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Show - ' U i f i - ,.'., - '. ; ., ,. Paul Harvey Hew Whozinit (Not Ptoblem That's Still With Us WhUo Utah U continuing to study the school problem aa a atate, Idahos echod districts are : facing the problem individually and some of them are not having as much success as they would Eli. The Preston school district has turned to a re registration schedule, but as school board member said, It Is one that the taxpayers Indicated they wanted. What other hard hit districts in the state will do is another, thing. John Coriett, polittdal writer for the Idaho Statesman, recently said that 19 school districts in Idaho held elections to Increase the school levy over the customary SO and only four of them passed. The dour were in Moscow for 10 mills, Meridian for three, Rockland for 10, and Oroflno for six. Preston and Soda Springs have tried twice, with both attempts failing. Other lost levy election were In Black-foJerome. Cassia Countv. Twin' Fails, Buhl, Minidoka County. Walaca. Montpelier. Pocatello. Idaho Fans and t Potlatch." Pocatello was scheduled to try The Idaho 'Education Association bevote required for lieves that the the extra-lev- y elections, the same as required for bond issues is beyond reason. . . .Yet the hue and cry of the educators since the Legislature adjourned, that because it did not simply sufficient money at the state level teachers would leave the state on masse, has fallen on a lot of deaf, ears. Obviously the voters in the district whore the ejections were lost were not concerned that the austerity Imposed at the state level on 19044 general fond spendschool foods from ing would also reduce the state level . . . . There le merit In requiring only a majority vote In levy elections, since the money raised is used for the maintenance and operation of the schools, Including instructional costs. No debt is Involved In such an election es In the case of bond issues. Most states require only a majority vote in levy elections. . For many yean now school trustees have geared teacher salary Increases to the appropriation for the public schools enacted by the Legislature. If foe teachen must go to the state almost exclusively for their salary increases, it is an unfortunate reflection on the local control concept of our schools.. public ' Furthermore, the trustees become Increasingly leas concerned about overall school costs and local control. They do not manage. They have their bands out for money from tiie top. two-thir- ds . ot and representatives were in- clined to the view in corridor gossip the last session that additional funds would be forthcoming at the local level for increased teacher salaries. A number of legislators thought the 10mm iimitntkm should ho abolished. This would allow school trustees to set whatever levy they deemed necessary for operation of their districts. If Real Peace Comes? Q, N TOE MOMENT PEACE in the world ap-.- 7 pears to bo a possibility, even a remote one, a 'problem arises; what will happen to business If peace does come? I Utah is among the 12 states where a anbatantial number of . Jobs depend on ! number. arms contracts. me ttwt has been the,' y The question la object of Government studies and it is be--; tag explored by economists for private in- - . rdustxy as wML v The stndlM appear to agree on these points: v, Disarmament would probably be partial . and would not come all at once. It would Defense " spaced over a period of costs which are now dbout ten percent of ; n the ipendlng in the country, both public and private, could be cut by less than one percent a year over a five year per- - T i -- ; v- ran. - - ; H a tax cut of comparable etae was made at the same time, this would lessen the r ?' shock to the ecanouufr'' '4-- tt is expected in Adds oth- - , than defense would be expanded. Such . Experts point out that after the heavy spending on arms during World War II, two adjustments have occurred during the pest 18 years and neither w as a serious shock. For this, reason they fed that a general depression would not necessarily follow disarmament. Another program which would offset the decrease in arms spending is the increas- - . timt-ilMBdfl- (tr ed spending by the Atomic Energy Commission for civilian purposes and the growing space exploration program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Peace planners talk of switching research away from military purposes and into peacetime purposes, aimed at developing new civilian markets. While no one expects