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Show -- THEdraritLlirtWDlA toiwrUM . Cm Mtb fktaicai Brids k In Pasting (Oonttauad tram pea S) Owe ofl with ooly a warn ticket "How come?" the tag wBe wanted to know. "Howd you sat away with that?" VWelL. aaid the hnsband, "the officer, as ha was writing out the. ticket glanced In the car, saw: you HSWBHIIIB and asked what the matter (Christmas Program Cove Woman Back Party Held Tuesday From Vacation , APeu Todd wishing them a Happy COvfe Mrs. Ether A Christmas wore Sunday dhnag guests of TRENTON Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Andrew. recently raWrned from a two program and petty was held Mrs. H. L. Buttars week vacation to Los Amjetes Tuesday afternoon by the Re- arih d loto their new home in Mislief Society,' who also honored of Clarkston were Sunday din- where she visited siste a thoeecdefantliii thdr birth, ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mriva Keteon, Alton sad soula, Alontana. MR. AND MRS, Jod Mfflu E. AGdnson. Friday fa4w Mr; Charim I merely told that you days this month. . . Mra. Arm Hfr relatives. other Atkinson of Mrs. consisted aceompenled The Uko I pogrom wen always that and ber d taT&SvSa with lg- a trio. Lun Lott. Noli Griffin, them to Ogden for shopping er M Ogden accompmiied was on way to take Mr.-an- m. One Group CURLEE SUITS 85,,, SUEATEBS . OFT - , 2 ol TOP QUALITY to MENS BOYS AND d 33-13- 3, Socle-Soci- JACKETS 'i t SKI i K r SPECIAL GROUP at i and Bonshire PARKAS Freeman I t i V Deduced Off Quantities Limited Top Quality Lots Of Styles TANNERS MENS WEAR FHESTQN al .... AND . and a visit with Mrs. Kama and they left Salt Lska City. by train. They alio attendeou Knight end ed aeaaloni at the Loe Angelard. a Mr. and Mrx. E: 'W. Bing- es Temple. ... Mr. and lira. Jerry ham were Sundav of WfiB-eguNts of Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Mlsa and Franklin Hansen of Amalge. Hendlcks of Saif Lake City MR. AND MM . spent Sunday with their parMortenson, Mr. and Mrs. ents Mr. end Mrs. Fenton Theron Hansen and Mr. and Hendricks... Mrs Hendricks Mrs. Robert Reeder attended iwved e er to file annuel Boy Scout pety honor Mr. on Ms and election of officers ned birthday. in the Wednesday Air. and Mrs. Milton Barment of the nes spent several days in raiy, where a dinner was ser- Sa't Lake and Ogden visiting ved. Mrs. Hansen sang three relatives and friends. They songs .aceompenled by Mrs. received a phone call from Reeder. DisL chairman Ro- their HiqgjMir Mrs. Delta land Rlortenson conducted the meeting and reports given by flu chairmen of the various committees. A talk on worthwhile activities and values of scouting was given lltb - Hen-Patric- ia djer m Qiristmas Wel er S& dinner ' Je" strict tomtom Program seminary at Peston. TOP COATS FAMOUS BRANDS you my ringing to Blacfcfoot with sympathy and' lfelva Cottle la Ids voice, ho gave mo a "Slver BeHs. The singing to mothers sang two numbors, warning ticket and told me boon my way. Starbright, and Vibe Holy Ludla City", directed by ADVICE FROM A Payne. The opening song was Heard the Balls on ChristPORTER i Start off each day with a smile. That way you mas Day" lead by Ethel Rawsave all your grouchiness for lins. Nonna Reeder aeeom-panyeall singing. A Christthe office, ride home, dinner mas story was retold by Leda table, and PTA meeting. Pond of Lewiston. A luncheon was served by Edna Fackrell Christensen, Joan Ezola Opel LETTERS TO EDROB Geraldine EtNeen MerriP, (Continued from pas 3) Grant and Jalalne Jensen. The The Manger Scene decorated comodeting librarian. and cards wen schools have very adequate the table, and given to each honand growing libraries, and made Those honored were ored many communities have their Mrs. lady. Antoinette Exola, Bever- and own community-owne- d Gillens, Lena Wlser. Lu-- ! developed libraries. It does Hodges, Bogdonna Kot-tof-f, that another library, Josephine Laptev, Norparticularly one as extensive ma Reeder, Lyndia Andrew, aa this is and large In scope an to is KlSt be, expensive planned Spackman, Drue aqd unnecessary project We are told, as perhaps Bertha Gooderldge. Mrs. FlosHint ' final nwHiiilwi. mat sie Atkinson made