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Show Tenting Tips Offered For Sum mer Campers TEST RUN, Friday, June 23, 1967 styles. Some are available in sporty colors. Fabrics cover tent of these a broad range and are of long - lasting, absorbent, 11 such unpleasant clamminess. furnished with a table and. an ture. It's self - supporting, and held up by six fiberglass rods extra cot on the ground level. Also, with new chemical finishthat fit into canvaa sleeves Wall Tent Popular es, cotton canvaa offers even With a quick push and a twist, wattence to wind, greater reals A familiar stand . by is the into a er and mildew. wall tent. This sturdy number it pops instantlySizes are from shape. has 'with that One tent design stoptaif roof a and low walls a 7'- - diameter model, (at 37 car-top can withstand high winds and found wide favor la the 1. lashing nuns. Wan tents in a pounds) to V (28 pound The camper. Aa the name implies, an resembles tent igloo B pup added x 15' an berth can la size accomodate this upper and is just right for the beach. six campers with plenty of to the top of your car. FuncIt should be staked when the tional and compact, it provides room for sleeping and storage. off - the- - - ground comfort and Thla la the tent style that la wind starts whistling. Roomy Model protection, and can be mounted moat popular with those who Another new polities design on a flat or high - crowned enjoy lingering on a long vacaIs the dome - shaped prairie roof. tion in one spot. schooner which looks like a The wedge tent is really an When ready for occupancy, a covered wagon that'a lost its car --top camper gives double-be- d overaised pup tent that comes The durable canvas la wheels. in sixes B' roominess size from x 7 to 7' x 9,' "upstairs" taut held by arches of alumi'complete with storm curtains, weighing- up to 20 pounds. The num, tubing. Plenty of room In screens, and a handy ladder. A wedge Is for the camper-wha prairie schooner. If you inbrightly - striped canopy 1 an ataya on the move and prefers In a 9' x 14' model you can vest curto added feature. Snap aide carry his housing on his even invite guests to drop In tains to the canopy, alp down back. on a rainy day. The pup tent is a small-siz- e the- sides and V 'whole room There are dozens of other can newcomer be which cornea into beim? with a big-sifu Uuv Americana are camp Ins; out on weekends and vaca- . tions than ever before. . ' You, too, may come down with the raging; camping fever! If you do, whether you're a Boy Scout or Just a sometime sportsman, it's beat you heed the motto: Be Prepared. Especially when It cornea to tenta. There are lota of tent types to choose from. Many are completely new In concept. But whatever your preference, your ! 'camping; out" days will be brighter with cotton canvas. Candenaatlon AvoMed whether the Canvas tenta fabric be duck, drill, twill or afford comfort and poplin convenience. Canvaa "breathes" and therefore permits free air circulation. Thla prevents moisture condensation which causes half-sphe- re . - I anpiane you can fly off to farfor away places. Auto cair-plnthe whole family la ever popular. Packtrain camping can be a memorable experience. Boat' camping combines the best of two great outdoor activities. That you'll have fun camping goes without saying. Take a canvas tent along. Youll enjoy your vacation Just that much more. - GOLF CARTS hyAy '1 Wsjdsshlt MawtailLSJL ! CHEST WADER OT Ruhbir bBOt-foo-twith denKleat Olws lias MEN'S .. amAV BOOT-FO- viu!ii299 I L ttf 21 WESTERN r foMing R- -f. There are enough different kirds of camping to suit any taste. If you own your own Sotvrdoy rS Kit e" - 1040 sun: SMJLS BJF fnE.r l- well-drain- ze ?