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Show & r OP t . I. CHE VALLEY ' One grade school student 'Buffered fractured Jaw and 4 broken leg and Mvro ot&tt suffered, minors Injuries when a school 'bus 'Snipped on the Glendale road Friday. !, SUFFERING the bones was Nell Owen. 9, son . of Mr. and Mrs. Clarsncn Owen. He was taken to the Preston Hospital and then; transferred to the primary hospital In. Salt Lake City. t. According to the sheriffs, office, the driver of the bus The annual bership reported that he puPed thejneetlnf of theBlack bus to the right of the road.bH days will be held op to allow a carte pass. Under January SO In the dub the mot where he pulled rooms. During the annual over mere was a washmuttat meeting, .two directors will ned to serve for a was covered with snow. P199 year I Whan th bus hit the meeting win start at out. Urn back end whipped to! T the east of the road throw-frround ; fai l Directors whose terms ex- - Annual Black And White Days Group Voices Me uuhvtteJJNG JOB Individual counseling with the student on educational, vocational or problem solving situations Is the corner stone of the school counseling. Here Vance Hendricks Is helping Susan Jones at North Cache. and LaMar Spackman. .During the meeting pic- tures of last yearsshow will be shown by Ariel . pwdSOn and food speaker has been aj to give a short talk. invited Invitations nave been extend- d to several-apodaguests, Tfae dates for this years annual show have been set l P-- y. . . THERE were 25 In the bus at the time. Others Injured included; , 13, a brother of Nefl: 7, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Later Owen: Laxali,. 14, and Wayne, 9, dddroa os Mr. and Mrs. Vdoy Au Lynn, 14. son of Mr. Mrs. Verl Auger; Dennis, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs.; Blatoe Webster; and Steve, 9, son o( Mr. and Mra. Bertas They suffered cuts Won. THEY were treated at the Preston bvpftyi e jdonsod Friday or Saturday morning.. Driver of the hna was R. Thomas Pettarboig. Mr.Pet-terborgave aid to the inand then went students jured to the HOnry Ashcroft home for aid. j students wen bring taken home from the Whitney V&LV; Ijgj Jfcajl'fcgy '. eob i. ,' " i r ' hfanerif,' to undo cl fei stand his talents, Ml strsn- - The la to prepared hytoe fife. dlibtet esphhtag tte verim pfltggQgL Sjidtvkiui! to ,, "to . stake class ftnnty Sdiocls aH petrous to contact, the Dote of the Mte.l2aK.Free. ." " ' - b CSSS teigft sffS0 J toUtah.Bnnr--; : y I V . "tover an In $&& rjs5 pd Junto, toe , I "T? " sff ssrj"1 totsssi Junior High after January 20, Next week: SpdHag - ? , l was reported week with tov and toehes on the Wed- - and y' stu-the- lr , , axs .. 2:30 the tafOrmatlon nquked counselors. by The counselor acts as a vL tel bridge between school and working life of the stu-analysis, dnL In the flail the counselors wort Is done whan the student Is able ly . , ' BOT THE protoctlrs , i ( ' mlttae. said -- - that ullheiaiflM imuM . pjn. . 3:30 d g?!! a destruction vmii chool suftoring or lou of tax 5rJct ro- - U0HI n P.L..r fTHwlOBlMl I "A Snowman Safari" was of the North Cache Future Homem akers of Am- erica mooting held Jauuarv S3 at NotoCache. The ms takea frosa toeobjectives of ton National FHA program tot theme ne g.d d ew-tote- . FbrtbmlugJtanta Betetteuahlpi. Each m-tewas requertsd to host s cMld of : sge aal a, bon hmch f gnride themselves and their neit itt the aMcers provhfiMtoe drink end deerort. w pre-scho- ol t ( ATTENDS MEETING Velde P. , . GENERAL sessions for stake population - general Ifr formation rod two "In Thine Own Way ' gSjS$ri8?e8t CASPER MERJUUi To Addrooi MIA leader rod secretery, 5:55 p.m. . Commander J. Earl Ran-o- f toot Ameri- som can Impen meeting will be held January 27 at 8:00 p.m. In the dub rooms at Lewis-to- e tom. An excellent program Is plumed pins initiation of new members. He urges that all members attend. 