education, Chapoose enrolled at Southern Utah State College three years. While employed by Grand Cen- - trl Rtn ran r.U T .h. m- 5 ttRescrvatioi Judge Hoi enterprise it a very with the help successful one ne of the tribe and by utilizing manager In the reservation's resources to the fullest." a interest in motel-ho- ti Peltier fills the vacancy left management began when he worked parttime aa a deBk clerk in Salt Lake City while attending the University of Utah. when Benton Hunter waa re- leased of hia duties at the end of April by the Tribal Business Committee. - HOUMA JEAN QUAY . . . Awadalf Mgv ot V O ' |