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Show ''."r-wfci- - J i fc. . w. w 1 ( JUit Dies ClmlaiMiaM Britfs - TREASURETON Mrs. Beatrice Pasktaa received word of the death of her emit, Mrs. Jeule Watkins, who has been 111 for many months. Falnritw Briefs Riverdale Woman Flies To Nevada For Visit - FAIRVIEW Mr. Mrs. Oliver Choutoa and Mr. and Mrs. Judd Bowles wen to Smlthfleld Thursday and had dinner at a cafe In honor of their wedding anniversary and attended tEe basketbai me between Preston Jtaa. r High and Smlthfleld Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Atkinson of Logan visited Sun day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer of Sunday dinner guests Goto : and Mrs. Myron Mr. and Mrs. Jeo Steers of Preston. Ma-mpet- ed the te Stager Sales & Service MINNIE Goto had a quilting at her home Thursday Phone and thoae present wen Oneta DEVON AND Michel GreHyde, Vera Cole, Reva Wil- gory of McCammon spent a their Leda week visiting with son, Margaret Ear, Ohoutes, Lets Hall, Gladys Johnson, Louie Goto, Elly Jensen, Laura Harris. Zalda Hinckley, Roma Hale and Verna Knudsen. Weekend guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. Haien Ilttwrt were Mr. and Mrs. Sony Giles and daughter and Geridcan Gilbert In Sacrament Sunday ova-taAfton Roberta wai i tamed as work director the Relief Society. Pre-Finished Htfl Mr. and Mrs. Gerry end family of Linn visited and with his parents Mr. 4 x S Mrs. Byron Hall Sunday. AFTER THE Young Mar4 x7Pro Hrishfd Birch Panda of liWf, IJIJJB! jfrwttli grandparents Mr. and Joseph Bodily. Roland Olson of Salt Lake City spent several days vlsib-ta-g Lake City visited with their with his mother Mary Ol on. Mr. Mrs. Asa and parents They spent Sunday afternoon visiting with Bodily. Monday evening supper and Vernal Egbert. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Choutos were Mr. and Mn. Henry Drary. Clark Ingtot visited ta Salt Lake City and visited with Kent Webb. Paul Woodward, John King and Vick Jenson attended a Regional Basketball meeting PAB AIXi ta Montpelier, Sunday. Mn. Clarence Bennett and daughter Georgia Lae husband and daughter visited NED M. HUTCH1H1 with Mary Olson Friday. Weddton Anniversaries Nev. to the home of her Panter daughter, Evelyn where she and family of Thatcher took will spend the next few the wrestling team from lad with the Grace her mother, Mrs. MarNed- - months visiting. The Panters ley of Riverdale to the Salt returned to their home Sunteam at the Grace High Lake School. Grace won City airport on Sunday day evening. where she boarded a Jet to matches. Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leland Panter of C'eveland visited In Preston PRESTON CITY TREASURER'S REPORT at the home of his sister and Bert Per Quarter Ending December II, IMS family Mr. and Mrs. Neilsen. Balance on Hand Per last Report 7,027.45 Grace Harris and Dona Receipts: of Thatcher spent Foragren Licenses f 643.00 Springs Thursday In Soda Fines 440.00 where they enjoyed the d Taxes, General Fund 5,578.04 visiting Mrs. Douglas Wil ams. They also bowled. 1,100.24 Utawy Street Lighting Fund Mr. ana Mrs. Darwin Tal1,174.44 Recreation Fund 880.86 bot and son from Pocatello Sewer Frontage 108.75 were visitors at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Garbage 8,165.50 Water Cotmectlona 120.00 Dale Bennett In lhatcher the Water Bond Taxes past week. 3,816.56 Water Rent 16,857.84 18.00 1,807.00 187.24 -a THE CITIZEN. Lewiston. Utah 1994 Fairview Couples Observe GRACE TEAM WINS lLKVeLANu-GRAC- E Mr. and Sirs. Ronald GRACE Friday afternoon Permits January 28, 852-02- 41 REMODELING Salt Lake City has been visit Sue Ann Godderidge, na CACHE VALLEYS OWN tag ber son Mr. and Mrs. dairy princess from Smlthfleld, served Gov. lwin P. Smith and family George Romney of Michigan a glass of his favorite 25.00 In Thatcher, and a daughter drink, milk, during vtatthl ....: 1,721.72 and her family Mr, andMrs. 22J8 Ray Uoyd at their home-ISiflwiMMi 2,750.08 Grace. 