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Show Universal Mlorofllulng Corp. 141 Plerpont Ave. Salt Lake City 1, Utah Educator gets new appointment Dr. Edward Merkes, associate professor of mathematics at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been appointed to a similar position in the University of Cincinnati Graduate School. Dr. Merkes, a native of Vol. 61 The Eureka (Utah) Reporter, Friday, October Excitement running high as annual deer hunt open Saturday Chi- cago, holds bachelor and master of science degrees from De-Pa- ul University, Chicago, and the doctor of philosophy from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. He taught at DePaul from 1950-5- 4 and 1956-5- 9 and at Marquette from 1959 to 1963. From 1954-5- 6 Dr. Merkes served in the U. S. Army Chemical Corps. He has held summer research grants from the U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research at Northwestern, Marquette, and Arizona State University, Phoenix. Dr. Merkes During 1962-6- 3 was visiting associate professor at the University of Wisconsin mathematics research center. He is a member of Sigma Xi, national research honor society; American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America. He is quite well known in Eureka, as he has visited here many times. His wife is the former Gerry Carter, a daughter of Mrs. Maynard Carter, a long-tim- e resident of Eureka. She is visiting at the Merkes home at the present. Eureka BPOE official visifs Mrs. Reid Allred, wife of the district deputy grand exalted ruler, Utah, South, BPOE, accompanied her husband to Eureka last Thursday when he made his official visitation to Tintic Lodge. She was entertained during the lodge session by the Ladies of Elks. They met at the home of Mrs. Hamilton Laird, president of the Eureka Ladies of Elks, where a social hour was enjoyed. Later they had dinner at a local cafe. Those attending were Mrs. Tom Eastwood, Mrs. Heber Cushing, Mrs. Robert Thomas, Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs. William Eastwood, Mrs. Floyd Evans, Mrs. Robert Fife and Mrs. Laird. Ore Shipments Filtrol Corp., 1,260 tons hal-losy- te clay. Recent visitors at the Naef home were Mr. and Harold Viertel and Mr. Mrs. Quay Gunderson of Lake City. Earl Mrs. and Salt Elysabeth L. Franke installed grand matron of OES chapter mmm M rs. Elysabeth ifl L. Franke, who was installed as worthy grand matron of the Utah Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. CLOSES Business houses in Eureka will he closed on Saturday, to give the employees a chance to participate in the deer hunt. Tintic schools will lie closed on Monday and Tuesday of next week, so that the students can participate in the deer hunt. Classes will be resumed on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart returned home last Friday from a three-wee- k trip to Nevada and California. Their first stop was in Reno, where they visited with a son and family, the Fred Radtkes. Their travels took them to Woodland, California, where they visited with a niece of Mr. Stewarts, then on to San Jose, where they were guests of Mrs. Bob Radtke and family. Bob is overseas at the present time. While in San Jose they visited the fabulous Winchester House, which, according to Mrs. Stewart, has to be seen to realize the enormity and the odd construction and the fabulous fittings in the house. They spent sometime in Long Beach with her mother, Mrs. Annie Whitehead, and other family members. seeks deer hides to be used in veterans' hospital BPOE Lodge Tintic Lodge No. 711, BPOE, is making an urgent request that those who get their deer, turn the hides over to the lodge. The hides collected will be used in the Veteran's Hospital I i i I t i for the veterans' rehabilitation. They will salt the hides, deliver them to the tannery for tanning and then turn them over to the Veteran's Hospitals at no cost to the hospital. The men in the hospital work on items made from the hides and it is surprising the bcau- - No. 42 18, 1963 tiful items made from the hides and the amount of good derived by the men doing the work. The Elks slogan is "As long as there is a veteran in our hospitals, the Elks will never forget." Joseph A. Bernini, chairman for Veterans asks that anyone program, hides to give to the having lodge, please call him or the Elks' Lodge rooms, and they will see that the hides are of the "Hides Mrs. Elysabeth L. Franke of Eureka was installed Friday night as worthy grand matron of the Utah Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, succeeding Mrs. Elsie R. Jones of Bountiful. Earl T. Oss, Provo, was installed worthy grand patron at the Friday evening session. The installations concluded the sessions of the 58th annual conclave of OES Grand Chapter of Utah, which opened on Wednesday at the Masonic Temple in Salt Lake City. The sessions were highlighted by a visit from Mrs. Mildred Haney Harris, Dallas, Texas, most worthy matron of the OES General Grand Chapter. Other Utah chapter officers elected earlier and installed during the Friday ceremony included Helen J. Wilson, Green River, associate grand matron; Harold A. Zogg, Magna, associate grand patron; Naomi P. Hoskins, Salt Lake City, grand secretary; Lois Ross, Salt Lake City, grand treasurer; Bernice J. Willie, Lark, grand conductress; Vera