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Show ntb 5 Til I: REPORTER your calling in' to your local' correspondent before Tuesday evening gppreciutei nfu- ilrnit - Forty-Eig- Volume ht storm ELECTRICAL Hai HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER Eureka, Utah, October 22, IMS Team JltmlKTs, Officials strikes eureka YOUR ADVERTISING n r - u .. i TINTIC CHAPTER 0. 'jhr sudden ntnrni which cat no unla.it Friday around msm, Htriu k in Mam- r,ve or nix transformers il g "" I -- Town . . . ar , be-ly- n, i j : ! w. J"J I Mrs. Roy Siler of Ogden spent Friday and Saturday visiting at the homes of her daughters, Mrs. Blight and Mrs. Robert and her sister Mrs. Clarence Twenty Years Ago ' Gourley. and Mrs. Frank Weiland of Minin Gilva Iowa, parents of Mrs. V. L. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Weiland and children Gary and Norma Dean of Holstein, Iowa, are visiting at the home of the V. L. Anderson's. Norman Welland ia a brother of Mrs. Anderson. On last Sunday Mr. Anderson took the visitors to Salt Lake to ow them the beauty spots of our capitol. man Mr. and Mrs. Robert and young son spent the Votes- - Fairly good progress was being made In the rejuvenation of theBullion Beck mine, one of the old- eat properties in the Tintie Diswhich for several years re- maiiicd idle. Supt. John Eulund planned to prospect all the oid workings, and move any low could be handled grade ore that said he was pleas- - week-en- with th, rai.htl, ,xphiml Hri. Markham on Bln-ad- MOTHER OF EUREKA . . WOMAN DIES IN bagged their deer in West Tintie. John F. Rowe was selected as manager of the Utah Power Co. to fill the vacancy of Hyrum M orsawy, deceased Gwirge H. Ryan was candidate for State Senator on the Repubh-tric- t can ticket. d The "omen of Mooseheart gion gare a very enjojabkp Halloween part at the l.O.O.F . hall, All aUcndmg were In costume and card playing was the Le-ha- 'd 't lb, y of lb, d Salt Lake visiting relatives. and Jernian Elizabeth Jer-ma- n granddaughter Mis Barbara left for Chicago last Thurs- lin. mining committee of I ni- day evening. Mrs. Jerman. who Of the Salt Lake Chnnihcr Ttiiu Itvtd til 1m1 till1 HdXth liven in Chicago with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Si OAK CITY TUESDAY Latturner, has apint the visiting with her nn and daughter-in-lnMr. and Mn. 8. L. Jerman. Barbara will vmain in the big city for two Wfk taking in the sights. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jerman ar- - t,c Standard mm- would thin u.tl j'ompanird Mra. Jerman and Bart Salt Lake and returned ,h V:T on Satunlay. 0 0 0 Miss Dorothy IVlt spent the her parent. Mr. visiting Mrs. Reed Pett. Dorothy ii "Indent at Westminster College :n A Iicmocratic Rally was heki in the Uttle Theatre at the Tin- tic high school last Thursday, i weir: n-- - - l Mn.. .imgMer of Mrs Al-- x -- U. Indy. - Jea in iiu-- t . ..oliitv ol the I Iiirry luillMlr, Cou-,g- Ben-nio- 1 i left Tuewhiy for on a husines trip d Harry Itundli- - of Eureka was elected Grand Sentinel at Hie annual Grand Chapter of the tinier of the Eastern Star, at Salt lake City on Ortober 13 and 18, in the Masonic Temple. The following meniliera from Tintie Cliapler No. 18 were present: Vul Nevers, Harry Randle, by Anna Melkmald, Bertie Okclherry, Ada Handle. Henrieta B. Rowe, their parents. The party for all high school students will commence at 9 p.m. and will feature a fun house and dancing, and refreshments will be served at intermission. Next week the Reporter will a n)(n-detailed program of the evening's festivities. Mr. Blight wsa instructed to write letters to all civic and fraternal orgsnlzationa Inviting them to participate and he waa authorized to accept any donations towards this worthwhile project. Last year scores of Individuals donated towards the party and it la hoped that the citizens of Tintie will get behind this movement again this year. The Reporter wishes to take this opportunity to remind all its readers that it certainly is better to give a dollar or two and have the children properly entertained than it ia to wash greasy windows and repair gates and fences damaged by Hallowe'en Mr. and Mra. Fred Milliman ami Mr. and Mra. Alexander Blight. During the aeaaion Mra. Ada Ban-liserved as Grand Esther; Harry Randle waa an usher; Vola Nevers, a age, and Alexander Hhght served on the jurisprudence committee. Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Okrl-berr- y and Mrs. McDonald were e e present as grand representatives of other grand Jurisdictions. A special feature at all the meetings waa the presence of Mrs. Eva Holland Hamilton, the Most Worthy Grand Matron of the General Grand Chapter. Mrs. Hamilton made several addrnues In which she complimented the Utah members for the fine work that was being dime In this grand Jurisdiction. Orc Shipments For Week Ending Oct. 15 Chief Consolidated, 53 cara; Iron Bloaaom. 1; Eureka Lily, 9; Yan. kee Qmanhdated. 1; Godlva, 2; North Idly, 3; Eagle-Bluebe6; G"rri,y- - 4 allica; mile Drain Tunnel, Andrew Colliaa. l; Bar X. 1. l; Watch Out Kids For The Ghosts And Goblins Jeepers kids, you better watch out for the goblins and ghosts and witches and the scan-- things that re going to he at the Sanlaquin-Tinti- c stake Hoy Scout and Beey party hive Girls Hallowe'en whirh will be held at the Eureka Ward recreation hall, Saturday. Ort. 23. at 7:30 p. m. Come in rostume. if you wish, or your levia ami ginghams - tint come ready for fun. There will he skits snd games and singing and dancing, with prizes snd good things to eat. Jecprrs! you had better watch out! Shower Ciien I'nr llmiiiiis Mrs. ( Martin and Fhylis Christensen gave a kitchen Mrs. Gerald Thoshower hum-rinmas formerly Ronnie Gene lairsen. Games and the making of a book of Mra. Thomas' future life furnished the evening's entertainment. A delirious luncheon was serMma Ronnie Mae g n city. ll, h Mrs. Isabelle WrMe of Whittier, Cal., was In town for a few day Grandson of Eureka Man Injured During Deer Hunt sister-in-la- vi,tln8 w ence Gourley. lr brother and Mr. and Mra. Clar- During her visit here, she In comnany with Mra Gourley spent dsy in Provo and were of Mr. snd Mm. Wallace guest (Bud) Painter. Mrs. Wrlde will be remembered ss Mi Isabelle Gourley, former resident of Eureka. An Salt Lake youth, Donald Hunm-lla- . suffen-gunshot wound and fracture of the left leg in a hunting accident near Eureka d Saturday afternoon. The victim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hunnella of Salt was reported in good rendition Sunday afternoon by attendants of a Salt hospital, where he was taken for treatment. At the time of the accident, the youth, his father, hia uncle I lan-li- l Hunnella, and his grandfather Rodney Kunm-lls- , along with Rodney Williams. 19. of Eureka, were hunting in the West Tintie area.. The victim directed hia father and the Williams youth In applying a tourniquet to stop the flow of Mood. Other memls-rof the hunting party, hearing the shot, came to the scene and took the hoy to Eureka, and then I'ayaon hospital, where he received a blood transfusion. Sunday afternoon he was transferred to a Salt lake hospital for treatment. Miss Elaine Pet, the MW" week-en- d Mine I',l Donna in Sait Lake. spent Mrs. Margaret Bralthwalte of Spanish Kirk was In town for a few day last week visiting with her daughter and Mr. and Mra. Floyd Nash. flon-ln-la- w UTAH HASRECORD s HONEY CROP AG. DEPT. REPORTS Utah, whose state symbol is a beehive, lived up to It name-sak- e this year and produced the largest honey crop since 1938. With s total of 2.860,000 pounds produced this year, Industrious bee laid sway an average of 55 pounds of honey per colony, according to figures of the department of agriculture. In the 38 years since estimate of the cron have been made In the state, the 1948 crop ha been exceeded only 12 times. The record yield of 4,810,000 pounds, or 65 pounds per colony, was