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Show I- - THE CITIZEN Aug. 13, 1970 Mrs. Leo Goates of Salt Lake City is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Alice Petterborg. She has been with her for the past six weeks. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hawkes Neb., and two dau- of Wayne, . . .WITH AN KT HEAVY-WEIGH- T MODEL ALLIS-CHALMER- S K OR DISC-HARRO- tandem discs come in MODEL KT extra heavy-dut- y 754 to widths. Gang angle is adjustable to give you the penetration you want. Model K offset tandem widths. Long discs are available in 6 to 1314-fomain pole lets you turn sharp without turning into the liarrow. These nigged performers put lots of weight on every blade to penetrate deep in even the hardest cut through heavy trash, stubble, crop ground residue, and even shrubs. Scaled, square bore ball bearings let pngs roll freely for a light draft and dean cutting. For top performance on every discing job, pick a Youll find heavyweight champ from that Going Oranp is Going Great! 15-fo- ot ... Allis-Chalmer- s. Modern A Fun Equipment Co. 85H17I ghters, Jill and Jennifer, are here for 10 days visiting with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Leo R. Hawkes. Mrs. Elnora Moser is enjoying a visit this week with her son Ross and family of Napa, Calif. This Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Moser will take their daughter Lois to Rexburg to register for her freshman year at Ricks College. Joan Condie of Rupert visited last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nielsen of Egypt are visiting this week in Los Angeles with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell. They left their baby with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Herd. Recent visitors at the Ralph G. Davis residence were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dockstader of Cedar City. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hatch and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Davis and family, Mamie Lee and Shane, and Miss Marcie Workman were here to attend the rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Carter had their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ballif of Hooper, Ut., and another daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shuldberg of Terreton, last Friday to attend funeral services for Ernest Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (Adelia) Hell of Bountiful and children came Friday night at the home of her parents and left the next morning for a vaca tion to Yellowstone. The Shuldbergs were called to Preston again Tuesday to attend funeral services for his brother-in-laRawson Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Bell had their immediate family home for dinner Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. Brent Nash and family of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Condie and family of Grace, the Dennis Mathews family of Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. Bells father and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lar son of Preston. son-in-la- Mrs. Rulon Carpenter was last weeks guest of her mother, Mrs. Allie Packer. Another daughter, Mrs. Parley Lloyd of Central, came one day to visit with them. Mrs. Carpenter returned home Friday. She and her mother spent one day in Logan with Mrs. Vaughn Taylor. CUT DEEP AND CLEAN Sociable Citizen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wright of Thatcher visited Monday with his grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle Wright. Company at the home of Mrs. Minnie Tripp the past week have been a granddaughter, Mrs. Stewart (Bonnie) Mrs. Merelda Winger has Wright and two children, had some of her children vis- James and Stephen, of Boun iting her. A son Alton and tiful. They left for Boston wife Donna, and a sister, Mrs. to meet her husband and they Marvel Christensen of Ogden, will make their home there were her guests over the ro- for a year. This week, anothdeo weekend. Mrs. Christen- er granddaughter, Julie sen recently returned from a is visiting with Mrs. two month tour of Europe. Tripp. Mc-Conk- Last Thursday, another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Jed Ritchie Winger of Bountiful, and of Yelm, Wash , have been friends, Mr. and Mrs. Morris here the past three months Gordon of Ogden, came to atvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer tend funeral services for Roy Palmer and other relatives. Bosen in St. Charles. They They will return to their home had lunch with Mrs. Winger. the latter part of this