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Show Universal Hlorofllalng Cor Box 2608 8alt Lake City, Utah Eureka, Utah 84628 Vol. 67 .. 1 84101 No. 28 July 10, 1970 Ms Parade entries due here at 4:30 p.m. The parade for the Pioneer Day celebration is" scheduled Band members and their chaperones will meet at the high school grounds on Saturday, July 11, at 5:30 p.m. They will leave for Provo at 6:00 p.m. where they will board the busses for Calgary, Canada. for Saturday, July 25 at .5:00 p.m. Out of town floats will be welcome, and all those entering, floats are asked to be at the school grounds by 4:30 p.m. This is a must, is it takes time to get the floats lined up to start the parade by 5:00 p.m. A complete outline 'of the, days program will be published in next weeks Reporter. , Former Mammoth resident dies Mildred Bernice L. Milliman, 71, a former resident of Mammoth, died in a Tacoma hospi- William Roberts Ronald Gilson appointed deputy sheriff of Juab County. services held William J. Roberts, 53, died July 3, 1970 in a Payson hospital of natural causes. He was bom in Mammoth on June 8, 1917, to John and Sarah Jane Roberts. He received his education in the Mammoth and Eureka schools, and graduated from Tintic High School.' He married Thelma Pickett in Provo on Sept. 11, 1937, They made their home in Mammoth and Eureka since that time. At the time of his death he was employed by the Centennial De- ' velopment Company, Eureka. He was a member of the Methodist Church; and a member of Tintic Lodge, BPOE, No.' 711. Survivors include his widow, a daughter, Mrs. James i (Ann) Jensen, Kearns; 2 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday in the Elks Lodge rooms. The Elks Funeral Ritual was conducted by members Alexander Blight, Tom East-wooLynn Brady, Ronald Nelson, Joseph Bernini, Carl Wall, Leon Oldroyd, Kay Sorensen, Dave Jasper, Don Rausch. Henry Johnson is Exalted ' Ruler of Tintic Lodge and was in attendance at the services. Speaker was Rev. Allan L. Nesbitt of the Grace Methodist Church of Salt Lake. Steele McIntyre gave the Eulogy, and two vocal numbers were sung by Glen Larsen, accompanied by Norma Jameson. Burial was in the Eureka City Cemetery. The graveside services were by the Elks and the grave was dedicated by Rev. Former Mammoth resident is new Juab deputy Ronald Gilson has been appointed Deputy Sheriff for Juab County. He fills the position vacated by Gerald Peterson, who retired last month. Mr. Gilson was raised 'in Mammoth, and attended Eureka schools, graduating from Tintic High School. He is a veteran of the Korean War. He has been employed for the past 11 years at the Tooele Army Depot He took over his duties last week. He and Mrs. Gilson are the parents of four children.. d, I i i i i Nesbitt i Pallbearers were Don Franks, Frank Ewell, Frank McCabe, i 1 Norm Provanz, and Don Snell. V. L. Bill Driscoll Andersons attend funeral i f I Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Anderson returned home last week from Galva, Iowa, where they were called by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Siena Weiland. Mrs. Weiland, 88, passed away on June 12, in a Galva hospital. Funeral services were conducted on June 15, and burial was in the Galva Cemetery. son and The Andersons Mr. and Mrs. daughter-in-laAnderson of Denver, flew Jim to Galva for the services. w, Alan, Carol and Stephen Bell of Provo, spent the weekend here with their grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda Bell. They left for their home in Provo Monday evening. Guests on Tuesday at the Carl Sandstrom home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gardner and daughter Kay, of Fremont, California and Miss Eileen Sylvester of Hayward, Calif. She is attending the BYU. Mrs. Gardiner is the former Verla Sand- strom. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Richards of Camerilla, Calif., and their daughter, Mrs. Lyman Jensen and her family, Douglas, Melinda, Scott, George Ann and Peter of Salt Lake visited here last week with. Mrs. Richard's sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandstrom. They camped at Cherry Creek for. a few days and on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Sandstrom joined them for dinner. 1 ' Churchill of Mexico is visitOld .Ensenada, of her the home at daughing ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe. Mrs. McCabes brother, Mike Campbell of Phoenix, Arizona, spent a few days lost week at the McCabe home. Mrs. Dorothy tal, June or natural causes. She had been living in 29, 1970, Calimesa, California. She was bom July 10, 1898 in Centerville, Iowa, to Harvey J. and Nellie Charlton LeSuer. She married Fred J. Milliman on Sept. 20, 1920 in Salt Lake City; he died April 12, 1968. After leaving Mammoth they made their home in Salt Lake before moving to the Northwest. She was a member of the Central Christian Church. She was a Past Matron, past Grand Ruth, Tintic Chapter, OES; past member Grand Chapter,-OES- ; past president of American Legion Auxiliary, during her residence in Mammoth. Survivors are two sons, Harvey Charles, Springfield, Ore.; John Richard, Calimesa, .Calif; 6 grandchildren, a brother, Harvey Kenneth, Cedar City; sister, Mrs. A. L. (Madge) Price, Salt Lake City, Utah. Funeral