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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two 75E uni lEurdta 2Ujuirt?r PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH Printed By Sprlngville, Utah matter February 10, 1948, at the post office, Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Entered as second-clas- s Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $4.00; Per Copy, 10c. HARRISON CONOVER Publisher WOODROW WEIGHT Editor MRS. BELLE COFFEY Correspondent NAMember: UTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION TIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION WEEKLY NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES, INC. JUMliMBJ ! Rewards listed LAIRDS MARKET j Fresh Meats, Groc., Dairy Products and Produce, r Frozen Foods Delivery Phone 11111 1 Tues.-Thurs.-S- at 433-680- 8 1 11 Si for illegal J j game killing Si! S FOR SALE GUITARS and amplifiers, Fender, Gibson, Harmony, etc. All prices. Also ukes, banjos, and accordians. Herger Music, 158 So. 1st W., Provo. Closed Monday. D20 APPLES Romes, Jonathans, Red, Golden Delicious. Rus5. sell Hutchinson, Salem. o25 798-717- DELICIOUS apples, $1 per bushel and up. A. Z. Robbins, 1001 South Main, Payson. olltfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Applications are now being received at the Eureka City Recorders office for the position of night watchman for Eureka City. Application must be in by October 23. EUREKA CITY Rewards will be paid by the Utah Department of Fish and Game to anyone submitting information which leads to the conviction of persons who illegally kill an elk or moose. The reward money is $100 for proof of an illegally killed elk and $300 for information on illegally killed moose. The offer for such information was originally made by the Department several years ago in an effort to reduce illegal kills of these animals which take place during the annual deer seasons. Anyone observing others shooting at or killing elk or moose during the deer season is urged to report the incident to the nearest Department officer. Hunting license number, name or car license number of the offender should be reported if possible. Treated waters stocked again Scheduled Layman from Tooele will have charge of the Sunday morning service at the Methodist Church. It is Laymans Sunday and those coming to Eureka will be Frank Bowman. James Kinsinger, Harry fishier. Edward Staats, Robert Talcott, Harley Porter and others. The visitors will also furnish the music for the 11:00 oclock service and an invitation is extended to all those interested. Sunday School at the regular time, 10:00 a.m. LDS services Duane Garbett conducted the Sunday evening services at the Eureka LDS Church. The music was by Mayme Wirthlin at the organ nnd Faye Ryan, conducting. The invocation was given by Richard Webb. Toledo Begay was sustained as President of the Deacon's Dora Quorum. Rose, Nellie Laird, Georgia Laird were sus- tained as visiting district teachers in the Relief Society. An organ solo was given by Mayme Wirthlin, and the speakers for the evening were Evelyn Kirk, Goshen; Willard De Santaquin; and Marion Gra-fenrei- SSI Law regulates lappeningA juyeniles' Thursday, October 17, a Scouting Court of Honor was held hunting rights ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY fish eraducation chemical and rehabilitation programs on Lower Bown and Rex reservoirs have now been completed, the Department of Fish and Game said today. These two waters, together with Nine-Mil- e Reservoir treated earlier, will be restocked later this fall with catchable sized rainbow trout and will be open to fishing during 1961. The stocking of catchable sized fish in these waters is a departure from the Department's usual policy of stocking fingerling sized fish following chemical treatment programs. The change in these three instances was brought about because of unsuitable water conditions in areas where these fish had been scheduled for release earlier. at 7:30 p.m. It was un- Mr. anti Mrs. Louis Kryger, who are visiting here from their home in Pasadena, Calif., were dinner guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. der the direction of Henry Roberts, District Advancement The Utah Department of Chairman, and Marion Davis, Jack Coffey. Fish and Game today listed the Chairman of the Scouting Disfollowing regulations in answer trict Committee. Boy Scouts Mr. and Mrs. Martin .Fennell to many questions concerning from each ward were present left Tuesday for Pocatello, the minimum age when juven- and received Merit badges and where they will visit with the iles may hunt game birds and Rank awards. Pat Fennell and Jerry Fennell animals. families. All ward Relief Society orUnder Utah law a juvenile ganizations have held their opmy purchase his first license ening socials and are now holdSirs. Margaret Gourley is to hunt upon reaching the age ing regular meeting each week, confined to the Payson Hosof fourteen and after successpital where she is receiving including special work day acfully passing a required course tivities, each second Tuesday. medical treatment. Her many in hunter safety training. All women of the stake