established in 1929. The per colony record yield In Utnh Is the fig- GOVERNOR MAW ADDRESSES SANTAQUIN GROUP SANTAGl'IN bert H. Mw Governor Hera group f citizens Tiiesd.iv Oct, 19th at 12 o'clock n'Kin in the second ward rrcrciition hull. It was In the i""" "' lea snd whs sponsored by the officers Iocs riovernnr slale liq-m- r Piwinrt I ure act Msw sioke on Ihe law enforcements, Ihe In 1917. TURKEYS LOOK of aisle Mrs John J Ibivn-fil- l lien against the pmi-crlMr. ',iii' si'.i vo-iWeek we -If. i ii re ipicrils snd exp1nine III St. George gone a week Htten.led Ihe tin- lax atrucfuic of the presenl wl.ifc Mr .) ill rat ion. ll'if-i-of thc .ii!.it the of officers usd spent Govi-rnocom-ian- y In with r . . Assoc I iation IVah F.remcn with Stale p.ir-M ia' w is SIii'M-hRrew.it er. Geo Mrs. !.i!pli II'ijhs f. Wiliiam Stanley Dunfor-I- . . i;,:!:-!ewho ii OMipiny-c- l B ii' i rslie Count v rhttirlndv !:::- - ly. first news plioto-- n si T'A'i-- i K.ilVi spent th- - past purin hn distinction, took visiting au-- l GOOD FOR THANKSGIVING i ,, 1Ill;tl!,,rs. own 1 cntcr-iiii-inbt'i- a. h-- Tli- - ill a Imsr I (iii , Charles ltaun, Democratic nty Chairman introduced Bishop Akinzo Ssmhtrom, who took charge of the meeting. He in turn introduced the following speakers: Clinton Vernon, Candidsle n for Attorney General, Heber Jr. Candidate for Secretary of Slate and Governor Maw. Mrs. Edns Cszier, candidate for 8tate Representative, Fred J. Milliman, candidate for State Senator. Earl Dunn and Will Andrews, candidates for County Commissioners, Walter K. Granger, Candidate for Congress and Judge Will L. Hoyt attended the meeting but did not speak due to the fact that they were on the program at Nephi and had to leave early. The speeches were very well received, and a large crowd was in attendance at the meeting. vandalism. Itog-le- L. week-en- j Olto the following: Mrs. Harriet Talbot Lovell. 82. sen, Deleen Isaacson, Shirley Starts Rae mother of Mrs Elmer Duncan of Larson, Elsie Stewart Vrnna Eureka died at her home In Oak Throckmorton, Lucille Thomas, City Tuesday Oct. 12, of cauae Mildred Shoemaker Ludean Stewincident to age. art. Twlla Throckmorton. Mary Mr. Iaivi-ll- . a farmer and live- Jewett and Ora Nelson and Hanna stock raiser died April 3, 1948. Hanks of Salem. A life long member of the LD8 The bride received many usechurch she had been active In ful and lovely gifts. church and civic affaira in Oak Citv Mrs. Dorothy Dsdirh and dauFuneral services were condue- - ghter Iiesnne. sailed for Manila last week, where they will join Id Diidirh who has been stationed there for several weeks Mrs. Diidirh is the former Mitw Durothv Itoru'h and ts well known of Mrs. Duncan iii Eurcks 'shc "is" s crsdiniic of Tn.'.c fr.e-d- s aiiicrre sympathy Tintie high school slid is the his :,re of this ter of Mrs. Li by to her in the of her mother. aumnter months (al-ll- Wilford 15cdmond, Peggy A. M. Komi mid Alexander Blight, Plans were discussed for the imat Hallowe'en Party for all the pre-acho- ved son-in-la- P-- iMi)nr ol I'.lirckd I ily. children uniat be aecoiupnnit-- I Mis. 111Siltl I L-sli- e i in l)iiritoiM ol liulir tu-s- Hurt r ,,M- lw". ai!, i"' A rather unusual j Team who'JlarticipatiVnn the'progrv " occurred Monday morni- ing from ng at 8:45 a.m. in front of the Ruler residence of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Robe Tuckett. Knight, Mn. William McKell (wife of prose a Santaquin school teacher) had just taken her husband to school and wa-.