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Show vy DEVOTED TO THE GREAT TXMTXC MININO DISTRICT VOLUME 42 HOME OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST SILVER.LEAD MINES EUREKA. JUAB COUNTY. Political Questionnaires To Teachers Will Stop. School Opening On Sept. 8th. 0 -- UTAH. THURSDAY. By Mathieu SPOT YOUR PLANE - - MKSiSQNC M404ZAW5 Replying to a recent charge of the Republican stale committee that po-- l lltlcal questionnaires were sent to teachers and employees of state In- - j stitutious, the state board of educa-- j lion last Friday adopted a resolution deploring tha practice and offering assurance that Its employes and officers will refrain from participating In politics. However, David J. Wilson of Ogden, Republican slate chairman, declared himself dissatisfied with the board's action, and suggested that the board failed to fix a responsibi- AUGUST 13. 1042. FOU HAVA BUT UM HCTUttO tN could wou identifv it in ' . Number Mining Company Will Train Men For Mine Work. Sjf 41 Council Had Busy Session Friday. To train men to replace those drafted or taken Into other wa1 work, the National Tunnel and Mine p The schools of the Tlntlc Dialrlc' coinpauy has started n achool at the j will open on the morning of aeptem-he- r kit on Tunnel near Tooele business .t ,he regular council meet- As purl of the course the nppren-- , 8th, end according to achoul of Krlday WM t0Ut,M. Mayor an tl.es will work ficlela preparations for the event are PtI prMidad and cunetlmen Cronla. underman .meed when ot well in of taken caie they go pretty aplte BmltIl F,lrbank. IUun, Hayne the confualon cauaed hy resignation!, Innawered the roll call. After accept- Kr, primary object I. to train men army enllatmenta, etc. It la said that TOlnutM of ou n all underground safety methods. ,0MM Tlntie la going to he one of the few hlIlg the MIDlt ,moun. clty ( luased as experienced school districts who will keep up, to miners, the iK lo T2I 09 w uhiia new men will be paid while they am a degree, their former standard in reU Id . learning. They will lie advanced lo A iplte of the war turmoil. The adfr..m ,h K.,.wltltl U,U' monition has aleo been brot out that rl,ny al the brick from the 'pu,,jr u,ed SJllerar'!l,,er Tlntie la In the war, that more than lity or take appropriate action P-4- 0. wrecked Travelcra Hotel had been CURTISS THE a hundred and fifty of our men are against those responsible. " euld to the LDS rnurch at Gosheu rv3ViTSMS.MUA910 7HBXnCN In uniform, and that the school will and aa soon as they were removed SrtTFt&AMD TkC &MM M3SiXS(.MTT v-- ' be run to the best of the ability of the grounds would be cleaned and WITH LONGCA RANCS K!WMANC. etT the board and other officials In spite put In reapectfnl shape. This waa tn of the fact that the war has great!) Col. IRA C.EAKER - A TEXAN, DETAILED FROM answer to a letter from the city. THE REGULAR ARMV TO THE AVIATION SECTION dlecomoded certain things. The Chief Cons .Mining company OF THE SIGNAL CORPS IN lyir.. SET A WORLD'S The certified personnel up to date waked for their share $850.00, of ENDURANCE FLIGHT RECORD IN I929..IN 13 6 consists of: LeRoy Bishop, Gertrud; 0 the amount received from tha D and HE MADE THE FIRST TRANSCONTINENTAL Chnrch, Rarlean Cromar, Mary H It was good news and some slight R G Hy for the fire at the Homans- IN I939 2 BUND FUGHT-ADriscoll, Genevieve Ekloff, Helen encouragement to Tlntlc At their regular meeting laM Fripeople) title wells. It was reported that the TRANSCONTINENTAL FLIGHTS , REFUELING check had been sent. The Chief and Kllson, D. R. Eager, Mildred Jensen. day the members of the city counwhen late last week Russell L. a IN THE AIR.. HE HOLDS THE DISTINGUISHED Elizabeth Johnson, Jessie Logan, liaison representative of the the City own equal interests In the cil held the tax levy for the present FLYING CROSS WITH OAK LEAF CLUSTER Rose Maxwell, Helen B. O'Hare, year at IS mills, which was the same wage-hoadministrator, said while wells. AND MANY OTHER CITATIONS AND HONORS. E. X. Pearson, Jean Rowe, Alonxa as for the in SlIi Lake, that a practical sola Thru a letter the lWA Informed proceeding year, and In lion of technical Rub) P. Sorenson, Annie fact the same as for the three years problems which the city that a certain approved pro-JSullivan, Taft Watts, Cecil Wilson. had been postponed for a short have blocked mine leasing operation.