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Show Jl,iy The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Pape Four PUZZLES GAMES STORIES PICTURES Mexican Rebus Crossword Puzzle Skunks Are Pets, It Says Here PET ? SKUNK. FAMIL- ca'zehul Y- OF THE SKUNK - BUT HE ,hoi.0 ab o&ooo&zeo IS with his IF A SKUNK lifted UP HE A SKUNK WILL EAT RATE AND THE 'VOACBM & L&r GO - LIKE A CAT tail IS HARMLESS' A WAV' TO MICE JUST 70 This puzzle Is on the silhouette of a map of Mexico: ACROSS 1 This puzzle Is about 6 Any 7 Short for Ronald 8 Not long 10 Girls name 11 Indian weight 12 Point 14 Hawaiian bird 2 3 4 5 9 BY IIITA BES'I 'i,e skunk ran I launch a glia i.rd and the home can be made with tar paper. It's IYELL, there's no IcllinK who I ai'iick while you hold him by the rain-prokind of a creature a small boy tail, but you rari't go around for- best to make the opening small so will choose (or a pet, and so the ever holding onto the tail. Maybe he'll be safe fiom dogs. Bureau of Fish and Wild Life of you'd tietter write to Washington Washington Is ready to tell him and llnd out where to get one 'jTIE Skunk Development Bureau of long-haire- black-and-wh- province sound utensil Coded o. aninaturally gentle, peace-lovimals and they don't go around looking for trouble. But they can hand out trouble aplenty If they get riled. The young skunks are cute as teddy bears and as appealing as puppies. Wild skunks eat crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, assorted bugs and grubs. They also relish field mice, rata and small rodents. Theyre as good as a cat to keep away mice. Tame skunks learn to like bread scraps, eggs, meat trimmings, chicken heads, vegetables, fruits, dried prunes and milk. All in all, skunks eat everything. They're regular pigs. A home for a pet skunk can ba made of a nail keg placed horizontal and made Immovable by stakes on each side. Dry grass, leaves or hay will make a good ng ite Rotes Trom 13 being Message of Chicago, 111., lists five reaalieady tamed. A simple code nas been used to If you treat the skunk gently sons why skunks make good pets. conceal our statement about Mcxi-i'and kindly, he'll love you as Here they are. and the opinions Can you decipher it? (Clue: will any other pet. Skunka are are those of the Skunk DevelopA Mexican river is named.) IMAM A SKUNK enjoys taking her family for walks through the woods. The family goes in single file and If you know how, you can catch a whole family of skunks. But be carefuL First approach the family gently and quietly and seize the skunk's tail and lift it After youve dona that, tha problem ia how to let go. -- CTUDY this picture and try to decide what you would do in this awkward and embarrassing situation. The tartful answer ii below. The situation: You are visiting a home where there is a child who asks you a very or very personal embarrassing, question W'hat will you do? (a) Remain silent until someone else comes tc your rescue? (b) Tell the kid it's none of his business or You shouldnt ask such a question"? (c) Tell the others present, "That's for one of you to answer"? (d) Ignore the child's question and immediately include the youngster In a new topic of conversation? The solution: Follow aolution D, Ignore the question and change the aubjecL By including the In the conversation you draw his attention from the question he Just asked and at the same time avoid hurting his feelings by not answering him. DOWN Mother Abstract Presses Trumpet Canadian Laughter Cooking 1 where to buy a skunk, disarmed, tamed and ready to become one of the family. It isnt such a bad Idea, providing