month. Sunday another son, Ira Win- Weekend guests at the Palger, and wife Lorraine of Roy mer home were Mr. and Mrs. had dinner and spent the day Sim Weeks of Clearfield. with her. They also brought their two children, Rebeccai Mrs. Willard Johnson has and Mark. ,had a house full of company. Aug. 1 her family came home Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brower for a get together at the have their daughter and hus- Preston city park for a picband, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. nic. Coming from Salt Lake Laub, of Los Angeles spend- City were Mr. and Mrs. Mil-toing the remainder of August Johnson and family and with them. Another daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Johnter, Mrs. Maynard Bothe, of son and family. From RichBlack River Falls, Wis., is mond came Mr. and Mrs. Glen and children and the also here visiting them. Tues- Housley Milen Housley family, Mr. and day of last week Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clinton Housley and B. J. Darley and daughter of family of Idaho Falls, Ned Salt Lake City spent the day Housley and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamb at the Brower home. and children of Grace, the Steven Johnson family of Green River, Wyo., and from Preston the Conal W. Johnson family, Theo Covert family and the Dennis Johnson family and Miss Beverly Johnson. They had an enjoyable day. when you buy bothl SERTAPEDC DELUXE mattress and box spring set the extra premium mattresi-wi- th measure of firm, healthful support A doctors recommend. Lavishly quilted. Done in gold, beige and charcoal brown. Matching box spring is scientifically designed to work with the mattress. TWIN OR FULL SIZE REG. $79.95 EAPC. ea. pc. when you buy the aet. EXTRA LONB Mt Set set QUEEN SIZE KINB SIZE HOW HOW NOW $151.15 $181.15 $299.85 SERTAPEDC mattress and box spring set Combines deeMlown comfort with firm support. Delicate "golden wheat'1 outer cover is d for beauty end surface resilience. Matching box i coil with tne mattress. TWIN OR FULL SIZE REG. $69.95 EAPC. "Pe. NOW when you buy thi aet. EXTRA LONB ut NOW $131.15 QUEEN SIZE let set KINB SIZE SER7A-POSTUR- NOW NOW $155.15 $275.55 E DELUXE An outstanding value. Serte-bui- lt for firmness end comfert. Multicolored floret print cover is long wearing thickly quilted. Matching box spring is designed to work with the mattress. TWIN OR FULL SIZE REG. $59.95 EA. PC. a. pc. when you buy the eat EXTRA L0N6 QUEEN SIZE R!NB SIZE LIMITED ll set set set NOW $1 15.15 NOW S14MS $239.55 NOW TIME ONLY! Mrs. Donna Mecham and daughter Maudi Marie of Wendell are here visiting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Hollingsworth for 10 days. While here they attended the Perry reunion in Franklin park Aug. 1. Gerald Harris of Thatcher was elected the new president, Mrs. Jessie Erickson of Pres ton, was elected vice president, Una Bastian of Twin Falls, secretary, and Donna Mecham, Wendell, as treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Mecham and family of Saugas, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Malquist of Farming-ton- , N. M., came the farthest distance. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cording ley and son Carl attended the Cordingley reunion at Ross Park in Pocatello Aug. 1. Six- ty family members enjoyed pot luck picnic. Mr. Cordingley visited with some of his cousins he hadnt seen in 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cordingley and two children of Midvale, Ut., were also present. Mrs. May Cutler took two grandchildren, who her had been visiting the past few weeks, to Pocatello last Friday to attend the horse show Mrs. Inid Fryer accompanied her. There they met the childrens parents of Burley, who in the horse participated show and they returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Warrick accompanied their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Devon Warrick of Bountiful, to Rupert Sunday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Warrick. They had a birthday dinner honoring Oliver and his son Craig. They returned to their homes that evening. OF PRESTON GIFTS - CARPETING were here recently for a week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Smith at Lava Hot Springs and Mrs. Eleanor Hobbs of Preston and other relatives. 