services were Friday in Salt Lake at 574 East 1st : South. Burial was in Wasatch Lawn Cemetery. Eurekans in Salt Lake attending the services were Mrs. Elysabeth Franke, Mrs. Alex Blight, Mrs. Floyd Nash and Mrs. Rowena Hanks. - -- conducted They will leave Provo at 8:00 p.m. and arrive at Butte, Mont, on July 12, at 5:00 a.m. They will leave Butte and 6:30 a.m. July 12 and arrive at Lethbridge, Canada at 12:01 p.m. on July 12. They will leave Lethbridge, Canada July 12, at 12:45 p.m. Arricve at Calgary, Canada. July 12 at 4:00 p.m. They will march in the parade on July 13 and will enjoy the Stampede, rodeo and other entertainment at the big celebration. Sarah A. Newton Sarah Annie Newton, 82, a former resident of Eureka, died July 5, 1970 in a Salt Lake nursing home of natural causes. She was an aunt of Mrs. Thelma Griggs of Eureka. She was bom Feb. 25, 1888, Macclesfield, England, to Jacob and Emma Livesey Royle Newton. She was a member of the LDS Church. Survivors are several nieces Funeral services were cm-duct- ed Tuesday at 2 p.m., and burial was in the Eureka City Cemetery. Clarence Bauer of Salt Lake dedicated the grave. Salt Lake relatives here for the burial were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bauer of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bauer of Layton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newton of Salt Lake. Relatives arrive tor services Mr. and Mrs. Alferd Coffin of Escondida, Calif., were called to Eureka by the death of their William Roberts. Other family members here son-in-la- w, Dan Berry suffers injury in wreck Dan Berry of Mammoth is confined to the Boise Veteran's Hospital. He suffered a broken hip in a car accident last week. He was on his way to Oregon to visit with friends when the accident happened near Moun- tain City, Nevada, He was ta- ken to the Owyhee Nevada Hospital and later transferred to the Boise Hospital. As soon as his condition warrants his being moved he will be brought back to Salt Lake to the Veteran's hospital. Friends are wishing him the best in the way of a speedy and complete recovery from his injury. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandstrom and Mr. and Ms. Lorln Thompson were in Orem on Thursday evening of last we ?k, attending y the stuschool. Oreir. the from dents The Sandstroms granddaughter, Emily Sandstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sandstrom participated in the -- at Waterton Lake July 15 at 10:00 a.m. Leavp Waterton Lake July 15 at 12:80 p.m. Arrive at Great Falls, Montana July 15 at 7:00 p.m. Leave Great Falls, 16 at 7:00 a.m. Arrive at Yellowstone Park July 16 at 12:01 p.m. Leave Yellowstone July 17 at 12:01 p.m. arrive "at Provo sometime after 9:00 p.m. i fo .rthe trip are Chaperones Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson, Mrs. Mabel J3utler, Mrs. Fawn Fife,' and Mrs. Audrey Bander-soi -- n. a buried here ' and nephews. They will leave Calgary on July 15, at 6:00 a.m. and arrive for the funeral were her sisters and their families, Mrs. Don Markham and daughters, Shawnee and Colleen, Burbank, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Panek and daughter, Mrs. Jack Hale of Salt Lake. They left for their homes on Tuesday. Here tor funeral services of father Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jensen and two daughters, Stephanie and Teresa of Kearns, were in Eureka over the weekend. They came especially for the funeral services for Mrs. Jensen's father, William Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Therald Brooks and three children, Jay, Deanna and Scott of Reno, Nev., are spending a two week vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Aitkin. a musical, given Mr. and Mrs. Don Julander and family of Marysvale, spent a few days during the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bird. Band members and chaperones will board the busses at the LDS Parking Lot at 2nd South and 1st East. And once again the members and chaperones are reminded that they must be at the high school grounds at 5:30 p.m. to leave for Provo at 6:00 p.m. Alcoholism meet July 17 at Provo , m A public meeting for the purpose of informing the public what is being done in regards to the problems of alcoholism for both young and old alike, will be held in the Provo High School on Friday, July 17 beginning at 8 p.m. The meeting will be in the form of a panel discussion with medical doctors, law enforcement officers, church representatives and other informed persons serving as panel members. As a parent, are you aware that 45 percent of all' high school students use alcoholic beverages to a varying extent and this is a paramount factor in further teen-ag- e drug addiction? Help is available through becoming informed, officers of the AA organization point out CHURCH NEWS Catholic Church Father Louis Fisher has been appointed Administrator and Pastor for St. Patrick's Church in Eureka. He will be in Eureka on the weekends, and will celebrate Mass Sunday. at 9:00 a.m. each Methodist Church A Lay speaker, Jim Lyksett of Ogden will conduct the Sunday morning Church services at the Eureka Methodist Church at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School will be at of 10:00 a.m. under direction Supt Alllene Farren. ly |