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Show v m Thursday, August Mra. IWn Larson Minds and relatlvea Darrell and Gary Bradford of NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Spanlah Fork are spending their va- - UNITED HTATKH PATENT. uiniiral Survey No 7199 ration with their untie and aunt, la visiting with In Provo. Mr-an- Mr.L. A. Wallers and Dva Russell, who Mrs. O. 1,., la In emplnyrd Myers of Murray, apent tho week end Tooele, spent the week end r.ka with hltt family. a lib Mrs. Rowena Hank. In Eu- - M" Theo' d children. REPORTER IIREK I Uto c,ty i;;; Du!rich Gloria Cear left on Sunday by piano for Portland, Ore., where has will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mlsa i i.i.iiahro is ni'nFTiY nvPV that Morgan and 1. Jern,n " NOTICb imrsiiay ol oacn I oil r.f Fnrs week Dish. . C. K. Editor and Publiahor. Shirley Courlry, each Morrison, the two former teen visiting relative in Whittiei.:Ha, gmith, lll(? latter brina her als- j inter-c h wning an undivided California, has returned home. it i. red ti mis'office a ior eat and the luller owning an uudi-- . second einae mall Mrs. T. A. (lenient, Mra. Lou Bur-- , The cottage meeting tonight wilt vlded Interest, through undei 'be Sul of March I. and Mrs. Carry Dunlavy are held at the home of Mr. Charles their duly authorized agent, II. A. Ii7 fllon,n ,n ,,ro0 ln.von- Zmbrlskio. A continuation of "Roe- - Smith, whose post office address Is, AM 616 Felt Building, Salt Lake City, Mra.. Dee Clement and rfl" of T,,ue" m ,ake uf invited. for a! made have Ctali, application In were on Provo Tuesday daughter If you want notary work Jone Cnlleil Putent to States Lockheed, wkero they attended the rlrcua. One of the biggest grass fire l:i business hours call HI, A fiva after 1 2 No. No. heed Lockhcel and 7 tack minute delay la all that you will ba , , Mr. aud Mrs. Dun Duliuu, who are tha history of Tlntic occurred lust I( . .ln when from three to ruur hun- f . k bul out. living In Cottonwood Canyon, vislt- - Friday acres were burned dred north- - J?"1, ? IVI ?ltr,IV ed here over the week end. S',e ?f ltoJ' west or the John Parker ranch. It lh ,,lrid pUt Mrs. Henry Jarvis and son. Bou- - took fire fighters hour, to bring the " of the pis ll, air, of Salt Lake, apent Monday In tiro under control but it was fliu.ll trh-- t Land Office al Salt take City, hoi u. with damage Eureku visiting with friends, accomplished New Semloh Hotel Utah, with magnetic variations 1C held to tho range land only. hi4M ;dcg 0 min East aa follows: Tu ,i Beginning at Corner No. 1, MI.T LAKE CUT, UTAH JaU take Irtth Mr. anS No. 1, whence the East Quarter Mra. Emroa Birch, has returned to corner nr Sec. 28. Twp, 11 South, hor home In Eureka, Range 5 West, Suit Luke Meridian, . . , M dHUKh:0r Lears North K9 ileg 38 mill East "e . and M.urlne Jen. P56.fi feet, and running thence South vUlted ,duho (.ornii(.k 88 deg 43 mill West 210.3 feet to who Mia Ktl-'K- 1 one-fift- Mr. and Mra. John tiounelly were Robert Galaford and sous, Kenneth and Terry, of Tooele, spent visitors in S alt Lake over the week ind. lha week end in Eureka. Mr. Clyde Brlskey aud baby, of Mra Frank Garrlty and Mis Mury t Whittier, California, aro here for a Frances Garrlty apent Monday log in Provo. with relatlvea and friends. Bitty Byera returned to her home Word haa been received by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Fennel that their son in Murray after spending the sum Jerald, haa been transferred from mi r In Tlntic with Mr. and Mrs. RobWaslilngton to California, aud that ert Hassell. he Is now a technical sergeant. Mrili g Ij4H. Aill ltn smurday for spend- - Savansh, Ga., to Joint her husband, Sergeant Hyrura Schmidt Ing a few days vacation in Eureka Lieut. S. Lee Avia who Is stationed with relatives and friend. He la there In the coast artillery. Mra. Avis now attending oflicera training lor formerly Mis. Dawn Wheeler. school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Mr Mrf vt'alter Christopher- The vacation of Mias Joyce Rife son haa received word that their son, to the northwest to visit her brother, Ralph T. Chrlstopherson. with the Rusty Rife, and her sister. Mrs. D. 57th Medical Battalion, who ha. Bigler. Jr. wn ml .hurt due to . ten stationed in California recent- tramrer of troop. Joyce whs ac- - ly was transferred to Edgewood, A ml row's re,.tlvei companlcd home by Mrs. Bigler and Maryland for further training. . The Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Carlson and her sou, Dee Jay, who will remain young man la really going pluces In .the government armed services. here for the duration. son, Eddie, are making their home in Murray for the time being. Mr. Carlson baa employment there. got tho odvan tags ol extra mellow. .. Mr. and Mra. George R. Glenn and children of Los Angelea, and Mrs. Emma George of Salt Lake, years were visitors this week with Mr. and old Mra. John F. Rowe. Mra. I Pag 3 EUREKA REPORTER 13, 1942. Kn-Ci.