2,268.44 liquor Milton of Mrs. Smith Thud Receipts ell Funds Thatcher spent some time In Arco assisting with taking Grand Total Including on HUnd 81008.06 inventory at the Chadwick Disbursements: Clothing Store. Llhranr Fund Mr. and Mrs. Neal Walton 10.35 Recreation mips and children of Ogden viaitad Street Lighting Fund Blto Maine with Us parents Mr. and UNROBE 19.05 'General Warrants Paid: Stevenson Is Supervising ElMrs. Ruben Coomba in Per DAYTON Mrs. Mytrio ried! party hrid ta Preston der in the area he is labor 82.12 Aram Illinois Streets in. His address la Bex Waddoupe' slater evening, those who EDls MR. AND MRS. la visiting with her and oth Saturday Water Pur went to the home of Mr. and 4 x I - W Ptrihlshed Mthnomy N.C. Asheville, of Thatcher have rerelatives for the next two Irs. Floyd Jensen for a Wright Of Linrose 87.70 Primary turned to their hone after end teachers Fire wen Mr. and Mrs. met at the home 28.76 4 x 7 - 16M Prafadehed Mnhegnay she spent a week in the hos- of Mrs. Harold Fir Mr. and Mrs. tone Hawks, Mr. and Mn. Stevenson of Schwarts viaitad Mrs. pital for a medical check-uMr. the home Barlow and Sewer Gilbert; AL 888.71 for preparation meeting. hH tests. Mr. and lira. G. F. Schwarts fonts (Mien, Mr. and Mrs. 806 moot 100 percent att MWap Mr. Mrs. and. LaClde the week. Health during In 206 the yim Larsen, Mr. and Mn. Coombs had her sister Vir- participated Mrs. Those from Dayton, attend-- g John King, Mr. and end of work 225 JWSJ ginia Lee and her husband Refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. the ftifid, Make R tamlsHall, served Legal 49217 and family from Twin Falls Hove Bodily, Mr. and Mn. Offices after class. practice wen 85.94 Enefe MAHOGANY 86 x 6617 as their weekend guests. and INTERIOR Mar- Bari Jensen, and Mr. Rhea Schwarts, Council, Clerk and Treasurer Jansen, Mr. Mrs. 96 x Eaeh Larin and 66 86 Bright Smith Jenifer Randall and Miscellaneous ilyn Balls, Marva Kent, Di- Mrs. William Harris. 846 Smith of Salt Lake City spent wore accompanied by lus. ene Verna Knudsen, Oneta Eaeh Lois INTERIOR BIRCH 86 x 66 Interest on Bonds 21 weekend with Jenifer's Bright's sisters, Mr. and Mira. MiltonBodrero, Reed Beutler, Hyde and Dorothy Gilbert Each 86 Total : 86x66 Perry, Perry, Milo Mrs. Hobbs end Qmald i, Mir. and Mrs. Nathan n Hand all Funds Nelson to Pocatello to visit Sharon Stevenson, Blair Wb went to AUie Bodily and visitaaspna m Thatcher. Bingham, ed and had dinner. sister, Mrs. Verna word, Norman Jeneflr and Randall have Steve Eton, Total Disbursements and Btianee on HUnd Terry Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie GunIn Merrill of la who Grace set February 2 as their wait nel of Medvflto and Tkessa Richard Gordon and Dailey The above is a true and correct of the Be ding date In the IDS Temple. the Pocatello hospital with Smith terr of WeBsville visited on broken hip .due to a celpts and Disbursements of my Office as MR. AND MRS. Don Paul caused by icy roads. The car Among those attending the taesday with Mr. and Mrs. shown by my Books. Kerr. Jenkins have moved I their srved and hit a poet Temple from Dayton Friday Elmer SteHaM. Pete-Mr. and Mrs. Orion Olson Subscribed sod sworn to before me this .20th day of trailer house hack home to The Linrose Primary ofB wen Mn. Mn Jensen, Mrs and family of Preston neat Niter. Mr. Jenkins 1984. cers and teachers recently en- Mary Jones, Mrs. Stella Dal Sunday afternoon visiting Orson A. R. Swainston, Notary Public school in Pocatello during the tertained their taubanda with toy, Mr. and Mn. with his mother Mary Olson. NriaoiL semester. first and Mr. Mrs. and (SEAL) a smorgasbord Mrs. Leo Peterson and son Lamotae Bennett son of Mr. program. Gerald Dailey. No. 639 PubUshed January 28, 1964 f Preston and Mrs. Uoyd Bennett of Mrs. Hal Redrisbach and Arden one day with Mr. and Mn. Viter who has bean viatttag children an visiting with reCoCtto. friends and relatival here and latives to