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Show vy DEVOTED TO THE OEEAT TBTIO MMUTO DBTEIOT rni tMB XXXVIII HOME OF THE WORLDS LARGEST EUREKA. JUAB COUNTY. I I preparing for lha arrival of some leading repreacntfttlvea of (lie ern metal mining Industry who the alxtli an- itre expected to attend eonventlon and exposition of Amerl- ihe western dlvlalon of the Mining Congress, Auguta 28 to a the atate fair grounds. Salt Lake t'ity. ! D- - MeMurrer of Washaerreto the assistant Iikstfi. I. ('., will M. in arrive A. the of tary SJi lake City today to ealabllhb ion veil lion headiiuurtera, accurdlux lu A. 0. Mackenzie, secretary of the Julian Ii. Mali Chapter of A. M. ( of the mining aerretary Conover, roDKrexa, ia to arrive In Salt Lake 0. about Auguat Tbere ia no doubt but that all hotola will be filled to capacity for Mr. the duration of the sessions," Mackeniie aald. The convention and expoaitlon will aecond general be followed by a western governors' meeting of silver conference, lo be held 1st. Governors of western stgien Interested in silver development established a permanent organization nt a meeting held lant Car-vilspring at Kmo. Governor E. P. ia chairman. Nevada of Nearly every available square foot minpralit of exhibition spare In building at the atale fair grounds al- ready lias been reserved, Mr. Mrc This means, he said, kenzie sabl. that one or tlie most enmprehenslve of mining machinery and will be equipment ever asemhkd In connection with the biH- - f, State Public Health Board Gives Out Report The delegates will bn welcomed a luncheon the opening day of the convention, August 28, by Gov- n ernor Henry II. Blond and Mayor . I. a DAMAHaA u 111 ka tl V THURSDAY. One hundred and forty-fonew caw of communicable disease err roporlfd lo the Utah Slate Hoard of Health during the week 0 ending fUK 4. according to the weekly re-iPrl released by Dr. William M. MKV. aetlng state health commisslon-aua- l Pr- Tills la an Increaae of 12 over ,he Prevloua week's total, but a n ereaae of 25 from the number re-1-1 Ported for the week ending Auguat I3"1 ur de-ra- alao climbed aligluly. nneuninniu. ty;ih.id feV(,r nd "'lulanl fever allowed de- There were no new rase of jllplilherlu or tularemia reported, Sixteen of the twentv-nln- e coun- lica of the stale, and Price and (V dar reported no diseases for . frce. , , appointed General Committee charge of rangements for Juab county. e In merry-go-roun- ar- whip, d, Inop-o-plun- e and other riding equipment fur the special amusement of the youug-ster- s. livery effort possible will be put forth to make the celebration a big ancresH. Invitations will be sent to nil the surrounding towns, Including Sinking ships por fish Delia, Nepbl, Santaquln, Payson, Ships sunk in open 8uanieh Fork, Bprlngvllle, Provo and OCEAN HAVE BEEN SUGGESTED H.ANT PATENTS other cities lo Join In the celebration to pishing ground and help lo make it a big event, The Juab County tax levy for Luther Burbank, though A number of bands and bugle MARlNE AJT'CT i the aamn as 1938. with the excep- JLa0114 RECEIVED THE MOST DEAD, has are to be In attendance. There 1 Hon mill one of levied of Increase corps hii NUMBER Of PATENTS GRANTING 111 be a rodeo, softball and baseball for the purpose of giving financial OF WHICH WAS RECENTIY BEGUN BY PATENT OFFICE. eld to the iiivestUatlon or the pro- - games, dances, possibly boxing bouts Ball CvbSi'-i- f, lit. Basin and oilier attractions, posed Colorado Hlver-Crewater project, according to Frank' On Saturday morning It la ut Kureku. chairman of the ned that a caravan of Ttntle of Juab County commission- - toinobllea, accompanied by the following the meeting on Thura- - tic High School and other bands, along with other nolae making de- day. Tbe county commissioners were vices, start at Provo early In the presented with a petition slgued by morning, and parade through every a l.irre numla r of tuxpaycra of the town enroute, with the understand-enunireuueMIng that tlie addition- - ing that all those who Intend to be from Suit Lake scene Beaver will al levy be made. Tlie water at Eureka on that dale full In line