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Show I fl iu.vi.nt T '' TX " - n I ' H. - Nif .pHoimourrudouoliwomusSnftmiojy .., v, ,! Awy iv .1 ..l ...,. .liiiii'i s 4lNrTy !! ilMfltfCy 733,? ? s. " Cmiphlibb CoIoaeL Wife Leave For CORNISH -Mrs. Max Ber fly left last Lt It Avgust CoL Hew Jersey INS THE CITIZEN. Tlfctas,AOiNCY and Kent in Ogden last Wednes-- 1 family at Pleasant Valley, and fam day. Ida., and with relatives in le Sorenson accompan- - Aberdeen and Starling, the home of Mr. led Mrs. RoyEarl of Logan Mrs. Boyd Stlmpson from i. where they had to Salt Lake City to visit sev Rlverdale, Utah, and Mrs. oral days with Mrs. Ted Akron Weiss from Tremonton weeu, to continue their jauE Richards who is ill mid con- visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin n ey to New Jersey, to make fined in a hospital for medi- Kendell last Tuesday. their home. Scott Bergeson cal treatment of Provo visited the past Mr. MISS CAROLYN Kendell is weekend at the home of his and and Mrs. Ezra Kendell visiting with Mrs. Ross KenCarolyn and parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ruth daughter visited the dell in Ogden while Ross is Rawlings Bergeson. weekend with Mr. and attending school at the uni- past Mrs. Ida Forrester from Mrs. Howard Kendell and versity in Madison, Wis Delta spent several days the past week visiting her daugh- Trenton Briefs ter-in-law, Mrs. Merlin Forrester, and family at the M. C. Naegle home. 4-, H Mrs. Joseph Myler and daudemon- mon, home demonstration ag ghters Joleen and Beth were TRENTON A visitors in Salt Lake City last stration and exhibit was held ent, after which the girls pre- Thursday afternoon in Am sented a fashion show. Mule Monday. ward hail. Mrs. Velda Spack Spackman MAE HANSON, Sadie Sor- man was In jlayed background charge. enson and Reese Naegle atpledge was led by Debtended a teachers meeting ra Andrew, a demonstration held in Provo recently. on how to sew on a button Mr.' and Mrs. Orin Myler and snaps was given by Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant represident's Spackman, ports were given by Leila CANADIAN VISITORS Buttars, Alan Ashcroft, Duane Ward, Perry Spackman, RICHMOND-Mond- ay the CORNISH Miss Charlene Christ! Andrew, Margaret Richmond ward Primary held Pitcher and Miss Anne BakBetty Spackman and a dinner party on the park er of Cardston, Alberta, vis- Wood, as part of their regular preAnnalyn Raider. ited the past weekend with A piano solo was meeting. Mrs. Sharparation played by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Myler Alan Ashcroft and remarks! on Nelson conducted the meetand family and other and presentation of ribbons! ing. The presidency conducted a separation period. were made by Bessie K. Le- - There were 20 in attendance. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell and family Sunday were Mr. adad-Name-d' and Mrs. Eldon Lamb of Smitiifield, Mr. and Mrs. IF THH NAME F YGUR FLAMS John A. Lamb of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. - Theron Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baer at Providence. They enjoyed dinner, visiting and picture taking. Weekend guests of Ray Bell included Mr. and Mrs. Neal Flnlinson and baby son Todd, Jay Gargfla and Mias Worthington of Salt Lake City. They attended the rodeo in Preston Saturday and church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray entertained at dinner Sunday after church services for Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Anderson and Mr. ana Mrs. Gordon Parker and children Sherey and Craig of Millville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beckstead and daughter of Preston. Sunday the families of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith Jr., met at the Smith home hi honor of their Caber's birthAttending day anniversary. were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith and fomfly of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Smith and family of Lay-to- n and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Orvin and two sons of Darrell and his family attended church services in the South ward. 'f if ijV-f- i I . vif' fpr :Vi f X'rt.' l rl ''Vi- Exhibit . i . 4-- H ,' .'f5 Sinner Party tiim. Held By Group . AYTIC1AL Viiwiu.uluu; LEWISTOU DBUG STORE purchase of 100 i MAYFAIR Swingline PENCIL shame SHARPENER Twin razor sharp ain't ViMSGiiS Ito-mto- METAL HULEH WITH ANY SUM PURCHASE OF ITEMS ON THE SALE AT Vitamins & Miaerais Wide range to supple- -' ment your daily needs. 50 FREE with 1 it's FREE SUPER 4-- H Mw AUTOMATIC CMm. Tooth Brush Safa, completely Bat- - shockproof. TiYREWRITER rappinpl .'i.'.i "f . C 2M cnnooEtrs specially fomudatod for 3 to 12 year olds. Small, tmnufuiu "jclO'af Block Parado mA WW big TRENTON The Primary the Round The Block parade Wednesday evening with all the children partE dpatlng In the parade a the dances that followed. "v j - 5-h- ole 8 unmiiG inT nt MAGNETIC. BINDER Moot of the children were costume and following the Nuvde performed the duces hey have learned dining the summer under foe direction of Kathjr Chambers and Mar- REG. Fold ever mageetls In IM7 VALUE ALL FOB ONLY ... r .' u LOOSELEAF ne Atkinson. Handwork was displayed, ird houses made by the railbullder boys ana other items which the children had made. Refreshments y BDGtHEDEtHIS tli;) by the officers and teachers, and an enjoyable time was had by all present, both young and old. Provides Friends si Mlfrioniry Visit Ctniih Fully Lasting Control Cams covered with i i h; 3 . r- - . . rings. 5 DO ' ' sold laboring as a missionary in that area, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Martin last Monday. DELUXE longer AdhCb Mr. and Mrs. announced LeRoy Sorenson the arrival of their grandchild, a son bom tmm lock ft Icey. FeMer Ud.JL, h Walgreen HAIR SPRAY AH way you sot It. FILM AAC 15 PviptM Black &.Whlta Gently, holds hair the NEW GRANDSON CORNISH-- SIses 620, 120, 127 dbponsor.M.m Plastic Covered ssn f ' : VISIT IN CANADA TRENTON--Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Griffin and family northwest Propane Gas, lac. returned home Friday ev ning from a vacation in Can- Preston ada. Saturday they took their children and SMrtene Griffin for an outing fo Lagoon. 15 So. State Si. Phone I5MIS7 ' M r--s - ' .... ' '1.' ' ; Coiors.,'H;;.' I I II II 1 1' II II'I :' .f ' " LEWISTON. UTAH ' -- ,' . ' . J - 7: y-- I I 1 .'Si Zippered BINDER first Aug--, ust S to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKinnon of Logan. Mrs. McKinnon Is the former Marie Sorenson. EVERYONES FAVORITE FLAMS", 8 Includee Stick BaU-PoIBy Wesrevor Fountain Pen, Mechanical PendL Retracttmble Ball Point Pen, Extra Loads, Bofilla Erasers. bold - ' CHOICER n im iiililMliill i fm SHEET '. punch. Wde or narrow rule wfffi I - . i' i IflLtEBlPflPEB n. feallL Mr. and Mrs. CORNISH Glen Orton of San Diego, Cal., who are friends of Elder Eugene Martin, who is i." V. ' V: ' V "'V .1 - l ; ,, V.v 1 . i ,1.4 ?r v'l i ft,.. V'- - J r. i . t " ' |