$HE N.A.G.E.'i national Mr. Manuel Donabedian, gives a $10,000 check to Mrs. Virginia Louise Green. Mn. Green is die widow of Mr. Keith Green, a Dugway employee and NA.G.E. meniber who wai killed in an automobile accident seven months ago. Pictured with Mr. Donabedian and Mrs. Green are, from left to right, Mr. Vincent Rubbico, Mr. Win ford OUanlen and Mr. John Daly: comfortable cotton. A, few reminders about the campsite. Select a level area, free of roots, rocks and overhanging trees. Try to pitch your tent with the back against prevailing winds and the door facing the morning - color 7 to 12 ta B JilM fpfAi I I II I I 5mtm& LAMES wRTniisrvif Stucdy tubular aluminum construction. Folds for Niy StOfOBS. INSTANT CREDIT NO INTEREST CM n 99 UH OUI IAYAWAY MAN opfr u MR. MANUEL DONABEDIAN presents a check for $10,000 to Mrs. Alfreds Anderson, widow of former Dugway employee and N.A.C.E. member Ardie Anderson. Mr. Donaof N.A.GJE. Pictured are, from left to right, Mr. Donabedian if national R14-9- ; Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Vincent bedian, Mr. Winfard OUanlen, secretary of Local of Local R14-9- and John Daly, treasurer of Local RIM. Mrs. Ander- famwHe Mvtaft for indoon or set. vkx-pmde- at -, T J In TopransupsAdlsasftMfor Easy ta seta, assy ts data Army Digest heady, m U I I 2-- QT. U CAHTEEN 1.47 Western-styl- mrr.:!h CMtwM canying strap. hJi skiers, etc 15.00 Value 11 with P PACK SACK 1.97 COMBO PAIR RAIN vnr u i am intulaf-o- J watfv badiac 11102 Mfifi JM .. I49 - wis, II afflWy "l.TT nmhinatiiifi Mir b I v ..I mm m i. orld RUCKSACK AND FRAME ) ! 22 CAL. 6-SHO- LONO RIFLE 1- - o 1 Wtwmi jtt m "sse YYfrr II SesT. JrSfLeisiBiisssl. I lDXOOVAUif -- Uflhf- Deep blue finish Beautiful wmibtad osori grips 12-P- C. ei i i ALUMINUM COOK OUTFIT BASEBALL GLOVES fKTjSsiSsssssssssssssiaM 2 FAMOUS AUTOGRAPH MODELS TOCHOOSf MOM 1st quality leather gloves with "super flex web and font! fit pocket (model 835 & 845) T- mm biHiim 5.87 SEPARATELY, THESE 4 PIECES WOULD COST S39J 531 BUY THE COMPLETE SET NOW. . SAVE $7jSS! 1 mam Mnfic Cony Com lUUIITOISn REVOLVER T IW&am mm jl VINYl e, mom im,KSLrm SittosHt Sale V a i RUBIEK IAIN SUITS Out-oif-ffEais-U- SB CRASH HELMETS Long i contfof hi al lizai for AfMfflblRS hi Sflty MCMIwaV "Look (Closely) Before You Leap" is the advice given prospective ikydiven in the August issue of Army digest. The skydiving article explains the lure and challenge of sports parachuting. Articles supporting the theme of the issue, "National Policies," include: "Social Security and the Soldier", which answers the question "Is Social Security really . a good deal for the soldier?" "The Geneva Convention and You", which tests the soldier's knowledge about the convention's impact upon himself. ; Construction Muittfikmtirt Nylon String, fo. 7 95 MEN'S BOOTS 8-IN- Rubbico, president son's graiidcMdren, Andrea, Mike and Tony, are pictured in the foreground. August News Powwr-Pr- y HARDWOOD ROLLTOP TABLES fit, sfriirfrjTMfi COMPLETE REG. 4.95 SPOOLS mwi UNE Res. 12.05 Yes Sew $28.17 49.50 fa. SPINNING OUTFIT ,B"ssai83L-j'i??As'a7riljMSBv W Jm plitos, 2 zzjy s -- ivwiyw. --w umtnniuiiiiM Reg. lo- t- HANDYMAN J Free Drawing 1.33 WOl7 $9S that J MkfcMajoues Sand Boxes ... I 88 I fj MkntaiutoM rieiBariMlJOMOSISJS all in duraole aluminun ant for uw itcrift lOssbrllBiE iS4 r nwaassM si C M.tSfaa.lJCUM 1 4 eupi, 4 coofcini uns, coffN pot and fry pan with handle t 91 77 .... OPEN FACE euss too RtL zing si your more fHi m your balanced with th fishing outfit. YcH put more creel, en line bail pickup, targe 200 yd. on-oanti reverse spool capacity, FuH ff AIR MATTRESS I BOATS I WINCHES I PUMP(3S5 2 Flash CAmeras will be given away on drawing Saturday. - WESTERN AUTO STORE MucsIIm Uwii. Owns 49 Nctk Btsda m ... tubular metal pump mat Ms you inflate your air euttrssi quickly and usify. HfJ. T.TT Double HEADQUAITEIS FOt THE GREAT OUTDOORS 5" Mayt rtiaitcrc-- l ta flitra itroM ItmmJ Positive Mrftty lock. J |