- i returning home when her KIWAMS MEETS IN Round-n-Abo- ut VICTIM OF HUNT car was hit by a car driven by Jesse Topham. The impact sent the Topham car hurdling thru REGULAR SESSION SERVICES HELD the air, jumped the ditch, crashed the fence and came to rest The AT SANTAQUIN meeting of the Euright hi front of the Tuckctt Kathleen Larson, six-yereka Kiwama club was held home. Tilings happened so quickoklj of Mr. and Mrs. Max SANTAQUIN Funeral services ly that Mrs. Tuckett who was in Wednesday evening, Oct. 20. The 'laughter Larsnn suffered a badly burned were held Wednesday at 2 her front room at the time didn't speaker of the evening waa Chief p.m. le&Mnday afternoon as she was in the 2nd ward chapel for Geo- know whether it was an atomic Dickson of the Provo City Fire . Its Paying around a bonfire near her, rge Nell Howard, 15, who was bomb or meteorite. She looked Dcpt., who spoke on "Fin-Vice home. killed Saturday on the deer hunL out in time to see the car leap the Hazards and Prevention." A. M. Ross was in Dr. Bailey treated the youngster waa hunting ditch and come to rest on her President Young Howard charge of the program. Kenneth n. she was taken to her home. ' near Lavan, when a bullet from a hunt lawn. and his Caro- - Latest reports from her parents hunters gun struck him Just In the car with Mr. Topham Spurrier several daughter. sang numbers for the state she is resting comfortably, low the heart. Ha died enroute to was Wendell Deuel. Mrs. McKell club. Their numbers were very the Payson hospital. He gained wu alone in her car. Fortunately iKlousneaa before he died and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Milliman was seriously injured. welcome by the club. ITTWiative no one Mr and Mrs Milman ofJ told hia father that he shouted considerable Both cars received Salt Lake aoent the week.eni in three times to let whoever it waa damage. erMarndnMrM7ndMM" In?merJ Mammoth ad Eureka visiting at "hooting at him no that there were JT kPt " the homes of Mr. and Mis. Fred PP1 "'Utley of New v!!- arrived In Milliman and Mr and Mrs Carl ing- - he fired Into the air and It HUNTERS BAG BEAR Utah tinw to participate in the then the fatal bullet struck. hunt. They are gueats at the Sanrom deer jn young Howard also told hia fa IN SALT CREEK AREA home of Mrs. Kemmerers parhim Mra. Robert Hassell and Mrs. ther thht the fellow who shot ents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fitch, Sr. j, PP Howard Hanks Price of motored The trip to Utah was made by i to Eureka last Sunday and spent While on the deer plane He is survived by his parents, SANTAQUIN The party hunted in the Ncbol1.. dy visiting with Mra Haa- - Blanche and Leslie Howard, two hunt Sunday, Sherman Wall of mountains and succeeded in bag-- 1 ' Jnothl!r' M!fRo'??n1',V,k' brothers, Kay and Timothy of Santaquin and his brother-in-laj1""6near the old Hassell Santaquin and a sister. Airs. June Raymond Sudweeks of Nephi bag- ging two deer. ted Prothro of Springville and a paged a 600 lb. bear with a bullet Cilia. and towns Vf Utah com- - nch and both report success, ternal grandmother, Mrs. George that waa intended for a deer. at Salt plain of lack of adequate revenues Howard. Nephi. They wen hunting Burial waa in Santaquin CemeCreek Canyon which la located to provide all services required. above Dadsanson'a recreation area Services are expanding, we think, tery under direction of Anderson Funeral Home, Nephi. in Nephi when they ran Into the unduly and costs are rapidly inhear. The hide measured 7 feet creasing. In 1946 our municipals ies had S5.381.000 in property tax- - unlay and Sunday and tried their from tip to tip. It will be made into a rug for es and state grants. This year such lud at bagging a deer. Luck Pumpman Suffers . revenues will total S7.MW.000, an wasn't with them but they plan to Hums In Mishap Raymond Sudweeks. Increase of $2,428,000 or 45 per return again before the end of Albert Ferguson, pumpman at Merl Stitt and Harold Turner cent IN TWO YEARS! Instead the deer suason and this time hone the North Lily mine, auffered seof Los Angeles were In Eureka of sending exploring parties to they succeed. vere burns on his face and hantls last week and participated in the hunt for new revenues and new Mrs. Ier.iiis Harrington retur- last Thursday night when an oil deer hunt. This is the third year taxes, we need to make better use they came to Utah to join in this of the