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Show would discourage development and discriminate heavily against small entrepreneurs. In todays money market it is virtually impossible to achieve 100 financing for Investment Summary shopping center develop- Chuck Akerlow Under MTI the taxable income of an individual having tax preferences would be determined as the greater of: 1. The taxable income determined in accordance with existing law or 2. Fifty percent of the The International Council sum of taxable income (or net of Shopping Centers has pro- loss) determined in accordposed an alternative to the ance with paragraph 1 above, present tax reform measure plus all tax preferences (those being considered by Con- of the current year plus carryThis alternative is overs less a deduction for tax gress. called the Minimum Taxable preferences disallowed in Income approach (MTI). prior years). A TO Vh-W- iro X -- 3. The excess, if any, of the individual's income determined in accordance with paragraph 2 above over the income determined in accordance with paragraph 1 above would be carried over as a deduction in subsequent years. Under this approach, all present tax preference items plus other tax preferences which currently escape taxation would be added to the taxable income, according to the 1CSC, this approach would substitute existing tax provisions a more intensive approach, much easier to administer than the existing for provisions and the LAL approaches agreed to by the House. ICSC trustee, Wally Woodbury of Salt Lake City, reminded Congress that incentives are needed to encourage development in the current difficult economic climate and such recognition underscores the inadvisability of new tax provisions which ments. This was not the case a few years ago. Therefore, it is important that developers be in a position to use their own cash for the purpose of g new shopping center development. The restrictive measures proposed by the House would dry up those funds and make new shopping center investments front-endin- unlikely. We all hope, both consumer and developer alike, that the proposed tax reform measures are modified so as not to conpromise future this vmce ITHfiASK" StfMMgfc. auesTToo: i AMP am im IWSPIR EP ua to Keep 9wCIU6- pjsr - VBiaspteeR. svoi Pragmatic Dogmatics Grandiloquence: Has it Political Usages? by Kent Shearer When one comes right down to it, there are three sites in Salt Lake County worthy of intellectual (as opposed to spiritual) visitation. They are Trolley Square, the Kennecott pit, and Sam Wellers Zions Book Store. It was at the latter spot that, Thurday past, I purchased a paperback edition of a tome entitled The Grandiloquent Dictionary, (Prentice Hall, 175 pp., $2.45), Compiled by Russell Rocke, it advertizes itself. as (a) Guide to Astounding Your Friends with Exotic, Curious, and Recherche Words. Mr. Rocke may have had parlor word games in mind, but - always alert - your correspondent purused it for political utility. It soon TTie search was not in vain. became apparent that the words therein defined could be employed either to tell hard truth, without necessary offense, or to smear ones opponent absent linguistic impropriety. To turn to the last first, it is well known that correct usage does not necessarily comport with popular understanding. Thus, George Smathers recital that Claude Pepper had matriculated at college led to a Smathers Florida Senatorial primary victory not too long post-dinn- ago. er In that vein, I suggest the following put-down- s: When outside Utah, he constantly engages in nostomania. (2) She became vesticaled in Arizona, and now undergoes hygene for that difficulty. (3) He siffilates not only in the library, but in church as well. . (4) Her cynophobia is extreme. (5) Did you know that Joe is an avid (1) philluminist ? In these seeming sins, indeed only homesickness, blistering, whispering, fear of dogs and the collection of match book covers are involved. But they sound much more ominous, dont they? To continue, Mr. Rockes gems do allow for certain diplomatic truths, such as: (1) He is charming, attractive, but given occasional to fanfaronade. I a certain tendency toward sense (2) mactation in Democratic attitudes toward Congressman Howe. (3) His social solutions are both analytic after-hour- s and aloglagnic. (4) The Rampton Administration, bless it, is anile and well-meanin- g. The Republican national strategy (5) remains austral and conservative. One correctly should read the italicized verbiage as bragging, the killing of a sacrificial victim, pleasure at inflicting pain, and southern. Somehow, though, one is not offended by that which one does not understand. The late, great Winston Churchill advocated Basic English as the logical world In consequence, Mr. Rockes language. treatise probably, all alone, has loosened the dirt about Winnies grave. Lest Rocke be taken too seriously, however, he himself ;admits,. (t)he principal object is to assemble the most intriguing and challenging words actually used (not always printed, until now) to describe them in a comprehensible manner, to categorize them in an imaginative and unusual way, and above all, to make this an entertaining and diverting journey into the backwaters of the English language, and only secondarily a scholarly dissertation. I acknowledge, dear reader, that this column is undoubtedly periphrastic. In the I vowr hot future, only to be uniformly rhadamanthine, but also to be perspicuous in the main. old-womani- sh |