Salt Lake City. FOR PROMPT PICTUP OF in Pocatello will return Jan and Mrs. Inland Pantar of Mr. WlOtom Btaggtil under MR- - AND MRS. Barnard Cleveland wen dinner guests went uary 23tp Walter BomIHo brief and family visited and major ntfugor at Oe had of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Pan- Logan L1S Hospital al In Washington, D.CL with Mr. and Tuesday. ter and family in Logan. A At the last report he was ha Mrs. supper Author treatments. Orion Olson family dinner was enjoyed and the proving. Thursday evening, MR. AND MRS. LaFaun afternoon and CAIXtl FOR FREE REMODELING evening Mrs Ida PhlQtos la Friday evutag, Shartoan Johnson and ' viatttag ng the wesk vtottiug wtth Bodily and friend Kay ColMed their vision. her dughtors In Richmond. lins and Brat Bodily of Salt Qy Mr. and nor in Liberty Sundmr. Mrs. MR. AND MRS. PHONE COLLECT LOGAN SX Skinner and girls win return Faraworth spent Tuesday In o Cleveland with her parents Ogden viatttag. By-Produ- cts to spend several days vlatttaf The Relief Society w Iimt anH of Cleveland Ward held their JUST SOUTH Of LOOAX tk mm bustaew SundayMr. and Mrs. Lqrta Panter of Thatcher and Mr. at the church building The day. Dinner wu eerved to about twenty women by (Ike Smith and Ethel John Two so.. wen quilts Products for Msure living on by the women and differ-klnd- s SEMES conw to you on Union Pacific... tho of hand work. The ChevriVsmtadle-of-tho-Un- o Chsvritoa most economical series Thaan two Supw Rport models ara series, the'. Planning The Use Of found but don't let its gentle price tag fori featurae retain! bucket ChovriUk itasrt. FmA Malibu, smts, many Resources" by clam dooMo-doo-r ta the two Super faort models. Like you. The 800 has all Chevrolets traIda Brito Wright was pra- carpeting and an all- ditional value and reliability. Full ell Chevellee, its a good foot shorter vinyl interior ta sawn colon. A wide Coll suspension. Body by Fisher, choice of tmmmhrions and utn-eothan big cam, making it easy to park MRS. LORIN Panter of r rocker panels. Your inside handle. Yet and Plus its a surprisingly engines. Thatcher spent a few days ten you all the rest. will dealer comfortable. whole host of other options. and spacious pevy at the home of her eon La mar Banter In Malad during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. LaFaun Jobw son visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bart Nielsen In Preston on Friday. Mr. Ntal sen has loft the m Sewer Rent Miscellaneous Sewer Connections Received from County Material Sold Highway Revenue the Lints Iritb io g Sitter ffinh In Dayton, Elder Ilamod Supervisor 51 Fas 20 Ponding V From Illinois - a 218 SPECIALS S7J3 S5J9 $125 get-ogeth- er Robert p $3.75 flusii Boons Marilyn 10 M hsnlatan $li9Dag Zonolile 008 nothing Down Dead And Useless Animals (HBBRCQ. ad J Mill Utah 5 Yean lo Pay r Co. Le-tit- ta CHEVELLE I by Chevrolet best about It b One of the things you'd son JJ. models to choose fronv ' automated railway st Flush-end-d- ce la hating better at 1 ry s CLEMJyonr otm DUGS and UNereouK UPD0LSTEDY raiomomuiy SffiSOi tkst prwids fissssrs for yser Miuri lours, fro si nafertsMs fsnltsri ts vtattor M or mmI, tolwWcs erystsi-du- r srs krssitt to yss SsrsMs sr psrishsMs Maqr products -- the sutometod aU, way. Tbrasiksri tta Writ, Ibe Itotoa Psdfie Ul rssd esrrfss tbsss products sstob as4 yirssiid, backs by nadirs csnnsiicatioas sod traffic csstrds, nam nsiinsn shipping sffldsncy. ; Wbatavsr, sbsssvar . . . yos ship frssi, to Md route thronghont tbs Wsst . . . bs specific swiftly-Skille- I Ts r 400011 MCAT STATION MOON d r THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS ChovroM CheveBe Chevy II Conrair Corwtte aloe-Iron- Uaios Pacific. ..r UNION ?IFI( See them at your Chevrolet Showroom ?' SEE THE WEST MEAL& FAMILY VACATION FS0U A DOUEUNEk SWESS FARE! MS MCCABE ALLOWANCE. STOWES PMVILE6E& . - '' ; U.GLFnmilnro . i - Co. f ; . i . y ' . h. ' V PHONE U Tl' 152-ll- fl If't 6, . j V i.f ii |