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Show JJ. August Lehi-Tinti- Depth of About 1000 Feet Shipments M.iii.ipi r Hi.it tin' jrilM-ri'll il M nl I N .Sjrtb I VuiorUu--- 10 - 1 Chain P1UIU- - II it- - irHi ni siyn the I.i'lil-- I Si t ini In n- )m George Nil-Illktiiiwn a I I.f , m ! uhini,- ilili this trail Mil! 'new I'nnipaiiy i in pi'iipl if; m'i drift ii,-- , , 'ii.thri form kii.n tin- - h ii :tmi n. J in 4 ; M.IV i i ik. .uni $ i I..IIV ! .title :v ! lill s .111.1 n : f j rJ I 1 1 nr .iC St.ral.ird Lily Ex .ole Til: ie ; l.i ::i ;!dc. Tiiiiii Lead fl yj Im! if Standard 41.1 ?.' i i ii! t .il Si ami. c ir. I ni:l rul iif ' .u..l Ii.im. f..r a hi the i'.'i;;iiii Is h; I i M !" k.l ' . 0 III K-i have .iri.iiri'l Mn1 s.i l m group ,.f Nil-In- .'.in i An nounciny a tailoring ex hibit and display of fine fall woolens in the full piece from the famous stock of . $ ! ilil ' ii.. :i t i ! I MnMl ii I . till o! Mr p! I.i.':, r. a, h iUl. i Stock Sales .i.ki'- - ii, n.i.iij in' UrivnMy I 2 hi,f Coin. Ilia unr Eureka Hill giiivka Hill (dump oivi Eureka Lilly Eureka Bullion , In k - ( i;i f,ip ,i Sinking i Con. Proper! ie:Vlilvf 1oni. Grand iVntrul e:nkina i is'k.i i i h; mini1. 4 . jj.iunuin Mw Cold i' lll i W'i filon iwk (dump orei '1..I : li.ifi at i.f North T'li-i- . Im I. nl .iliiiilt Iniiii i ! i tile leii-- l aii.l s fur Mir mv in'.i u i; fi ini'll :i uiv i. tTfil nil till It ,:ur,,ka icut!niiiut Mi.it il.iri4 II dump orel Shaft Riches c 1 ' I Tiuiii-Meta- Tlii Greeley LTinip. t ikfii over some i i m. ai-n-. will it,, or l.iiratfil as the GreeleY i'i.u r,i These two will he allif.l Willi I lit Gemini (ilunip orei jr ailil llle acquisi liuti of tlif additional ground, 117 Total Carloads with the Il..y. ami F.iulketi er group. means that Manager Wool- ey ami associates of die l.ehl Tiuiie Short Business Meeting will have claim rxteiidii;,: for two of Council Held on Friday miles along the seriis of veins whleh Imlil nut great promise of ore ini A very short session of the city; that part of the North Tintic was helil last Kriilay evening trict. 4 rtb Mayor Field anil Con mil men ,1 , i i 1 c. 1 roil Kitig x'ic Noitli I .i and $' 4 ii Tl KMUY. .... Big Hill r.:Y. Si.iiid.inl lie. Fast Ti title Coil. 7 tic Kit Bullion 41i)7'.. and .chi Tintic 10 and lie North Lilly 4 30 and Shield 22c. l CHICA00 fl 10 Largest tailors in the world of GOOD mnde-tmeasure clothes I 4i!.2i-Silve- Snuix r o Se South St.imlard iOe. Tunic (I la nt :(0e. Tituie l.ead fl! 00 to $2 2a. Tint ie Standard f 13.75 Crown Point Lie Fast Standard Silver Standard ii1,!. I il ; Kiwanians at Hot Pots Boosting Tintic District Dont miss it. The opportunity of the season for the selection of your fall and winter overcoat or suit. lc Guiles made application! Zurtia Hie permission to operate a grocery! ngon In Eureka, handling in addi- Tinilc hoosters, almut twenty-siWKDNFSDW. jdi to fruits and vegetables some in nuinher and being nieinhers of the Hig Hill Hite. y the staple lines of groeeries. The locnl Kiwanis clnh and (heir ladies. Crown Point 12 c vtter was referred to the proper were at Luke's Hot Puts near lleher Fu. Itnllion St tifi and frinmiHee. l.U7ty. City lust evening for the purpose of d Lclil Tinile llMe. Valter Franke. eitv sxton. aileinlmg a joint session of the a reporl for July which show-- j Park City, Hiitgliam and TlnHc North Standard Id'xc. Tituie $2.2.'i and f.'