-i- n proceeding that. lime Uncertified personnel due to a lark of persona acceptUtah and states Bigelow other The action la commendable resulting for in the loss of thousands of tuna of ing thla kind of employment. Bradley, bus driver and custodian of more reasons than one. In the first Mammoth; William Davis, Custodian place the assessed valuations have After a discussion metallic ores and reduced employthe council of Eureka; Gloria Cear. rleark an again dropped considerably, and secment la possible. agreed to sell water to the Atherlev treasurer. He was nut In Balt Lake by L. Brothers at a greatly reduced rate ond the expense of operating the city ( by the Denver Keg tonal Office of War In formal ion) V&csndea to be filled One ele- has Increased 75c per one thousandgallons from Metcalfe Walling, federal wage-hogreatly when populamentary teacher, one music teacher tion Is taken Into consideration. administrator. Mr. Walling express-ri- l Ybe city lines and 60c per thousand It for the hieh school, one custodian for now requires Just as many street a government desire to Increaae gallons from the old city well, which from restrictions Eureka schools. A plan developed by tha National are relieved the production of metal mines as la now furnishing most of the water. lights, the water system and sewer achool officers; mileage and limitations on number; mch as possible to aid the war ef Vacancies are expected to be fill- lines mast be mainlined, The street committee reported congarbage funrll of chief state Doth exemptions ed within a short time. They were must be gathered and all told the ex- - for conserving achool buses will be of deliveries. d tact with tho slats road commission ile optimistic that artj:ori. caused by recent reals nations of per- pense la not much changed. Ou the ,1 yardstick by which new vehicles after October 31st. j Tactory practical arrangements may In regard to oiling certain street?. sons hired to fill said positions. reverse aide dozens of homes have wil1 ba allocated to school districta III worked out by Mr. Kingston so ai!nd alleys In Eureka, with the ro- ba Mountain region, ac-- t been moved away and the revenue in lba Kotl road equipment would Ba ,fc nilne leaalng. increase Inv,aifii the sugar sllot-- ! 10 bpl Tha no ba nvellable until August 30th. De Office of herefrom Is gone. cording to the Denver Involved to relate menu of industrial and Institutional , Taxpayers Assn. Favors y P10 ,he 'I5" 'aree of control of u per vision ".glven ex- af;lcar bsers for the months of July and Transportation, waa held at the ' bV over even "aa Employees Transfer. (perators The pUn c11 tor reorganization Augual will be extended to cover t .re turn a couple of boys who face of the fact that assessment are Other federal and suie o allotment period of September and a crime a thla city, bd a,,d of ,balr This of.11 ho1 bua roule ,0 a,,mlnate October. imerpreiailon. To speed the war effort and re- dropping from year to year. be will Industrial user, c"'jnlld leas than capacity loads duplications, d well acrow the "ba assessed valuation aB la wlib years i $544 employee, duce the burden of nonessential fedgiven a 10 per cent increase, which School ara BlaB lnvol- In and unnecessary trips. fr. aonrley'a store lB0,adper;prBB,1,M t.0 eral spending on the nation's taxpay- 897.00 as against 8581,384.00 to will their allotment raise 'dIn 1840 the valuation waa lrlcla murt adopt lbaaa recommen- - cent or r,y ' 10 should their sugar base for the four ers, Congress Immediately nn,h?vhv 8577.154.00 ' for 1039 $684.- - da,,ona: 0 be will users Institutional months. adopt the reccmmendatlona of the 558.00. Whichand decided to make ap- Transportation should not shows the "slippage" T! S!ate Fremen Elected New Tydlngs' Committee for transfer of who have leas for I'llcailon for a new set or tlrea for provided pupils place. employees from peace time to war Oil lCen At Annual Meet. the city garbage truck. of the various funds lhan two m,,ea 10 wa,k atcapl ,n -encles," said M. H. Harris, execu- areThe amounts oTile recorder's receipts for July the same aa for last year: Con- - renditions of physical handicap, tive secretary of the Utah Taxpayers At the Stale Firemen's convention amounted 4 mills, strett,,,m,, danger or unusual conditions, Imported Kilver Irlrrs Vised. Water $8,138.33, and disburse- 5mllla, Association, recently. B k S. a,rt ,h' 3. The treasurer's re- and sidewalks 4 It mills, sewer Transportation should not be whirl- sli- end, at maximum The prices The Tydlngs Committee -- w officers report were elected: checked with port 8 M mills, and the U oruvlded for pupils who live In areas ver bullion may be Imported into the this. hall mill, city calls for legislation to empower the served by public carriers. '"rl A!.,aw, of, The walermaster reported the fob U S have been established by the' , civil service commission to transfer brary 1 mill. Bull l.ake. tirst lowing gallons used 3. Use of school Puses should be Huy Tha ordinance covering this ac(almost the employees from one department or Clark liluke of Kl. Ik best in history : Eureka limited to ewe&tial transportation, tesales of