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Show I' I. t ' 1 4-- TBE CmiBf, Utah Lowfotee, January!, 1N4 ForestRanger District Reports Successful Year Pirates, N ,.. ; The Preston Ranger Dist- total was broken down lntoior rode a horse through the follows Items as by Ranger forest rict has had a successful year Roberts: All ofthese people beneaccording to Ranger Ralph neat fited from the clean, FIYEPERMTITEES Roberts. grav ced of them Most bead of for 10,583 campgrounds. sheep To begin with, Ranger Roanlmd months, and spent soma money In the area about lOjOt berts reported that 141 permittees grazed 3,541 ning to or from tho National 145,000 was spent on the Forest. In addition to c'ean-ln- g of cattle for 7,508 head this Preston Ranger District and maintaining all of the conThis months. a has year. Of his total, almost siderable faniMm on the lo- campgrounds, several m were made. win on Friday, 50 to43, $31,000 went directly into tho cal production of both-sheeImprovements salaries of DUrlct personnel, and cattle. Prata winbouncing Roberts said that v i Ranger on Sat which in tarn Is spent lo back wllh a onlv three Pres In were there to addition In 15 this, for food, clothing, rent, nrday. miles of range fence were the Preston Ranger District NORTH CACHE and West TWO PEOPLE ; . it , ant-m- ' ' t i Wenteda - : Plrateo ,jrr 1, and North Cache Bulldogs over the wbekond wfih Bulldogi posttag' tho first aavaral ado traded loads; times before the i Buldoga want ahead to star. Tha core at the end of the first the quarter was 1 tor ,'?halfBulldogs, but at the time they trailed BID. The count at the break between the final two quarters was 4$e$. ployed ftin time, me person part time all year long and six people on a seasonal basis. The rest ofvthe money was spent on equipment rental, aupp'les. ana contracting. Much of this money returns to the local economy. The public, he said, receivV Bull- ed the complete protection led tho Jariiftge and management of 155,000 dogs with 13 counters and acres of National Forest land, lrBarootf had 11. McKay and fire protection on an addihtt 13, Smith 11 and Sheph- tional 17,000 acres of Forest land. .This erd 1$ for WestUda. Sliver Sabs GSnM - J.v ; v.;v - I' nDKHtfr ' Phono . 853-Q34- were controlled. Several other fences and water developTWENTY-THRE- E timber, ments were matntatnd ; or sales were made on the District during 1963. The total improved. RANGER ROBERTS ntiffl-ate- d volume sold was 47637 board 5555 corral that almost 79,000 people fret of sawtimber, and 500 fence 18-1- all. . . 47-4- 3V . . posts. po'ea, visited the Preston District This winter, S3 Christmas In 1963 for recreation par-- 1 trees were sold to local chu poses. Some of them' used the4 trees were sold to local 106 developed camping and church and civic groups.Last picnic units on the District spring, 3,000 Douglas Others .just hunted, or Ashed, seedlinp were planted t o . non-Nation-al StfC . fir RAY RIDE HOLD - RICHMOND Saturday evening members and their Richmond help; reforest a burned- - over limits, special hunts, and so husbands of the on. Hobby dub enjoyed a bay area. .also ride and carding party. ROBERTS RobRANGER According to Ranger watershed on the are erts, there jogjog mg they met at the four, specks reported of big game which make their home on the Preston Approximately 34 peo- Distrlet during at sldd trails, and gullies. This pie attended and gifts were of the year. There work Is part of a continuing exchanged. ated to be five black bear, of two mooee, 50 elk, and 6 ,000 project to rehabilitate dl the erosion causing areas on mule dear, v." RANGER RORERT8 estim-ate- d the District that 1,500 dear and 15 elk HO stated that tho vahm of were taken by hunters last culnary, Industrial, and agriyear. There Is