that the transition to a peace time economy cotdd be y easy and painless, planning, may yet lessen the "threat of a rad peace; Herald Journal com-detd- ; - year.' The Civil Aeronautics Board has said that unless the Air Lines carries more ; passengers than it hod been doing, that it must be taken out of toe valley. According to Golden Button, president of too Chamber of Commerce, the airlines now has five passengers a day out of Cache Valley v which puts it on in even scale. Regardless of which end of the valley ;,we five In, we must be conscious about the importance of airline service to the valley. Wert Coast Airlines, me of the smaller, but growing airlines of toe west, u Is now offering Jet prop service into the valley and has changed the schedule of flights so they coincide much hotter with . v-- ; 'o flight' out of Salt Lake. eUminating a great deal of waiting at San Lake. , As Cache Valley grows, the role of the airlines will become even more prominent And If we may make a suggestion to the Cache Chamber of Commerce, it would be to not ignore the northern end nf the valley In tide drive. So ter, outside of the people along the border and in Preston who take the Logan paper, we doubt if Franklin county Is aware of this drive. Certainly the Preston Chamber of Com- merce membership is not aware that they could May a role though tt may be minor in keeping the airlines in the valley. We would also suggest that there are people in North Cache county who are not ful. ly aware of this drive. , . This should bq a valley project from Wellsville to Swan. Lake and Downey for the Impact of this facility, though ft ho located in Logan, can effect the whole area. the In Passing i , & ,j. - Hr j. ti - music, but I know when tt ls storms on Saturday the skys . .... entertaining and raJoyaMe to cleared, the ground dried and Hin.. listen to. And Mark Seamons the rtork came in for a ! that a person is not porn wnh milh, tint Marks lou of smooth head flirt landing. I doubt, given True, the lowering of the eyeriht ft ft gquired. After listening to him a mudi keener ear, a barometric caused far awhile toe muc), Merit into by the three mild storms may pereceptlon deeper ' toer night, I am even more what have set too stork on Ms ooBVlancoa that sudi people than a keen ear to play course, but Im more inclined ' to think that tt wu the dhOKt are compeletdywrong. ' as he does. This yeng man. Ml cut to Twin Lakes Satuntay 0 he wu tone er four fternoon that had modi to t. fB eld, plays the ptaao aad ugaa Ilo wttii it dM. aTmtsf eampletely by ear. the areas doctors said last afawe week tou to it had beea that he And ha dotag agree hewas abaat three years old. with Mrs. Loyal Hansen that ' Actually, however, the Of eearee tt wu with mueb al1 it took wu a good storm eon fer the delay la toe 7eu af chording or t make the rtork fly low and sterks arrival wu probably It might be celled. t hospital to fill up with caused by Mb indeeutveneu to whrther to bring the boy HNbw Im no Judge of music n w boras. But not In the case J , to.u fnuan u u u i fc--' Vi W yT-.'&- jf 77 , . 1 . . Birthday J . 11.10 for Six Months Per Tear In Cache County, Utah $1.08 outside the. county, v.BELL D. WATNB J. WALTER ROHM, 'W Represented by the American Newspaper Representatives, 401 Fifth Avenue, New Tork, 18, New York. v. ' " Utahs Newest Weekly Newspaper serving the communities of hlchmond, Lewiston Vrsntnn, Cornish, Cove ond Clorkston In beautiful North Cache Valley, ' I'- a for the compromisers. bmuh we kanr than we de. better tirashusinrae . Se we cant sit back We know it le unwise to at pomp iy blame the low a child to shirk reepon- - iiane sr Marne too Mwh. sibllity, duck Me choree, goof ietratkm for weakaes see ft which ora tokens! to alL We know it is worse for an Do you adult to shirk responsibility, My, Goodneee! realise what a remarkable kduck country we must have? What chores, goof a splendid system of governoff. ment? Do you realise that Yet we conwith all time internal and tinue to subsiexternal pressures a lesser dize the ahiric-e- r, nation would have exploded the duckar or collapsed many times in and the goof-of- f, the last 900 yean? because That is why our Republic know do. .. Clyde Checketts, SMriene Roholt, Roxane Hansen, Stacy Rasmussen, Shari Wright, Vic rweeki won yre jwr4! 7- v u harvey Similarly ta the conduct of our national and toternation- al attain, our conodenco la to wto br cm Jorgensen, David Westover,,. Hal Bergeson, Garth LeFev-reDeVon Button, Paul Kent, Bonnie Field, Todd Ray GIL hert, Veil Halverson, Leon -- l.m Doto --v.