t'.en effect tu that Attorney Asso !are the caravan. This Is I would change this section of and Increase Protection Given , Pit Destroyers ! The culprits who at'emptert to iles-th- e ' irov tbe .Silver Pit open air dance ball of the local American I.eaion ioi oil the richt of July 31st were apnrehended las week and bronght Kurksa where they made tution." Through the efforts of law n f.nflirw.meIlt 0ffleera and the of a 2S reward by the legion the Identity of the persons w Earned. However, It was the ward lbat did ,be work j According to Legion members the admitted their guilt. persons readily . f at resti-displa- pom-show- tlonal program chairman, and Roy I,. Imbud with Impuulty the Wlon representing the manufarturers m(.mbrrs dolefully accepted the of- division of the A. M. C. United jeFi Ind lben remorsefully agreed -mates Henator William H. King wilt (0 ,roteot the vandals by filing no give the principal address at the chsrgea. by keeping their B"mn a luncheon session. secret, and by pledging tbe officers Authoritative speakers In various who workw on ,bp fllW. l0 dll jkP. will address the sesnions of wjHe; thin agreement even au'ilyin- the convention on general topics f0 tbp person who "spillid th luted aa follows: beans." August ZS, morning Mineral and A UPar ag can be learned unof- national defense; development of do- fCBiiy there were three boys lyouu-meiitic resources. Afternoon up n the mMlj fnd tw0 Rrbl pects for the metals. affair, but the young ladies, who August 29, morning Operating )V believed to be from Eureka, had Labor prob- progress. Afternoon nojbng to do with the actual dea- 1, It is rumored thst one of (ruction. August 30, morning Health prob- - jb bnyH jjres near Payson and the lens In mining. Afternoon Tariff. othw two t uge riiy. mine financing. The art of the Legion members In Taxation, protecting persona of this calibre August 31, morning Cox. - Atty. General Bans Game Machines Beaver City Will Entertain Clubs pH attendance. ln ilvruin j director Ie, Is in L. from charge of tavcr county. ar- - mnecmenis along with members of (be Heaver Chamber of Commerce, Tb,. ojnn meeting Is scheduled for , p m nd eKrt.ntire board wm nicei t lu a. in. In tbe eveulng a ;.::uuet and lienee will be the diliaxlnr features of the day. Sunday. iu(uibers of th dub al- ending will make a lour of the the Puffer pPBvPr mountain and Lekc Keeton. Ons of the main suhjcts to be discussed will be the drought proli- Bevler. pni raising in Sanpete, IMah Wayne :nd o'her soutlierr. muntier. This problem was dls- mrsed si tbe last meeting of the t0b by T. W. Jensen, field repre- gmtalive for the association. Another topic of Importance lo be dealt with Is that of Improving the iiwork Industry of the state. Mem- her of the livestock committee have giving this subject extensive FUdy along with other organlxa- nln! f the Male who have made iccnmmendationt for obtaining their He lias already made a good start leading raids tn Carbon and IN- mntle and during the paM week bo has confiscated dorens of machines In Balt Lake county, pwlally t 'be capital city. He said tli drive a ali:M gam-flelbling of this nature would continue The Jusb County levy, set at 9.C0 iiiills. Is divided as follows: General fund 2 mills, county roads .50 mill, county fair ,20 mil!, poor fund I ni'It. Interest fund .25 mill, old aae pension 1.75. road bond sinking fund 10. Mammoth 2.50. nuily blind maintenance .20. Great Bssn River project 1 mill, totul 9.50 mills. ...... , , MinerSjWlll Celebrate and nwners of machines have ? ll i believed, rantmaay, aususi. ura. io answer fbarges that the machines are gam- w W,nK Tbe a,,d: Attorney Intend nx 'i a meting board. Tlntlc General Mllllman, Vern Rife. Parade John Rowe, Tom die, John Cronin. Lwal. Carnival and Rodeo Elmer Fer- Brennan Han-Sne- ll. of Miners' the Union, 0f the Twelfth Annual Golden Onion celebration iBys and Homecoming sponsored by Payson City, extended rn invitation for the members of the miner union to partlrlpate In the Abor Day celebration at Payson. Labor Day murks Ihe cIoeIor day of the Onion Days celebration. The miners accepted the