also a con- cultural water to this area Is siderable population of game birds, small game, and fur bearers in this area. Fishing by many visitors to tha District Many of the streams and a' tow lakes fat r Dfovido ncoUoBt tho ATHURSmANDFRL catches. JANUARY M annStudies are conducted ually by tha Forest Service and the State Fish and Game V Departments to determine game range condilon. RecomRICHMOND Monday mendations' are made to tho Mta. De1 and Mr. evening state regarding seasons, bag bert Halvenon of Rlch.rnp ana i, Waadwaid and were ; peasanty surprlsei Pan! Newmaa with a dlmier In honor of thir 85th weddlne anniverIN COLOR sary given by their chlllren at the home Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell. The table ns SATURDAY MONDAY centered with a beautiforv JANUARY 44 rf"corate1 pv il white and blue. In attendance awe Mr. DOUBLE BILL and Mrs. Havereon, Mr. and Mrs. Bel a"d two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Clark (Gaylene) Viehwee of Loaan, LaRae and Brent Halverson. In Oder -With MKehnm Robert CLUB MEETS W o. ini On 25th TfowEind ILovtf X . - . - - -- "Rampage" - Memhem RICHMOND of the Richmond Friendshto rl'ib met at the home of Mrs. Marlgene Peart for a CMst-ma- s pot luck dinner on Monday evening. They exchsmj-e- d frifts. Present were Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Barbara Cartwright, Mrs. Ned-r-a Mrs. Afton Spackman, . Vl-jjl- nla Butters, Mn. Alice Ander-eoMrs. Donna Harris, Mrs. Claire Harris and Mrs. Adon-l- a Dennis. New offleen elected were Mn. Dennis as president and Mrs. Murray as secretary. "Wall of Noise" THURS.. JAN. Dnun jof Africa' b Coler n. THURS., FRI., SAT. JAN. 344 'Ter Qdll Con CarnewulS1, Deans 6 for 99c WhotoNHCaa FRL l-- ll Love HONORED AT PARTY TRENTON Aan Ashcroft was honored at a birthday party Friday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashcroft Various Kirk Deagtea, Ifltel Gaynor, games wee played. Supper Gig Young was served to Aten Ashcroft, Brent Reeder, Paul Marriott, Feateiw Starts 7:11 and 9:11 Scott Rawlins, Ralph Spackman, Charles Spackman, Her-beMON., AND WED. Frazier, Vickie Merrl'l Speck-maElaine Wood, Margaet JAN. 88 Deanne Spackman. Connie Ward, Shlrlene Griffin, Vonda Butters, all of TrenJerl ton, Elolse Godfrey, Ellwood and Jimmy Powel. of Cornish. Alan Received (many lovely gifts. Feature Starts 7:15 aad 5:11 ARIZONA VISITOR Or Honey'1 lt n, Lb. 1 Shnr-Fin-e Amazons (The Finest QaiRty) CELLO PACK 01 Dome" g Can Lb- - - ADMISSION: FRANKLIN Mr. . and Mrs. Marco Grow and baby Adults BOe Chlldrea 85t girl of Mesa, Arte, visited I Kaye Woodward and Martina (Porter and their parents on Thusday. Mrs. Grow la the former Helen Dominguez of Franklin. The Grow family were dinner guests of the IvLewiston, Utah an H. Woodwards. I DRINK FOOD- S- FROZEN 46-O-Z. I -- LIBBYS CAN Community Theatre EAT PIES ,v.v LIBBYS CHICKEN, TURKEY, for BEEF Raspberries 4 for; 99c . Hashbrown : Phg, 29c ORANGE SLICES and , Chun HI-- C Drops DeLuscfous Chocolates ii . r8tt 1LB. LB. BOX 480s. Can " i y ! i - Ive Flavors RED l FfreV 2 Lbs. 25c . ' f. Mnltier Red Stripe PEG. Narrow, Wide 16-O- 3for89( i .? r '1 .i!f .1.1 . H . DISH QsOTH ,; ; n?- v.i , . w1' Tf.l , - . ' . V . . - f s . , 7 1 t-- sew 'f'f WU ... f it. w A ' . y y " y ' J.-- . . x,-.--' I Ptaa Tan '"fc j FIlIDAY niGHT 'TIL 8 ' u - 1 v : alLoor :i4any friends , May TtBrlng You Ond Youri. Joy and Prosperity" Throughout the. New Year, Agaln Let Ua iA?Tha:Pnnt fmrfir?' P.H f ' ' CLOSED SUNDAYS .I, Vi' - t y t FureUnre, Cupel; ' GUIs it PRESTON i; Iwo S - PRESTON.IDAHO.V' BOUTH STATE Cpj ir 9 for $1J9 P: K' A ' i-- FOR vVjfai ' . Rayette Amur Not i i at - h f L 1C 136 Ufa - NOODLES A-- 69c WASHINGTON Defidons Apples 2 Lbs. 35c I'l CALIFORNIA CELLO PACK CAULIFL0WED PHONE m-u- n |