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Show " 77: uwonmi .pnr.-- t . ! r. .'lent. pmeiimniltml ;'" Hon YOUR ADVPMTISING iM1 HITS IIOMIl WHEN I urn YOU I JSI: YOUR ((iv ii t'niii(i Volume OWN NllWSPAITJi Korty-nin- e Kutpka, Utah, Friday, July 10c IS), Per Number Thirty Copy- - Club Renovates Furniture Highway Completion Urged At Meet In S.L.C. Wednesday In Memorial Building f the Home member club, with Mrs. linn1 Kyan ax chiiii mini, met at (he Memorial H ill last Wci1iiimI.iv ami reimva-lei- i the (ivcr-- c tu! ted set III the i. Iaiiiie Tins meant inai.y In mis of good Imp I laUir ami llmse iiirt diwcrve the t harks i the f r this worthwhile project Seven Dies Word lias been received of tile deal ll of Will. it. Nesl.it III Olive View, Cllllf . following 1111 extended illness. A funner resident of Kur- eka. lie was Imrn May N. 1X73 at Silver Beef, u son of Mr. and Mrs. Watson B. Nesl.it. Ills father was an early day geologist. Hi married Ada Blackett in IS'.S and Ins wile, also n son Fred and an infant daughter preceded I. im in death He spent practically lus .lit ire life in the Tint If Mining District, tiring employed ns an I'ligmeer at Maninioth and as HiiMTiiitcndcnt at the t'liief Consolidated Mine in Hews of Activities in LD.S. Church I, s. I. MEETINGS Sl'NDAY Pi'iesthnoil meet mj; Suiiiliy Seliiml S:n r imenl Services Bishopric Meet ini; 9:30 am. tii:,,ll) a.m. 7:00 p.m K00 pm. I.ntter-Da- v Tlii Saint Girls tummittee took charge nf Die services Sunday evening. The program was as follows: singing, 1 fifth on the Miiimtain Top;" invocation. Vert Surl weeks; song. "We'll Sing All Hail." Iiy the congregation; clar-in.- -t sulii, Colleen Morihie; talk. Ve Hue Sandstrom; piano duet. Margaret Lucas ami Malicl Duller; talk, Collette Hnhiiisnn: song. "Come, Come Ye Saints, " by Garbctt ; congregational Joyce Hiiiytinj', "Zion Stand with Hillx Surrounded:" closing prayer, Helen Krankx. The program wax conducted by Betty Nash. I., K. Spurrier led the singing with Norma Jameson at the organ. Mrs. Jnmexon also acted ax for Culleen Mordue and Jnvee Garbctt. nae-rame- nt PRAYER . . . Alwyn (Sonny) Iver (in bed) weds hia sweetheart, Betty Down, In the carridon of Loa Angeles hospital At the rink of l:ia life, he aavrd her from a bandit nho robbed them and tried to attack the girl. Sonny received a .38 caliber bullet wound in the neck. From left to right are Rev. Walter Tegg. Betty, Norma (the bride's eixler). Sonny, Arthur Cranfleld (best man), Lesl'e I vers (groom's brother), Mrs. Edna Ivera (groom'a mother), Mrs. Syble Drake (bride'a mother) and Gust Drako (bride'a stepfather). Inset, Betty prays in church for recovery of her heroic husband. A WEDDING AND A I CITIES OBSERVE PIONEER DAY Races, Bail Game, Race Contests Sponsored Provide Entertainment L.D.S. Church Attract Program, By Clubmen Report 51.3 Mi. On Highway No. 6 hcinia Bcsl-Knon- In Utah ' On Wednesday, July 21), a delegation from Kureka Kiwanis club, comprised of Pres. Ken Spurrier and Harry Randle, joined with delegations from Every Indication Eureka. moved to I.ax Vegas. . f..r Ins liea I Hi. later milking' lus In. me in Isis Angeles, Calif. He was a life member of Tmlie I,odgc A. F. and M. No. 9. Surviving include a sister. Mrs. Madge N. Smoot of Iing Bcaelt. Calif., also a nephew and a neiee. In I 21 Still Uncompleted pun: Ik- - Xi-v.