Schroeder, Salt Lake City, ossicate grand conduct- - flews (flriefs ress, and Joseph Savage, Salt Lake City, grand sentinel. Installing officers who occupied the Grand Chapter chairs were Mrs. Fava K. Parker, Ogden, matron; Karl Scherer, Provo, patron; Mrs. Frances Randle, Salt Lake City, marshal; and Mrs. Avis I. Malm-steSalt Lake City, chaplain. As newly installed matron of the chapter, Mrs. Franke announced new appointive officers as follows: Winifred R. Roush, Ogden, chalain; Helen M. Oberle, Salt Lake City, lecturer; Elizabeth I. Oss, Provo, marshal; Lucille S. Smith, Salt Lake City, organist; Maxine S. Boyd, Moab, grand Ada; Vivial L. Voorhies, Vernal, grand Esther; Cordelia N. Hodges, of North Salt Lake City, grand Electa; Marian B. Nash, Eureka, grand Martha, and Ruby H. Minert, Ogden, grand Word-e- r. n, Members of Mrs. Frankes family in Salt Lake City for the installation were her daughter, Miss Patricia Franke of Los Angeles; her two sons, Henry of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. Rheem Franke, Bountiful; her sister and r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Smythe, San Francisco, and Mrs. Margher sister-in-lauerite Meissner of Denver. Members of Tintic Chapter No. 18, OES, in Salt Lake City for the three-da- y sessions were Mrs. Elva Bonner, Mrs. Row-en- a Hanks, Ethel Brenton and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nash. Others in for the installation were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler, Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Mrs. Myrtle Theriault, Mrs. Agnes Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blight, Mrs. Vola Nevers, Mrs. Anna Franks, Mrs. LaVon Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Baker of Pasadena, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, Green River, Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Horton, Goshen. brothe- w, . . . Jon Larsen, 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Larsen of Ruth, Nevada, underwent an appendectomy this week at the Steptho Hospital in Ely, according to word received by relatives. They report that he is recuperating nicely at his home in Ruth. Family dinner honors matron A family dinner was enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Hannifin. The dinner honored Mrs. Hannifin on her birthday anniversary (she wouldn't say which one). Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tuckett, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bray and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hannifin and Tim and Margaret Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hannifin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill and daughter, Candy and Duane Fox, and Brennan Co-heno- Attend meeting Mrs. Amelia O'Connor, Mrs. Frank McCabe, Mrs. James Muth, Miss Elizabeth O'Connor, Mrs. Floyd Evans, Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs. J. A. Bernini, and Father Daz were in Provo on Monday evening attending a meeting of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. After the business meeting a dinner was served at a Provo cafe. ers will report in, so that their families away from Tintic will know who the successful hunters are. BPOE hears exhalted ruler District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler of Utah, South, BPOE, Reid Allred, made his official visitation to Tintic Lodge No. 711, last Thursday evening. Preceding the meeting a dinner was held in his honor at Gig's Cafe. His wife accompanied him to Eureka and was entertained by the Ladies of Elks. Two new members were initiated in the Lodge and Mr. Allred gave an interesting talk to the lodge members. Tom Eastwood, Exhalted Ruler of Tintic Lodge No. 711, presided at the Ixdge session. Couple hosts dinner party Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood were hosts at a dinner party last Saturday evening. Those at- tending were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jasper, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Myers of Chicago, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams and daughter, Cindy of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Smith and son, Terry of West Jordan. IBflflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflflBBBBI Eureka Reporter Special 100 Years of Mining Edition ur Hannifin. Excitement is running high, as usual, in Tintic, in anticipation of the opening of the deer hunt, which opens Saturday morning, Oct. 19. This is the time of year when Eureka is practically deserted, ns entire families join in .the hunt and "take to the hills." Mines will be closed on Friday to give the' employees a chance to reach their destination by dawn on Saturday. will be Business houses on closed Saturday, and the schools will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, so that all can participate in the hunt. We hope to have some tall tales to report next week, and hope that the succesful hunt- B Use this coupon for ordering extra copies of tho Eureka B Reporter 100 years of mining edition which will include pictures, stories and facts of yesterday Eureka. Price 25c Iter copy. Copies will he mailed free upon regucst any- where In the United States. .... Name Address State ...: City Amount Enclosed No. of Copies (Special will bo available October 25, 1963) nr - - B B B |