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Show JS '.' 'AWM'1:! r " wiwv Vw t l Dlak CfMk Brills LIuim liisi Jaaury I, INI THE CITIZEN, Lewtotea . Utah , Han Honored Brothers, Sisters Gather or Mink Creak Dinner Save Jail Purchased Duett's Dew We On Birthday Thursday. night at the Clyde drove a truck and VUaar MR. AND MRS. W JLCrana Iva Lon and Rhonda Bowmen home aQ the broth- Ransom drove a for Calif, for the holidays senses spent the hoUdahs with UNROSE sleigh. Five er! and sisters gathered for Monday. They 'left from Og- their parents the J. Lloyd celebrated the birthdaycoup1 STEVEN WE8TERBERG of dfamer. Those present were on den to the train visit A. Nash, with a supper at the Mr. and Mrs. Burke ' God- - era of Mr. and Mrs. Rhssell friends and relatives. Mr . Nelson, son of Nash home. Games and ton tar and family of Clarkston Wester bene, is home from Mr. and Mp. Keith Crane and Mrs. Douglas Nelson has followed the supper. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bodget Ricks College for the hoik mission ehiMwm received a and and Mr. and Mr. and Bin. D. A. Nash of Roy, Utah, Mr. and Mrs, days. Mrs. Rex Crane and children South New Zea'and. Mr. and Mrs. Brent her parents as Chriak Don McMee and family enjoyed .Thursday night the mas dinner guests, Mr. and visited his parent, pent Christmas Eve together. Rasmussens Sunset, Utah, Mr. and Mrs a enjoyed supper Mrs. Lorain Karren of Lewis-toLaVon Bowman, Mr. and the Weldon Rasmussen for Dinner and games at the Lorin Idler home. played. Utah. a week during the ho: ' Mrs. Swend Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rex Crane The Lorin Kel era visited The Llnrose Ward Green He and Ms wife ion, and Dolores WenseU with Mr, and Mrs. and family visited Gem, Rob, and Gold Ball was enjoyed Waah. i MR. AND MRS. Keller on Christmas Day. Ronnie Spokane, Montand Blake Nutter In by all who attended. Cnrisk Mr. and Mrs. Larry Keller and children, Mr. am for Christmas dinner. MR. AND MRS. Earl Find, mas Island was the theme. pelier and children visited Mrs. Bud Keller and children Keller family ley of Lanark visited the The theme song was sung by Mr. The GPenn Mr. and Mrs. Sam Almom her parents Mr. and Christmas BlU on Day with Lorin Kellers over the bok Venice Poulsen, Anita Pouk Chambers Christmas. ipent Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Keller sen, Augle Homs, accompthe idays. parents Geralynns and sons Trent and Ray visitMRS. DWIGHT Wilde spent mond Hobbs In iJwiw Raydinner guests at the anied fay Janice Bingham Sunday ed at the hone of Mr. and The visiting her slater and LAST SUNDAY dance in cosMr. Mrs. Percy Keller. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Da'e tume was a of Smlthfield, tba feature. Larsen Mrs. were special and Mr. Mrs. Glenn Keller took Mrs. Richard KeHei, am of Mr. Armond Smarts. Also other special numbers and Sant Mri.Mary Raymond his Elvina mother, Keller, and Mrs. Nathaniel Ketter, and the floor show. Christmas dinner guests at Larsen, Dales mother. and Gary Keller. son of Mr. the home id Keith Crane were to Layton, Utah, Bir. and Birs. Carl Bingham Old friends will be glad to and Mrs. Percy seller sprat Mr. end Mrs. Jade Ransom-tw- o some time with her and family were dinner guests know Birs. Ervin Linen Is and bar family seveal days with Garys sison Christinas at the Indian Fred since recovering