9Lff00,ei rim . Utaflual nwsw:v . Stoke Wei ton , pm. to 3:5S pm. Stake presidency and General Welfare, representative, 4 p.m. to 4:30 pm repreeenta-five- , Genealogical stake presidency, high council, andfblshoprics. riaka and ward Genealogical can- - forualn tewfcuitai ! jm-Tfa- to tel. Statewide, Of 1963 bond sales reached ly fiadhrldoM t according to ygb of 21J mil-'The taxhvlduall V Interests are rriated to ap-- SSld1lSS.,,ia!S tlon. Teachers supply much ,?' MM. dm Brods dur-Decembor totaled 24J95 toe total stoee for HM i A, . faro committee and Junius of toe General PrissT mfrt, Jackson hood committee in attend-gai- t 'from 7 p.m. to once. President Casper W. Guest speaker ( will A;, b e Purcell as toePtoistructour1S the Photo- Pab Logm, wffl Merrill, a tamer tatoe evening MIA confer-- PresidentprMidgnt fonM,. Tbi conference aesskm "lkta,t 01 will be held in the Lewiston del musical numbers wm be ward chapeL by e Rkimiand Quer- S . PRESIDING at toe conta , ence will be President Sybner G. Jessop, first counselor in the Benson stake presidency. President T. S. Holt, stale president, wm be unable to ettomd the conference wwrions because of a heart attack. Tbe schedule for the Sabir-da- y iimhuif of the conference Maude: General wefare representative, stake presidency and scretary 2 p.m. to ' SwifS V V - contribution ' Cache ' Counhr achkvod tor'a realistkeod chalMglni of Its quota program for their chOdrsn. the sale ef U. 8. Saving 1 ernes A. chalnnen of the 2taomnme with tos county bond orgenlHon. that i 'v 7 p.m. ofwater have begun thrir whiter see-- pm. with Arid Benson as the fined two sion and mors people are instructor. to Mr. Bonaon. One is hfuf the PERSONS htarsried to n holstering, taught by. E. Ar- - fsef of water. IMS 'land wonM rolling In the open desses thur CoUfais, and a dess to . could n o should contact ur, Bonson taUoriu. taught by Mm. Ban First-Fourt- h de-oth- er iuj or phone ' -- Hen, 's, ttetr.. necessary ft, Welfare, GenealogyMenS3 JSPglJltS Due For Conference mMxnTSiM iqttTg 1984. tan-man- the parents ara encouraged to cooperate1 with the and' make' Wod- to 10 0 h ,' mw wasreperted to quarterly Benson Stale under the tinctioa of the atSouth Cache HUh Schod. el etattea whh If loehes moats Monday andcourse Oneida W. wffl be held Satur- - MIA executives. Taking port 222 5225L. TMirston conference Stephen Thnnday from to M ...Y p.m. 9:J0m. " Wedaesday. SvSop V jrith Attrad ta a special family ecene trill mSSo JST ""T oo-- mg. wmid ' The net effect would give be-dan- Sy jj i. on jfSS .Tbk tamnnation his all upational choke. The coun- - THROUGHOUT Hug services of the Cache work, the Coutoktr trial to County Schoo's forms an iro- - wkhhrid his own Judgement, portent part of the total gut even Ms stroug'y held process and Involves liefi, to the stogie most Individuals.' Teacrers portant requirement or cessftol counseling- - TIm counselors specialists to the per-- cislons to be made are the aonnOl program are united In students perhaps too efforts to estimate toe dent and Ms parents - hot of each individual In never those of the eouni choOL to Mm and Ms parents" toe opportunities available to him, end assist In provtatang him. with educational which will assure seloct courses il a i V. s SBIr, Lewiston Jtanlor to may coma through hla own wgrS? High, g oboeryatlons,schoql records, SSeWTSto parent Interviews, test moms gH? Ed iSdch espriS 5 and of course any Informs- at dmemiyoiie murt make a dwc- PROFESSIONAL and ex- - into.' Tho studonts i , taSSSrSpt. 