are friends are wishing her the best in the way of a speedy Through ages fourteen and fifto attend these wonderteen he may hunt only game urged ful instruction classes, for the recovery. birds during open seasons. He lessons are wonderful and must at all times while huntMr. and Mrs. Jerry Elton work days help in keeping acing during this period, be busy and some fine work ideas and family of Tooele were in town over the weekend visiting companied by a person 21 will be given. of or older. with her mother, Mrs. Rhoda years age Morris Smith Federal law does not require of Superintendent Bell and other relatives. School the the possession of a migratory with hisstake Sunday counselors, Stanley Miss Chyrle Thomas, who is waterfowl stamp until the juvPowelson and Arden LeBaron, enile reaches sixteen years of and secretary David Smith, teaching in Salt Lake, spent age. and Coordinator, Lorna Draper, the weekend here with her However, the law does NOT attended the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert special Sunday Thomas. fifthese fourteen and permit teen year old juveniles to hunt School sessions of conference alone or with other persons last Saturday afternoon in Salt Sirs. Marguerite Meissner Lake City. of Denver, Colorado, is spendunder the age of 21 years, unRuth Potts, Eureka, has been less at least one person of the week here with Mrs. named a ward reporter to send ing adult years (21 years or older) news Franke. She will be of their ward to Mrs. Elsyabeth is in the hunting party. as the former remembered Parents and guardians were Beulah Bradley. Franke. Marguerite reminded that youngsters of The Welfare Banquet held Miss Margaret Harrington of ages fourteen or fifteen when last Saturday evening proved Provo, was found in the field alone or in in town on Sunday to be a success with a large with with friends. other company only visiting juvcrowd attending. to cited eniles, may be appear MIA Freedom of The in juvenile court and that in Truth" stake Mr. and Mrs. Ross Falsetti conference held last of Salt Lake City, such instances the parent or the Tuesday night at the Stake weekend at the homespent arto be of their guardian may subject Center was well attended. It rest on charges of contributand Mr. and daughter family, was under the direction of Mrs. miMuth. James a to of the delinquency ing stake speech and drama leadnor. Sorenson and Fred ers, The law further provides Davis.Agnes Missue of electrical equipment is the second largest that any person after reachcause of fires, accounting for ing the age of sixteen years more than 20 per cent of the and having complied with the hunter safety regulations may total. then purchase any of the sevMrs. Myrtle Theriault and The National Board notes eral adult fishing, hunting or Mrs. Lynn Brady were in Salt three-fourtof all fires are combination licenses and enLake on Monday, combining the result of carelessness. The joy all of the privileges albusiness and pleasure. Board points out that you can lowed under such issue. help prevent fires by simply Miss Marjorie Randle, a stuusing care. dent at the Utah State University in Logan, spent the Niagara Falls is the most weekend here with her parents, famous cascade, but nearly a Weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Randle. hundred others are higher. Mrs. Arthur Smith, were their Mr. son and daughter-in-laand Mrs. Frank Smith of Ogden, and their family; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Myers, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams and daughter, Cindy, of Ogden; and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Smith and Terry of West Jordan. hs w, Sirs. Kenneth Underwood en- tered the Payson Hospital on Monday, where she Is undergoing a scries of tests. The Entro Nous Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Robert Thomas. "Moon Flower Vine," by Jetta Carlcton, was reviewed by Mrs. Curtis Butler. a Following the review, short business meeting was Mrs. Hilda Webb returned home last week, after a held. The hostess served tasty refreshments to members: Mrs. Maude McIntyre, Mrs. Laura McIntyre, Mrs. LaVon Ryan, Mrs. Marion Nash, Mrs. Ear-lea- n Gear, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Myrtle Theriault, Mrs. Jackie Banghart, Mrs. Ellen Muth and Mrs. Virginia Randle. Mark Taylor returned home Mr. nnd Mrs. Konnio Gilson and family of Kearns, were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorensen. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Myron months trip to Evanston, Wyoming. where she was the guest of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Griggs. Mrs. Griggs drove her mother to Eureka and before coming here they spent a day in Dug-wa- y with the Wayne Bocks. October 18, 1963 d, Davis, Genola. The benediction was given by Verl Phillips. Spahn working on a new pitch at age of 42. on Sunday, after spending five days in the Payson Hospital, where he received treatment for a back injury. His friends are wishing him con- tinued improvement. TIE Oil IUMMY VIIIKIf 10 BROOK PROOF. OISTILLEIT COM NIT. LOUISVILLE. IT, KEITOCKT ILEIDED VIIIKET 88 PROOF, KEITOCXV STIIIGIT I00IICI MX 81111 IEITI11 IP1UT8 .3m k. |