- eonFuneral Services are ducted tisliiy. Friday al Is.s Angel ; Points To Big ' Celebration Here -' es. Calif. i - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart nf Eureka and Mrs. Hnd Mrs. Frank Freeman and daughter. Carol, of la.ng Beach, Calif., an vacationMrs. Freeman ing in Fish Ijike. Whitehead is the former AllN-rt- ' , Tnnnpah and Ely, Nev., Della and Tnneic, 1,'tah, at a meeting hi the iiffices of State Bond Coininlsaion, for (he of urging the completion of Highway No. 6, went of Hinckley In the Nevada line, It was pointed out that nf the 3INK) miles covered by the high-- i way, fil .'l miles in weslem Utah is the only uncompleted part and that because of this, Utah is not only getting poor publicity, but that we also lose a great amount of tourist trade. from highway The new turn-off- s No. 9 on to highway No. 6 at Santaqiliu, were also considered and the delegate waa given aniur-- a nee that the changes needed would In made in the near future. From the general diseitahion and considerations of the meeting, the delegates feel that highway No. 6 will In completed within the next two yearn and that surfacing of j Plans for the B.aleo to In held during the Silver Jubilee. August 12 ami 13 are nearing completion, according to chairman Bob Franks. The Hideo promises to In very entertaining, The stock will In furnished by Morgan nnd Delos Jensen of Goshen, Utah, consisting of five events. Ish'iiI hoyM are signing up to do the riding. On Saturday August 13, the Magna Drum and the road Bugle Corps will perform at the will Rodeo. Mim Mary McIntyre, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Earl McIntyre of Eureka and Tn-el- e Mammoth, is recuperating at her Dance In completed in 1950. an ..home following operation Primary closes next flirnirii t lho Mrs. hospital in Mr. Franks states that the comhave to like We ahould Tuesday. ijikc City recently. Sin re-a- ll mittee is working hard to make For their with attend mothers the t,irnwi home on Tuesday of this the Roden a success. A complete children to see what each group and her many friends will of the events will be pubhas accomplished and to enjoy is much program to ,.arn pllww lished in a later issue. tea- officers and a social the with Pioneer Day was celebrated in a improved, Pioneer Day did not go unobserved ehers. PLANS TO ATTEND in to 2 last lie even big way from will Mammoth, Kureka, p.m. Saturday. though a preat many 3 The social ri,.n,H f Mr. KlizaMh Stokes Many former Kurekane are makIn happy to know that she ing plans to attend the Silver JuA p.m. We would like all Stake u-other officers very interesting program was held of the residents "took off who can do so. to lie there ricovering nicelv following a bilee. and many more are writing Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock at 12 noon in the LDS ward churchy of the state to attend the also. on to of her of their intentiona and church aerviem at 11:00 o'minor performed trying operation arid wax ax follows: vocal solo. eelcbrationa. r 11 i I i on in'lnivo She a.m. Eureka make clock the Juhilee dates. OITING face DEACONS recently Races wvro held on Main Street Nancy Kennedy, accompanied C nPQIlIl In W are gmilly Indelited to Mrs. They art assured of some good enAccording to information avail-- : be able to return home