.JT'-stwo burials for the month and clubs. The program Including hath-- ! collection of fa for .i cemetery ing, then a wonderful chicken din-- : Tintic Standard $I3.7.V Futeka Lilly $l..r,r. W. tier and later musical numbers and Silver Standard fe. After the auditing committee hud speaking. the dtyj becked on various hills A representative from this nationally known lex Jex of Kureka gave a splen-- l to draw did talk during which he aciiuaint--i- l VISITING KFIlKKAIiS MKltK Harder was authorired KNTK.RTAINFD IN THIS CITY virrauts for their payment. the gathering with Hie import-- ' house will be with us 1 mice of the mines of Tintic and the1 ARTIFICIAL IUlWIRS. The Reliekahs of Kureka conductImmense benefits the state in on-- : enjoyable party last eral has from the mining ed a most which time Ladies invited to learn the mak-j- g operations of this district. Mavor Thursday evening at Wonderful Han Fields, who was a member of they entertained tho grand lodge ofof urtiflcal flowers. oration for floats used in Tiutie's the local party, took to tell ficers. A large number of visitors came here for the meeting and on If interested see Z. the llingham and Park City Silver Jubilee. people to next door Keystone f. Satin, about the Stiver Jubilee n leliratiiin every hand was heard words of Hotel on Lower Main Street. of next Wednesday. Herman Syl- praise for the excellent entertainvester told a few clever Swedish ment provided by the local organistories having to do with his early, zation. The program Included some fine musical numbers, pleasing talks life in San Pete county. an appetizing meal. and uf-The local people al lending Hie i fair were: Jesse Haws, Mr and Mrs.1 OF KAGI.KH WILL Alex Jex. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I TT KM l MON'IUYK MF.KTING Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sylvester.! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensen. Mr.; meetand Mrs. Dan Fields. Mr. and Mrs.! There will be an Important on of Monday the Kagles lodge ing John F. Rowe, Miss Jean Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson. Mr. anil Mrs.; evening of next woek, the business Deputy .' to include an initiation. will Heher Jones, Mrs. Wlltnore, Mrs. be of Salt laike C. llurton. George Forsey and Hr. Auditor Malloy the local KllHworth. William Halley, the present at the meeting and memhara lieutenant governor for this dlsltict. officials request that all attend. W. Mr. and Mrs. John accompanied by his family, all of Taylor CV.as. VanWr goner to Build ltr A. K. Callaghan has been were the Siniilav and meeting. visitors Provo oil N'ephi. attended named as Aerie physician. Service Stalion on Main St.i Monday. 0 rooms of furnltura FOR SALK . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson of Provo Band All Set f or LADIKS YOl'Mi FIGHT for sale, also piano. 1houn 177-Chnrio were guests of Mr. ami VaiiWsgoner CONTKNT ruceullyi K.NTFKKD Spring City ItAVK is to Eureka, Report Trip of Hie FOR SALK 8 room house with closed a ileal for Hie purcli.-i:.Mrs. Lloyd Clawson on Saturday. eliun-lon up-- j old bath. Mrs. Jos. Trslonr. ls-property itaptisi of the Mrs. Miss Mr. Kathleen and Franke, Hayward An Item in the Pr.ivo Dally In spent a part of last week visiting per Main street and If he Is able to poR n KNT A room furnished and Klks organization Lady Herald indicates that tne Provo lie expects, ground acquire contest for adjoining u nil newly papered. Call ml Suit in the of Provo. Lake with house, friends popularity City Rand has been reorganized and ihurge to nl mi ce enmmeut-the construe-- j i2-- J the hniin the celebration, reports coming trail Mrs. of Haws in children Jesse held j that rehearsals are being of a new service slailon. Mr.K()I( SAL1? j.ion ' Indies actively young following jHarksmllh business. preparation for the trip to F.ureka working for thla honor: Klleen Silver City are visiting with rehi Van Wagoner will have a connection Will sell tools will at Nevada. lives Kly, musicians leparately the when week next with Hie Shell Oil Co. which 177-Murphy, Thelma Iiuya. Ruth