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Show Preston Home Ec Classes Plan Show Thd Home Economb classes of Presion High are g a Style Shaw Jan. IB at 2:45 p.m. in the Preston high school auditorium. They will be styling silk blouses, wool skirts, best dresses, suits and coats that the girls have made in class under the direction of Mrs. Carrie Tobler. The narrator will be Mrs. Raquel Harris. Chairman of the style show is Barbara Gilbert. Stage committee is Tamy T Almiffir1 TnnnniH. XT! raiuvuu, voauuuic HMH8CI1, u or nae uauoway and Linda Preece. Script committee is Joan Hall, Judy Monson, Gayle Winward and Wendy spon-swin- for-mal- TIIURS., FRI., SAT. JAN. Art Lore club members had an enjyoable evening at the home of Mrs. Paul Johnson Thursday evening. The book, "Everything But Money," autelthored by the evision personality, Sam was reviewed by Mrs. Earl Nelson. The story is full of humor and pathos as it relates his early life as a son of immigrant parents. Eighteen attended and enjoyed a dainty repast as the concluding feature. at Lev-enso- n, MR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS C. FORSGREN b3ithrfbj?I pcr-;sma- spot-forme- , j j Community j j MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICES $598 MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE 99c 64c . . Reg. $1.50 MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE yr and' anA ,.s jamil;. uf' their motner Lanolin Pins Reg. MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Body Lotion MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Liquid with Dew '0 Gen Lanolin Pins - Reg. $3.00 $ 1 29 Control Hair Spray - Reg. & H to H - Reg. $1.50 MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Alka Seltzer Reg. 69c MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE -1- $1.33 Reg. $2.75 gc VIOLIN WORLD LOVES FACIAL NORTHERN THRILLING! Lot Angelei Examiner SQUARE DANCE LBS. JOLLY TIME 3 - 2 LB. CELLO BAGS Oil!!-ECS SHORTENING III - C DEL MONTE Apple, Cherry, Orange, Grape, Pineapple Grapefruit SNOWDRIFT CANS 46-O- Lb. Can 3 4 Cans $1 BEANS -- RICE TEE "10 RICHER COFFEE . 3 LB. CAN 2.19 LB. CAN 1,57 1 45 2 INSTANT LB. BLUE ROSE NAVY, CHILI, PINTO BULK 10-O- Z. Sour Cream CARTON Ice Cream $2.79 SALAD BOWL LGE.CELLO 3 Bags $1 Qt. 43c FLOUR JELL0 W"TF Guaranteed 59 - FLYER Pre-Sifte-d, -P- 29c . SALAD DRESSING COOKIES BAGS Enriched 13 2 GAL. SUPREME ASSORTED 69c High Patent ASSORTED FLAVORS -JUMBO SIZE REG. SIZE Lbs. $3.69 Pkg. 19c Pfcg. 10c URSER'S QUALITY HEATS - PICNIC HAMS Lb. HALIBUT BACON PIECES TO BAKE OR FRY BAR S FIDDLIN' . HORA STACCATO ME TO THE MC JALOUSIE FLY 852-tl- M 200 COUNT Boxes SLICED FREE WONDERFUL! Chicago Tribmtt Phone 4 it THE CRITICS PRAISE ... AND " ' MANY OTHERS I I Ph. MORNING AND HIS VIOLIN 99c AT A FAIR PRICE! Tall Cans RUBINOFF YOU'LL SAVE MORE AT MEL'S ON EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES Mel Bnrrup, IL CHUNK MILK M CLAIR DE LUNE HEAVENLY! Botton Daily Record MEL'S DRUG 89 3 - 89 4 fr 89 CRUSHED, CHUNKS, TIDBITS ! '-- Annie Mrs. MUSIC THE MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERS 4 1Ia:i;h imin thu h.;iiciayS. Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest Ulsan, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Olson WARSAW CONCERTO . MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Contac Caps - ZD's WHITE STAR ier;n Hatch Coming Soon! . $1.49 0's-Reg. 3 89 BOXES ; MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Contac Caps - TUNA FIS - j 73 Reg. 98c Tabs-100's-Re- g. ASSORTED LIBBY'S white rose. Her bouquet feaMrs. Marie Hatch returned tured American Beauty roses home Sunday with her son and white carnations. Orin. She spent the past The bride was attended by week visiting her mother, Diane Koberts as maid pi e Wayment, at war honor and four bridesmaids ren. her son Orin and fam Susan Brown, Carol Smith, ily in Roy and son Steven and Kathy Forsgren and tiny Ra family in ueaen chel Forsgren. The attend Kenneth Kendall left the ants wore identical floor last of December for his six length gowns of red velvet months of service training, and carried white muffs. Albert Dickson of Farming- The bridal party stood in ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Henfront of a white bubble back- - ry Hatch Saturday and Mich drop trimmed with red poin- -' ael and Debra Lee, wno nan settias. Serving as best men been staying at the Hatches, for the bridegroom were Rod- returned home with him ney Fifield and a brother, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher Mark Forsgren. Ushers were entertained Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wilford Meek, Richard J. Kendall. Brent and his friend, Russell, Douglas L. Russell Louise Porter. Diane ana ner and Lynn H. Russell. Ronald ManA Mr nnH Mrs ft amid nflfl 9fl ' L. Schow acted as head usher. risaer ana tlaniuy uu Presiding at the guest book at a dinner party while Brent in front of a white latticed was home from tie service back-dro- p was Lynette Rus- Mrs. Fisher and Marie Hatch sell, a cousin of the bride. went tn Rnv with Brent on Refreshments were served by New Years day. Pamela Russell, Glenna Lewis, Lynette Bodily, Sherie CLEVELAND BRIEFS Swains ton, Joyce Nielson, Linda Gamble, Amy Howells, AlMr. and Mrs. Orlando Ras- ia Bodily, Zelda Hinckley, mussen of Mink Creek were Darlene Saturday visitors in Cleveland Norene Bingham, Forsgren, DeAnn Forsgren, at the home ot their aaug.uer e and her and little Colleen Meek, family, Mr. and Mrs. Meek, Bradley Schow Claude Comm. 49c . . MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Bayer Aspirins - 108's - Fruit Cocktail and girls, Mrs. Afton Rabhs and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cox attended the wedding and reception for Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Sells III in Idaho Falls on Jan. 6. Mrs. Susan Fisher returned full, floor length gown of home Sunday from Cgden and chantiUy lace dotted with Roy where she visited Mrs. pearls, and long fitted sleeves. Grace Johnson and Mr. and Her veil, also dotted with Mrs. Karl Kendall and other pearls, was secured with a relatives for the past week. 67c Reg. $1.75 MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Lanolin Pins SWANS DOWN 0gjtn visicd Shir-len- MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE Lanolin Pins Anacin $69 66c . . Reg. $1.50 Lanolin Pins Complexion $4.00 -P- COLD STRIKE STAMPS CAKE MIXES" Duane and Carol, and her broker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred They returned to Partington Thursday and found a new granddaughter which had arrived 1)lv. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olson spent Christmas in Salt Lak? visiting l!n.ir sons, Irrin and Norman and iamiiics, Ernest's brother Angus and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Janus Kirk j,riJc' anj la.nil" oi i.'iaiiklin. 1 Lb. OF THE STORE BACK IDAHO - MEL'S DISCOUNT PRICE 1 Ricks Mr..