satisfactorily ter, Mr. and Mre. 8am Ak dren who are living with the Facklers. Bfriam her recant surgery, aye mood In BountlfuL and Birs. Lorin Bright forgers, Sn a r tone The Ronald Bairds spent Bir. and Birs. Burner Baird The MIA had a candling Ransomberger, and at Idaho Bk Christmas with her parents guests Jerry and their Children Judy, Tad at the homes of their rail the Loyde Bennetss. party. It waa really fun and dofl, Bir. and Hal and rad all there enjoyed the spirit Dean Bhum-an- d tan, Christmas dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Almond Harold Baird and their of friendship. Bryce Egtey ttie James Baird home visited her parT.amir way and won of Bountiful Jin, enjoyed a Christthe Shop11111 Llndhardts bba rots on Christmas Eve.' the gbter mas Ethdinner Mr. and Birs. Lorin Bright prepared for Percy Kellers. the James L. Bairds. el Baird. , ware visitors over Gfafahw Mr. Mrs. Keller and Percy WOODROW The Croak at the homes of their children visited Bonnie with the Kek J!r., and old Mink Creeker, lers on Christmas Christmas blowout was bald Venice and Lera Bell family Day. camde down for foe holiday at the Verdon Hansen home. I at Hoope Utah, and Mm Lorfrom Boise. He stayed with ALL OF THE children but Evenr person on Station in D. Bright rad family at his brother Stanton and Bry- one ef the Swend Anderson Creek pea present at this Layton, Utah. ant Nelson. family were home for Christ- affair. Ervin Lan mas. They are Mr. and Mrs. ded of ion Rassmnssen, Lyndon Fiaaklia Mr. and Mrs. WeUon Rau- Lynn Jensen and children,- WEDNESDAY evening Mr. Mr. AnderMrs. Albert rad ls home from USU rad Mrs. Douu Gntteth, Elder Alba Is the son of Mr. on and children rad Mr. and Bir. for the holiday. and Bin. Leeral Jenin, and Birs. Bartolo Alba- - of Mrs. Melvin Anderson. and Bir. and Birs. Freamoa Franklin. Sergio (Checo) left The Relief Society A Christmas dinner was Jensen at for his field of labor Friday heir' annual Christmas parspent the prepared by Mrs. LaDawn the Dwight Wilde evening home. after spending one day In the ty. The room was decorated Jensen. Those present mission Home In Salt Lake gifts w Leeral Jensen Hoiday visitors at Mrs. and Mr. ram was Blelroy Larsens were Joyce City for a few instructios. and sons Val and nffet lunch waa served to Mr. and Bin. Eddie Robert, Sorenson of Cornish, Utah, Jensen GET all present. and sim Todd, and Mr. and Dean Pearson and Judy SPE CAUGHT KEL CRANE was In Salt Mra. Lorin Hampton. Dean Pearson rad Judy SpenHotense Larsen and Linda cer. Rebecca Hawkes alio vk Lake City Monday for midk sited. cal attention. Mrs. Bonnie Larsen visited Wh the bough breaks and in Iinrose with Mrs. Terry Vaughan Larsen rad famand Mrs. you an op to your week ha visted with his parents, ily bow, jroull wiah yoa hadah Christmas visitors at the Bar. and Birs. Norman Larwaited to fix younelf ooaw Ion-eoatom windows. Do It bow! freamon Jensen hone wen sen on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leeral Jensen GARY ERICKSON, sen of BONK GREEK Iftaaay with Wmrr' XASY-OThe Blink Window Kite. Ooateia and the Wayne Boyack fam- - Bir. and Birs Floyd Erickson, Creek Elementaiy Schools is home from BYU for the Christmas Operetta was held Mr. and Mrs. William Holts holidays. and DeVar Hultz enjoyed diBir. The Christmas program in recently. The tile was nner at the Reamon Jensen Sacrament meeting