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Show October 22, 1948 The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Three Prank Bacon and aon, Marvin were In town Friday on their way Social oActirities And News Notes Of Special Interest W;m Fm One And All Club N-win- g 'omp i'.ntertairied , j j Newlyweds At Qenola Church Mr. Tlielma Ross entertained in member of her sewing club on GENOLA - The home of Mr. and 1 liumday of last week. Mr. Grant Larson in Genola wa T. ' ln h'11.1! the aeene of a beautiful wedding w'fB Ito reviewed a on October 9. when their daughter ihVL ,! HPp,m,1 by Wn- ky-- 1 Bonnie Gene became the bride of on m. Ip on of Mr. Gerald W. Thomas, A delicious luncheon waa erv- - and Mra. Robert Thomas of Span- ed to member Mr. Celcstia ish Fork. Thompson, Mis Frieda Ohlaon, A reception honorhig the young Mrs. Fiona Castlcton Mrs. Gen- was given that evening In 200 Uenola church house. evieve Sanderson, Misa Mayme ' attended and the newly- 'guests w irthlin, Mr. Mary Thoma and W(.0s received many beautiful the apeiial guest, Miss Ruth Potts. gift. j Eureka Man Takes c Bride From Idaho i i , - anti Mrs Milton T. Junes oi MaU. Idaho a.momui the marriage ol their daughter, Lmralei. to Dun E. O ' of Mrs. Heber Carlson ol Eureka jon. son itciuoiiv wu performed in the Logan Oct. 18. si Immediately following the mar- - I .nieriains l'ior the parents of the bride 'v.lm-- ,v V;. ELcd the bridal party and out of town guests at the Bluebird dining a luncheon at room. M lh bo-q- e. Ul,l Sabev the Chief Con. Mining Co. The bride wore a going-awa- y outfit of dark green suit cocoa brown accessories. with guests included Olive Carlson, Mrs. Glen Knotts and Gayle Carlson, mother, lister and brother of the groom, Mra M. T. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Out-of-to- ' Mrs. IACK AGAIN OUR pleasant evening was spent playing card and tasty r rresh-menwere served to Mr. Kosc Mr. Mae Naef, Mr. May- Ihipp, me Maxwell, Mra. Lou Barr. tt. ts Bradv"' and Mr. Lucille Knott. Prize winners wen- Mrs. Hilda Webb, high scon and Mr Brady, second high. - La-Do- ra Miyo o j ICE CREAM Made while you watch ; o 1 1 SANDWICHES all kinds Peart. Mrs Lucille Knotts and the club of Mammoth celeThe guest of honor. The club member presented brated at a theatre party in EuMra. Chatwin with a lovely gift. reka on last Wednesday evening, followed by a delightful candle light supper at the home of their leader, Mrs. Thelma Roberts In o 4-- H CONFECTIONS o FLOWERS For ALL Occasions TNEMALTSNOP Friends I In joy louse Warming t I Mra. Imverne Williams enter- tained at a house warming laat Monday evening. 500 supplied the evening's entertainment and Mrs. Pesrl Runnel! won. the prize for high score. The hostess served a delicious hot supper to Mrs. IaRue Fox, Mrs. Rone Ihipps, Mrs. Carrie Dunlavey, Mra. Lou Barrett, Mra. Mayme Maxwell, Mrs. Imcllle Knotts, Mrs. Villie Tinder, Mrs. Hilda Webb, Mra. Olive Carlson, Mrs Mae Naef, Mrs. Naomi Cuh-inMrs. Pearl Runnells and Mrs. Thelma Smith. Mrs. Williams waa the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts, the outstanding gift of the evening being a rup and saucer given by Mra. Mayme Maxwell, which had been given to Mra. Maxwell by Mra. William's grandmother yeara ago. Following the business session an evening of cards was enjoyed with Mr Carol Larson winning first prize, Mrs. Rose Bowden, raffle prize and Mrs. Bernice Milli-ma- n, t. Mrs. Lillian Buys, hostess for the evening, served a delicious luncheon. L. McArthur and family of Logan, g, Mr. Susie Inkly and daughter, Mrs. Viola Chipman of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Owen and daughter of Layton, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Herbert and family. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Booker, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Needham, Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jay Jones, Soda Springs, Idaho. Mclvc! Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed E. Jones, Pocatello. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fitch, Jr. of Coronado Beach, Cal. are viait Ing at the home of Mr. Fitch'a mother. Mrs. Walter Fitch, Sr. lARGAINtlil OLD FASHIONED FROSTED MALTS Variety of flavors Luca, Mr. Lucille Chrilenrn, Club Crlt'bnilt9 Mr. Helen Weaver, Mrs. Alice The Lady Elks held their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Elks Club rooms. all-cu- Yamaahita, Mr. Margaret Miiinniulli 4 O Wedding bells will to Mrs. Delores Robinson, Mr. fete A wedding reception will be Madge Rurraaton. Mr. France Kwell, Mr. Faye Wall, Mra Mar- held on Thursday, Oct. 2Kth in Mrs. Maxine the Santaquin 1st ward church. cella Chambers, Schow. Mr. Athene Farren, Mr. Duly Elks Conduct Min -- Mammoth. Thoae attending were Lorraine Stephen, Unime Rostrum, Elaine Erickson, LaRae Eden, Marion I .arson, Sherry Lou I .arson, Jo Ann Sorenson and Merle Gillisple. Special gueats were Lillian Elton, Ann Roberta, Susy Ellon Carol latraon assisted Mra. Robert in entertaining the guests. A very enjoyablo evening waa Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bigler are the happy piircnta of a huby mm, rcjiortcd by all attending. born Oetober U, at the Utah Valley hospital in Provo. The Higlrra other children, Gary Line and Curolee are anxloualy awaiting the tune when they Can give mother a lift in taking care of their new brother. . . . , finger tip veil. Her waa of pink and white orchid. She waa attended by her sister, Luann Jones as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Ha Dell Evans, Malad, Miss Julia Johnson, Alberta, Canada, Miss Mary Ann McArthur, Logan, Utah, Mina Jean Clegg of Orem and Miss Elaine Jones of Spring-rillMiss Judy Jones, siter of the bride was flower girl Gayle Carlson, brother of the groom, acted as best man. A reception in their honor was held in the evening at the home of the bride's parents. New Mrs. Carlson attended the Brigham Young University the put two years, and the groom is a graduate of Tlntle high school. ; Following his graduation he spent IS months in the Army and after hi discharge entered the B.Y.U. where he has been a student for . the past two year. After a short honeymoon the ' newlyweds returned to make their home in Eureka, where Mr. Carlton i employed in the office of with a SANTAQUIN ling for Mix Marie Greenhalgh; On Tuesday of last week the of Santaquin and Gayland Peter-- , Birthday Club met at the home of aon of Eureka on Wvd. Oct. 27th. Mra Ruth Gatley, The occasion The young couple will be married honored Mr. Grace Chatwin on in the Mantl Temple. her birthday. Marie the is daughter of Mr. The evening was spent in playand Mra. William Greenhalgh and ing games and a delicious luncheon waa served by the holes Gayland Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. IVteraon. ; Another Good Cook pie on Sporting Goods Santaquin Miss llirllulay Club Al Sciil . Mr. out to Tlntle mountain to parti rlpate In the deer hunt STAR THEATRE Super Savings lor you PAYCASH - C A 1 1 Y'lT . i vYOU.SA V 1 NEW ARRIVALS! Try Mrs . Barretts Cocoanut Cream Pie EUREKA, UTAH FRIDAY and SATURDAY Oct. 22 and 23 THE WEB Starring COCOANUT CREAM PIE Edmond Obrien - Ella Rainer Mrs. CliilJs via Syl milk scalded cups Short Entertains Club yolk of 2 eggs 1 cup cocoanut 4 cup sugar Mrs. Sylvia Childs pleasantly SUNDAY and MONDAY 2 well rounded tablnpoons entertained the members of her eveflour card club on last Wednesday Spencer Trary - Lana Turner Lemon and vanilla. In ning. Scald milk in double boiler. Add Cards furnished the evening's Mix sugar and flour diversion and tasty refreshments cocoanut. CASS TIMBEREANE and add to well beaten eggs. Stir were served to Mrs. Mary Reduntil cook and into the hot milk mond. Mrs. Wanda Colovich, Mra. New Cartoon thick, rour Into baked pie crust. Lavon Ryan, Mra. Etna Bird, Miss Cover with meringue and brown Elizabeth Johnson, and the special in moderate oven. guests of the evening, Mrs. Millie TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mrs. Barrett, or a she is bet- Kay and Mra. Donna Paxman. ter known to Eureka residents, j Prize winners were Miss Eliza'IVY "Aunt Lou" claims she doesn't beth Johnson, high score. Mrs. Lafriends all-cher to but how cook, connotation. know von Ryan and Starring claim she can still cook up Joan Fontaine - Patric Knowles "mean mess of good food" when Mrs. Atl.i Superman No. 2 Cherry the occasion calls for it. For the past several yeara ahe haa been Is (,'lub I lostess more at home in the Shea ami THURSDAY The "Friendly 500 Club" met at Barrett shop on main street, sellbut the home of Mrs. Ada Cherry on YOUTH AFLAME" ing ladies unmentionables, of last Wednesday evening. prior to that time did her share was nd It Women only always good. An evening of card was enrooking. 