9 25 counselor. this-effort- Cali !. myiro .w lu both Utah too ortotoal Arial Bonson Photo ' Miho protested ltwsuld beef u one fdtom hwotaeM peace of mtodR depend y-on how much bommr like the way ho earns a Bring. Tfasrs Is no need to rush Into a Utah of Lewiston work on n dWr cMssatNorih Gsche fa& school - ' to In . ONEDU STAR3N end diacMi the'uro- - tv Bair, Gsmeelsr sdtog program la the person- - gnm of thrir bays end gW. tor NOrih Caehe High Sehsd dMorvtow (maDy e eeriei- fuka evory effort to make j of Interviews) with the indta- im Hut children ere S Gboostag and plaaalag ones idual stndsnL Whsther into-- obtaining fia opporUmlniw toad by the student himself, Ufa work Is much (too gg portent for a map derision, by the studmt'i pnreuto, or school. to drift Into tbi Uni twill ,Tll?i,. tamrvNW emroiiw tuwUp tha IS that brings Into view nil ef the line of work Job all stfld1 ... i A k. By Ansae W. 5 nny th pbg. -- . Cache Ssfaeel . the pi4iwi , f 22 and May 22. Vfl Following the feaeral mem- w bership meeting, the . board o( director wm matt ml RtVOT Protective Bear nriratitoji fnr thm nir1, Anm Committee said Tuesday that a the U. S. Bureau of Reclaim- Dboanl nclue EM A tlon "with the fun support of nis, H. G. Taylor, Howard the State of Utah Is making Anderson, and James T. Mu; every move to infract ana violate the Bear River comray. pact, THE ASSERTION was in a statement by the Committee headed by chairmen Lloyd Dunn. Georgetown. It was based on a study of a revised plan by the Bureau of Reclamation for development of the Bear River project Gov. Robert E. Smylie said earlier the revlaed man Ms qualified support i BUT THE protective mittee said toe revised Man did not reflect any substantial remedial action from that contained fat the original, proposaL fis effect on Wyoming and Idaho, which Joined Utah In the Bear River Mt, would be, the commit said, "to stills their Justifiable this In face of .the fact lamsltee and twice amount of water la available la the State of Utah to make of at reasonable costs. THE BEAR RIVER for construction of n Jsct dam at Oneida Narrows la tbs Beer River n fow mltae upstream from the with g School Counselors, Vance Hendricks pod Amos Bair,' North Cache REGISTERING High School, are currentlyipending many hours on next year's registration. Hdp-In- g students register fade the programs of moot value to mam la one of the school nn ni If) KK flflll pire are 'William R. Harris for May and ' ?5tH McSISgSl Cm WaiiPlMi drmeaof toe rod "Eter- nity Is Now, 7pm. to 9pm. rSLSl 0naB - AND GLEANER CLAM NEARS Plans are bring made for a dess for and Gleaners of toe Benson stoke wMck wffl belield ifonday at 7:30 p. m. at Am Lewiston word chapoL Lenders of too clasi wm bo Helena and B Andrews of Tkonton, Gleaners, rod Bruce Allen of Cove, Mr. Allen wffl teach toe dess. AH ingle persone of toe stake between toe ages of IB rod 30 ara N M-M- en First-Fourt- h M-Me- n. 1QVX6Q 10 81111 b haW tod- - eonmomontten of urdey, January 2S at 8:30 ny M toe tamSS RJn 111 to Qiltunl Han. of toe anodatlbn. baSuM a muk furnished b y membwrttohas d by Cache Choir toe Slmmonda-Hanaeordws-- as too mzJEZ thS Norto. dlractlon of Stnt- - tra. Floor show to bo held gdro at B:30.Everyono tehnttod nursMlu good ta ses- - to attend. Dance .Tha directors Invited locol sions wffl start nt 7:30 pm. ara Mr. and MA. ML War. district orgaSdteiL n MvasarayjflWSLS Jnatoranco X':. : |