money we now have. There ned to her home after spending awitch on one of the pumpa blew of the past two weeks in Salt Lake. up. (port an, I it ia the first year they are now many duplications Dr. Bailev rendered first aid and returned without their deer. They services in city and county govern- She has been on the sick list for were guests at the home of Mr. ments as well as unnecessary some time and her friends will then Mr. Ferguson was taken to be happy to know she is much im- the Holy Cross hospital, where hia activities carried on at public and Mn. Alton Baker. condition ia reported fair. proved. Mr. ( lilt- - w mmI ol iill KI'SMIUI (til n accident Forty-thre- e Plan Halloween Parir - SANTAQUIN Alex Rowe Number - hildien ol the Tintie District on Satunlay evening, (let niter 3il. It After Chunter a "cake walk" was deeided to have two partiea under the direction of Mrs Ethel mi this occasioii so that all the 11. Donnelly waa enjoyed by the children could In- properly The members winning lamed. cakes were Nellie Rowe. Bernier h(, r,n.t parly will lie front ft Milliman. Voln Nevers and Ethel tl, g;;w tM. x. II S. gym- Brentoii. tin ni inn tor all cliildn-. Delicious refresh incuts were n,.,, f j t(, !3 Prizes will served by Henrietta B. Howe Ia- - H given for the t costumes, von Ryan and Randle. The parly will la- - siiwrviaed by the Eureka Public School tcach- of ,,r,n' "r ,,n,,r ,h' Champion Ritualistic nFMnrRATir RAIIY cipnl David Eager. All heapin' Lizzie On the Iioose; So One per copy- Tinlii! Teen Town Directors S. MEETS IN Tintie Chnptrr No. IS (V E. 8. iiirt ill regular session on Monday j evening Oct. IS. At this meeting! reiorts of Grand Chapter were given liy those who attendtM the niivtmg held in Salt lake Oct. 14 and 15. ()iigratiilatauw were to Harry ltandle, who and was elected Grand Sentinel, Henrietta B. Rowe who was Grand Representative unpointed to the State of Washington. ii ' EL 10c REGULAR SESSION th and Eureka. Hesidenta in he vicinitv of these transformers without power for a couple The Utah Dower cm-gf hour. mi Eureka firemen the damage. When the sudden flash of liglit--jpami terrific clap of thunder o'er Eureka. many of its rfrw-citizens thought the end had crime had or that an atomic Isunli jtruek. Evn the male population admited to lieing somewhat stnr-ie- d and that take quite a bit of doing. Next time the people hope so they might for a hit of warning, at least he preiurccl to jump. It might be less nerve rarking. quick-hTrepaire- -- Is-n.o- - wi-e- d Ra!t Lake. JIMi: CHANGED the new svslem of th.ni.M i:g -ut Traffic Control now were in. i.ig:!ig sTH15 Tintie Junction Ihe r:i,h l.iV Th- - iuuc.-. Pt will iv Kur only from " ni. to 4:30 p. m. daily. tow;irl i. i.1 :ut "H" new time will be effective tUFirtNit. cunt 'r Scores of "ginning Monday. Ort. 2.'i. w ivrrv. ngent. on the hr.'iiKkt ' buck, wr'' Owing in vwrali7..-- . tt-r- c g-- - H'1 n- 1 f i i of the l oH-n- k-- d i k Pr,I-erl- registered. reding turkeys, blackhead, lyph-family lurth.lsy dinner w is ""I. yont infectsm. and sinusitis, given in honor of Mr and Mrs "Hly tvphoi.l has reported si Gctiild iliHtMin Inst Sund.iy slier- t'iT Ibis year, he pointed out t.,... The dinner waa g.vrn m Lisa, however, has merely larn :: la-e- n I ! IT I M;V M.IVI.--- A! tic Alice I,.i . Ruth Svl- 1:..!i.oimI I notice' l;in - " ii- - . nn'lr .uni Tegist ration days an part of " ; 'eneral Election will be Oct. i Bcsvcr mourn..:.", r.V1 2- - llense ace that you to the mutu.il r Tlios' i i liith M.i a:u" hl v"!i I M,IV Ufl ,' Pr-iv- , e vo s . ' ' w (:1V, i:, Salt l.ak- - P.i..t l.a.c i! i. i b-- aft i:.." lisilionc. in con- - cliate offensive, for th "M,.. "c.M r" whs over and ihsi l.s l .tii k b Iden a very The licnjimi-- i a: d ilo.ihcn were to the affair ar.d alt n irt Early iiil.niuil editom Ihieiiteinil or Jailed -- ijov iblc afterii.wiii honored guest gifts icic.ve l ! cnmmenta-ions. freely on political were they set-man- y |