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Show YJewd 5hirka fteporttr Qty PUBLISHED Snbecriptlon In Advance, Per Year, f4A0; Per Copy 10c Bfcmrd ! postage paid at Eureka, Utah 84628. matter February 10, 1948, at the eeeondMsIaea Entered aa Utah 84628, under the Act of March poet office, Eureka, 8, 1879. ... Correspondent Publisher Editor NAMember: UTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION TIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION WEEKLY NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES, INC. with their parents, Sunday eve- ning. Uy neighbors Janet Brady . . Wednesday visiting friends. pubushino company art city BpringvUle, Utah 84668 MRS. BELLE COFFEY HARRISON CONOVER WOODROW WEIGHT ... Vote Mrs. VeRue Sandstrom and her 3on Jerry and his two children of Tiovo, were In town WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH 84628 Printed By ' July THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two who is attend- ing school at Utah Slate University in Logan spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brady. Stephen Palmer of Logan accompanied her to Eureka end was a guest at the Brady home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas and Mrs. C. A. Petersen and her daughter, Mrs. Peggy Fletcher and children of Salt Lake, spent Monday here visiting at Maynard Griggs home. the Mrs. Joseph Walker, Rr., returned home on Tuesday, after spending several days in the Payson Hospital. Her many friends are wishing her continued improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandstrom were in Salt Lake on Friday, attending funeral services for Mrs. Bernice Milliman, a former resident When they returned to Eureka they were accompanied by their daughter Mr. and Mrs. and Charles Milliman, who came to Salt Lake for his mothers funeral services. They remained son-in-la- here over the weekend and left Monday for their home in Springfield, Oregon. On Sunday the Sandstroms and their guests spent the day in Orem with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sandstrom and family. w, their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gareld Brown, and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lucas and family of Salt Lake were in town on Independence Day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lucas and family. They were guests at a patio dinner in the afternoon at the Don Giles home. Collette Brown remained here for a visit with the Dan Lucas family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Andrew returned home on Thursday from a two week vacation trip to Hawaii. They joined a tour and had a wonderful time touring the four big islands. Their Mr. daughter and and Mrs. Morris Bushman of Provo accompanied them on the trip. Weather during the trip was delightful, and the only thing that Mr. Andrew felt 'he the fact that the plane had to circle above Los Angeles for an hour and a half before they were able to land, due to heavy fog cover. They state that the vacation was wonderful, but they are glad to be back in good old Eureka, and we might add that we are all glad to have him back on the job at the Andrew Drug. Eurekans spending the holiday weekend at Fish Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Giles and family. ihz Old sin-in-la- w, "Nothing makes it harder to call a spade a spade thn blisters." Mrs. Blanche Beck of Dug-waspent the Independence Day holidays here with Mrs. Elva Webb. y, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kay and small son of Salt Lake came to Eureka for the holidays. Their other two boys, Danny and David had spent the past week here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fennell, Sr. Hie boys returned home CARD OF THANKS Signed: LDS Relief Society, Eureka FOB SALE OF$500 OR MORE Interest paid every 3 months on Interest paid ersty 6 months on Sawings Certificates offOeposfa SubtrfiMadl 4 Motes Miscellaneous YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer 81. Laird's Market. jylOc TOUTED for 3 months Help WONDERFUL MONEY-SAVINPRODUCT specials for your customers help you make big profits as a Raw-lelg- h Dealer. Write Rawleigh, 1415 23rd St., Denver, Colo. G 80205. . You got 'em, we get 'em If you are in need of the service 433-661- 3, Eureka DEAN'S SPRAY SERVICE to 1 year j24 Bugs? Call AMOUNTS to 2 years Interest starts day of deposit. Rates are. per annum. Each depositor's account is insured to 820,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Flnt Smutty Sink ol Utah, National AModaWta Flrrt Socunty Bonk ot Idaho, Notional Association Flril Security U,ta Bank fast Socunty Bank el Sock Spring 1970 could do nicely without, was Mrs. Rosalie Dunn of Nephi spent last Thursday here visiting with Mrs. Belle Coffey. Our thonks is extended to all those who assisted In any way toward the success of our bake sale held last Friday In the Memorial Building. We are grateful to all those who came to the sale, and to those who donated baked goods for the nale 10, . to 2Vi years hiUkJchrtsdtycftamtaMnL Rststspcrcssk : Ask for offering circular1 4 |