-Alic- SHA Liquid - Case 24 Cans - Reg. $6.29 -- IN Cro-slia- 'Eeajh Hen" Cleansing Cream PARKING and family and sons, Milton i Glycerin & Rose Water FREE OF Every day Lowest food Prices in Cache Valley - Ann Howell In the center of the hall became the was a tiered wedding cake C. of Johnson. bride Selma Mrs. and Forsgren! ler Douglas M;mbars of the Fine Arts on Dec. 8 in the Logan tem-- j ou,incd at rrd roses. It club met at the home of Mrs. With Cornel Wilde ll pie. The ceremony was d We and round J. C. Gaff Monday. Mrs. Mel-vi- n by Pres. George Ray- - lighted from the ceiling. Larg- Feature Starts 7:10 and 9:05 Burruo presented a rc- view of the bo:;k, "My Life mond. Ann is the daughter cr round tables surrounded it For Beauty," authored by the of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howell for serving. The long service ADMTSSION cf the book. Helena and Dargiss the sra of Mr. table, covered with a deli:ate w.nte lace cloth, was aaorneai Adults 73c - Children 25c Rubinstein. Miss Rtbins'.ein. an.l Mrs. Calvin Forsgren. a cut glass punch bawl; with cost e h known After the wedding, y an internationally th-.were hnnurrd at a wedding1 and a bouquet cf red and metician, built her life on - "'Jiue "owers maicmng uiose premise that a woman need breakfast given by the bride- on t:ie serving tames. not be barn beautiful in ords?r 2 corn's parents. Setting for tree to be beautiful. Mrs. Burru: the reception which honored. A white Christmas the couple that evening was trimmed with long red orna- brought articles and pictures stako cultural mcnts, poinsettas and delicate S Franklin to lend atmosphere to the re- A dainty refreshment hall. Decorations were in a lights adornd the roo.n and view. Lewiston, Utah red and white color scheme. was banked on each side with was served to 19. were The gifts trousseau. placed at the base of the tree. The bride chose a white, Reg. $2.25 attended LOTS RESTON, OXFORD Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch enjoyed Christmas in California with their tv Theatre USU. 'Hie bride - Returns From Trip 'El Dorado' Lanolin Pins FOOD STORE CENTRAL MARKET Oxford Family Mrs. W. Paul Merrill gave a party for the Golden Hour club and special guests, Mrs. John Wavnc, Robert Dorthea Garrett and Mrs. Sarad Bambrough, at her Mitchum home Monday afternoon. A reaiure Mans 7:00 and 9:05 luncheon was serv ed at tables gay with daffo- dils and heather. Bridge was MON. and WED. the diversion and score honJAN. 22 24 ors went to Mrs. Lavinia Cut- Lanolin Plus DON GREAVES wmege and Utah State University. Mr. Forsgren is currently serving in the U. S. Marine Corps and is stationed in California. Following their honeymoon they will make their first home in the Los Angeles area. well-kno- Hand Lotion THE CITIZEN J-- CLUBS nne-thir- 18, 1H68 January 4 Rodger Schow. Gifts wire carej for by Carma k anj Adanna SjIiow. uiry bo:sgren and Neil Forsgren assisted. Music for the ryerung was arranged by David L Russell, Eilcne Scott, instance Davis and Linda Marley. Ann was entertained prior to their with a shower givenmarriage by Ellen and Diane Roberts and by the members of the Wild Life Department Chatterton. Publicity committee is Janna Christenson, Kathy Perry and Sally Hae Harris. The public is invited to attend. s, 1 Ann Howell Bride Of Douglas Forsgren TICKETS ON SALE By memben of the LIom Clnb and at the following locations: ACOCK AGENCY MER-EDA'- S VOGUE CITY FINANCE Adults Students -- $2 00 $1.00 preston men AUDITORIUM JANUARY 28, HM 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by: PRESTON PRESTON LIONS CLUB RUST PASTRY SHOP COOKIES 3$1 .... 'iUES., WED.. 2 to 3 CHOCOLATE CHIP, OATMEAL, COCONUT, BUTTERNUT, SUGAR BUY 'EM UP ONE HOUR SPECIAL: MOW.. BREAD FRESn BAKED p.m. ONLY THE FINEST 4 Doz. $1 5 Us. 95c |