and deco-ate- d "centraliuttanof administrathe birthday cake. Sirs. will Ludean Pond tion and finance-contrmade the cards mean more effeclency and and the read original thoughts We all see the falexpressed within each one. of Centralization therein. lacy life made the presidency administration always seems were used byas place cards. to mean less efficiency and Gifts were excranged. economy. THE VARIOUS classes in Speaking of centralization Mutual held parties Tuesday of administration, this is an in place of flu regular night too. The one, interlocking state department of Is recupla an ex officio member of Mrs. Leona Wiser the state library board, and, erating at bar home foBowlng a stay In the hospital last IfflUiHiij tO tOO Malm ffly. week. of one Sec. lews, rary Mrs. (Terence R. Anderthe duties of the state board son attended the Rfiw of education is to supervise, at Corinne, Utah on ty state and direct the govern, Tuesday 334838 board. Sec. Dbraqr Mr. and Mrs: LeRoy Spacktells, us that "the board of trustees of each district dull man and daughter Cathy file with the drove to Salt Lake City Tuesannually state library board In the of- day afternoon to sea a doctor fice of the state librarian a for Cathy. report of the operation of the Mrs. Betty Thompson 1' a district for fiscal year Just home from Georgia and visit-the home of her dau-M- r. of such form and and Mrs. Bonnie contain such information as the state library board dull Wendell Sparkman return-earl-y require. Seams rather ad home) Tuesday 'Why? Apparently log from the Southern States were not tatolHgent enough Mission field. He was met at to administrate our own lib- flu bos depot by Ills parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Jamas B. rary at the county level. Let us support flu good AND libraries that we have, and Morteneon drove to Ogden continue to spend our tax Saturday afternoon and visitand money with wisdom and care. ed their children, Mr. lbs. Elite Griffin and family, Sincerely, : A. his mother, Mrs. Manr Motenson and ateter Mr. and Muriel Mrs. Keffod M. Peek. Route 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Andrew of Rockford. Ida. spent Athol, Idaho flu weekend In Tkantan and t ", com-pUate- d. Satuday evening Mr. Mrs. Wallace A. Cottle Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Merrill attended a party in the Rocket .Bowl In Brigham for the workers of thdr division at Presented A TRENTON was conducRelief ted by CouaceSor Orville. lbs tesson was gtm by Bonnie Stamway m flu life and Writings of Emily Dickenson. A durt was sung by Jan and Gail Hendricks enfltiad , J'Sileut . NlgM, by their methar Barbara. mbs. EMMA Garrett, Mr. of and Airs. Elgin Handy Bountiful ana Air. end Mrs. Levi Freeman and Airs. Ha-sBishop of Satt Lake Oty and Airs. Nora Dalnes of and Mr, and Airs. Jay of Simset visited Mrs. Edna Larsen and Mr. sujd Aus. Amo Uu us Larsen and attended the funeral services at Mrs. Lucy Ann H. Wilkinson In Franklin. Other relatives attending the funeral from the ward wen M. and Mri. Doug as Hend. dricks, Air. and Mrs. Sherwln Larsen, Mr. and Airs. Gene el Is-ga- n Larsen, Glen Larsen Boyd Larson. short Air. and Mrs. Leon and Hoff- Christmas program was riv- man and son Earl spent SunThlokoL A party was held Friday en in Sunday school with the day evening with her parents scrip- Air. and Mrs. Alton Ktags-fornight at the home of Mr. and following numbers: n Janice Mrs. A. L. Andrew. Sumer tural reading by was served to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Christ's gifts to manAirs. Gloria Larson attendAndrew, ed the funeral services of S. P. Eppich, M. and Mrs. kind by Merita L. with Airs. Shevda Norvel Humphreys, Hyde In Fair-vieGeorge 0. Merrill, Mr. and by Ms. Henry EPerman. Mr. two cards sung by the audiand accompanied her and Ms. Julius P. Jensen, ence. Following a irents Mr. and Mrs. George Mr., and Mrs. A. L. Andrew. class period the Junior Suni'liams on a duet Christschool presented a Lola Littledike and Mildred day Air. and Mrs. H. Ray Prod d. w short Anderson; Following supper, the evening was spent playing Rook. PRESIDENT Wayne P.Tte-velle- r High coundbnan WIMam R. Harris were the visitors