In the III UNO I1VOUII Elaine Eriekxon: tap dance, Janet at 10 H.m.. and judging from the tertainment and an outstanding Margan-- t Lucns and Mra. Mable crowd watching and participating able, the deacon's quorum of the few days. Jakemxn; girls chorus, by girlx of at Fish Iike will be ward Eureka parade, as has liern the custom in Butler for the piano duo they furin more the the Mammoth wanl; talk. Max races, many people on To FI. (Ilclnlc) of I.ax the past years. Residents sre look- nished UH last Sunday. II. 30. on their and Wall, 29. July Lareen. staved in town than one realized. annual summer Next Sunday Mr. J Hunt of trip. Supervlsora Vegas. Nev., is in town for the ing forward to renewing old acSack races, three legged races, Following the program, racex will be Wilson Ise. week saying hello to friends quaintances and seeing old frienda. Mammoth will sing for us; come the for trip soda races malt frosted races, weiv held on Main xtreet 3 imp Ken Spurrier. and acquaint anees. He Many are planning their vneations Hnd hear this fine young man with and many other kinds provided I)r. N. Ohorn and meex and and rarea of all fish stories from is the guest of his son and daughter-in- to roinridc with the Jubilee dates, a great voice the No doubt entertainment for the spectators. description entertained young and Mr and Mrs. Henry and everything iminlx to some very will lie whoppers and -law. Dnlena Dean will bring us a aax-- a Some worthwhile prizes were this gang old for a Mrs. Jennie Myers, one of Eur-kea'- a Wall. an We mnple of hours. At the solo. The Adult clam of good times. IY1ME AND ENJOY phone interesting. plenty to winners. the a wrclusinn of the races a childolder residents, suffered given to see who loses FUN. THE Ihe School will meet at waiting Sunday anxiously some races In tin for the adults, Hit's dance was given in the base- - broken hip and arm. in a fall in the Nebraska had only eight counfish. If they can't Nvvers Mrs. Vola the PARADE largest Friday evening (I'EEN'S ff'n. of the I.DS rhiireh. Each yard of her home on Monday of of the ladies of the District allowed at H:U0 o'clock. Attend Sunday the weight they can tell; ties when it was admitted to the guess Jubilee Silver Tmtie's of still had child out (jucen, She the week. this 93 they plenty counties. stepped attending the dance was given on the back of the fish. Union; now it has Miss Darlene Mattinson, and at- schiNil and church eomewhere durleft In them, ami some by scales mall sum of monev which added kitchen door and slipped, which re-t- n Miss Joyce Garbctt anil ing the miinmer months! Business tendant showed of the interest of the day for the suited in the very serious injuries, signs having engaged Gene Miss Ohorn. snd Rodeo never quits and the world keeps younger generation. Music for the She was alone at the time, and in considerable sprinting in their m. Mrs lVarl Jonm, and jjrKlng were all dance was furnished a tjueen. discovered was good They sports day. neighbor. liy C. M. Wilton. Pastor, by Mrs. June and Miss or Ekker attendants. fun. had and lots local was Belly apparently Kennedy. Bert Wheeliick and Mel First aid given by Harry Randle, S. S. Supt. Miss Helen Robinson .rode in the tors, and she was later taken to The races were sponsored hv the in Pioneer BIBLE Cl .ASS Day parade Spanish Ra,t I, PS