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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER July 10, 1964 Page Three Girl Scouts enjoy holiday breakfast The Junior Troop of Girl Scouts conducted the Flag Raising Ceremonies on Independence Day, held at the Post Office. The flag was raised at. 6:00 a.m. Their leader, Mrs. Donna Laird was in charge of the ceremonies, with Floyd Nash giving some assistance. The girls recited the Pledge of Alleglence to the Flag, and also the Girl Scout Pledge. Sixteen Girl Scouts and a few visitors were in attendance at the ceremonies. After the ceremonies were concluded the group went to the home of Dick and Donna Laird, where they enjoyed a wonderful breakfast on the Patio at the Laird home. Mrs.-Joa- n Morris assisted Dick and Donna in serving the young people. Group enjoys steak fry Saturday A group of people enjoyed a steak fry last Saturday afternoon at Knightsville Park. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jasper, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eastwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brady and daughters, v Jimmy Robinson and Robyn and Janet Sue Runnells, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Runnells of Salt Lake, who spent the weekend here with the Bradys and Tom Eastwoods. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Watt and two children of Casper, Wyoming, spent the holiday weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt. They left for home Sunday evening. Methodists close Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eva are the proud parents of a baby daughter, bom June 28, in Granger. The little miss has two sisters, who are welcoming her to the family circle. Maternal grandparents, are Mrs. Bob Warner of Mr. and Granger. Mrs. Margaret Hyde is an aunt of the new arrival. The father is a former resident of Eureka. . Mickey Wilde goes into U. S. Army Private Mickey Wilde, son of Clarence Wilde left last week for Fort Ord, California, where he is stationed with the U.S. Army. He had spent a k leave here with his Wilde and Clarence father, other relatives. The return trip two-wee- was made by jet plane. Accompanying him to the Salt Lake airport were his two sisters, Mrs. Bonnie Laird and Mrs. Lois Thurgood of Syracuse, also an aunt, Mrs. Lillian Royle of Salt Lake and an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer of Holladay were on hand to wish him happy landing. He joined the service last April. - Huck Kay of Grantsville spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Pelt. Ladles of Elks ' President Thelma Roberts presided at the meeting of the Ladies of Elks, held Tuesday evening in the Elks club rooms. Girl Scouts go to summer camp A routine business session was held, and it was decided to dispense with the next' regular meeting on the 21 of July. The next meeting will be on August 4. A social hour was held following the business session, with Bridge furnishing the entertainment. High score was won by Mrs. Joseph Bernini, cut by Mrs. Floyd Evans, and the raffle by Mrs. Heber Cushing. Mrs. Robert Fife was hostess for the meeting and served delicious refreshments. Two Junior Girl Scouts, Alice Judge and Debbie Ewel, are spending a vacation at the Girl Scout Tre-Fo- il Ranch in Provo Canyon. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewell and daughter, Ethel, accompanied Debbie to the Ranch. Mrs. Tom Judge and daughter, Eileen, accompanied Alice to the camp to get a good idea of what the ranch was like. Both parents were decidedly pleased with the pleasant surroundings. Three Cadet Girl Scouts, Pam McIntyre, Launa Allinson and Kim Pannell, are spendat Red ing their Cliff in Ogden Canyon. Their mothers, Mrs. Steele McIntyre, Mrs. Ned Allinson and Mrs. Kenneth Pannell, accompanied the girls to the canyon. They also expressed pleasure at the camp site for the Girl Scouts. two-wee- ks two-wee- Open house honors husband birthday anniversary. Among those calling during the day to extend birthday greetings were Mrs. Della Berry and daughter, Mrs. Valene Argill, Mrs. Reed Pett, Elmer Robert Garity, Westerlund, Ted Colovich, Mr. and Mrs. Sterl Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erickson, Mrs. Bessie Toone, Mrs. Dora Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Mont Brown ' (Rosalie McNeil) and family of Payson. It was a most enjoyable day for Mr. McNeil, who has been confined to his home for the past several weeks, following a severe illness. The Methodist Church Bible School closed last Friday, afsession. After ter a two-week completing the work Friday morning, the students and their teachers took a hike up into the mountains, where they found a shady spot, and enjoyed a picnic lunch. ' Twenty-fiv-e students and teachers made the hike. - At 7:30 a program was held in the church. Group singing was enjoyed, and the students had a fine display of the work accomplished during the school. Rev. Nicholson, pastor, participated in the program. Parents were special guests of the evening, and were able to view the work done by the children in the s. Mrs. Mabel Butler was in charge of the school and the evening program. ' Columbia Rebekah Columbia Rebekah Lodge No. 2, held a regular meeting last Thursday eventing at the Miners Union Hall. Noble Grand Colleen McNulty presided at the meeting. A business session was disposed of and plans were discussed for the cedar chest which will be given away on July 25. Anna Franks and Alliene Farren were hostesses for the meeting and took the members to a local cafe for refreshments. Prizes were drawn for, and were won by Minnie Painter and Alliene Farren. Mrs. Cavl Erickson of Citris Heights, Calif., is spending the. week here with her sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. Gerald Peterson. w, PAINFUL CORNS ?j AMAZING LIQUID RELIEVES PAIN AS IT DISSOLVES CORNS AWAY I Now remove corns the fast, easy way with Freezooeft. Liquid Freezooe relieves pain instantly, works below die skin line to dissolve corns away in just days. Get Freezone...atall druf counters. . CLEARANCE MEN'S SHOES Mrs. Ed Thomas, Mrs. Ber-ne- ll Thomas and Mrs. J. S. one room or your vholo houso Air Condition One Room Install Anywhere . An electric air conditioner can be installed anywhere you need it bedroom, living room, kitchen, or any other room. Does Much More Than Cool An electric room air conditioner not only replaces stale air with mint-coair, but filters out dust, soot, and even pollen, too. ol Air Condition Your Entire House An electric air conditioning system generally costs much less because an electric system is smaller, lighter in weight, easier to handle, and requires less space. Also an electric system requires no flue or exhaust system. Prices have been declining until now you can install a whole-hous- e electrical air conditioning system for a typical home for less than half the price of a compact car. Costs Less to Install . 6-ro- om Air Condition O no Room or Your Entlro House Electrically The Proven Wayl Buy Now from Your Electric Doolor or Contractor Finch were in Salt Lake on Monday, where they combined business and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. William Pax-ma- n drove up to Park City Sunday afternoon for a look at the rivived mining town. Later they drove to Murray, where they visited with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dumas. ANKLB-PAtHIONS- im QmmUtgt O IHOBI A I Cheerful Habit Long Distance calls your phone and go visiting tonight! MOUNTAIN BTATBO UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO First I to favorite relatives or friends are among life's nicest experiences. Long Distance is the best way to keep in touch when you cant be there yourself. Pick up TELEPHONE . two-week- ks Mrs. James McNeil honored her husband at open house on Monday, in celebration of his Bible school EDGERTON SHOES a AND UP Buy two pain at these every style on sale but Of styles at sale prices Is to give you excellent savings! Not the selection broad enough choices. HOOViK'S 78 West Center Provo |