- !? 32 S or SJOJi? nUt Mdm- - Secrotoiy enunciated tiuM, 1ms devke because It to ea- tiie Administrstions objec- - ghle sf tmirtlar the line, tives to a committee of the Congress to a manner so sim- - The law must hold the line pie and honeot and straight- - against the fluctuating that tt brought a ishness of We, the People, That to what Mr. Lincoln lump to my threat recently AUGUST M Willis Erickson, Sydney Ry- an, Steven Smith, Ray Gilbert, Alice Williams, Debra Bair, Scott Martin, Brenton Atkinson, RaNae Gtegereen, Earl Hymas, Kent Bennett, Randon Lowe, Elaine Swaiq-itoKathleen Hall, Katherine OUveraon. OwiraiM of Cewraeaily GwhUp Deyr 't'HMMMltt-llH- lI A Glance Back tt Stuart fteison, Verian Gunnell, May Cutter, DuraB Raymond, Kenpa Sfanmwmr. Herbert B. Harrison, ; Wally Van Orden. Catherine Bate. Val DeanHendricks, Jackto bHsWbtteDragWer. Jones, Oraon H. Olsen, LeaUe af the Utah Werners la MM. Lon Smith. Maggie Porter, now Mn Charies Watt of Ogden, Utah, taught in the. home of Joseph taE of 1SW. totog-th. . . Cariaon Sa&y Johnson, Beene During toe winter, of U79, JbMph Shaip took Mtae Pw-. tors place and taught in Mi home near the preeent home Stanley Evana. Of T. D. AMtf. auuubt zi During this time there was Clara Auger, VlroU Roholt, an avenge enrollment of --boot Marve Packer. Lewis, the studente at mat time were Kevin Morrison, Rex tonne, fortunate enough to at least have a slate end slate pencil if tt were nothing .more than a idiip tahm from toe elate rack or a broken piece of meant when he Let wvwwce to the lawbecome to lean fraai hk owa Bps the political rdlgion of our thatteto aware, he halert. no uooa now m aature of Because he knew. too. that ur eaemy aad whtt itodd men so often know ad much ho dene to regno no lattia- than they do. tive for our side. More Notes On Education PP Gteo.J.6o.. e Jt.nl., slate. a AUGUST uZto.k'. m, were net ee fertnete. of toe teaebere Mk u bosks a One jwut Men - todtan fld uot cone b. How old are you? asked could you work SO years at to huslnessman who wu in-- a Job if youre only to now? HJ Bret tendepteg on apidicant for a Ovowne, aapiaitmii the jot uvtag job. appHcont, calmly. Iadtoa oeat toe Forty, wee the reply. tote toe How kmg did you woefc at ' Elmer: ' Im eOrry, Ben, but ' eehHl Muse for prateettoa. youTtastJobr I make tt a rale never to leal t always m toe ap- money. It ruins a friendship. uMendtr but tt eeemi toot pUcart Don about vm mi te be Heavens! Hew on earth that We neverworry were what art youd call really good friends. Hen- - toJ1 "m, Lawrence, Wm. Millard, The moat of the homes In toe yeu 1377 ware east south east and south of Preston, This would Include the Aral- ton wards, WMtney and Gian- dale. The families tort wen located here by 1379 or (faming and piMhlng were wto has n gotereon, Peterun, Ttmiet, ' Jamu Chadwick, Ephram Elsworto, Joarah Foster, Geo. Foeter, Joe. Go- - Jisw, j'oSSe Shroi Purnen, . A dip sheet that is sent out- to the newqiapere of the country .had an interesting com- mart which I would like to pass on to you. What would we do if we a bank that credited 986,- to our account eadi morn-ing: carried over no tminnra from day to day; allowed us to keep no cam in ow ac-count and every evening can- celled whatever amount we failed to use during the day? What would we do? Well, moat of ua would drew every cent! We have euch a bank, you know. We call it Time, Every morning it credits us with 86,400 seconds, and every night ft writes off whatever of tills we have tailed to in- vert to good purpose. It car- riee over no balances. lend J. Wait, John Whm, Jamu Wtan, John Wton(two font- - Winn, tou), Frandi WOen, J. his or her head. in the winter time toe school room wm heated by wood burned in the low Franklin stoves. Many of the students who had to walk or d ride several miles felt quentijr that the heat wu adequate to thaw out their n ch Hfed bodies and feet, ears and hands, Mmluir V man in-4-00 thlJ7 5m . mbteTdErra rt eSS zEZ X nOari Giien, An-- SootoT drew Gerrismi, Wm. Hudy, toft sing their righto toud dalme. However, some Wm. Head, Elam Hoi-- families moved HAnSSTO of these r yoMtoSP We Finance to, Yliixittoeaha uid, d ewu, touSng JhSr.d Z?1 " a Oh, Vy?1". jut made her ' Most everythin! on wheels with the best financing the valley - s' ATSmtS A and rttventuree for both tea-chers and dddrra. WUh the coming of the flrat -- the capacity were thrilled with thli the tongue whet should never great horseleu monster, have bora on the mind in As to other fhrflli i tiie flrett place. perieaces, hardly a I Lewiston State Bank 7' LEWISTON. UTAH YOUR AS NEAR AS YOUR MAIL BOX BANK IS , WHEN YOU BANK AT LEWISTON STATE BANK" FF i , s S In-EW- nuntoM," the man atammer-ed and quickly hung up. - BMP to bold beck on They n Igueu I hare the wrong the frerbw could collect It from the par- enfe. At tfanu Min Fteter received her pay hi cheese and meat, Jeeehp 8. Sharp gave one teacher a qaarter of a deer to pay the taltioa tar - Ms three eeu for sm ached term. , 7 . 