included Grumpys Toy Shop," under 'home Friday evening. a talk by Dan Jepaen on tiie direction of Birs. Elaine The Crating of CmsL"Rk chard Keller talked on The Westerberg and Birs. Ramoo f na Crane. Bin. Veveriy Nek Coming S x I The ladles choral son wu the piano accomp- croup consisted ef Mrs. Rena anlit. Organ prelude was Bin. Gloria JmMyed Grrae lml Myr- TVE BURNELL Bairds vklna Keller. The announcer wul gedtoeCtoUs Foremans Lee Keller.. Janiton wen Christensen. Shane Kel--1 Wfld LETTEB SIZE. Wiide. Mr. Grumpy was play-- 1 iS, night ed by Sidney Hansen. Four Elder Richard V S 1 Rass-muss- i Tad en .ware Rass-muss- I THE NEWEST AUTOMOBILE m ADVANCEMENT FOR! PRESERVING YOUR ' en A Quiets ail-glr- la RaadNelp PECIAL OFFE- D- -S- Prevents Dust From n FOR DECEMBER AND JANUARY chil a. AUTOBIOBILE '.lift We Win Undercoat Year Aatomohfle 17.56 FOR ONLY OEUminabs Cutty IMS Added If UMarride Needs AKES ONLY I -T- HOURS TO DR- Y- Adds , VALUE Iritis held PHONE the teal ears 1 PALMER . 1 EEE4SU IT I FIBST-OF-THE-YEA- R HiakCreek Leslie OFFICE Presents Play ot AIL YOUR ON LIMB N SUPPLIES FILE BOXES DOOEBEEPIIIG SYSTEMS I '. tj 1011001 V Cut With Shears & Tack - 4 . CH MTS Jack-i-the-bo- TkerearesoPentiaco Two-Gu- grand-chlkfe- I I MO yea aajr yon wanted to eT-- 17. Marik REGULAR Inventory Pads : C . . . 59c . 1 ; SUB fUt MIH SAVINGS . Desk Doodle Pads N X 17 - . ... PERFORATED Desk Blotters WHITE OR BROWN PADDED HOLDERS FILE FOLDEDS MEDIUM WEIGHT. Letter Size BLACK Legal Size IU8PER BOX OF . IN SHEETS IN FQeGnides S TO , fCOPIEI - REa H7I IN SHEETS Sxl.4sS.lxS Jb - Legal LETTER SIZE I POST . BINDERS x jwvy JMy 9x12 : m . i I BEG. $SJS PUDCDASE Complete APPOINTMENT AND From 75s Andorron Co. Each 7c IN SHEETS HeovyDnly Lubbr . . STANDS FOR ALL AT USED CARS, TOO Pokser lopbncnl Ceapsny r- 7e Ho. 17 I SPECIAL IWsreflotfotf dltatirtinodsUtochoowfromJ 6000 REGULAR a gyttbWIMMMk HE MAS A WiDE CHOICE OF w GO SLEIGHING Mr. , .and FRANKLIN Bin. Ben Porter took their a Sunday School clau sleigh riding party on Thursday afternoon. Refreshments were served following the fun. ttdflff . xu Bo-Pe- ep Town Sn WMo-ffirac- li eadthat tDo. 13 or 19 Bluger-Chrlstin- 81 . CALEDDAD PADS theaSga' On PHONES nml M , FILLED SDEEISv ; Pbytd n rhriatmai7 Jensen attended Bin. Emma Christensen eral days ago. Bwm Davis Leoy Egley, Eddie Crane, dark and Jensen. The wood-- ! telephoned her parents were They Cra- Christian Jensens from Las Stanford J6M61L Kelton I 0t Vegas Christmas Dgy. . Keller and Wayne Wilde. BIBS. CHRISTIAN Jen sen J The dolls were Danlta Chris-an- d son Biark visited Birs. tensen, Sheri Larsen, e Hawsner on Christ-- 1 ete Olson, Biary Ann hrist- mas Eve. lensen, Jayne Keller and Mil-li- e Olson. The Christmas Ansi wu Roxun Crane. were . Roxanne Hansen, Randy Jensen. was JoAnn Jepsen.Boy Blue wu Craig Larsen. n Teddy wu Jay Verdon Hansen. The stuffed toys Lisa Crane, i Louise KePer, Myraa Keller and LuAhn Nek on. The moonbeams Jacalyn Hansen and Nancy Olson. All of these parts were memorised along with about 15 or 20 songs. Out of town guests , Birs. Paul Jensen, Birs, Low-t- il NeDay, Bir. rad Bin. Grant Dockstader, Bir. and Birs. Oicar WUde and rad Superintendent jWlHlam Ward and his wife and daughter. PRESTON LUMBER CO. S52-0I8- Majgaga.toa FunMLaiimnM i COMPLETE BOOKS TOR SPECIAL SERVICE a phoned BY IDEAL f jjfi 'r.'i' PHZITOW ROLL NOTE v - |