Naylor, Miss Goldie Wheeler of Silver is making a determined bid for play for the Silver Jubilee. The Wuldine Anderson. Margaret Iailnl. A Good Place to Eat.' 4 room house with has for several davs been hand is being dent here, without in most of the leading FOR RKNT Rrindzaek. Norma Stapley City at the home of her uncle,a! business Pro-- i Mary ImLh, unfurnished, close In. Also H and towns or this date. guest charge, by the members of the z. Tilt It has and Norma I.ee President A. II. Relliston of vo Chamber of Commerce. game and shade trees. See Mrs. I Julies Host Koom in The old cliureh property, several Balloting will dose at noon on Miss Wheeler will return homeNephl.J .' Bert Fields. twenty-five2t. of about a membership early years ago. was sold to the Knights Connection. ' In the coming week. - Case containing three of t'olhmbiis of Kureka who al that KOPND John A. Omanson Is the new leader. Monday. tlio siuull keys. Owner can get name Mr. and Mrs. L. (. Gray of Kly. time hail in mind to convert DKFSSMKINO. u at this office. but In house club were sirueturilast Tintic inti) "Try the home merchant flrat." Is Nevada, Friday Kallabacka preparMiss Klvira and Saturday, being guests al the their plans failed to materialize. Tim Foil ItKNT Good unfurnished ed to accept all kinds of dressmakMr. and Mrs. D. C. Wheel- lodge sold to Mr. VanWagoner for house. Then. Fullmer at Nornian-Jense- n ing and guarantees fit and complete homes of orCo. MitlJfactlon. Dresses of all kinds, er of Silver City and Mr. and Mrs. 81500, the same price which Ilia ganization paid for the property. LOST Black and while setter dog, including children's clothes. Call at Joseph Buys of Kureka. tanks By lustulllng underground 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson have her home for further information. years old. Kureka license tag rVanWagoner s r,,i,r returned to Kureka after spending n on collar. Reward for return to SFCOND AM Ll'MBKIt AND TIN a few months In Motiihern California, ,,wn property, across the street sad Senator George II. Ryan. CHK.ll the former attending summer school, adjoining the tracks of won SALK Home household fur I still have lumber and sills of all Mr. Wilson is principal of the Tin- -' Grande Ily., the gasoline could be Phone No. 40. niture. to of the site the piped dlres'tly sizes and lengths for sale at half tic High School. I " posed service station, thus the price of new; also tin. both; Mrs Row, w Taylor spent the cost of handling. Try the home merchant first," about at and galvanized, at in Delta, painted nentlay evening company ably reducing d the price of new. wjth Miss Irene A. Sudheimer, who Will sell at a bargain about Df- - madB an omclal visit to Delta Re- teen loads of good kindling wood, hekah Lodge No. 47. Lunch waa W. II. STKVKXS. !lffirve( an(j K nioMt Phone 173-pleasant evening wn npnnt. . Mrs. A. T. Mrs. G. A. Franke announces that T P"nd,nK he wwk at he stock of goods at the Franke 7 C jSait Lake Mm. Karl F. Dunn i1 Furniture store will he cloned out Mr. and within the next week or ten dav son. Bobby, spent Sunday at Stock- - and thal pla1. of business closeil. ton. Some bargains are being offered in About fifty volumes of popular the final cleanup of the stock. fiction was donated to the Kureka Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Van Leuvan ..Public Library last week by L. A. were In Salt Lake City oil Saturday Loofborrou and Mrs. Alex Blight. and Sunday for a visit with their The new Pictorial Printed P. J. Williams has had as her daughter. Mrs. laoth Mrs. Bruy. Mrs. make we M. Mrs. Malted Milk and Soft Drinks, made as an Patterns for Fall ait now this week her sister, operation Dry submitted to two daughters, earlier lit the week for