everyone In the family agrees to It And skunk lovers (I) say you'll actually grow to love this d, cute little darling. That Is, if hes odorless. Deodorizing a skunk la a simple matter for a veterinarian. He gives UtUe Brer Skunk a sleeping pill and operates, removing the musk mes which are responsible for this little critters bad name. Aindcfinitclv lit the Thomas ment Bureau, not necessarily VJg Tkq Itcpff tkxgt bqtoo those of this newspaper: pqtvjgtp oquv Obzkeq'u qh 1 Skunky Is clean. Provide dqwpfrta. him with a pan of sand or sawdust Just like a rat's. Keep It In any convenient corner, either indicrs Giveaway Program or out Cover with an overturned William C. Powell of the box, after cutting a seven-inc- h I'nited Nations teUs this square hole In one side. This will story In The Bookseller, an be used as a door. Enclish trade magazine: 2 Skunky earna his keep. He'll The Brockhamplon Press free the premises of mice, rats, and of Leicester, a children' any obnoxious marauding Insects. book publisher, received a 3 He la loveable, gentle, and letter from an adores being petted. He's a soreader who pointed out that ciable creature anl takes to fonthere was a bark-rovdling Just tha way a kitten does. of other books 4 There's probably no animal "Uniform with this Series." that can be removed from the wild The boy eomplalned that he state and domesticated aa quickly had received no uniform. and thoroughly as Mr. Skunk. This The publishers lent the la especially true If he's young. lad a toy busmans uniform. 5 He's Just plain beautiful! Indoor Gome Imaginative GRIZZLY BEAR can attain C$Almom can .jump a THE SPEED OF 35 MILES PEP- - VALIS OF SlX TO EIGHT HOUP- - F 4m ;4H Hub News... ' ' ."TT ; . : i 1 j ; , ; v. Mr. and Mr. Kenton Steele and small daughter, Joan, visited in Tooele over the Week end With Mr and Mrs. Clarence Steele. The Penrod family gathered up Salem Canvon on Saturday. July 2o to honor their father. Mr. A. O. Besides Penrod on Ins birthday 'the immediate family of Mr. and Mis t) A. Penrod some relative from Ogden came also. Mr and i Mr Penrod have .17 descendant (iieluding children, grandchildren, I I . , and ijiute a large group attended the outing, and everyone hid ail enjoyable ti.ee. is iii.Just is nw-tn- g , - i j Whatever 4-- H . ny i ST dArt H , contrary to the ihvf'e will, and lioin this it lot'ows that tin true ami ahid.ng can to gamed by 'hose I; r, pmes Stretih. wl;o me unjust. r'uen 4-- : 4-- H ... j in j Nature Lovers Plan I Participation Annual Timp Hike Fri-d.'i- pnrtu-ipat- e IP-if- y. l , ; i V ! hns-ne- moimtiiin-chmliiii- s g . Am.-iica- j,. '.n -- .le.-n:- I - i piv-luk- e I . Jr FOK SALE Hydrate for Mills and Smelters M4MMOTH IIYPPY I. N(i Mnumth hive P Model 10. Serial en doi.g g.,.i w: ''omh:i.,i!ion shovel d f u Pie summer V0l.y but have U'o I condltl.:i. Used. very. liVI, pnhhelv. 1 Sehramni Diesel ilri-ibn-h,ii r,v.i meetings! j 'ey ci'iupre r. new. Ml t!ir ih,r ew. ? wi, I",,, :iv Fork-l- i t trimk c pro tee! s have been making n seiHp, e:np!eti'!y r I II e!-i- a-- ENJOY YOURSELF WHERE - - FERTILIZERS b - FIUKNDS MEET" 'I 0 PLASTERING '"''d ; a.Tap luniks ll Which ? I i iver,..r.i!i ,M! pran-- l so!l. In udit'on t tli':r plum lew.irl "r I H a:a r mvent ami of M'ath takuv; IlmmiMn si-:Supp.v r.111 ll-:l x w. Till So. Salt Will . i :I CHIEF t.uupavy List Tuesday the cry the rr-Like (.V n,,,e Hu Tiiminnogii A.Va. Giant Sliilo! a "uU the ' V "Cedars", ski loeet loll uni)iie NIi'K I rvi!i imnlein I'.iuise tu their break-tim- e s IIMivl oil Mil sleep slopes of the mount ' ;1 ; " V,ry r:,J,,yalile I G0S Dooly Like (luM'lllblingS. flllit nm's xlaeier Mri trees and M irral kinds of her-M'- S Ihnil a sroie of skiers lllil l.lliu: Memto-r- s ineimh Myrle Gill,-- . several IV S. Olvinpic team IViiire 114 Skinish Fork. ' s"',',nson. Lulls.. Rust- -' 9 will Inrkle thi Iri'Hiheloiis -- " , K J2!ka mn in 'mpetit mn for the s!nl m i 1 , j at the CONSOLIDATED MINING CO 'r SILVER CLUB w i?vNc7a1S..S JT n hi A rlen?? camp. The date Tor tin year Col- red for the ,camp are set for August 4. !i. and hen Paxman. Mary Mike Ather- - fat s"x 8. The camp site is in Salt Creek nronnit muff" ley. Angoline Bogdan. Toni Ferris. n Inn! CiiZVhCcluh mot,toT,;l, S'arn B"J m' Ethel Brenton. Pat cu. aS5 Special !to do by Doing." An opportunity guests at the meeting were Uncta S2d et Jnd w,!1 R'ven for "doing" this year. Farren. Loia Phipps, and Mrs. n" omlotto' thc y having a Junior Camp commit- - John Farren. Member attending the vane tee math up of club members veil! xext were Peggy Ann Xs elected by all club member of Toni ?mPsR' 8 1 unbi Jul Deanna Wall. Tat Lucas. Mar Parents interested in having . 1 m ' Sax- Ethel Mae Galley, Noel Arc their club hoy or girl attend and Margaret Ann Atheri fhe Club Camp are urged to con- HOME MAKFKS f'l I 'R tact Mr. Ruth Wahlquist. the Home Cherry liw gum is used for si club have been held re-- ; ENROLLMENT fPning fdt. as in hats. Tin Extrnision Scrvioc office cently and were not reported. The following is a list of mfetinKa wishw to announce that club held enrollment for Home Economic thc projects is closed until after the homn nfnil"? WaS jPda demonCounty Fair. Following the County the vari!ni Way of Fair. girls, leaders and parents "L!0" on was demonstrated, may meet to discuss the project nMkinp e Archibald Talnicr (right), attorney for NO SILENCING HIM in which they wish Another was held at meeting girls to enroll. Albert Reeve, presiding home of Ethel Mae Gatley and Club enrolling thin fall for next Judy Coplon, spy luxprcL talk with Judge on tha curbstone outside the summers work can meet a few thc Proiect the day was the Judge at the Washington. P.C, trial, recourt. Thu Judge Is silent here, but from the bench he severely preparation of milk drinks. and tsire methods On July 7. the club members buked Palmer several timea for met at the home of Peggy Ann lined him $100 for contempt and threatened him with JalL Mbs 10 years for atXaef. The correct way of table' Coplon vu fonnd guilty and sentenced to three to to her conntry. setting was demonstrated. betray tempting On July 22. a meeting was held at the home of one of the leaders, yimphy. Mr. Lucille Knotts. That meeting proKiigcne I. ltol.crt. was given over to the work on fessor of physirii education from PEPPY PAI.s of California who Ciiivcrsity WMHMmaWMmilUJMIUHMiaMIIIIIMMMIKtlltf1 The Peppy Pals cluh met at if In founded the hike while eoaehing the horn- or s Jill Johnson on at Brigham Young in HM2. will July 22. The project lesson m the hike. ;:,r he day was primer table setting. The Kirl were given some CHIEF BRAND LIME very To remove tin odor of fish from subject.helpful information on thi numtor of townspeople will hh cloth, boil the cloth for Flan were nin.Ie for the breajoin the thousands of climbers on i timed Ml. Timpnnogos this week fivi minute in a solution of one kfast to N served to the mothers. to Iate to end marking the .ISth mutual hike table pomi of announced later baking soda to one CHIEF BRAND Fill.uvi!i the I In aided as one of the largest meeting of water Riiiki ,n wnnn wvre served, events in quart mu i.er. then eok.. of cake, made hy Jill .I.ihn- msiirg the hike is a eommiinitv