- three-fifth- s va-(,- visit-visi- 1 j ,nd 5 I : I '"s,? efco V w. BUCK Me-J- Corner No. 4. Lockheed; thence Mouth 2 deg 45 min West 803 2 feet to Corner No. 1, Iairkheed, and Corner No. 1. Lockheed No. 2; thence South 4 deg 40 min West 801 deg to Corner No. 2, Lockheed No. 2, Ihenre South 89 deg 8 min West 1311.1 fe?t to Corner No. 3, Lockheed No. 2: thence North 4 deg 40 min East 546 feet lo Corner No. 4, No. 2; thence North 88 deg 43 min East 71.1 feet to Corner No. 2, Lockheed; thence North 2 deg 15 min East 603.2 feel to Corner No. I, Lockheed and Corner No. 2. Lockheed No. 1; thence North 3 deg 20 nin West 597.2 feet to Corner No. 3. Lockheed No. 1, whence U. 8. Mineral Monument No. I bears North 0a luck outTF Ewry Ten you tarn should btqoinq Mr. William Mitchell of Burbank, California, were week end visitors in Eureka. They are getting along nicely In California, acini ding to Bill, who is an MP at ona if the big airplane plantu on the Pacific coast area. Mr. and into V.lIVtrBtndf 'Stamps Troop 111 or Eureka. Boy Scouts of America, left Monday for Camp In Provo Canyon, for an outing which will last until Marvin M. Witt evening. charge of the following boya who made the trip: Ned Allison. Glen Lee Gary Fonwy, Paul Juber, Chai. Don-iel!Garth Wakliiuist and llonuhi Griggs. "8 deg 2 min East 1090.2 feet;' hence North 86 deg 43 min East 1456 7 feet to Corner No. 4. Lockheed No. 1; Ihenre South 3 deg 20 min Kart 597 2 fett to Corner No. 1, Lockheed No I, and place of beginning; located in the Northeast Quarter npd In the Southeast Qusrter if Tim-pano- KruluA-- Straight Bourbon flkukry 90 Proof. ThU ukukry it 6 yrart ofJ. ScknUy DutiiUrt I Ho dood it! the Ren-- e York City Tunneling Under Utahs Mountains For Ore COUPON entitles the holder to 23c redaction oe any room at tha rate ee any room el the rates a advertised ona coupon to tha room THIS t NEW beds, aprlnga, mattresses. carpets throughout the house It ITKH fIJWI lo 8S.OII We Now Feature Free Garage t'KK THIN COUPON I I N ,t D avert r J The Noitli African desert isn't desert in t?e sense of the Sahara miles and miles of sand and dunes. It is more like the rugged Arizona-NeMexico varety with gravel, fharp escarpments several hundred feel guII(.y gouged by whistling winds and torrential rains. Air power there will be more decisive than any other one factor. West, Salt take Meridian;1 In all 49.427 acres, the bombers in a surprise attack on elusive or excluded and conflicting claim. ' Tokyo and other nearby cities. Exclusive of tal 3 1. Midgley Lode Ever since he graduated from California U. he haa been making avia- - and tat No. 39(a) Silver Star Lode. That the adjoining and eonflfetlni; tion his career. a shown liy the pint nf He became an y club members The aviator in vey are; I ait No. 37 Midgley Lode, were entertained at their last meet-b- y 1917. Liking the and tat No. 39(a) Silver Star tade. Mra. Yilo Barrett. The prize win-neDate of Porting Not lee on Claim: army he stayed were Mra. Rose Durfee. Mrs. in until 1930. 29. 1942. .May Betty Fields, Mr. Alice Peart and Ttntle Lodge No. 9, F. I direct that this notice he puh-wit- h Then he wentj Mrs. A Faye Wall. Others present A. M.. meets 9ad a private oil lished In Ihe Eureka Reporter, at were Mrs. Mona Singleton, Mra. 4th Tuesday of aud Eureka. Juab nnre Utah, corporation. County, Farren, Mrs. Delores Robinson, each month at I. O. O. earh week for a period of nine (!M During thia time he broke all Mrs. Mabel Wlermun, Mrs. Ithndnl r. all. Vlatlhlng bro thsorts of aviation records, winconaerutive weeks. Groomer, Mies Wsnda Knotts, Mrs j an Invited to attend ning the Thompson trophy for C. V. Sf'll A I). Williuna Singleton and Mra. Yalenej BURTON T. COLLINS, W. M. Uh averaging a sperd of 252.69 istar Acting Livingston. JOHN F. ROWE, Beeratary miles an hour. First Puh June 25. 