1p.m. Men only ... 9 p. m. She gets a lot out of life and is joyed with Mra. Ila Sutherland the type of good sport who will winning first prize. Mrs. Naomi anything for a bit of fun. She, Cii.shmg. aicnnd prize. Mrs. Martry in' company with several of her and Mrs. Vengaret Brady all-cfriends took part in the Silver ice Wextm.-iii-. consolation. Jubilee paraih and helped add to refreshments were Delirious the C"inedy and interest of the. in those mentioned and to Mrs lertrudv Hannifin. Mrs. dy. Shu is very active in elulw and Villie Timin'. Mrs. Ixiuiae Frisbyi her and Mt- - J iiime Johnson. I. G. A. organizations and doesi one work. Siie ! church MARKET Mra. Duane Msnaon Mr. a. ,,f n ir en! old timers, and ikawn't c ni who knows tier age. ami and Jaiii.iy. Sue and Jim Hill. of I. visited during thri (hat's Mir.cthmg for a any woman., I i.g: SMOKED PICNICS K"l spirt work ,il the home of Mr. M a mum's in all. she is IiCan and Tender ... ;1V pun Jiv VIuaiwI nvl we like her. .V . of hotlie Mitv-'i'l.110 the " al i'ii i rnu.;1 !ni" pa Tlrs brother and slater-In-i.iSIRLOIN STEAK Mr. Mv.j-iM- '.i he ter try it. Mr. a:d Mrs Waller Kran-- j Top Grade in Utah to do a in Id. T!ii y Wyoming had a newspaper il o! rr a homing. ;.t !' before it became territory. w Two Washing Tubs Wash Ceonor and tlCuts Washing Timo in Two 99 2 Just Received a Shipment of Fresh NEW DRESSY and SPORT DRESSES Plain Colors and Plaids. Sizes up to 241, U 10.90 t. 12.75 OUR CHRISTaMAS boxed hankies are Now in Stock for Men, Women, and Boys. Also some very attractive patterns in open stock Hankies for Ladies. Boxed Handkerchiefs Open Stock 39C Each LADIES RAYON SLIPPER SATIN ROBES in beautiful, rich colors in sizes arrived this select will week. If today on Layyoure wise you to pay. Xmas away and have from now till 14-2- 0, Only 12 of These Q Qfl ilsJJU Received Some O QO 0 QQ Buy Em On LiaiHland whU Layaway You Should See the Lovely Selection of MENS LINED & UNLINED DRESS GLO h for Fall and Winter. All sizes from ll How About These O OQ . 0 QQ S-- UmUZ super-efficie- nt speed-washin- pre-treatin- I ut g. Come hi today for free demonstration. j ID. T fL AMIRICAS1FINIST WASHER ut CLASSY LOOKING BLOUSES FOR LADIES 32-4in this in beautiful pastel shades. Sizes 0 group. These, too, make very nice Xmas Gifts. For Gifts? g the Dexter Twin Is the ONE washer that gets your entire weekly wash tltantt, quicker, easier. Double Sudsing, exclusive with Dexter Twin, washes clothes sparkling bright with no soaking, no hand rubbing, no Dexter Twin with its two washing tubs, washes and rinses, wrings all at the same time. It saves soap, hot water, and electricity. In only one hour or leu your weekly washing is ready for the line. Yes, - V.JU We Suggest You See Our Complete 'Line of TIME. MENS ROBES FOR THE 1IOLIDAA Lustrous rayon, and warm cotton blanket st in the colors vou want RANDLE'S FALL SPECIALS! ! LOW PRICES 1 '. ( ii, 55c n. 69c j . Ihones 179-18- 1 DELIVERY Tues. and Sat. EVERY DAY! BRISKET BOIL lb. Nice for Soups PLUMP STEW. HENS, AH A Grade Young lb. 11 V 39c . FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS! (1 6.90 .. 10.90 We have 'Tricycles - Wagons - SoHiters - Doll Aluminum Dish Sets - Footballs and ?i Sniall Games for our Christmas selling. these now as there can lie no replacement "any of them. STORE enjoy yourself WHERE ;n-ll- No. 2 FRIENDS MEET" at the 100-l- CLUB b. Bag ONIONS Bag U. S. No. 1.23 1 RED BLISS SPUDS Bag U. S. No. 1 BED BLISS SPUDS. UTAH CELERY Large Bunch 50-l- Euggies SILVER ). b. 2.98 1.50 19c RED TOKAY GRAPES We Will Have Iots of Small Pumpkins for the Kiddies Next Weekend for Hallowe'en, and Our Vegetable Stand Will Have a Variety of Vegetables and Fruits for the Shoppers to Pick From. |