70 people on Aug. 1. Charles Ashbaker of Logan, who was 96 years old, was the oldest family member present He died the following Thursday in Logan LDS hospital. CLUBS The Sharp Sisters Birthday met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Verl Auger. Coming to help quilt for the day were Sabina Sharp of Vaudis Sharp of Whitney, Mapleton, Ina Stocks of Winder, and from Preston were Myra Kidd Bosworth, Elsie Mrs. Bodily and daughter, Marilyn Priestley, and Veda Sharp. A hot luncheon was served at noon. club Mrs. Gladys Beckstead entertained the Cocienda Club at her home Friday afternoon. A hot luncheon was served to Allie Packer, Mary Keller, May Jorgensen, Lizzie Weaver, Ethel Mockli, Pearl Vera Hawkes and Gladys Baugh of Logan, and guest, Mrs. Helen Carpenter of Twin Falls, Mrs. Packers daughter. They did sewing for the hostess. Mrs. Irene Carter went to Twin Falls recently to visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Gwen) Van Noy. Their son Robert came and got his grandmother. She also visited two days in Burley with a sister, Mrs. Beatrice Page. Her grandson also brought her home. While she was in Twin Falls she visited with a grandson, Don Van Noy and family of Chicago. His mother and sister Amy returned to Chicago with them for a 10 day visit. Last Saturday evening, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Glenn Gamble attended a stork shower for Mrs. Margaret Jamison in Ogden. She is Mrs. Gambles daughter. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fackrell, his mother, Mrs. Wealthy Fackrell, and Mrs. Carter went to Thatcher for open house in honor of Wendell Mrs. Irene Carter has been Smith, who was 80 years of in Washington the past month age. visiting relatives. In Spokane, she visited with a dauMr. and Mrs. Lowell Titen-so- r ghter and family, Mr. and were in Price, Ut., reMrs. Francis J. (Donna) with Mr. and Peck, and in Colbert with an- cently visiting Mack Mrs. Budge. Enroute other daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Irene) home they stopped in Provo VanLeuven. She also visited canyon, City and Park a granddaughter and husto view the country. City band, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoyt of Spokane, who brought her home, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith and family of Beaverton, Ore., FURNITURE Last Thursday evening in The Hobbs family reunion the Loft House in Logan, Mrs. was held in the Lions Center Stanley Rallison and daugh- in Franklin on July 26. From ter, Mrs. Karma Jean Gar- out of state came June Norton rett of Preston, Mrs. John and husband Jeff and chilDursteler of Whitney and dren of Bell Gardens, Calif., daughters, Mrs. LaDawn Er- Mrs. Minnie Day of Brigham ickson of Logan and Mrs. City and her children, Mr. Vonzzaa Humphreys of Ven- and Mrs. Vance Thompson tura, Calif., Mrs. Otis Stow-e- and family of Logan and a of Lewiston and daugh- friend, Curt Hone, Mr. and ters, Mrs. Tessla Dawn Mrs. George Howell and chilSparks of Washington, D. C., dren of Ogden and Mrs. Eland Mrs. Marcia Parrish of eanor Hobbs and Mr. and Los Angeles, Mrs. William Mrs. Leonard Hobbs and famJensen, Mrs. Fred Jensen ily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanand daughter Diane, all of sen and family, all of PresCove, and Mrs. Kathy Ander- ton, Mrs. Trina Purser and son of Logan all enjoyed a husband Robert and two chilmothers and daughters din- dren of Salt Lake City, Mr. ner. and Mrs. Roy Hobbs of Idaho Falls, and Mrs. Paula Kaye On Aug. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son of Cutler Ronald Auger of Salt Lake Dam. Also present from were the Larry City had supper with Mr. and Franklin Mrs. Verl Auger, then attend- Hobbs family and Kenneth ed the rodeo. On Monday, Hobbs family. They all furMr. and Mrs. Chad Erickson nished the dinner and 45 were and children came and spent present. the day. They left their chilMrs. Elaine Smith and dren, Lisa and Darren, to visit their grandparents for a Mrs. Hilva Fellows of Preston few weeks. Also Monday and and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Keller and family of Mink Vern Wood and baby Jason Creek and Bishop and Mrs. of Bountiful visited at the Paul Larson of Hyde Park Auger home. She is also their met for a family reunion of daughter. I on both mattress and box spring - Thank You... VOTERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY WHO GAVE ME A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE LNT TIIE AUGUST 4 PRIMARY ELECTION. It Is Truly Appreciated Leila N. Smith Pd. Pol. Adv. by Leila N. Smith - First To Gepharts THEH TO SCHOOL Check These Needs 0 0 SEWING NOTIONS Double Knit Polyester . Yd. $4.98 60 INCHES WIDE 0 100 O 'LEVIS' For All Ages 0 0 0 SHOES For All Ages Nylon Lingerie TRICOT KNIT 108 LNCIIES . Yd. WIDE $189 MEN'S and BOYS' SHIRTS YARD GOODS Ai Lowest Prices GEPHART STORES Smithfield, Utah |