president tion will he found elsewhere in been have this silver City Imported agency to another according to the Job Hminating use for such trips as lo subject to the general maximum 'I '"" T ,VhM reeds of the agency based on their issue. e; ithletlc games or music contests. Norh V" uf Dr. price regulation aince May 11th. Alt- - J; relation to the war effort. This Is 4. Hours for opening of school er To,,cle. treasurer; Dailey 19 807; St. Patrick's Chum. August 10th, according to the new , only common business sense," Mr. Mormon Battalin Recruits should be staggered to permit one import! mvi.tion. Harris declared. Nick Hernardl of Price, sergeant "I service. ous to serve two or more schools. To Urged Up. Sign ac"Budgetary control of publicity 5. The police and street department Permission should be grauted o farms. than 35 8 cents per Mr. Hannifin tivities of the executive branch of has served three oth- - expended $174.79, exclneire of the for pupils to stand in busses where price higher second The of tha modern platoon the federal government; centralized er five yeer terms. tegular salaries. Mormon Battalion will be sworn In safely la not endangered. protographlch and duplicating equip- aa Those from Eureka attending the The Justice of the peace had seven 6. ahold be reduced a to Stops a on group Wednesday, August of of the bureau ment; Investigation convention were Mr. and Mrs. John caaea, all convicted, minimum. Available. Ibid and collected Storage was It announced 19th, the other day the budget, and creation of a staff of the mountain J. Hannifin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank lines of $48.50, $2.60 of which was Fruit grower of budget analysts by the senate fi- by Major Con D. Sllard of the U. 8. Kxpbislve Habotage Rules. rea last week had Ihe assurance of Hannifin, Mr. and Mra. Edw. Fox. a "hangover. nance committee were recommended Marine Corps headquarters In Salt In a move to prevent sabotage ODT that sufficient o cold The sexton reported two burials la storage Lake. men All who have signed In the report. kh thru use of explosives and to pre- pace will probably be available for WATKILMAMTKIt REPORTS Eureka cemetery, for this and who have not Inplatoon "AII these moves aro of vital vent disasters, Secretary of Interior lie 1048 crop provided proper use MHH TENT RETITIX.H. their application pa- Harold L. Ilckea has Issued a act ut . terest to the nation's taxpayers," Mr. fully completed made of avails tile facilities. A sur- - o- Mnviv 1W T u, the rigid instructions ,r( requested to report to MaWill De nunlE Will Harrla said. "They will save mll-l- " ' Walermasier ODT Frank lteesley says shows 7 by regarding 1,879 ey storage, refrigerat,II,,nadltely." lions of dollars annually and do So&BOXL Held This aud that the of water In Into ed warehouses handling Eureka'i the nation with golug transportation addedmuch to advance the program of the by the more than 145,009 66,383 aubic feet of space capable Culinary line Is now almost 100 per be of the PlRtoon ral Battalion, ex-Joint committee on noneasentlal yeraona licensed under the federal f holding upwards of five billion "enl pure and the local patrons can Many thousands of additional deer n B maaa ceremony at the he assured that they are getting the are going to lie killed this fall ac- ixplosivea act, many of whom are .ounda of food. pendlturea, the rillxen'a emergency induclad no ' ta'a committee and nondefense expend! in mining and conatruction rordlng to the big a arte prorlama- W'V;r lnh.e thru the basic training and engaged a tures. and the economy bloc In in the Rocky Mountain region ' nneal For Tinewrlter sork 'To this be has reporta t:,m issued the other day by the slate will leave the San Diego base before Leslie A. Miller, Rocky Mountain (yon) the state board of health. RrFH board of big gam control It aeU I of InMiinila Enlistments ,ba f"d Drive. Joins August. riant teglona! director of the WPU, last "We dare not continue to JeopMr. lteesley had a the doe kill at 38,300, a Jump of 0nly recently Into a third platoon One of the 100 additional plants t.eek renewed the boards appeal In irew of uien g, work ardlzs the victory effort and the fin lh reier. g g00 DVr privJoM yeari, haa already begun. Mustering of a hIiIcIi have Joined the War Producmerlean business houses and dll- which has two compartment. peace to follow by waste, extrava- - modern 0 veara It y0r the Mormon Battalion the by tion Drive In the Great Falls De arels eaJF s.U Uko gance and Inefficiency In the depart- - Mar.ne ,:anlnK nJ IS np the ZlrnnX: tho honor. original Corp. 01 the Auacorala Copper ;iartnient ments and agencies at Washington. ' -uPW"Uun needJi for' the arnmd for- nty, and all th. Wasatch range of 1846 which Mining Co., WPU The government, like