1942 He also set the world's high speed Last Tub. August 20, 1942. The Elite Club member were cn- record for landing. i. tertulucd on Wednesday Twelve years ago he returned to Inst week by Mrs. J. Yern Rife, the features being bridge anil a delicious the army. Not so long ago President Rooseluncheon. Prize winners were Mrs. S. I. Jerman, Mrs. It. E. Ferguson, velt gave him an honored decora SAME POPULAR PMCtS-F- M and Mrs. C. E. Rite. Others present tion in a surprise ceremony at the were Mrs. M. K. Griggs, Mrs. Leslie White House. (His wife didn't even ACCOMMODATIONS Cromar, Mrs. Angus Miller, Mrs know he was back in this country.) His daredevil bombing of the Tokyo George Forsey, Mrs. O. A. Allred, tinder-box Mra. Glen Japa guessing lorrs, Mrs. John Nllsou, where hia haa the off spot ia lotaking Mlsa Earleen Cromar and Miss Elizacated. beth Johnson. I He called it Shangri-Ja- . The Japa are looking for Shangri-la- . Columbia Ilebekah Lodge No. 2 They'll only find It in a book. held their regular meeting at lOOF Hia home is in Detroit, Michigan. Ii wu a llall Thursday evening. visitation of grand lodge olflivrs. Name? A 1200,000 modarnizoliou IWI0a 1! feiutf 'few Mis. Marie Sluait of Bingham, presiprogram oiwrei you of (he dent of the Kebvksh Assembly, and bed in the Wait Spacious 34 officers and members from rooms in the heart of Sab Ogden, Salt take, Bingham. BicysHfng lake Cilys entsrtainmenl in were and Midvale, 8andy Paysnn and business districts. Four attendance. A special service was restaurants serving wondea Schofied Ainellu of for Mr. given ful food. Haadquurters for it Eureka ii honor of her having been ' Htdf tours and sightseeing trips a continuous member of Ihe order Di 2 is. for 50 years. A banquet was served is Ini memth-r- s 00 The next to about 20th. Auv. held be will meeting This major in 5 army air lorce was the one who led intiialnimi y. Stm d ONE Mr. and Mra. Irvin Hillman announce the marriage ot their daughter, Darlene, lo Raymond Nielson, mm of Mr. Martin Nielson of American Fork. the whiskey ol the "flavor y ears" Lock-hee- i el-ii- Juat-a-Mc- Vtur-arm- re ra j Al-llr- .e MWR, FIRM SALT LAKE CITY Tre-monto- n, Outfit Emphatic testimony that Utahs Industry face tbs future the problem of deep expensive development ran be had from the of the National Tunnel ft Mine company, which I now entering a period of large scale production at It properties in the llingham district. After nearly four years of de- velopment and Ihu expenditure of nearly (1,500.000 the mine is just now beginning to yield urea from great depth. Year hko the Upper levels of the Xfltluiiiil Tunnel, which la a consol Ids thin of Utah Apes und Utah Delaware prop- rrties, was virtually worked nut. targe deposits of low giade ore. however, were known to exist below the water level at shout lfinodown to the 3100 foot level. The eapenae of ho'tlng the ore and waste to the lose; tier with the cost of pumping the w.i- ter, made mining of the ore pro- hihltlve. la order lo solve Hit problem the company drove n huge drain- see and transportation lunnel fiont Tooele on the west of Bingham, a aui-fa- distance of f.i miles to the h tlnnal Tunnel property. The net encountered the Clh Apes of 2500 feet, shaft at by draining a large area of the flilne ami eliminating much of the hoisting expense, Such mining and prospecting a fur-crfrom the early days of western mining when many depoell a of valuable ore were found at or near the grasi-ro.it- . Thu 'he future of Utah's mining Industry eem to lie In deeper and more exhaustive development of Clali'a mining district. During the past 80 year Utah's principal mining dUtrirs of Bingham. Iark City. Tintie, Ada and Beaver county, have yielded In t the neighborhood of two billion lara worth of ore. Their live have linen much longer than the ordinary mining districts and needles to say most of the easily oh aimi'ile ores have been mined. The fulure of Utah's mining should be Jealously guarded and encouraged as the problem are mounting with tha extraction of rnrh pound of ore. tun-wii- h 'here-experien- 1 y - dol-fee- I 04 Head cauip visitors ol the Woodmen of the World, visited with Mr and Mrs. John M. Bowden on Sunday, August 9!h. They were 11. W Heagren, district manager for the state of Utah, on his return burk from eouthern Utah, where he had been making a survey of camps of the WOW, He wae accompanied by Past Consul Commander T. A. of Rail Lake. The two visitors, rame hern to confer with Mr Bowden, who Is secretary of Eureka Camp No. 451. They were served a dellrlou dinner, served by Mrs. r 400 OUTSIDE ROOMS EACH WITH TUB OR SHOWER f2-- 4 Fred-erlckso- ii rvarl'' Bo w (ton "a ii d uWed b'y Mnij' Delilah Bowden, after which they were shown the xlglii of Kurtka. It Is hoped to revive Eureka Cutup 451 In the near future. Trim epaulets found on this rriap- ' Shor hirt offer a neat solution to the problem of holding your bag in plare while pedaling along. The shirt conics in lustrous broadrlolh that launders lo perfection. msi j h wAiiai....rsistoiNi l HOUSUN W soft WAtUl,CO-MANAO- lunoriCO-MANAM- I w |