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Show X ' THE CaiiZEWt Ltwlrtoa, Pith 1 Jnyl, IW soOut WtllMI frith Clifton Family Spends Holidays fai Utah i.jv - Iritis Open House Honors Clifton Couple " WESTON Mr. and Mrs. i four oldest girls, DlaneJoyce I Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Sfaum-wa- y CLIFTON An open bouse They left Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. GJenn.Ander-se- n L. W. Merrill Joined their Jano and Wean stayed for a home Wednesday evand daughter Mariya and had Christmas with was held December 27 to with the. prand-Mr-s. their : son John visited Saturday af'.'V' daughters family Mr. and few days, ening. honor . family of Mr. Wm. and Mn. the daughters . Charles Bush in Sat wrents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. ternoon with his sister and MR. AND MRS. Ray Boyd Stewarts. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson mi their 80th wedLake City on December 24 Potter. family Mr. and Mrs.- - Charlie Baand and for a supper. A musical proJean and Bin Corbridge, Boyd Stewart also attended ding anniversary at their leen drove Gayland Bailey. to Moreland, Ida. gram was given by the cntld-ren- and daughter of Downey were a pary in North Logan at home in C'lfton. All the fain-Il- y Sunday to attend Sacrament Gifts were was home except some of exchanged guests at her mother Sadie the home of Mr. and Mrs. the grandchildren, two of mooting and the Testimonial and Santa appeared. Christ- Welsnns home. They wet to Eugene Tjmdm.1. for Kiln Christensen Mmuqum. mas morning - the - Mer ills Cornish to visit Annie Box- whom are on mlislons.Tbose who Elder la entering the mission The Michael Griffiths went to Ogden and had Christ- ton. Fadta staved at her sisof the family that wen home January IS for his mas with their children, the ter Annies to attend the North Ogden wore visitors ai were Mn. Jack (EUse)Harrls home mission to the Great Lakes the Jesse Griffiths and Rem and daughter Deann of Chico Lynn Pitcher family. They doube wedding anniversary returned home and on the for Mr. and Mrs. Gem But- Griffiths homes and w 1 th Cal, Mn. Gall McHugh of Mission, with headquarters at: 27th they went again to Rich- ter and her s'ater.Mr. and them attended church In the foaho Fans, Mr., and Mn. Fort Wayne, Ind. After the mond to share this Christmas Ms. Joseph Hansen. Many Dick Henderson and family services they went to the fun with the Sam Austin fam- other Weston neime attended of Clearfield, Utah, Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Golden eBoycd Mn. DeLoy (Karon) Baker Christensens, Kata's parents, the party. Friends from for ily. .... Christmas day with her nar-- end three children of ParaTHE SYLVAN Morgan fam- end near attended to G. Doane family dise, Utah, and Max xho Is and visited. The services ware ants the THURS..- - FRL. ily of Pocate'lo were Christ- the couples many y held ln foe Moreland' Second Utah. at Richmond, at home with his together. hanplneu parents. mas guests at his mothers JAN.- Ml On Friday Mrs. L o rifle JUNE AND Patsy Anderson Mn. Henderson's stator Mn. Ward. and brothers homes, They net Henderon of Preston aso visited at the Call homo Heath and daughter Leona have returned homo after and bar daughter, Esther Lake Cltv ra. having the Chrlsteia holidays in Logan. Christie Morgan of Butter nr Pocatello with danghtr-we- Merrill of Preston and Mn. 1HURS., FRL, SAT. Salt Lake City also had Chris- led on Myrtle Morgan on thatr J In Crier a Phillis Ware of Ogden, also tmas wkh the family. tnPocatelio. They had JAN. with them a daughter Lula Mrs. Jean Bauch and family. her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Earl Howell and sons Gain SAT., MON. were Christmas Day Lott and three children of and and fawtiu of TTenton. of Flotheir JANUARY IMS guests daughter Eritfs Ogden. Many friends called ra Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eck of COMPANY at foe Hebtt THREE BIG DAYS at foe home to wish them wel Ogden.. Featare Sterte Till aad 1:11 NORMAN Jorgeneen home on Xnday and Meaday tharo Hie Melvin McKay family day were her brother Mr. and from Salt Lake City hai bean MR. AND MRS. Arthur PS win be any ana shswteg enjoved the Christmas party Mrs. J. B. Barker of Nawton, visiting at the home of her MON. AND WED. of the Wallace Chatterton Utah. sister Mrs. Lula WilUams for vey had all their family jiawif ligtantog at I p. m. Sr Christmas a few days several