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Show TOnreaay, A'ugnsl rtntn?A T5.rmPTrR Paso 2 weekly oKic shipments Valley Hospital to Open September 10 i Hayes Given Thirty Day Reprieve by Governor EUREKA i Tlntle Standard Chief Cona Mammoth United SUtea Mlnea Empire Mlnea Eureka Hill (dump ore) Colorado Cona Dragon Cona North Lily Utah Fire Clay Co. (silica) Iron llloHHOm Co North Chief Cons, (lime) Godlva Mountain View Crund Central Cure George Mayra, kan who assisted In the murder of Sherman W. C'ailwell and waa to faced the firing squad Salur- duy, was on Wednesday granted a teprleve by Governor Blood until The action was September 18th. taken following n hearing of the rtate purdon board. Merita of the application for a reprieve were not considered when legal authorities stated It would lie Illegal to execute Hayes whllo he be a petition before the Hoard of Pardons which has been neither de i.!ed nor granted. Brigham II. Robi erts, assistant district attorney, and O. 8. Richardson, Tooelo Cnunyt At- tnrney, withdrew their objections to tb governor's action when the uullon was clarified, Hayes had previously filed with the Board of Pardons a petition for commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment, claiming that be has become Insane since his trial, Members of the hoard said that low. they could not hear the commutation The new hospital has a capacity of petition without publishing notice CO beds and 10 bassinets and has 14 days prior to the herring and the cost (330,000 of which the Common- - next regular meeting of the board wealth Fund of New York contrlbut- - Is set for September IS. ed 9240,000. For participation In the same (crime I.avern Russell Is serving a '.life sentence and Victor Montano IS . Market Reaction Lowers years. Both are also from Eureka. S2 September 10th baa been aet for II the opening of the Utah Valley Hoe- IS pItal at Provo and Saturday a group 11 of offirlula met for the purpoae of 5 arranging the program. I, Details of the public opening have 4 been left In the handa of n committee 4 0f three: It. J. Murdock, vice preai 4 dint; Clayton Jenkins, secretary, 2 and Freda Consfguy, auporlnten- 1 dent. 1 n jB planned to mall invltutions 1 to aome 4,000 Individuals and special 1 guests. Invltatlona will be sent to 1 President Ileber J. Grant and Cov- pernor Henry II. Blood. Included on the reception commit- 91 tea will be all the officials of the hoapltal and the 45 members of the board of directors, from the com- In the area which the hos- pltal serves. John F. Rowe Is the Tlntle District director. It Is plan- ned that a publle meeting will be held at the nearby Pioneer Museum auditorium, after which public In- epectlon of the Institution will fol- - .... Llly-Knlg- Total Carloads Monday. Big Hill 10c. Chief Cons. 28c. Colorado Cona. is. Eureka Bullion 35c. Eureka Lilly Cona. 82e. Tlntle Standard 34.05. Tut-tola- y Eureka Bullion 36c and 35 Eureka Lilly Cona. SOV&c. Tlntle Lead OVfcc. Tlntle Standard 94.05. e. . ' Price of Copper Wednesday Chief Cona. 27c. Eureka Bullion 36c. Former Eureka Lady Passed , ten per cent boost in allowable A Way in California Eureka Standard 46c. foreign cartel copper production last1 Tlntle Lead 10c. week waa formal recognition of the Mrs. M. L. Garity, formerly of this Tlntle Standard 94.05. .scarcity of metal abroad duo to ro- - city and lutor of Los Angeles. Calif., cent heavy buying, according to tha passed away last Thursday, Angus; ;New York weekly metal market re- - 10, of a heart attack. .PrShe waa the widow of tlio lae M. a L- - Gr,tT ,nd resided here for ninny TYPEWRITER and ADDING m!r.ou1tputQUOta"untl1 ,he n,ov'1 10 California .ba",c CHINE SERVICE, any make. Also' Mf,aI J" a "af,er Mr Gar,,y,a ,nCJ1rea,Ie w new machines for sale. T. K. ,ea of refln- - friends here will regret to hear of BP due O'Ne I Call 36 jd stocks In the hands of producers, hr passing. 