and speakers at our Sacrament meeting. Mwi? was fimtehed by the Mr. and Mrs. Roger S.Wood of Texas are spouting the holidays with Mr and Walter L. Wood, choir. Prayers ware by Janui packman i and Ferria Cham- bers. .. Henry Ashcroft gave flu leesou at Young Friday ngght A special musical number was given by Rachel and Evelyn Ashcraft, Evelyn singing 0 Holy Ni-- " with Hacnd were serv by Mr. and Mrs. Merita L. Andrew. A baby girl was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kup-fe- r Friday morning at flu local hospital. Mu is the sixth child for this couple, making four idrls and two boys. Friday, the 13th. was in no way 1 accompany-Refreshment- s mas Cantata under the direction of Velva Allsop and Janice Road, with Marie Speck-- 1 ' sen accompanists. JSJlSSi other relatives of iitemt was narrator. Prayers wee places The Primary held their offeed by John Smith and annual Christmas party WedRex Read. evening In the Recreanesday Air. and Mrs. A.L. Andrew tional halL A play, The Old and Air. and Airs. Mbrita L. and New Christmas Ways Andrew ware among those at- was presented by all agaa and tending the wedding recep- directed lr Mrs. Benin Alien tion of Mr. and Airs. Lym assisted by the Praskteaqr Cottle of Ogden Friday even- and teachers, with Barbara Hendricks accompanying ing. numbers MR. AND MRS. Ralph Holt the piano. Dance irf Rwitflifllnri irnfirrtJ"d at were done by Yvonne Larson school punils. Santa Sunday dinner in honor of dancing Mrs. Lona Holt who was cele- Claus appeared with gifts for H the cidldna. brating her birthday annhrer-Othe- n Alisa Camma Larsen i s were present at W. S. Hut, Airs. Lola spending (he holidays and Mr. and Mrs. home with her parents from Holt and family. During tra School In tefu. Ain. Don M. Littledike and family called to extend greetings. Wendell Spackman, recently returned missionary from the Southern States Mission reported his mission at Sac. CLEAN your rament meeting Sunday evening. He related many uniur" Incidents, and bon strong testimony to the truthFOB PROMPT PICKUP OF fulness of the Gospel His a 13th grandchild for Clarence father, James B. Spackmin, R. Andersen. also spoke briefly. The choir Monday afternoon a prim- sang There Were Shepherds ary party was held. A pn and Silent Night Prayers ram with the theme of Cnrii were offered by LaMar Beemas was presented with all tle and Neil J. Andrew.Many children participating. Poems, friends and relatives gathered and dramatizations to hear Elder Spackman. stag PHONE COLLECT LOGAN BE I41U composed the cumbers, which Marsha Rawlins, Jan Butwill be put on again ChristAlaurtae Janice ler, mas Eve at flu Community Christensen, Read, By-Produ- cts Jo Atari Tree Celebration. A treat Richard Hansen and was given to each JUST SOUTH OF LOGAN in the present Memories afternoon at North Cache High-- Atany parents and ' friends also attended. us. with aH f of their to do So many people have found tha it pays banking MR. AND MBS. Georgs That means savings accounts, (hacking accounts and getting kuna from Sparks and daughters of Ora. art visiting us, too. here for a few days to attend j Bank, whifh Rrst Sacurity is, can you borrow monay Only at a flu fluunlof Georges fattier. Ronald Merrill te spending fpr any worthwhile purpose: Automobile loans, Home Improvement loans, the holidays with his mother, Appliance loans, Mortgage loans. Agricultural loans, Emergency loana, Airs. Lota S. MerrH, before Business loans or Personal kuna. retiming to active duty with the amy. By doing all your banking at First Sacurity you help build your crwflt When are that fed for the that you major expenditure, reputation. ready you are already known at the bank will help you borrow what you naad -with oast. So gat started now as a savings customer of First Security, Bank. the falth-protnoth- ig own BUGS and UFHOLSTEBY Professionally Dead And Useless Animals Co. Utah gua-da- y i Her-mastr- o, Full-Servic- a U.CtL Furman Co. . i Full-Servi- o v A i YOUR SAVINS 8UARANTEED EARN RANK INTEREST on one year savings, '.j 3V4 I! ' ' V v ' ' Vi ; i t I s'i L 5- r . ' - , on other savings , i FINANa COMPANY of Uga, 21 FMoraf Ave. I I M I wnwe national Mum Murray omen |