Stindav School. The Commit ties were named for the it was a real pitchers hat tie be- Fork Monday crowning event of the dav'1 ik The Adult Bible Clam of the evening. tween Iiegermark of Tmtie anil City. Her many friends are were the ball game between the taking Silver Jubilee, plans The Jubilee (Juccn and attend- Methodist Sunday School met at Nearly l.OUO.OflO housing units Cole struck out Cole of Ipivo. Dwcnns and married men of Mam- - wishing her a speedy and eom-"wtshape and actual work on the wt-rturned out in ants roiiv on the float which has the home of their teacher Mra. Aleleven allowed men and twelve tin of in honor The married men would I'1'1 recovery, big relebration. . built by the Elks and Lady ton Baker Friday evning. An exiieen men nine y fanned Brod.-nekdiseov-crmuch prefer that little he said a- former of the hits, DHgermark Mrs. A. I,. sixtieth anniversary of Eureka to lie used in the tensive study nf the Ilaalma of the Elks The allowi-hits. an sixteen twit the game, as lineup of ore in Tintic had been they were given nwidcnl. suffered painful bruises relehrations which are be- Old Testament were taken up In started. The 2Hh of Aug. was the for Tintic was: College, Kline, various right good trouncing by the and ruts last Friday when she fell Davis. Keclcy, ing held throughout the state. Ac- preparation for the Sunday mom-ni- g Deacons, with a final score of 13 down a flight of stairs at the home dab- - set for the most elaborate Iteesley, Wilson. service. After the work period nnd to 7Viertej. Callahan or Tintic Dagcrmark cording to the many Fkireka soer-tutor- s. the and eelehration in history However, they plan revenge, of her daughter followed. Light refresha social float the Nnles: as were ml the Mammoth wry compared Mining District. The committees residents are Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Laird. favorable with others in the par- ments were served to the followBiilliN-k- . broken. H. were the of in lien bones follows: no charge return a game, tunately awaiting ade, and there wen some wry ing: Rev. C. M. Wilton, Mra Allan h decide and she was able to return to her Just "who is who." Executive Dan Fields. George work al the Utah Galena property beautiful ones in the line of man'll. Randle, Mr. and Mra I Jivrm Nev-erinthe MinTintic tail North K. in gave Word was received by Mrs. An added feature of the Huish; finance II Byan and C. Mrs. Wm. Vivian, Harry Randay home at Yuba Pam the following Rodeo (Jiiccn and attendants The liocn had values nie Wahlberg of Mammoth of the Dan McCann. John Galley. A. C. formation that Mra. Harry Yamashita, Mrs. Continued on Page Twoi dle. in ear the rode another in day. For-separade, encountered in the shaft at a depth death or Victor Hendrickson, of Burton. Jack Nilson, George some very flattering remarks Arthur Smith and the host and and e and the feet Cal-f- . of twenty-fivHaws assays Mr. Hendrickson Jesse Claude Wheelock, Lakeport. were heard on all sides concerning hoatess Mr. and Mra. Alton Baker. lived in Eureka for many years and Cal Elton; advertising C. E. showed a trace of silver and 13 IK) A meeting of the Adult Bible the queens and the attendants in L. E. gold. and will be remembered by many Bife. Dr. Steele Bailey. Jr.. Mrs. is called for this Friday clam Nielsen and Mra Eslher e Ijiw-reneNew ore