Invitation, and tbe entire memberahlp of the union Wll march In the mammoth Ubor Day parade. They will alao hold a mating lo discuss labor problems, with an outstanding speaker In at- tPndance. It will be held either in Merorla! Park or the Payson Junior iiah School. " The Attorney General aald he ex- perted willing and aecret roopera- ll0B lrom unly otricers, however. Mated that In some rases slot nwehlne operators had been tipped off- - "I wenl ,n, on county sfter warble games and waa able to serve J,)Y one warrant before every ma- " ,llp county was out of dr- he said. rulatlon, on the highwsvs throughout average of 300.000 goldfish i Edward Plko are Imported Into England every Attorney Cuunly ha,e Mates that he has not received ln- - week. i struttions from the attorney general for a rleanup of this nature end he Norlh Lny Mine Make he did not dlitrlose what action New Ore Discovery might tuka In the matter. Neither hos Sheriff lleber Mellnr or the Euon ore the reka City police depart nent been of Discovery Itud-folevel of the North Lily communicated wMi. In the southern part or the property suasests a strong probability that the Dcnver Union . Meeting gold ore body whlrh the I Third Ten 11 OK6JI last North Lily opened up April pitching into Kureks Bullion ground. Al Ihelr rlos'ng teMn last Thurs ore was HrM en- The hUh-gn- d the countered In a southwest drift on day at tknver of Interns tlonal Mine, t level, shou' conference Norlh Lily's 700 feel (rom the shaft. Samples M!!l and Smaller Workers, ifflllst-frothat level are said lo have - ed with tlie r. I. O . passiil up to 100 ounces of gold lo lut'on advocating a third term tor low-grad- e ot blch-grad- n wun'r county attorney and sherlfr allow '0 machines and marble games and t'n complaints and Impound ma- iblnes. This msy be a big task, but I determined that the laws or ftah enforced without excep- mui,t I Hu"-- A committee waa alao named to ronlact the officials of tha mines lu order lo make arrangements for visitors In b taken Into tha underground workings of aoma 6f the large mines. The committee working on the are as follows: rcbhmtk-General P. J. Fennell, Naaman Wlllmore, Elmer Ferguson, Maynard Cronin, Carl Callaway, Frank Baron, and Calvin Tracy, aerretary. Advertising llelier Jones, Fred Ran-execull- ve ai devli-es- . . I rd I - ig Woman Sculptor Completes World Cruise ou Tin-er- a, one-mi- act. eomprebension. It by no tyonj Jamra W. Wade, vice president mMnB mPPta with the general appro- aod general manager of the Tintlc V9j tJl(l pubi;r ezperlally when Standard Mining company, la general ron)Iiaiyd wllh a ease of a few short comrbalruian of the arrangement three (CO boy R0 when BW,ki mil,pc- dishonorable discliarces. i were given ,tm I torcetl to be stranded thousands of a fine and iimpv ,V Xksrner srand exalted miles from home, given some win- a Jail sentence for breaking was n rHl n I. Elks, .r 7 x. oaden dow lights In a building located tn V Road committee members will re- this same Tlntlc District. Both h rn awinm. deautlea of 11 extremea of in!faWB unreasonable 0B their meeting with the safe-are western states. principal p held on August 11. This council common ty Justice, his instruettona were continuance of j was called by Governor meeting educational workj safety programs, To stop war. we must stop pre- upnrjr jt. Blood, the purpose of and redoubling of civic enterprise, war. .which was to discuss safety methods on the part of Elks. paring for the Wage-hou- r plan-liar- auto-Koa- y, . Afternoon , . weaalf-- 'y Democratic Party Women to Meet in October two-da- y Hlvhesi inrrei.w for the week was in ,,1B number of new ci:ae-- i of Weic-th- 41 I Jrwir- - ",e Number flab will be the lioateaa slate to approximately 1000 delegates from New Mexico.' Nevada, j California, Wyoming and Arijuna, Colorado, Af.rB1.wi llwl,nM wl(hout are expected to attend accomplishing anything, ihe mem- the lteglonal I onferei.ee of Demo- Ur, of Mie reitieclle comnillleM who re In charge of the coming iPi!,efu0,Iv!? i 'jl,11 13 celebration commemorating the com- jl.uke City by the Womens D 11- of lft hard BurflM.,ng