8he is well remember- WANTED TO BUY Nice comfort- - carclty of spot and nearby metal ed for her beautiful rharurtcr and nnd the fact production has outdlst- - her many acts of kindnpss able home. Telephone 116-to all anced aalca and consumption for those with whom sin came in FOR SALE 4 room house in Euretime past. tart. ka. Excellent condition. ReasonAnother important consideration She is survived by two daughters. In revising cartel schedules, accord- - Mrs. ably priced. Emil Raddutz, Josephine Shelley with whom Utah. Ing to nnalyats, was the fear of a she res'ed and Mrs. Julia Stahley, FOR SALE Sullivan air compress- runaway market developing In the also of Los Angeles; two brothers, tellWilliam Wirlhlln of this city anil Priced reaor, practically new. First reaction In the export mar- - Joseph Wirthlln of Salt Lake nty. sonably. Mrs. E. A. Sax. ket was a drop from a high of 10.70 Funeral services were held MonWOOD TOR SALE Choice redar rents a pound to around 10.55 nt day at Lo Angeles and burial took wood, sawed In stove lengths. tha week and. Volume also taper- - place lu Inglewood Cemetery at tha! ed n bit. Place ordera now nt Phono 14S-place. In domestic trade copper waa MILK FOR SALE From tested rows. Prompt delivery. Kirs. Wahl-ber- the pTdpro-ln- Former Eureka Girl Wins secondary market, Phone ducers and smelters held firm at ttiV, lenniS HOnOTS 10 H cents. Sarah McChryntal, daughter of Dr. World copper statlatics, showing HrB- - AIn storks or refined fnd McChryatal of Salt aharp drop U1R former of Eureka, is reitlnta in United the mc,al. 8tates, Everything In excellent condition. about chiefly lined up with trade forecasts, ma,nS an enviable record for hcr- See Jesse Matthews. The tennis courts, and her Demand for lend slowed down nf- FOR SALE 1936 International ( 'ter weeks of exceptionally good buy- - rcen Playing has cast her among h nett era of the country, 35 8 ton Truck. Wood platform Ing. Trade Intereats estimated lead the In tho Intermountain tennla tour-obed. 26,000 miles. 9300. Inquire' users were about 90 per rent cover- Harold 8pencer, Eureka, on August needs and 45 per cent nBmnt which came to a close or Miss McChryatal emerged on September. Sunday 9 OR 8ALh Peninsular Range, all Zlnc WM i,fted 15 p0nt t0 tbe victorious from every singles match enamel, good condition, new of 4 75 CJ,ntf a pound gt except the final, when she bowed to Inga, grates and water Jacket A LoUu. Good sized tonnage moved dafeat at the handa of her team mate real bargain. Jack Coffey, Eureka. Qn ,be d,y of h adyincef but buy. Joan VanNort. also of Salt LakeMr, teg subsequently let up. The price VanNort won McChryatal and Misthe doubles champion la now nt a point where foreign sine may be Imported by the largest cast- - ,1P' .era seaboard conanmlng renters. Figure This Out Yourself Reduetlona of 93 to 94 a ton on W,,J If you worked for one cent the hist day and had your salary .Quantity purchases of reinforcing doubled every day, nt the end of one "teel bars were Interpreted by nnsl- The Neely retirement bill wai month (thirty days) your day's pay ysta attempts to bring list quota- tlons more In line with actual price "tened late last week by President would amount to 85,368,709.12. noosevelt. The bill will benefit ah In the going market. postmaster and it is a measun rUt.num Ik'd Stuff ter r,lr,n',,t benefits, a""pd moon Imitation wor,r" 'rgcsl Platinum a as Known to the anbill provides for the seltlnr The ,B Lo ln lhe Grlfilth Observatory cients, hut it high melting point BB,ue 01 In 39 is feet diumeter. It per cent of the salaries Angeles. their evented working it pi of postmasters, and an equal amounto be contributed by the federal cor eminent, as their retirement funds Postmasters will receive the bene (Its of these funds nt the age of 70. If them have served 15 years or longer, and at the age or 75, If they have been in the service a shorter A J I - REPORTER Published on Thursitay of asm si Eureka. Utah J VERN KIFt O. K RIFE Publishers Entered In the postofflce at Ku rcka. Utah, aa second clssa mall matter under the Act of March 1. 