slrikes hi property of A of the older residents of the town. Christensen. Edward Ilke. ft on OlMirn drove the girls to evening. M:(HI, at the home of Mr V. A. Co. and the Cons. in Chief the Taylor; Mining He died at V. C. hospital. San Naylor Nevers. and Mrs. Spanish Fork. Fr.ineiseo Christian Science ser-- i rodeo Carl Fields, Jack Gardner, eastern end of the district were In Bob! M. ns; coming thick and fast. The latest vices wen conducted at the Jones Sam GardnerM and J. James news of intorest broke loose when Kaighn. that city, and inter sports M. W Mortuary Andomon. Andrew a new ore strike was made in the ment waa in Hartley comet rry. Bul. .Ihn Eureka Bullion property. ihe h.s.p.t.1, nnd entcing Stank y A Junior Baseball club, under the sponsorship of Mr.Before ' dame s The fust laiload of ore fpnii the Jay home L""n;l made his Hendncksoii eii- R-new strike m Hie Sioux Icaw of in import. Wilson and Robert IVndray; a with in Kureka. Eugene, formed been This, (Babe) Ruth has tert liniment of special guests the Iron Blossom innic was made was ImiPI John ielid'-- r kson duh is made jj,. J Hannifin. AIIntI Nirseii. (luring the week and another car-loaand are bovs deserving fine some of SweI up Man-23. 7. at Hagshy. Frank Allen and M. I). Paine; w:u on is way to the smelter your support. den. and ci:i:e to Ana,r:i'.,i when a and lloaiM L, (1. McMich--1,-parade Assays from 1 1:.- ole show that the Ruth figures the time and ' small child. Bun h, Hamll Shriver, values were holding up as w II as K Tin rrjfiilar weekly meeting of the Kureka Ki-urspent on the future of .d Elton. Frank Mr-leV- . win n tin strike was fust made include I: im sons. CloDii'in. ;,i Surv:vi. wiU bc wcl1 ''P''1' if flub was belt! last Wednesday at the City Bark, .I'VSI 7 ,flhoys ( Ife sli:'Ui,,lils ll.l'As; reception llall ver. Eugene, of L.s Angeles and l"l' the WI' k Were, 17-2or thereabouts, we, here . , Mar3 B E. F.d1. a 3.'!.' aid Ilke. or Areata and was a verv interesting and entertaining meeting. daughter. Paul III (al'loads TmtiC Slandaid, ran read nhotil and lis-r- it Webb. Thoii.as and Noi'h I.ilv had 21 railo.ids a brother. Erof . Pres. Ken mail' a reort on the Wrcri'i. IW'' garet. in the radio to a world series ; and sewral Ch.itM'm A i ! Ijiii'M'ii. Saiincl i nest. of Kiwai:;.x road com mil Ice trip t f'lne with one of our own cat: C"ii.'oa!.ii''d. .1 Chief ' Doblis, S Fla .m hoys SiM I Mili.tvii, Tjinvs, liejdo ws and Ki'UiMt hildivn City ai,.l th'ir meeting 'V'tig. Some of them boyn navo , Jl.ihriski-If Iar'i.411. 1; I .irni Mini Mu State Road Gov rh:r! tiv ill'll . r right future and l Piatt. - The rmt.-- l S!a 1. B 'i.is-.ioFcl-r- al C..:.s.!i.i-Ilcd(A rep. ot of this pus- - gw-i.- s. Yankee -- i. and huslh jr..ir.up, . Jbn Ki.l.in.l .. l.( given clie'.vhrre in ihe fi.(-wo:,., n is I", at- -I nl Abbs- - ri.i ,m Ji.-dagmi ('.:is"Iwe will all be proud of t. ,t .1 jin Wail-- r "! piogiam V-- i Anlil'.'ii.il'! was imdi'r the n' " ...017 s' Tie p'ncr-i. . V 11 3. ) V dit.'-lDo,.., Mis V ?1CM il'ieet ion of t in- - Kiw.ivw Eilurntum 3 g inv is played by these i (.: '"illee Hi'ey Randle gave a home. plrniMi gi-- t out and of Ii s viii' to the lei'.it r them. Get I and K I'. ' E Wat x M B iv n.'Ventio'i and tile Ic'er'citlo'Ml IlVi!': I ri'Wot k:-- I i" before crowds. ;m I'.: a , c ! 