0 theyoungrtra the phone right now!sheta busy prtting an rate pra merth far if U e Jolmion. M. Kepling- - possible to grew a garden r? Hau Lund, BenJ. La- - or grain successfully. In or- - f00 HJ16 toe basement so that she could give them the cleaning they badly needed. WhUesfae wu busy in the room, the telephone reneaS . frost-bitte- wu iTlS HSSJS gg fre-ha- . le-t- G. Young and James Young. 5SSd'!B2Jd.i!S!? 2? SSTJtf n5JS?i mg back. There is no drawing train to this sfytion of the against the tomorrow. country, in 1878. the children : were filled wtth ewe end Wi (Me boy 2SffiSgS5.S?SS: SET Drams uhfly SSSS SS Petterborg. NabumPortw, George Share, joeephs. Sharp, Alfred Alder. David Boyce, tor, Ja Clausen, u SMtefatog Jest n Fun hy thut' the large that wmtaral fat the E. Brock- WmTjSu, sett, tort Joseph Ctayton, Edward rtaad SeytonTtA. Canfldd, Claus ttara were tore Kim Otvereon,. Marilyn first eeheel whfeh Winn, BUI Norton, Jean Bar-- the cMMrea gar, Ada Jepsen. Stau Gar- - raws brtara toe teacher and rack take torerwdtoga AHen, Ementt Wtoer, Viva pmgrayh foam Oe vreetou tt wu peseed dowa Smith, Hattie HalL the fine. Vfarghta rd . t'TI'h n, AUGUST fool-forwa- .Gaeee what, Mbs Betts. Fvejmtbeenmpoiated I :.v d his If yea weald like e birthday listed Is this eshuu, Just drop a card sr phene The CM- sen. Tie dosdlha for nest weeks eatamn le Aagest SL AUGUST You curt push a MacAr-anthur into the swimming pooL We ere awed by the J. Edgar Hoovers, but we vote - 8. . yrau BUSINESS (STRICTLY L But wo hove not done so. And them is no evidence wo Intend to. We know so much better than wo do. And when a MacArthur comes along, a man of im- alterable tnterity and dted-plined emotione and unbend- ing dedication, ho is ramrod by history but neglected by Ms contemporaries 'because Thus ta the admtairtrattan by MeFeJHen Happy tomwtiieMvS'dmJE Publiihud every Thureilay by the Cltlien Publlehln Company,- Ino., P. O, Bos 118, Lewiston, Utah, Phone Entered as second class matter at the Lewiston, Utah, Poet Office under the aot of March - - I of pmumuot-thonnriy like toe to atud up 52 set the Sunday hold other girl tar ttaevraUa Bar rith outstretched arms er, . ls J 'Cts I boy : 7? aKawZ MmMft Scbeel Board members tsik- tag about anonymous shone - away-befor- Talent Is More Than Acquired i: . ' ' - Should Be A Valley Project The Cache Chamber of Commerce la presently waging a battle to keep the Wert Coast Airlines in Cache Valley. It has been Bated as the number one project of the dumber of commerce tot the rest of the u ... Ft0, programs as shim clearance, building of schools and roads would employ a large . : Dm Renaem coming to fails over registration . . . work at MeCue M Mm with Do Oh, my dear Americans, ?rdi By PAUL HARVEY we knew so much better than one brown shoe and one black If ever you deckle to Mu we do. hoe unbeknown to him .Luck Charley wrecking Mi yourself, wait until tomorrow tnow yat b aftea letting his car whOe picking up Ms sick noon. Shadows appear amts- Vbf tads we de wkat Is wrong ingly different by moonlight HSL, we am not gMdedio beared Pomeranian and wife . . . North Caine losing - nwA and noon light . off Velar on agaln again, out for a nm in by Pekinese dog A.M. for and five one Davie Between David fanning grain bew wo foot tha P0" nffioa Ctaff am the horn when you am the fan planting LoBeuo Foh proudly diecuo-broom most likely to see the mole Us true In thoeonduct of leaning on y(Bjl We stag their new coU end Ex inthenewcarportatPai-hff- i though the wrong end of our perrons! affaire. toww to than better smoko, the . . Meter to mer telescope. have , Vtm saying that you Brycs Draper I but we do. But," you protest, wear That end tie to come mowing school improvements to tha waste paper has- know I would never be tempt-- I have a lot of trouble with down see him . . . bum rot. Paul Harvey because Its by that mortal sin!" true of. him, too. We all ersM delivering a letter . . . ' ' know so much better than we out the pushing Terry Pester . ' We Know So Much Better News) a |