citizens, must Mormon Battalion reports. .enUy from Rountlful lo Provo. In addiIn the war tea, and the government la paying Tocua on victory and nothing else, volunteered for aervlce are a dozen other area there tion More Oil Tank Oars. Mexico. should w,lb premium prices. Typewriters The hour of decision la now; Wash- which have always been rloaed but An additional 5,000 railroad tank lie taken to the nearest new typeIngton must be streamlined to meet will open thla year for the slaughter. will be diverted from service In writer dealer. It properly." Iaal Rlanka at Reporter offto ara It has also been arranged for th he Rocky Mountain region, middle In these special areas, to be season. To Tlie W'niI lines west and south west to go into cross Arm)'. open for an extended period of time, The army will place orders In the cuntry hauling of fuel oil to the even aa late aa November 38th. HowAVir ast coast, the Offlcs of Petroleum near future for large quantities of Corps It must be remember that the ever, bulk will which the ool ue doth oordinator for War announces. The regular buck season Is Just tha same ell companies already are using 63. of the domestic clip now available. aa It wan Insi year. 000 tank cars more than half the It Is announced Jointly by WPII and A ropy of the i proclamation la on war department. iStlon to move petroleum from the the file lu Ihe Reporter office and can came announcement after The Hie east. areas lo producing be read by anyone wishing to do so. for several western wool growers From the action of the big game (tout lYIrr Changes. weeka had sought such purchases to board It la quite apparent that a deRecommendations fur the first ov- itublllze the market and provide termined effort la being made to revision uf the minimum miucrulr price. The purchase program thin the deer hurds down to a trifle trice for the nation's liltuminouaj was worked out by Ihe quarlernu-t-coof what they am probably to a point have been filed with the Bitum-.egeneral In order to cooperate with where restricted hunting all over the c An locreat.e n. wool growers, who will be In a inous Coal slat will bav to he put into effect Is recommended Tor Colorado. ;tion tn plm ahead s:d inCiesHtf In order lo bring them back. When Mexico and west fen- production. Arizona. Ne on considers th number of hunters o IS cut tral Texas; aq InrngHe qf who each year return to thalr without vtnlaon It I hard to believe that the deer are aa plen. will Nhlp H.rsp RublN-rtiful aa advertised. o Cnlorado, the (irsl stats to ship a, A rmluder to ihn e of the rlilrn carload of Junk rubber n Ikitwa. XTY FAIR WILL UK HELD t Itll ,H 1hkl there only Wlltrpl T,n,c NKITKM11KH 4 am! B. alvago drive. I going 0 h on of registration day before the ot tho first to turn o which will be election, primiiry All of the into h. oer effort Plana are advancing rapidly for 1st. Beptemher th annual Juab County Fair to b ana Auaui I9lh. mULl,,M ,U Z ' ( held at Nephl on Beptember 4th and AukU!, ,6th $ 5th, and will feature foods and pro-, A J Following the primary reglstra Form Trucks Exempt. ' dnc. fancy work, flowers, mineral In a further Step, to permit tht'Uon dale are Beptember 8lh ai.d in and livestock. Officers of forres the American 13th and October and 6tli, fre movement of farm product cud 15th, Tlntlc people are urged to partid-a- t Britain have Great liken training up ODT has 87lb. a supplies during the harvest, a British battle school. With Bril- - pate In Ihe event aa liberal cash la election scheduled runnH Tho Dwight Davis, dirrrtor isnaral of the newly fornitd army apeclal-Istat their drat eonfer-anr- e Issued a general permit relieving' tsh officers they are given Inatrue- - prizes will lie awarded for th corns, and his ataff are pictured in Washington truck engaged In such hauling from for Tuesday. October 6th, and the at-- Iona displays. of of bureau the director general T. Scldmann, Left to rlht: II. b'M sl-ssk!-.-s hual-ncof commerce end on entries bureau Information! Charlca S. Cheaton, director, cliff can be obtained by Calling Mra. Fred and William O. Ilotchklaa, director of tha a sheer rocky thown Davla, scaling Dwight prraoiuiel; being established at all principal Milllmaa. with tha aid of knotted ropes. ef cn$lneerln$ endjcchalcal personnel., . . bureau Nolry work at Furek JtyRQrUr.' ' (rucking i point. Farm trucke alaa Mt ! ut ! I Leasing Problem Looks Better. Eureka Tax Levy Remains Same. ND NON-ST- OP Klng-Mo- n. An-r- ur ct The Mountain States War Front lYi-psie- d ur salia-io!- I lab"IU "If"" 'ka ibepd . alj" die-184- 3. - - ...... i- - - 1 ''' 1 1 '- - , 4Ifr-- 1 .. p. "" 3-- ) . - I 1 1 con-jb- rPl n opJ : I Stull of V Specialists - 1 ll al r Dlvi-io- n. po-TO- - com-mutl- 11 tL ae PC -- 1 r ''"' sSiJMTJ " . |