'i i''.t Md.'hghls of the i":. fi.'i'iv t! ! l I I r r : :i ;"r tirrvfitixni'SK' this year, ,i I'!;'. Jot t i:: ..f bis trip I';. I ev.-- it i I ' ; artiM-n- t r'g 'i". I next much for I' ol il yvar. Kv ih gi tii.it w.i pr.iiii t', 1!'1 at Sfei-- I ll gil'f-- l MI.N t'i. : ii W 1. .1 )K ST meeting t I I I l.t ln .S'Jl.vni. win rot l h,y. rmiy t, i 'i;n t'l ( i i ; a go i rii' I'fei .livi p'i I'.i rush, Carl !'I fi'1 aii'l l!e Nl..- il NlilllUR I ' 'vli 1' Wo., yoimgstcrs. :'M. e'e and Btc-cTav!'r of the " .v,,ur II.M-V ,i amt ' .1 Ki' I I'lii'our.'igemiT.t. tiny I i ii i "i'll Iil the sltp-piN'l'f! I chib Tn V H a II ic-. i' ll .lllll C"iv up t i in1 gt and I" ,i.i:i ,! ...I 'll ll, p"!l t 'i I!.o 'I if ih' Eureka chih for their M1 'I'l.i lines Mm;-ar- i 'I li.ii" E t . fun Tl;i e . f mil'1 lie II Ip" Mdline of Xephi r.u ; ll h'.isc i'. t Ii' a iy,-ii i 'y oil g;mir with l,oS,, Ki.oli'in of District Gover.1 i . iim f..r rnnn'.;.l in c; .!i;:liP Mon,! iv a"i c.ime mi! n:i Mt. Mori'.i'. 'ii!' . 1. h s I ili'i nor of the t'tnh-Id.ahDistrict. i I I ! f T.ixloi I ' 7 'iiend. M'o,o v. .is 11 il " I ,!. '.Vli.l .k k Will an. A !. at the M l!1.. 'I .1 lif In (.III meeting lllN to W'.ll. 'll my .Mill i' if If:' .. ..c - IJM'.l'1 It .1' V. t:e impending division Fi'fii'l. Hill-n. ,1 mil'.ij I'.n !it- , lM I'.l teaching them good e o liv:.-io- n One of Kiwanis I .Ml I ,v El'.vard : ii if il' 'll"' Fi.i.i'i. I 'I M Intern i' on al. Krulny, July 29. si I. I'"l" and M J D'lWi.av ' ... is made up of the ,,. , II.'.'!.! 'I 11 3 I . Mill 1' - .1 p j O ci I, ill till wh i Ii tune the Lieut. Goxvrnor 11. b1' I, to the thronn has ba'I "j Hiy nmhird The ,.1Iy NOT PRETENDING HERE . . . Pretender ll.i-.- K " the district and the candidate i '. .Ill for O III Ml. Fork 1C, Md-j,- " Hell. tti d with hia :l lllll bride, prinP w ji pJaVi v Jim.ny Nash, f Itraril, Prime Jass D'Orleans a llraganca, and .1 II- - lo ' .11 I ''M 11 to IC ei for District Governor will be selecS ll'lllll, ,.1 'L Carlos Christensen. pM'i t.i- - 'i '.. mi i!il e.ii t'V T:i. at do Itio arrive . to e .lint af MX the family, :!, royal ic Farouh Egypllan i ce Fatima . 1' .m il-ted. Elton. Johnnie Cnmpbell. , T:l:l c played a ! ,il ll 1' I .1! I M i' " ...ill! They were married xonii Nt Janeira on the British liner "Amlra. f' t flo-'- i i ft'-if the program n rxumd rbin S,,r- I" i force. ox 1 be prince la a major la the air ii: o w .Ih I'i ,rn ..m .ii:'i g wrelia ago In Europe. I'ic.u!i i.t , Continued t.:'c W.i!i!''ii on Page Two I rvte Bauer. Max Ise. ( ! 1, 2 2 ii'i'l ted Tl vst it I M ! N W II il It I K"nn,,,h Christensen ( N 'V Brady. i i.utMinvrtiix er Officers Announce Meetings For Methodist Church Mammoth Crowd on July 24 Crowd Of Children, Adults , j at for tyT3 Two iniury 2, Well Known Women rk o" News Twenty Years Ago In Tintic. ; doc-Haree- n. cs i h. 19-IK- . Former Eureka Man son-in-la- Dies On West Coast ly a. y. Junior Baseball Club Organized J I Eureka By R. H. (Babe) Ruth Kiwanians Hear Reports By Harry Randle, President Ken Spurrier i -- 1, Ore Shipments For Week of July - hh 1 Hig-g'lis'i- Fn-l'N- 'i.-- 1 e W-i:- B'-i-t- ' . rr . . r 1 Wildlife Head Asks Cooperation... Kr-v.im- 1 n.i-e- : . 1 1 : - ; 1 : . .i-k, 1 . TV, f mi-- . : , I . I 1. -- l I . 1 i 1,1 i i ' con-fc'e- 1 V I I ll-- I g.im-X'r'Taa- t. . i . 1 " 1 non-cxKtr- Ilf -- 1 1 r . t- ni |