days. family held a the H a yit Pnwiii Coburn Hi JAN. early on Sunday. They a'l Whitehead home in Franklin. tag with Infection after his Mr. mn M iiw.i..n '10171X1100 enjoyed dimer and note. Gifts were exchanged. Moat recent 'operation. He Is in a Thatcher is after Those that were home were: incoming of the family members were Salt Lake City undergoing sugary onnii ear Mr. and Mix. Don Taylor of Hospital Vereen and Ruby Wuftow in an Ogden hospital Cove, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. visited on Wednesday with b- THE awrjiA EoHar Zed Griffith and frailly of A group of ladles mot Hu wm Seven Academy daughter Kathleen and gathered at bar home o a their Abbott Jberty, Utah, Mr. rad Mrs. and children in foe home of Mrs. MUL Grant Christmas Eva. A program Jay Awards Povey and family of Deaa Marita, Geraldiae and supper wen enjoyed by Pocate'lo, and with Colleen Mendenhall when fogy spont American Falls, Ida., Mr.and son Russels family of Ox- and Dennis Jessop and chil- foe day quitting. A hihm? Mix. Leonard Povey and fam-gPage, Yvette Mhrieax was saved. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ford, and daughter Rota of dren at Burley, Idaho. of Clfton, Mr. and Mrs. ( Salt Lake City. Daughter Da, CLAIR LARSON and famMr. and Mrs. Lortn Hoopes ylvin Morgan and fomPy of Feateie Staits 7:21 and 1:11 JANUARY and Rex Henderson of Day-to- n ily and John Larson and a of Thatcher enjoyed foeatello, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon ADMISSIONi were there alio. LadDe friend Mbs Patterson are gue- and visiting In Canda at the Povey and family of Sunset, g chlldrea ZSe and Drew Glenn of Logan. sts of Orba Larson and with home of their eon and family Jtah, also Mrs. Poveys sis-Violet and Devon Dawson of her attended church in the Mr. and Gary Wlnd'ey. Mrs. Bferie Peterson and Logan, and LaVel and Evan ward. Mrs. Dorothy Roholt left son Michael of Preston. They Kouer and families of WesThe N. S. Bastian family for Germany where she will ill returned homo In the ton were also there. gathered from far and near Join her husband Gall, who Is William Benrix Mr. and Mrs. LaVel Roller on December 22 for a family in the service there. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . . Mrs. Rory Calhou and family visited her par- party. There, was a hot din- Roholt made foe trip by Jet drove to Sunset, Utah, to Utah Lewialon, ents at Garland Utah. The ner and a program. dons to spend Christmas day. plane. ni-turn- I Cro-sha- w h . . J tMy flfllR mm . L - - . - . Dram of Africa' 1 w I v f-I- MSn-gha- n Dye Dye Dirdio' dmluUiM - - 12-1-1. 'Toys h The Attic' PRICE Of Arabia" y. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING ARRIVALS 11-1-7 "Young And er eve-enln- The Brave1it Conunnnily g. Theatre . SECOND - t - BIG WEEK H- y - UP TO THE MINUTE FASHION FURNITURE AT LOW, HERES YOUR CHANCE TO BUY BRAND NEW WE LOW. DISCOUNT PRICES . . . THIS FURNITURE DIDNT GET HERE IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES ON IT SO TO MOVE IT OUT BEFORE INVENTORY WEVE MADE THE BEST BUYS EVER. HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES: , .. 1 I .t 2 BEAUTIFUL PIECES Nowi foe time to Move Up jhe yonagest and get the bay of the year on me ef theee ' 1 lx Feam Rabber Caehteai Extra Deep 4 Real Feam Backs Cemfort Seta . ; . Zipped K. De-hu- Levdty Seta m . . , . AIL SETS REDUCED Reg. S2MJI MUST MO VE PRICE Save Up To ONLY ST Biscnil Back STUDIO EXTRA DELUXE ELECTRIC Clothes Dryer COUCH Njks Cover, append - Feam Rabber CasMms. Makes late Bed. Large Extra Heavy Cosstruetieu Selecttoe of Celan Removable Back. Makes Into , t a Bed. A Sensational Buy AT ONLY Not TUi is the Finest a stripped dewa medeL 4 Surface Urits, 2 Large, Csetrri Temperatare Antomatie Time Dial Speed Flow Drying, Lifetime Pomiala Finish Mlaate Mlader, Cteck, Ovea Timer, FuD Wldtk Storage Drawer Inside aad I. oil REG. $1NJI , . , 1 LIVING ROOM SET . HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC J - ,4 1 VA . SWIVEL AND PLATFORM Box Springs p ONLY : ROCKERS .AND SPRING FTIAED . Early Ameriem aad Modem v ''mm- Styling waitresses AND ODDS AND ENDS WAUL' SHELVES ; SAVE UP TO , r Price VALUES TO am THESE ARE JUST A FEW SAMPLES OF THE SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE BUY AT COST OR BELOW COST WE MUST CLEAR OUT BEFORE INVENTORY. - - Vetoes to SUMS MUST CLEAR PRICE ONLY ' 5&5HP SOME MATCmNG SETS Valxee to MMS V EACH WHILE THEY LAST TABLE AND FLOOR UpvTo 50 |