IIICII CALCIUM LIME son nnd I.ynnete IVnn.'and the affair, sponsored by Brigham club and civte I'mversilv Young; We ire l'k:,r to se that there Jen,. Biril'Vwel'c IrU. iv.ll I 'eg n Finlay nmht hould be eeiiiiv.g Lynuett,. no stifling of Labor hv i ns :n expiate! Virgiri, Lv. Marie st am persons as il. or of Capita! by Libor; , 'V. Sax and J,J Johns..':, semble in the rustic nuiphi'hi'iilre t'.il'it ii a's.i Me Specialize in High Calcium Chemical In no X..viS'1-- a fo,tint tbiix should the group are Mrs at Aspen Grove for a Iraldioiuil Mifling f l.i1., hv l.nhor, or of A i V s,. K.(1 i!s.., program. C 'il i! v i .i : t John D. rier.l a;. jo,i;i,r (.H., r yj.s M , Ster-Saturd- CuckooIQviz A I meet the of specifications lazy people. Fust set bounds by common agreement, like "in the room," "in tha yard, or "In the school." Now one player says, Guess where 1 am hiding?" Another, who does, hides the next time. Imagine concealing yourself In a vase, a flowerpot, or the third electric light from the left on the ceiling chandelierl to The Home Cooking club met at The July 2G meeting was the home of Mary Lou Farren the home of Margaret Tuesday evening. The project for Athcrlcy ,and further work on the .CT.P book,. prepr"" : ' BTim u Hunting tailored er home.' k Siill,biiry. Mr and two children of L Angeles, ti L California, and Mr. and Mrs. W'al-- ! VyOSljCn lace Hickman of Bingham Canyon. nd Mr. und Mrs. Frank lvtenum Mr. and Mr. Dougin Richard ? Salt Hike City were week end and children. Mary Ann and Ted. vmitors with Mr and Mr. Jack of Camarillo. Calif, are visiting and other relative and IramKau llor-Owen Mrs. nnd Mr. here with ton and Max. with Mr. and Mra. friends. Oscar Horton, with Mr. and Mr, Mr. und Mr. Tom Hendrickson Keed Horton and family, and with ' and daughter. Virginia, from Salt other relative nnd friend. Lake fit V visited over the holiday Mr. and Mra. Vane IVter and week end with Mr. nnd Mm. Ann. of Montebello, thur Miller and Mr. and Mr, and Mr. visited on Friday and 1,1 ' Sorensen. Mr.hildn-of IMysnn with Mr. and Mr. I.y- - hn ,"""'n " 'isited in Goshen on Monday with man Cook and other relative. the above mentioned relative and , , also with Mr. and Mr. C. M. .len- Mr. and Mr. Sherwin Thomas . . and daughter. Sherry and L Ann. Joined Mr. and Mm. Milton Thoimj Mr lni Mn, ltoV(, stanfield and Mr and Mrs. Howurd a Hl11lll, daughter from Salt Thonian and daughter. Shirley Ann. llVlT ,h(. Wl,. vllBl, ljh1 and M is Shirley Jean Kay for tll wh Mr lMll Mrs j w Meh a week end canyon camping trip. )tu (h,.r . . . They went up Daniel ennyon. thin to Strawberry nnd lastly to Mr. and F.rnest Anderson of Mr. Diamond canyon. (Iasi and their two children are fur a few day with Mr Mra. Mae Chirk and grandson. visiting Mrs. J. H. Perry. and Bobbie Duncan of Magna, were Sunday and Monday visitor with Mr. Stanley Burrastnn Mr. and Mra. Sherwin Thomas. and and Mr.Bountiful were holifamily of Mra. Chirk left on Monday afterat hume the of Mr. visitor day noon, but Bobble stayed to visit nnd Mra. Itny l.iirraston Mr. and Mr. Iasi Burraston of IMtn also visited with Ian's parents on Mon-d- a Are You Tactful? 9 HE'LL LOVE YOU AND BE FRIENDLY I CROSSWORD: &UT 8B YOU NAVE WON THE OMCE CONFIDENCE PUZZLE ANSWERS Use the words arid pictures corMEXICAN REUl'S: Latin Amerrectly, and youll learn four facts about our subject: ican; 28 states; President Aleman; Federal republic. YOU WANT A BKUNK FOR A IF YOU KNOW HOW, IT l POSSIBLE TO CATCH A WHOLE DO i a. Sp-!'!;- yrU"' r.lm. twiliim Building Salt Lake Ci Plant: Sf.ddle, Utah IHWmilltlIWIl()mimnH(),N,wmiHHIHiniHU,NM)lll.(JH |