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Show T i ! 2 - TI1F CITIZEN January CLEVELAND BRIEFS BRIDES FOR OR -F- IT'S REGISTRY Exclusive Gifts REWARD A reward of $500.00 By PAUL HARVEY 'How Can It Be? and Mrs. Dean Burton on Fri- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Verl Nelson of Preston. Mrs. Lamoin Bennett and her brother, Danny Corclin. of Logan were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conlin. Author Smith, brother of Mrs. Rulon Burton, has had surgery at a Focatelb hospital. Keith Forman, brother of Mrs. Bud Keller, has improved at a hospital in Salt Lake "What's the difference," audiences persist in asking me, "between yes college-ag- e pitifully in a dirty mud hole in Vietnam and another NeRe: The subiect of an un gro screams with hate against declared war in Southeast his white brother on the Asia and numerous incidents streets of countless American dis of bad taste in "lawful" cities; sent on university campuses "That one boy lies In a cofmore one has Probablv no fin beneath the ground beeraahiL'allv demoted this in cause be believed in duty to tolerable situation in our coun country. unu1 anocner Doy lies try than Joseph R. Holmes of on a dingy cot giving blood to the San Dioeo Disoatcl). wm, ine enemies ox ms country: on October 27, 1967, in honor "That one man of r.nA of Nnvv Dav stated: shields a wounded boy from "Plow can it be, that one an enemy oayonet with his City. bov lies rottine from maiiiu and dies and another Bob Mcndenhail and boys trition and torture in a jungle body man of God uses his cloth as enjoyed riding a snow mobile prison camp in North Viet a shield to preach hate, disat the Dean Burtons one eve- namand another boy spits sension and lawlessness. and tramples on the flag of "My God, how can it be?" ning during the past week. this country on the steps of Even each parathough a university of learning; of the above quotation graph "That one boy lies sightless is a Daraaoxicai statempnt in a U. S. Naval Hospital the facts revealed therein can frnm communist inflicted face easily be harmonized with the wounds and another boy uses whole truth by simply reading GUESTS BRIDAL Revolution, UnAmerican Revolution Writer Want's To Know supper and playing cards at the home of Mr. Enjoying i Paul Harvey Letters To The Editor 18, 1968 men serving this country and another man of medicine implores crowds of young men to refuse to serve their country; "That one Negro holds the face of his dead white comrade in his arms and cries from any of the ranches of patrons served by the Fur Breeders Agricultural Cooperative Mldvale, Utah, or Logan, Utah. Hfk day's?" The COMPLETES BASIC Seaman Apprentice Donald B. Peterson, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verl II. Peterson, Pocatello, has been graduated from nine weeks of Navy basic training at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, 111. He studied seamanship, as well as survival techniques, military drill and other subjects. He is the grandson of Mrs. Merle Peterson of Preston and Mrs. Ruby Anderson of Franklin. F. Bennett's Darwin Talbot, his wife and document and many Utahns have please read it. children spent Friday and The entire nation could ben- Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. efit greatly from such a read Orville Talbot. Orville is re ing. covering from pneumonia Harold E. Bergeson and is now able to be outside for an hour or so each day. Cornish, Utah ...on these magnificent MBSk dis- teryear's senters and to- ' A a communist flag to arapc Senator Wallace leading to arrest and conviction of anyone apprehended stealing live mink or mink pelts "v. THE EDITOR: himself in defiance of the speech in the first session of laws of this country; the 90th Congress, entitled: medicine of "That one man World war III Communist begins his thirtieth straight Style." over an operathour standing If vou've been honored with ing table in pursuit of life for a free coov of this excellent tVIXDER BRIEFS is offered for Information 3ra TO ques- had better come up with the answers because tomorrow s voters are going to demand Further, the Nuremberg tri- als of Nazi war criminals are predicated on the presumption that men should not contradict their principles even when ordered to do so. We have been executing and imprisoning assorted Nazis who insisted they were merely "following orders." But it was the judgment of humanity that they, ordered to massacre civilians, should not have followed orders. Today many young Americans sincerely consider the Vietnamese war to be a wanton massacre of innocent people, yet they are told they must follow orders they must massa participate in the tioners go on to recite how Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale and Tom Paine and Wr. Harvey their contem poraries were, xn fact, "revolutionaries." They opposed the Establish ment. They spoke out against it. iney aemonstrated again st u. eventually they oppos ere." ed it with violence. Because you and I under Yet we call them "patriots" while we call today's dissent stand each other, we can dare to discuss these appar ers "troublemakers." now come?" our youne ent contradictions without be ing misunderstood, citizens want to Know. College-ag- e audiences want let's to be sure First, sep answers, arate today's violent demon straight strators from the nonviolent We're asking them to die for their country; they want protestors. In a constitutional republic to know if it s worth it, we do not have to resort to If they ask about the ruth violence to overthrow the Es less, violent, lawless demon tablishment. We can over strations which profane our throw it every election day. Flag and destroy private or So there is no justification public property in the name whatever for today's agitat of rights, the answer is easy, ors burning and looting their Loyal Americans should stand neighbors and openly advo- together unalterably opposed to piracy. cating revolution, civil war. Let us be careful, however, But the morality of our ofto consider separately those ficial position in Vietnam is persons who oppose our Viet- debatable, yet neither of the namese policy with proper pe mainline political parties oftition and orderly demonstra- fers an alternative. tion. These are entirely with Being old enough to fight in their rights. not old enough to vote is and Many of today s young frustrating, Americans feel sentenced to when the mostanyway. And issue travel 6.G00 miles from home is not even onpertinent the ballot, to "stoo the advance of com what's left but munism," yet if they dare try demonstrations? desperation to stop it 90 miles from FlorI don't know the answer to da thev will ba thrown into ail. Many consider this to that question, but I'll tell you this: tomorrow's politicians be hypocrisy. them. Monlanans Visit In Winder - Mr. and Mrs. WINDER Shirley Palmer of Lima, Mont., stayed Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. William Swainston as they were on the way home after attending the funeral of Mrs. Valeda Shaffer in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bying-to- n and family of Salt Lake spent the last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Bying-ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stocks and children came last Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cluff Gibson. Mrs. Stocks (Echo) became sick with a cold and Bruce decided to return to Salt Lake without her and the children so they have stayed the week. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Thatcher were also visiting the Gibsons last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Anderson joined the family as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler for dinner last Monday. The Beutlers and Mr. and Mrs. Reo Alder were Sunday dinner guests of the Andersons. The occasion was the birthday of Nyla, daughter of Kay and Ethel. Mrs. Ha Bennett stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dennis in Logan Thursday night and accompanied them to Salt Lake the next day. They stopped in Brigham City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bennett to see Rodney, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Bennett, as he had his tonsils removed Wednesday. -J Enjoy this beautiful SWIVEL CONSOLE from any angle! Keeps you regardless of where you sit in your room! 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