appendicitis E. McGInley and tale at representative on ill for several them or as we serve them, are the choice of the majority ", Virginia ami Kvelyn, of Park City. She was seriously Is now recovering. torts. These uauua patStella Allan, phone 17H. is us- days but and each waves, I if we are to sell to announce wish to Tintic to give permanent day terns are printed, perfojudge by the quantity we Indies that I ant now prepared In ing the most apf. roved rated, notched and cut must "Iphone for appointment. give the Duarl Permanent Wave, a to the same folks day after day. To Know why you Eureka on soft natural wave adaptable to any out ready fur use. There P. J. Williams left texture of hair. Call 17s. Stella taste them. Sunday for Georgetown, Colorado, are no margins to trim where he has accepted a position as Allan. away or overlap when Mr. and Mrs. A. J Wondershnk 'superintendent of the Georgetown ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONS Tunnel mine anil mill at that place. left late last we k mi a vacation cutting.. W'lUiams will Join her husband trip which will lake them to middle 1st. Their Mr. Wondershek's states. weetern nbout September 'son. John, will remain in Hah and position as foreman at the Nirth f.ilv mine is leng temporarily filled will attend school at Park (Tty winter. Utah by J A. Huss. who came lu re from the Eureka, Gatley Building Aid So- ihe Highland Hoy mine at Bingham. Ladies the of Members enjoyed a Mr anil Mrs. I.lovd t'lawsoti of PICTORIAL REVIEW ciety and their families Phone for Stock Quotations No. 218 at park Payton Mrs. Joseph Ga jr very pleasant outlng FASHION QUARTERLY "he party nr Sprint' City, Mr. .rad Mrs. 1 1 1 on Wednesday evening, 1 1 f 111 1 ! ! a or trad Mammoth motored to the park wh- -r itiglow Bradley 23c a copy Mr. ami Mrs. Kmcrmn K. Bradley lous picnic supper was served d dur were enj'y-7 o'clock. Games of Salt laifcw 'If v made up n pirnh: evenlnz. Included In parlv wbich spent Sunday ut Maple-dell- .' the early inz Tin bMunfui FaO numbm is Wil-r- xlc'-s the group were Mr and Mn. toon's nr c glad to lsse.1 my now out stall fufl inAmodua marand M' liam Frury and son. Arthur. even after IH years. No more ss was to Imsti Mr. ILiyward Thv esnuninf tbs aw Fall B. B. Parrish. Mrs. Mr Im N 4QoS, 4 cam "; red floor, ruined linoleum on (Tub i the members of the Brlil.-" Fred Mrs. fabnu and IVaa Ns. 4SI. 4) I gnn No. wit. 1 hm ;.,r and on. Frank. no glass cups u highly en1.1ml a to move and two sons. Bob and Uillv, Wednesday afternoon, nut. carried being Willi:-- m Clark and daughter. joyable program Fine for liardwissl fl.n.rs, Walter A fine luncheon followed the card Mrs. ' Mr. and you hen ll must holler Patricia. Mrs. playing In which Mrs. Thomas and in your neighbor daughter. when Franke me score. fur won high the notify prim Miss s At J Williams and son. John.Wlrth-litIhhnI or you will he sorry. . Present at the party were: Mrs. Edjunm o W.ISMHI Johnson. Miss FHa EUBCKA.UTAM. plisaheth Mrs. w,a,n Vivian. Mr. and ward Pike. Mr. Alex R.Blight. PRICKS KKAsGNAHI.I.. Mrs. William T. Burton, Mr. Edward Bonner, Mrs Frank McClure and two sons. Mrs. John Donnelly. Mrs L. K. ConAT TIMK SHORT K. McGInley M. Mrs. ill Don. and I, Jack Thomas Maxwell and Virginia and yers. C.Mrs and tw daughter. E. Mulsh. THUNK :Ul. Kl TUK V Mrs. Evelyn, of Park city. Edward , suh-aittf- ' . la-a- rei-nivi-- Saturday, August 24th occa-do- When In 1 . (ia-go- limmi. n, Provo Eat At ; SUTTONS - e l i CAFE i ! ron-rer- n i I 2-- - I - j Vfc - ! , one-thir- I ! The Advance Fall Mode From Paris i du,'er' I for Smartly Dressed Women 1 The Choice of Many I gii-t- s pre-par- ed t, JOHN J. HANLEY dur-jlii- g ! rttt n al fah-ion- s, e liut-,i,i- i . Mag-we- 1 ' ('' orma |