1176. - d''- - - ( ron-aom- San-taqul- o n, - i J. g, 137-R-- 3. I - - I top-notc- f 249-J.je- d lln-b- Et - "J1 I " period. OLD Ft'NKRtl, KEltVICIM IIKI.D Hlt MAItlOV ItrsSKLL mm KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 4 Lust Saturday funeral services were held over the remains of Marlon Russell, at the L. D. 8. Chapel In Eureka, with Bishop Clarence n BOURBON DllISKSY llu-r.a- , I j Have you tried Old Sunny It not, there's real revelation waiting in your first sip! Genial and smooth, this great bourUui has finer taste and deeper mellowness that sets it apart . . . makes it truly "cheerful as its name." lTnuik yet? officiating. The funeral was under the direction of the Arthur G 8ulan Toct of the American Lo-glo- n. Tho speakers were E. Frank Birch snd Service Comrade Xunm;i Will- - more. Invocation Wesley Roper and by Mr. Broderick. Musical numbers Solo, "My Task." Jameson. Solo. wus offered bv the benediction were us follows; Prof. Joseph I. My Buddy." Fairbanks. Mrs. Virginia Sometime We'll Understand." Ladies' Chorus. Burial took place at the lrovo City Cemetery, with graveside services by the Legion. The grave was dedicated hy Roper. Pall hearer were Clurence Gent Icy. Thomas Maxwell, ir. E. Carlson. Robert Garity. Jack Webb Mid Frank Bacon. mll-tar- y W-de- UTAHS FASTEST SELUSG WHISKEY! j " r- - w c.if .PTC. i Early War Medals Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews" states that in the Third century B C. Jonathan, the high print, surveasrully led the Jews in battle ll ereby aiding Alexander, who senl Jonathon ns an honorary reward a golden button, taler Jonathan received another golden but ion for imilur aervice The honoiary reward! weie the earliest form of medal to commemorate war i ! j for the best letters on j I Posters Inform Buyers of Egg Standards Why I Like the Service at Utah Oil Refining Company Stations The stale department of dairy aad food Inspection and wclulils and are distributing posters incasuics throughout the state Informing consumers of the I rue grading and listing for eggs. Duo to specifications adorned by the 1939 Utah state legislature, the posters explain, eggs formerly knowu es special are now grade AA: extra are grade A; standards are grade R. and trades are grade C. Purchasers are warued that 11 and' C grade eggs are best not used exThe posters arc cept for cooking. state Isiard of 1'tah the signed by The stars are invisible from Jupiter and Venus, due tu the opaque atmosphere of these two bodies. NOTICE OF SALE, OR RENTAL OF OR LEASE, PROPERTY SOLD TO JUAB COUNTY FOR TAXES. Tha Board of County Commission ers nf Juab County have the follnwiii police ti. delinquent tax payers whose property has been finally sold to Juab County for delinquent taxes: The records of this office show Ihnt the following described prop n erty (describing the properly) sold to Juab County at fiua' sale, and that title to the same It now vested in Juab County. On and after September 1, 1939, the County, under the provisions of Chapte 101, Sec. 1, Par. 8. Laws of Uta! 1939, will lease or rent the same a such price and on such terms as Hi. Board nf County Commissioners o Juab County may determine." HURRY! You still have time t. to ontor this simple, easy remember But your letter must bo moiled before 2nd Prixn 75.00 3rd Prizt 50.00 midnight, August 31. 5 th lo 14th Prixn ... Drive in for Complete Detaili Your neighborhood Pep dealer will be glad to give you an Official Entry Form, and a "Contest Hints" folder, containing rules of tlio contest and helpful suggestions. 88-Vi- co s Gst busy mw. You ay wla 9100 cash. UTAH For further informal ion imi'ilr nt the office of the County Audtlo. at Nephi, Ju:ih Couiiiy. i'lnh, oi John C. Hall. Nephi. Ctah. (First publication August 17, 1939 Last publication August 24. 1939. i ... 4th Pris ... 25.00 5.00 15th to 44th Prizo ...5 gallons of Pnp 88 45th lo 64th Prizo ....1 gallon oi Vico cub prim wig to hiSci to Iks smlisu Ic Hsis, wsttos s Istsl s! 1100 is ssih 1300 DayUcate Isoms wtasiag swsiss bis ss4 1300 to total! OIL REFINING COMPANY SERVICE STATIONS TO VOU IUHO d ha-bee- PRIZES 1st PRIZE $100.00 con-las- agriculture. MA-L0e- "1 1 17. 10 DM VET TO DECIDE ON milSKEV! Read How Old Quaier Now 3 Yean Old Can Solve Tour Whiskey Problem! Ilave you been looking for n whiskey that not only Saif your fusfe but suits you in retry way? If you have, then sample Old Quaker! Kveiy day, thousands are finding itt just that Hu J of vhirhy! Every drop has been aged 8 yean in temperature-warehouses! Quality has been checked 51 separate times from grain to slaw! That's why Old Quaker is so smooth, so mild yet so deep snd full in flavor. Try it just once and see for yourself that Old Quaker is a whiskey you'll be proud to serve! controlled OUCH) WHISMf " (Yffr 14!Q NOW-7- -3 fH n nf'U'fB Tliir YEARS OLD m uuxi'vrLiib. uu |