of Ion of the National Committee the No. , lnt0 Euri,h declded Highway Institute on KOvernment t mM.tinK held Tuesday evening .and parly organization will be tlit In the Elks Club rooms, to bold a fifth and last of similar sessions cclcbbration on and Satur-Uld this year throughout the coun- - dBy 8ppleDlber Friday and try. Speakers of national note will The prol)U.ni thkt held thp direct forum and round table dls- - Work to lh prHM.nthu ,h 'UsaiuiiH. National committee wo- - ,Illlbl,lty l0 BWure B U)T lbls ;men. state vice chairmen, dlatrlc But Bt tbe mopllnR TueH(Uy ni t and party leaders, and P evening t was decided to secure the workers of the eight aprtlrlpatmg Bn,UBemeut equipment from some of Mates will be in attendance. the reaorta In Balt iAke City. The Mrs. Thomas Vickers of Neplil has will probably Include ferrls wheel, as a member of the been Au-OO- ,l,a BONES D AUGUST 17. Y.W. AMAZE A MBYINUTE SCIENTIFACTS ARNOLD Eep-lemti- er le UTAH. SILVER-LEA- e i Carl iaBy. panes and Boxing Gal- - II. K. Carl- mem- - Frank Bacon and other beri of tho American legion, 'UCIS oAaBAn T Open WBBlC ono-tkemv- L&t6r the government bureau survey announced the fall, hunting season on mlgra-wit- n tory water fowl, and In doing so set the opening date back a week and lengthened the season fifteen .Tuesday of the biological days. For Utah, which la In the Inter-A- n mediate territory, the season opens October 22nd and clones on Derem- ,ber Cth. With a few minor change the regulations aro tha oama. The principal rules are: Bag limit 10 ducks and 4 geeao with a possession limit of 20 ducks and I geeso; hunting hours art T a. m. to 4 p. m.; live decoy aro forbidden; no gun larger than 10 augo ran bo used with Ibreo sheila tho limit. Concerning tho season State Game Commissioner Newell B. Cook aald: If Ihe weather la normal this season Utah hunters will loss from 7 to 15 days of shooting because of Ice forming over tho marshes." j 1300-foo- m ,.;v , imA a- low-grad- o. low-grad- ed - ... WIIEELEU ACCE1TS LAKE TOHITION I Rousevill nud declaring Ijite last week the board of eduthe ton. cation of the Tlntlc 8rhooI District lsble ava liberal be him tbe to eliuoi only or summer the Ihe During received the resignation of Mina ha been developed on the I2n0 and l Moa k a rauc'la.nary caaalitlain lu Goldin Wheeler aa an Inalrnclor tn In It 1940." 1310 levels. Ihe variation tho local orhoola, and tho same has s ld: resfliitlan The It ws that pUrhing limit indicating been accepted. 1400-fooof force t The rapltxl predaloty southward. A drift on the Mia Wheeler haa received n posilevel has born advanced to within In the persama of certain repreaen-- J as teacher In tho schools of Bolt tion In have senator and foueress tntlves Bullion 70 feet of th Eureka properfort to Mhotaxe any; city and will go there within erty. and for several day, the drift never a few days to acquaint herself with , piesl-the favored bill all e by and In been ore, samples hai her hew duties. She slated it waa dent. j aasavlng .2 ounces gold and 11 with regret that aha was leaving tho In effect , ' Finance rapil.il ha of silver to Ihe ton. the pleasant axulnsl on working conditions that strike present j Whether tbe values Improve ai game have existed hers but tho now offer work progresses remains lo he seen, administration lo the detriment ofj furnished opportunities which ah e th people and to the end that a re- hut th discovery even of could not pass up. enor at that point I considered actionary camlition ticket may nr Superintendent Alex Blight, In and a reign of reuraglng. and Ihe fact It was not elected In 1040 of the resignation of Mias In. speaking ushered exfom as soon as had been ' stated "that It will not bo been twice Wheeler, has Boosevelt Mr. I mean that to Interpreted perted Homeward bound wiUi hie airing dlfflcuU t9 flnd a teacher to fill the over-...- s Ws tha ore shoot la flattening out lo- - elected to the presidency by nu of Wall snagged nt nwly TBCBniy cauged by p,, resignation of while there Marion end sarrisd Mrs. whelming majairity. ii, i ... 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